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The shear propganda and brain washing is why our youth are flocking in drves to the Syria. Our so called journalists have no much education and they knowingly or unintentionally propagate the Wahabi lies in the media. http://caasimadda.com/daawo-mucjiso-malaaik-ka-qeyb-qaadatay-dagaalka-suuriya-warbixin/ "Waa tan junuuddii Ilaahay (Malaa’ik) ka qeyb qaadanaysa dagaallada Suuriya oo si waadix ah loogu arkay luuqyada iyo shaarica Suuriya. Goor uu shahiiday mid kamid ah shacabka ama aan dhahee ciidamada xorta ee Suuriya, oo dadku ay kari la’ yahiin inay xabbada dhexdeeda kasoo qaadaan ayaa waxaa meel derbi dhinac waxaa kasoo baxay nin dhalin yara ah, oo wada dhar cad sita. Durba wuxuu isku soo beegay halkii uu meydka yaalay, isagoo usocda sida nin xaalad amni ku jira, oo aanan haba yaraatee dareemeyn inuu dhex maraya meel xabada ka dhacayaan. Siduu usoo tallaabayay ayuu dadkii kale uga hor maray meydkii Shahiidka, oo inta labada gacan ku qabsaday misna udhiibay gacanta midigta, oo hal gacan ku qaaday isaga dhan.
The problem withbus is believing any one with rosary or koofiyad with the self croened title of Sheikh. These people prey on the gullible and ignorant to maintain their fake status. They use the same tactics of the cult leaders 'cause they know their word will be taken sacred. Those Sheikhs have to compete with others to brain wash more than them since no body is going to confront them. That alleged Sheikh could be even sick in the head. We Somalis can hardly differentiate the wired and the sane unless they go out naked in the street. I remember in psychiatric lecture where the teacher said that 20% of common people are mentally unfit, though most of them seem to be normal to us. I am sure most of the Somalis who heard that weirdo believed his nonesenical bacaac..
Norway delegation In Hargeysa there is only One Somalia wake up
Mahiigaan replied to malistar2012's topic in Politics
Lol@ malistar, why you want to arrest the Norwegian?. He said it mildly 'cause in Mugadishu people are killed for expressing their voice!. -
Norway delegation In Hargeysa there is only One Somalia wake up
Mahiigaan replied to malistar2012's topic in Politics
Dalka weyn ee Norway kulahaa! . Waryaa we are a very small country - lille Norge. Somalidu waxay ku waalatay Oil, Norway is an expert in modern fishing. They should have asked for expertise in fishing which could be exploited. Our sea is teaming with expensive tuna. Waxay ku leeyihin batroolka Nugaal waxaa isku haysta Somaliland, Puntland iyo Somaliland. Cajiib!. afrkaanku waa cawaan, ma garan waayeen ku heshiiya si dadkan gaajada la dalanbaabiyaa uga faa'iidaystaan?. Waxaad mooddaa in dadka gaajada iyo silicu qandaraas ku haysto. Dawladda Mauritania BADDEEDU Waa 1/5 badda Somalia haddana $ 400 bay sanndkiiba ka heshaa. Dalka Iceland iyo Faroeye noloshoodu kalluunka ku xidhantahay. Somalidu waxay rabaan easy money ay bilaash ku helaan lkn shaqo ma ogola. Koonfurta Somalia gaajay sannad walba u dhammaadan, haddana waa dhul beereed. Waxay ku marmarsoodaan Shabab baa haysta dalka. Shabaabku ma ajaanib baa?. Ma cid baa ku khasabtay inay islaayaan, soo caqli xumo uun maaha?. -
Thanks Cidan, bring more.....
Masha Allah, nabadu waa qaali. Somaliland Ilaahay nabadda ha u siyaadiyo. I hate when foreign journalists say dusty Hargeisa, I am glad tarmac roads are at last built. Next step should be marking the roads which Somalis are not good at, traffic lights and green spaces and forcing the energy companies to replace those ugly and unsafe street wires which has become eysore all over Somalia.. Well donee.
The world economy is about population and professional work force. Somalia's population is estimated aproximately 10 million people, while its neighbor (Ethiopia) is over 90 million!. International companies will prefer to invest in countries with larger populations and potentional resources. If our resources are extracted, unity will be a plus, but unfortunately I lost hope of Somalis ever exercising good managerial skills. Nigeria and Angola are good examples of Africans with endowment of natural resources but their people live under $2 a day. No clean water, elecetricity, decent health facilities etc. There is no doubt Somalis will be the same or even worst. Look how fake small oil companies are given to vast expanses of our land with any transparency what so ever. Skinnies are a bunch of greedy people with no integrity and pride!. Their only moto is loot as much as you can under the protection of your qabil and leave the carcases for the 'dadka cagaha cad'.
War Scotland-England iyo Somalia-Somaliland maxaa laysu barbar dhigayaa. Dalal ilbaxa oo aqoon ku filan leh iyo reer miyi qabiilkiisu wax walba kala weyn yahay oo ' fayn boocak fayn koocak ' garaneyn ma wax laysku misaalaa? Somalida marka tuuladooda sandaqad yar laga dhiso wuxuu moodaa inay New York la mid tahay, wuxuuna ku odhanayaa tuuladayadii waa duushay. Damn!. Nomads will always be nomads.
^^ I think ' QUBANAHA' can be roughly translated as Random News if I am not mistaken. It can't be QUMANAHA 'cause qumanaaha means right. The Somali proverb sheds light on the meaning: ' nin walba qumanahiisaa qoorta ugu jira '. On side note, do you think Somalia has international legal backing to win its case?. We know there are over 400 cases like Somalia/Kenya cases in the ICJ Court and quite a number of them are solved by the court professionally.
Culusow and four years?. The guy is not that intelligent me think!. He probably dreams like a 4 year old child.
I have been discussed this incident with some guys from Mogadishu. I was surprised the Somali passport could be even acquired by non somalis. To my surprise one of the dudes who recently paid a visit to Mogadishu thought that I am crazy. He accused me of being too Westerernized!, According to him, it will take generations to clean Mogadishu from all sorts of evil: Pirates, terrorists, ill goten business, unknown murderers, international Mafia etc. He claims that Somalia will be hostage unless the capital is changed. To him, this incident is trivial and should not be worried as such.
Both Somaliland and Somalia are cesspools!. There is nothing to brag about, no progress for the last 20 years: no clean water, good education system, health improvement, electric grid networks, roads and tax system. Horumarku maaha hudheel ama daar yaroo caanteyn ah oo Diasparo dhisatay!. Bo
This new English speak reminds me of the book Animal Farm. I have no problem with 'extremist' which can be applied to every group, but those peculiar terminologies which are reserved for the Muslims like 'islamist' and 'jihadist' are disgustiing. My greatest worry is though how Islam is hijaccked and spoiled by certain groups by poisoning the Muslim youth. Imagine if this brain washing continues for the next two decades!. Islam will be a brand new ideology which would have shocked our ancestors if the were resurrected. How a Muslim lines up hundreds of other Muslims and showers them with a hail of bullets, or takes a video while slaughtering another human being and say Allahu akbar! ?. How can someone justify exploding a market or mosque full of innocent Muslims without regard to their God given lives?. Does Islam tech such violence?. Of course no, but politics and religion are mixed where any scum bag crowns himself as Sheikh or Emir.