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Everything posted by Yaabka-Yaabkiis

  1. ^^ not bad..i found one of them....
  2. ^^ Nuune, sheekadaba meeshaas ka bilaabataa, qabaltu maalaga bilaabaaa?
  3. ^^ not bad, i attended two interviews for a job...
  4. lool, ok my dear sis, how was ur day?
  5. Yeo Sista, we all been to there? rite?
  6. Duke booowe, when omali disasters will end? me do blv, if A/YUSUF and A/qaasim clans do stop madaxweynanimo jaceyl naaanaaniin!
  7. I will post mind soon, you guys ofcourse like to see how cute kuala lumpur is.
  8. Shekadaan been abuur qaatay. Macalinka faruurta xabada ka goosay, ee jirka nagaha meel kamid ah loogu-kabay..ee marki loo sheegay hebeloow faruurtaada kabkeeda ma taqaaan loona shegay; wuxuu ku jawabay: MAASHA MARKI FARUURTEEY TAABTO DAREEENKEE KACAAYAY!!!
  9. Odaygi ku jiray Nabadoonada loo dartay cali mahdi iyo ee ceydiid oo dhashay reer xamar ayaa waxa la dhahay hadal hee. oddaygi reer xamarka: Cali mahdi iyo ceydiid dagaalna ha joojiyaan, miisku garaacay aso qeelinaayay, odayaashi afka taagay is weydiiyay oo qaasim muxuu soo wadaa afka tagen..hadalkiisa ku dhameeya; hadeey JOOOJI WAYAAN , HADEEY JOOJI WAYAAN haya-reeeyaan..
  10. dancing in his Kursigiisa; listening Axmaaro song( are they rulling somalia now) lets dance with them ...........
  11. my wife should be educated person.........and know how to prepare Quraac subaxdi..lol..otheriwse aan ku dhahay oo ku dhahaya..aha
  12. You somali women you know why u get divorces. broke ups; You don't know how to keep ur bf/husband moral happy and satisfied, Don't jump to the end and say Yaabka-Yaabkiis you this and that. It will have impact on all your lives, it will allow you to have lasting-marriages for ever, it will allow you to manage ur bf/husband, to make him love you , all i mean is, if you gals learn how keep ur partner's moral happy and satisfied you will have all those successes(mentioned above), i always hear ceos( higher-ups), asian husbands call the word ' wife' emotionally, it is not they are better then or more kind then us , it is their wives once learnt how to keep their morals happy and satisfied...best luck Yaabka-Yaabkiis
  13. Darn that was hell movie i never seen in my life, what a trick americans do play..
  14. SCORP, yOu been to paki rite?
  15. Guys remind me when i was in paki ..mujee laahoriyee..
  16. ^^ Jb let them in? who let you in dear as well?, You also new nomad?
  17. Taas dhakhaatirtu waa ka dayreyeen oo kalyaha iyo maskaxda bay wax u dhintaa.. Hadii aad eegto marka hurdada kugu yartahay waxa aad dereenta in dulqaadkada kaadi hayntu uu is badalo oo siidii in aad coffee badan cabtay musqusha aad si daran u isticmaasho. Thanks sxb, i used to do but now stoped! JB, Xooga marka ma isku dhax yaacday...
  18. ^^aniga marmar laba maalin isku xigto soo jeeda .....
  19. ^^ sure we don't have formal discipline, we really need a help, hence at first place we need to ask our selves; do they(shisheeye) really need us or we need them at somalia's momental situation , even if they are on purpose we should consider WIN-WIN Criteria.
  20. ^^ Maalin aan seexdo goorma iigu danbeesay..........jb waa raxeesatay...
  21. Swiss and america if they only wanna help u, is a better chance for somalis.
  22. How about Colomibia, the Farc Rebels/ Israel? North korea Dr Congo? Ethiopia( favourite choice of some)? Bal noo sheeg which country is going to rule Somalia and hadii la cuno yaa ka masuul ah? You wanna stay in unstability and troubles cuz, anycountry which is capable to somalia, i suggest it should help. wa failed to solve our problems nor it seems we tend to solve somalia-unrest-crises..aren't we need help sxb?
  23. aaaaaaaaaaaa, Doorada iyo Hilib ariga iska badiyay maalamahaan Toloow masoomaaa.....