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Everything posted by Yaabka-Yaabkiis

  1. Helloooo, can you hear me guys, i aM gone sing a song..........
  2. Caashaqal Digaag, that is really what most of us do, which lead them to a blind marriage!
  3. ^^all they do is 'pretend love', hence it is early days after you hurt when you promising your life: 'you will not involve into relationships again',but Human being have little mind- we saw our selves into it again!
  4. lol Faheeema, Thanks for Dhiiragilinta...
  5. Why? Muslims are not allowed to kill other muslims...
  6. Mental disorder ayaa ku dhacay....waxa lagu maaha waxas oo kale..
  7. ^^Yep term it Ciyaalnimo, but it is enjoyable memory....
  8. ^^Maya bro saas maka wado..bisinkoow aakhiro see camal....Yacni midkale ayaa iska imaaneesa dee....
  9. Often people are afraid to experience love because they don't want to get hurt I doubt somaliz do that?
  10. Article 1 – All lovers, of any sex, are alerted that love, besides being a blessing, is also something extremely dangerous, unpredictable and capable of causing serious damage. Consequently, anyone planning to love should be aware that they are exposing their body and soul to various types of wounds, and that they shall not be able to blame their partner at any moment, since the risk is the same for both. True..
  11. ^^My first love sidee ku hilmaama...Sabraa sadkii ma waayo..
  12. I still remember waxaa fadhiyay mid-term exam Xabada mugeeey BUC dhahday.....
  13. JB, Ninyow waagi xabada keenteeda geber aan jeclaay ee ka timid CeeriGaabo aa iga maqan?
  14. JB(sol entertainer) salaama, Luqadaas OWKOOMBE aa ku hadlo... Anyone ate Nazi Goren Ayam befor..that is why u ppl have weak mind-fight for nothing.....
  15. Guuxiisa moog moog gob inaad kutahay Geesta Afrikaa....i am listening dee...
  16. Habeen Wanaagsan, Tuug ma aragtay ma arkin dheh.............
  17. Reer Bosaaso Shidaal bey qodon Rabaan ..ilma adeerada C/QASIM yaa u islaaane.............
  18. and where is Bajaq from Ceerigaabo....my sxbteey horeeeeeeeee...........