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Everything posted by Hawdian

  1. *Ibtisam;982392 wrote: The babysitting club is a children's story book- you must have read it in school nooh? nej Yaa dee .. listen I understand that secretly you want to me a member I also understand that you have a Certificate in Hospitality and Catering which is good enough for me. So let me give an offer you cant refuse When US , China or Somalicountry Has a Female President is the day I will be looking at letting you or Others IN at The Exlusive SMPC.. Until Then Please refrain from Posting in this blog. Waad Mahadsantheey Huuno. Note: Waar Maqaayaad Naag Joogta Shaah Laguma Cabeekaro . Note2: Haa naa Qaasbeen Yareey. waan ku diidneey..
  2. Apophis;982363 wrote: Liberals and their semantics. They'll twist the world if it'll help them sleep at night. Quite disgusting and spineless actually. . You hit the nail in the head with that statement . Nothing more to add .:cool:
  3. Thats a gold digger for you right kkkkkk. did she really say there is cafe nearlyby when she saw the. sportscar. noshame
  4. Ubah2009;982311 wrote: Qofkiina waxuu ka hadlayo kama warqabo, éé málaha waa WAXA qaxootiga naga dhigay maanta, éé u duceeya wadadka dhintayna in godkiisa alle u qaboojiyo kan kalana ilahay u fududeeyo isagana xaladu ku jiro..amiiinnn.... . you right ubax A.U.N jama a. max'd
  5. Safferz;982329 wrote: I don't "follow" anyone and I don't owe you a response, Hawdian. Go back to your boys' club. I See Well Maybe You could Answer Classified Who has Rephrased My Question and I will go back to my So-called "Boy's Club".
  6. Quote Originally Posted by Safferz View Post Like I said, there's no scholarly consensus so some may say it goes both ways, others say it does not. Hassan Al-Turabi is a well known Sudanese sheikh and political figure. Hawdian;982306 wrote: Could You list the Scholars you Follow Expect Mr.Turabi Since Its clear in Main Stream Sunni islam that A Muslim women Can Not marry A NonMuslim. Man. thanks. I am still Waiting for The Answer to Above Question. Nor Am I making Judgement on YOU or anyone .
  7. Classified;982309 wrote: ^ WTF! *Jaw dropped* So, is it safe to say that Safferz is not a Muslim? Taas inn la cadeeyo weeyan wayo qoofka maarku yidhaaho waxas baa diinta Allah SWT ka badalaya waa marku waada qalad kuu socodoo.
  8. Safferz;982295 wrote: Like I said, there's no scholarly consensus so some may say it goes both ways, others say it does not. Hassan Al-Turabi is a well known Sudanese sheikh and political figure. Could You list the Scholars you Follow Expect Mr.Turabi Since Its clear in Main Stream Sunni islam that A women Can Not marry A NonMuslim. thanks.
  9. A famous saying from Sayed Barre goes like this When I came to Xamar the city had only one asphalt Road when I leave I will only leave this one road This man was a disaster on every level.
  10. Jalle Mohamed Sayed bare Have send an application from jannah to be a member of SMPC. I am suprised God let him in inside Jannah , his request is pending
  11. Why dont you let Mooge report from Puntland and concentrate on Xamar malistar
  12. 20 milllion oo somali baa aduunka ku nool adna maanto dhan 5 sawir oo ajinabiha nasoo hor dhigeysa. Delete this thread this is ridicolous.
  13. Haatu;982239 wrote: That was a shocking image ma istiri. What kind of a sick mind would dream that up. a funny and sick sick man Im still laughing at that picture
  14. ONLF Warrior Women you say Well that just leaves me with one problem I have already hired The Amazionian Guard
  15. Dont thank me Thank the Amazion Guard and the Admin @ SMPC:cool:
  16. I have just hired one of the best security Teams to protect the SMPC . After carefully looking at all the teams from around the World I have decideded on The Amazonion Guard . They protected Gaddafi the King of Kings in africa and as he no longer needs them we have hired them. Note: the all female figthing guard also shows how open the SMPC is. http://m.albawaba.com/slideshow/gaddafis-women-were-are-they-now-394284. :cool:
  17. Apophis;982177 wrote: Alpha stop with your new mashruc. You're as imaginative as early man. . I am Muj.Madaxweyne Hawdian Not Alpha .
  18. Its a nice Wadani song it mentions all the regions of the republic from diintee Zaylac kasoo dagtey to Darawiishe Sool and Casmadii Dalka Hargeysa to tacliinta Borama .
  19. Can I Just take this Oppurtunity to Say That Hodan Abdirahman Looks Lovely, Sweet Like Sukaar . Woow Allow EE illale Hodan. :cool:
  20. :cool:Welcome Muj,Madaxweyne Geeljire Somali Philosopher. note: Just had a privat call from Ayatollah Xassan Dahir Aweys he was to be a member aswell . He says its something he has fought for his entire life to be given the title of Madaxweyne, I have told to him ask allah forgivness for his many jihads against the Somali people. Question To Members Should We let Ayatollah X.Dahir Aweys into The SMPC afterall he is a somali Oday n Ayatollah at the end of the day. He is a Quarn Hafeed and Well versed in several Tasfeers..
  21. Welcome Muj.Madaxweyne Classified To The SMPC please feel to Contribute . Attention As the SMPC is Exclusive I am currently on Negotiation with Moqadisho ,Hargeisa,Djibouti,Garowe, Kismayo, And Jajiga to Let the Madaxweynaysah from Geeska Afrika Let-into the SMPC Where Men of Equal Minds Meet. Note2: Xasan Shiekh ,Ahmed Sillanyo,A-rahman Faroole( andhis sons) ,Ahmed Madoobe,and Ismail O,Gelleh Buur Has being Approved as New Members. Welcome Madaxeynaayal. Note3: I am stilling Negation with Jajiga the phone connection is bad.
  22. Its A Privileged for me to Reveal the Latest Honorary Member Of SMPC its the legendary World Champion ,The Great African and great Somali 1987 World Champion Cabdi Bile Cabdi When a Journalist Asked his mom about Biles Talent She Said in Afsomali Waxan uuu direy jirey kaan ka weeyne markuu fakaado kkkkkk Big Lov to his MOM.. :cool: Note: A man who has a technical named after him is of course one of the First to Me Given the Title of Honorary member. .
  23. If I was Madaxweyne I would 1: recognize Somaliand Why because they have left the Somali Union One needs as president to make hard choices .And Its not like they going very far they just around the corner. I would make sure to establish good relationship with them as brother country. 2. Moved the Capital to Garowe, Puntland Why to make peace between The D and 'H and To Established the Gov in that peacefully part of the country, and gradually moved the stabilization south all the way to Kismayo. 3. As President I would Fully Ask All the Somalis to Forgive Each other If Jewish people and Germans can forgive eacthother why Cant a people who are the same. I would also Make sure That all the Haanti taking is returned to its rightfull owners. 4. I would try to get the best minds from the Diaspora and Employ not On basis of Ina Habel but on Merit. 5. I would Use the Puntland troops and A five year plan on the established of the National Army and Also make end date for Amisom. 6. I would Make Good Relationship with neighboring Countries and try to make them understand that a peacefully and Economic viable Horn region is in their interest as much as ours. 7. I would send All living Somali criminals to the International Hague so they can stand on trail for their crimes committed on this nation and its people. :cool: 8. I would stop smiling all the time why because it just looks childish. 9. If you need more ideas come to the SMPC blog. 10. I would tax the somali community in qurbaxa. 11. I would Open a Int. Tv . Channel that only Plays Nationalstic Songs 24/7 . Why Because its a tried and tested method to make people proud of nothing.