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Posts posted by guleed_ali

  1. Guzel;982674 wrote:
    I do. Interest rate is low at the moment, less than 4%, 25 years term but I intend to pay it within 10 years. Without mortgage, I cannot get on the property ladder, no other options unfortunately. I am not going to spend my money renting and paying off someone else's mortgage.

    Do you believe you are sinning or do you know that getting a mortgage is haram but you've given into temptation? I'm just curious, I apologize if the question is too personal...

  2. Classified;982574 wrote:
    I don't know who's the
    greater fool
    ; The one that thinks Somalia is still intact
    The one that things Somaliland is a country?

    No need to trade insults here classified, "A Muslim is one who guards his tongue and hands from his fellow Muslims"

  3. There actually are Somali sisters who cringe at the thought of marrying a Somali man. Somali sisters marry outside at a higher proportion than our other Muslim counterparts, that's just a fact around my neck of the woods at least. And Ya'll haven't mentioned the double standard between Somali proposers (for lack of a better term) and non-Somali ones. I remember one sister's wedding consisting of Coke and Pizza in the basement of a Masjid (non-Somali groom). A Somali groom well we know the rest of that story.....


    Here's an article I just saw coincidentally, food for thought!


  4. I think there's a lot of things a student of knowledge can do before they leave to study abroad. One can memorize the Quran and learn basic Arabic in their home country. Depending on the availability of people of knowledge one can also learn basic Aqeedah and Fiqh. Once you get a little taste and realize how much more there's to learn then it's safe to venture out and seek Ilm abroad.

  5. Saalax I don't doubt that. But geographically I'm considered a Somalilander, but I love Somalis, puntlanders, jubalanders equally. I just hope we can all hold hands one day as a Muslim nation. I ask Allah in all his might and glory to reunite all of Somalia as one peaceful Islamic Nation, Allahuma Ameen.

  6. Sr. Kowthar has learned at 18 what some Somali women three times her age have not yet learned. I'm not just picking on Somali women here, I believe every Somali stakeholder is partially responsible for this. Deen first is a pretty good policy to go by (the only policy IMHO), but when Deen is not a priority that's where all heck breaks loose!

  7. Al-Azhar is not what it used to be but ahl alkhayr are still there. There's a video on youtube of an Azhari sheikh where he lists the problems Al Azhar is facing. One must understand that Al Azhar is a schooling system that starts from Kindergarten. The Azhar system is slowly being changed so that it is more secular so that students reach the Univesrity level with less Islamic knowledge and more secular knowledge. In all cases from what I've seen is that students benefit the most from Halaqas within the masajid or the homes of various shyookh. Graduates of Madinah benefit most from the study circles in the Prophet's mosque more than they do in formal classes on campus.


    For those who understand Arabic here is a synopsis of the problems Al-Azhar is facing:


  8. Saalax;982531 wrote:
    Somali language should be promoted
    more unless one wants to end up like Djibooty. When I went there and saw all those

    French signs everywhere and Arabic and no single Somali language at all I thought it is still under colonization.


    Somali language is first and foremost without a shadow of a doubt, we're determining the second language that should be taught in schools.

  9. Safferz is our Muslim sister so let's follow our beloved Prophet's saying that " الدين نصيحه " (Religion is advice). Doctor Kenney is my brother in Islam (I'm assuming you're a brother) who I love for the sake of Allah. It's okay to disagree so long as we don't go too far and insult one another. Sister Safferz if you have a question about something within the deen feel free to ask it and we can get you a correct answer if we can't answer it ourselves. Dr. Kenney seems to be well versed in matters of Shari'ah and I believe he just wants the best for you. I hope we can all get along as Muslim brothers and Sisters and not resort to name calling and shouting matches.



    Wa billahi attawfiq

  10. Safferz;982466 wrote:
    Hmm interesting, do you have more info on this? Where do they want French taught? French is a useful language to know depending on where you are,
    but I would hope Somalis prioritize English for second language learning

    With Somalia being a Muslim country I would think Arabic would be prioritized as a second language. We've seen what the English language has done to other Muslim countries and that is dilute its identity.

  11. I'm alarmed at the amount of "hatred" (for lack of a better term) against Madinah graduates. I don't have a problem with any graduates of any Islamic University so long as they have a correct aqeedah and don't follow their whims and/or desires. The only reason Somalis go abroad to learn the deen is to master the Arabic language firstly and secondly because Somalia isn't exactly the hot bed of Islamic knowledge today. So whether they graduate from Al Azhr or Madinah or Om Durman isn't really the issue. Finally, I hope the influx of Somalis from the Diaspora as well as Foreign aid agencies don't begin to spread their Equality/Modernity B.S agenda.

  12. I agree that the scholars of Al-Islam should be able to go back to Somalia without fearing any repercussions from either wing. I believe the path to a better Somalia is to return to the Book of Allah and the way of his beloved prophet (Salla Allahu 'alihi wa salam). May Allah guide all of our brothers back to the ways of the pious predecessors and leave this form of evil shirk. Jazkallahu khairn brother Mad Mullah. If anyone else has anymore information of Dacwah in Greater Somalia (Somalia, Somaliland, Jubbanland, Puntland) please feel free to share.


    Wa billahi attawfiq!

  13. If dude is a Muslim then all your points are moot. I have more of a problem with these types of "Western Weddings" than I do with who our Women are deciding to marry (so long as they're Muslim). One must understand that someone who has been living abroad for over 20 years loses part or all of their "Somaliness" so to speak. If you need a tour guide and/or translator to visit your own homeland chances are it ain't your homeland anymore, I'm just sayin' !!!!!

  14. Asalamu Alikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu,


    Do any fellow SOL'ers have an idea of where the state of Dacwah is in Somalia. I hear many first and second hand stories about Islamic Universities opening up. However, rarely do these projects get any media attention. If anyone can shed some light on the state of Dacwah (and/or Islam in general) in Somalia please enlighten me (as well as any other interested brothers and sisters). Jazakumallahu Khairan wa barak Allahu Feekum.




    Wasalamu Alikum

  15. Khayr;981292 wrote:
    Such nonsense makes no sense!


    Why consider yourself part of this secular humanity?

    La yastawey asxab
    ul nur
    wa asxab al jannah. Asxab ul

    Janna hum ul faaezuun. Rebuttal provided in Sura Al Hashr.


    We are not equal in their eyes and in God's eyes.


    I think you mean asxab ul nar (hell) rather than nur (light). This is the problem with trying to transliterate the Quran into other languages.