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Everything posted by Yaabka-Yaabkiis

  1. ^^A geel a naago a u badanyahay a magaalda Garisa aa buubuur ku laayay, i hope you getting now?
  2. Somaliland( Dee weeyno Goosaneeyna), Maxaa laga rabaa dadkaan haiska Goostaane....
  3. Viva H/wadag, Todobada-geed(beerta h/wadag), Barxada ciyaal Goof, wax yaqaano meeshaan majoogaan....
  4. Yep: A man came home from work one day to find his wife sitting on the front porch with her bags packed. He asked her where she was going and she replied "I'm going to Las Vegas." He questioned her as to why she was going and she told him "I just found out that I can make $400.00 a night doing what I give you for free". He pondered that then went into the house and packed his bags and returned to the porch and with his wife. She said "And just where do you think you're going?" "I'm going too!!" he replied. "Why?" She asked. "I want to see how you are going to live on $800.00 a year"!
  5. Here it goes: One day a man tried to get a job at a great company. He passed every test with flying colours. At the final interview part, the CEO told him that his constant blinking would bother customers. "I can fix that with some Aspirin. Just take some and I'll be better in a second" So, he reaches into his pocket and pulls condom after condom out until he finds the Aspirin. He takes it and his blinking goes away. The CEO says "We don't approve of womanizing!" The guy says "Oh! No! Have you ever tried to ask a pharmacist for aspirin while your winking"
  6. A duck walks into a bar and says "Got any grapes?" and the bartender says "No we don't sell grapes!". So the next day the duck comes back and says "Got any grapes?" and the bartender says "No we don't sell grapes, and the next time you come in here for grapes I'm going to nail your feet to the ground!!" So the next day the duck comes back and says "Got any nails?" and the bartender says "No, we don't sell nails" so the duck says "Got any hammers?" and the bartender says "No we don't sell hammers!" So the duck says "Got any grapes?"
  7. 1-A policeman saw a man walking down the street with a penguin. He told the man he should take the penguin to the zoo.'Good idea', the man replied, and off he went. The next day the policeman saw the man again, and he still had the penguin with him. 'I thought I told you to take the penguin to the zoo', the policeman said. 'I did', answered the man, 'and today I'm taking him to the movies!'. 2-A man takes his obviously dead dog to the vet. The man says to the vet, "I think my dog is real sick. Would you please examine him and tell me what you think?" The vet looks at the dog and says, "I'm very sorry Mr. Smith but your dog has died." The man implores, "Are you sure doctor? Is there any tests you can run to be sure?" "Oookay," says the doctor skeptically. He has his assistant bring in the office house cat. The cat proceeds to sniff the dog from nose to tail, jumps off the table and goes into the other room. The doctor says, "Well that confirms my diagnosis, Mr. Smith, your dog has passed on." Regrettably, the doctor continues. "And I am really sorry to have to give you the bill for our services at such a time." The man looks at the bill and in shock says, "$285? $285 to tell me my dog is dead??" "No," says the doctor, "That was only $35. The other $250 was for the cat scan. 3-Five guys were on a plane...a kid, a preacher, a doctor, the captain, and a lawyer. The captain came on the P.A. system and says "Mayday, Mayday! We're going down and there is only four vests on the plane. You guys decide who's staying but I'm jumping now!!!" The doctor says "I've saved lives my whole life so I think that I should get one," so the doctor jumps. The lawyer says "I'm the smartest man in the world. I've solved over nine dozen cases so I'm jumpin' bye!" So the preacher goes up to the kid and says "I've lived a long and happy life and I know I'm going to heaven, so you take the last vest and go." The kid says "No, you grab this one and I'll grab the other one because the smartest man in the world just jumped with my book bag!!!!" 4-There was a car full of nuns that were driving really slow. A police officer pulls them over and asked why they were going so slow. The head nun replies "Well, the sign over there says 23 and I was going 23 miles per hour." The officer says "No, thats the route number not the speed limit, you can go 55 miles per hour." The nun then says "Well that explains why the nuns were yelling at me earlier today." The officer asked why and the nun said "Well we just got off route 125!!" 5-There once was a pirate who had a peg leg, a hook on his left hand, and a patch on his left eye. One day this pirate walked into a pub and sat down at the table beside a cabin boy. The cabin boy looks at him and said, "Hey mate, what happened to your leg, sir?" The pirate looked at him and said "AYE, I was leaning over to clean the side of me boat when I FELL into the water and a shark tore it off!" The cabin boy took a sip of his drink and looked back at the pirate's gleaming silver hook and said "Gee sir that sounds terrible, but what I would really like to know is what happened to yer hand?" The Pirate looked at him and looked back at his mug of ale and said," Aye, I was boarding another ship when some scaly landlubber cut it off with a razor sharp blade!"Then the cabin boy looked at the pirates eye patch and asked, "Excuse me sir, but just one more question, what happened to your eye, I must know, oh please tell me?" The Pirate look kind of annoyed but answered anyway, he said, "It happened a long time ago when a seagull pooped in me eye and I tried to rub it out with me hook!" 6-There once was a lady who had identical twin boys, named Amal and Juan. She could not care for them so she gave them up for adoption. One couple adopted Juan and moved to Spain. Another couple adopted Amal and moved to Iraq. Ten years later Juan sent his birth mother a letter and a picture of himself. The mother told her husband she wished Amal would send her a picture too. The husband said, "Well, when you've seen Juan, you've seen Amal"!!! Enough for Today...
  8. jb, wat about this: Three guys were stranded on an island. One day, a magic lamp washed ashore. A magic genie popped out. He said "I'll give each of you one wish." The 1st man said "I want to go back home"...he disappeared. The 2nd man said "I also want to go home"...he also disappeared. The third man looked around and felt lonely. He said "I want my 2 friends back to keep me company"!
  9. Here is another one: There was this guy and he was driving along until he got a flat. He spotted a near-by farm and decided maybe they had a phone. When he got there he saw a farmer and a pig. The only thing was the pig only had three legs and a wooden leg where the fourth was missing. "Hey there, you wouldn't happen to have a phone would you?" the guy said, still thinking about the pig. "Nope, no phones 'round these parts." The farmer looked up at the sky just as the man noticed it was getting darker. "Well, I guess...ya can stay here for 'da night. 'Dat is if you likes." Thinking about his flat he decided to stay. "I just have one question, what happened to that pig?" asked the man. "Well,..he been in a fire not 'dat longs ago. Rescued all 'da childrens too. Yep, 'dat be one fine pig."said the farmer. "Well, how'd he get like that? Did the leg get burnt....or what?" asked the man. "Nope, he didn' get hurt." "Then what happened to his leg?" the man asked getting more & more impatient. "Well," the farmer said annoyed "everybody knows 'dat you don't eat a pig like 'dat in one sittin".
  10. Myth: Don't say yes the first time or he wont respect you. Reality: If you don't say yes the first time he will think your'e not into him and will look elsewhere Beentaa waaye..lol
  11. "I hate to see qof candhuuf tufaayo... -I hate the smell of smokers... -I hate people who chew with their mouth open... -I hate men with long/dirty nails, NO WAY, NO HOW!!! -I hate to see caruur wasaq ah (ie. diif kuyaalo wajigooda, ama dharwasaq ah wata - mininkooda hala joogaan wasaqdooda, not in public) -I hate people who smell - deodorants are only $2 or $3, heck nowadayz they even have it at the 99cent store" Haye........HATE is big word Nomad frnd..
  12. all i say is: Ninman allah idiin sahlo. lool@Guriga Hooyadiis hajoogo, sis waaba haduu kusoo doonto!!
  13. Ceebey Tacaal I do block all friends-unblock the one i wanna talk to ....
  14. Too often, young people in Somalia are seen as a source of problems, yet their multiple roles in society and their potential to act as agents of change towards peace and development are very important. While I cannot ignore their role as a source of the problem, I believe they are also a source of the solution. Change of somalia-youth attitudes by direct their energy towards peace and development is how new somali might born? Through how that might happen 'Change' ? Yaabka-Yaabkiis
  15. Too often, young people in Somalia are seen as a source of problems, yet their multiple roles in society and their potential to act as agents of change towards peace and development are very important. While I cannot ignore their role as a source of the problem, I believe they are also a source of the solution. Change of somalia-youth attitudes by direct their energy towards peace and development is how new somali might born? Through how that might happen 'Change' ? Yaabka-Yaabkiis
  16. Somalia Hanolato....Warjiraaba banaanka usoo bixi: Maxaakim inta qabsatay, ethopian inta tagay, oday heebl saan dhahay....war daadkaan somalida maxaa u wadan ah una mustaqbal ah..
  17. Yar somali sijuu sxba eheen somaliya yimid, ku xanuunsaday, waxa soo booqday geber eey isku barteen mugdisho: Sijuu: soo dhawaaw sahra maanta wasoo dheeraatay, shaah haloo keeno. Sahra: Sijuu aboo xanuunkaaada hada lee maqlay... See isku Fiirinee hada ? Sijuuu: :confused: Miyaarada isku fiiriyaa sis.. kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
  18. Kuwa aduunka quraxda eey ku sheegaan aniga mawa ila qurxa..i dont know which criteria they use for ratings...
  19. Yeah if she rich i do marry her , in this era rich woman is more attractive then rich man?
  20. Abu Mansur: war continues even if Ethiopians leave that is true, Somalidu waa Cawaan is ogeeen!!
  21. Maxamed dheere meey is raaci rabaan naa naaniin..........lol
  22. "Ninka illo biyaleh soo arkoo ooman baan ahaye. Ninka ooridiisii nin kale loo igdhaan ahaye. Nin abkii O*gaadeen yahoo aarsan baan ahaye. Afdhabaandhow aayar ninkaa aamusaan ahaye" I used like the Gabay, Raage Ugaas.