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Everything posted by Hawdian

  1. http://m.aljazeera.com/story/2013122121135972924. Aljaz just reported Somaliya PM ousted .
  2. So finally Saciid leaves office . I was told that another reer gedo will be named as PM. Also fair play to Saciid he went through the channels a vote of non Confidence through Parliament .
  3. ^ A moderator that keeps fuelling the flames of hate good on you . Just keep Repeating B &T . Correct yourself first then you can correct others. Time to delete your double posts .
  4. Haha part time sorter this reminds me of the Nigerian Governor in delta state oil rich area who worked in a supermarket in the UK . Obviously some people are met for bigger and better stuff . Can't blame the guy blame those who hire the fantasist . Taan labaad Kaluun come with constructive criticism instead of name calling our leaders like the Pre. or go back to your Haud ado ku rali ah .
  5. guleed_ali;988795 wrote: This thread should be in the Women's category.... Sidaas baa fcn laheed lkn yaa ismaqla aduunkan. Taan labaad waarya kagan labaxey Alpha - Goorma inantan sharifeeysa Waan ka sugaya jawabtas yaa prince . Shurkan
  6. @illahiow na astur - amiin- maarba meel bey shekado ku socota mantana waa taan, lkn waxa layaab ah dumar dhalinyaro ax oo loo shegayo diintiina , daqankiina iyo jinsiyadiina maa ku laheed haqooq ee gaalo (Western)baa kusineysa haqagii-- Allo ummada fcnfcn ilale . Allah Mayck. .
  7. Haatu;988685 wrote: Nice video. What those NGOs need to understand is that the first thing those women need is economic empowerment. They need skills training so they can earn a living. Teaching them their legal rights is beneficial, but it doesn't pull them out of poverty. Mashruuc waxa weeyan ninka iyo nagta muslimka isko *** oo burburee dadkaan naftooda. Gaal amba dowlad ha sheegto amba NGO waligee waxu ka shaqeynaya wax xum . Taas wey cadey .
  8. Blackflash;988601 wrote: This will be an interesting thread :cool: mayaa.
  9. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;988606 wrote: Dad marqaansan oo malaay la daacsanaayo ayaa ka hadlaayo meel aynan B iyo T ka garaneynin. Keep marqaanka. Good example This one is for you Kaluun . OGOW reer waleweyne dont care for brotherhood iiska illow reyyoda . This above statement means dont talk about my country aka Koonfuria . Do you get the message.
  10. waarya kaluun- The republic Somaliland flag is based on the Arabic tr-color . It's a part of our heritage and has nothing to do with Italy . The shahada is declaration of deen al islam. The green is for Islam . The Black star is of African origin . Hope that clears any misunderstanding, thttp://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pan-Arab_colors
  11. Wadani;988493 wrote: Bal culimada suaashaas soo waydii insha'allah. P.S. Erayga akhi waa kalmad carabi ah oo aan macno diini ah xambaarsanayn, kamana fadli badna erayada Soomaaliyeed sida walaal iyo aboowe. Waan ogahay in aanad sidaa uga jeedin balse waa muhiim in aynu adeegsanno afkeena hooyo oo aynaan ka doorbidin afqalaad. Khayr baan kuu rajaynayaa saaxiib. And you might be wondering why I'm picking on the word Akhi in particular. It's because a lot of religious Somalis use this term a lot instead of the Somali terms or the term brother if they are speaking in English. They do this with quite a few Arabic words that have Somali equivalents. I usually just laugh at those people waxad muudeysa iney imika soo muslimeey . Hadaad afcarab taqaneed waa caadi lkn mid hal erey garaneyneen baa Isku bexenaya abu Hebel oo wax weyn iska iska dhega . Qosol iyo sheko ciyaal. Fukiiya ya carm. Waxey ee xasusata kuwan yidha Abu Hebel baan gursaney wayo af carabi buu yaqana cnt take them serious. Waxa lagu yidha awliyaaa baan ahey markas bey iska amusayan kkkkkk. On qaat - Its is something Ethiopians, Kenyans , Somalis, Yemenis consume which has negative impact on health but the farmers in that region gets higher earning from this crop and will continue producing wether we like or not .
  12. The leaders of somaliya continuing their war against the republic of Somaliland on another front . We will see where this ends .
  13. ^ lool @ Kaluun iyo wadani - dee suuga bal inadeeryaal wayo nin kasoo jeeda safriiya iyi nin ah reer xamar iney Somaliland ka hadlan mustaqbalkeed waba shego cusub ee bal shekadaa tarteeb tarteeb noga dhiga.
  14. @ Saxanso hehe ja det er et smukt digt . Hvornaar kommer du med et digt jeg venter.
  15. @ Kaluun. Its clear that Samatar like many Northernes did not have any idea what the political situation is in xamar . He thought he could come and be given whats he wished was his rightfull seat. Well that's not how the south is the xamar political system is way different and for one to understand that one has to look back in history to the colonial period , the unification of the two states, the civil war and Somaliland leaving the union, post 1991 tfgs . Even today you can see with the continual infighting between their president and primie minister that the people in the south has one system and they seem to like it that way. As one famous warlord from xamar said Waxe dhimanaya ha dhimtaan as long has reerkigu heestan kursiga. One thing Reer waqooye never understand is you have seen so many of them being open to some kind of negotiation or power sharing have you ever met one southern politician who supports the right of Somaliland independence or one civilian I doubt so try to explain to these people that this is the will of the majority of Somalilanders . On the contrast what you will hear is that Northernes should forget all the killing and just start on a fresh page- for them the killing of 100,000 people and the total bombardment of the North is just a note in their book. As we are so far Away politically and on a human scale from these people let us just hope that we can say goodbye to eachother in a friendly way. And that's where the Somaliland - Reer Somaliya talks comes into play.
  16. We should be discussing how to limit and re
  17. Ofcourse business interest are important for both the UK and Kenya and good for the Kenyans to make their case succesfuly. However where is that guy called Qad-diid who thought that the Brits will stop this. It's not over until the fat lady has sings .......
  18. ^ these people are saif laboood they are self Appointed qadis for everything .
  19. Reer burco good job lkn dhicna kaftanka reer burco helib weey jaclyeen wax inn la qaloo wa uu cadii.
  20. @ DocKenny - Upti Lupti you said well thats a good source like any other . I have personally met 10 somalis 2 Djibutian and 1 Eritrean today at Salatul Jumca count them in aswell.
  21. @ Safferz waa cadii reer kaga sifcn baa loo yaqana. in Haud the banu hashiim are intermarried with the bigfoot in large numbers they are one I even attending a wedding of the two families when I was in Somaliland. @ Wadani iy Kaluun - lol Faisal's family and Waran cadees waa isku Garxaaajes ee dont make them two .
  22. @ Mooge - it's better to criticize her policy then which hotel they foreign minister is in. @ Kaluuun- This lady is related to reer HAG and its fair that she works for them.
  23. @ Kaluun - Waxan ku yidhe I have made a thread for the burco Ceerigaabo road also known as rute 66 of Somaliland as it takes you from west to east bal kuso daar kaartidada on that thread as well we are all fundraising .