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Everything posted by guleed_ali

  1. Liberals/Lefties: Welcome you with open arms if you accept their social norms and change to accept their values. Neocons/Righties: Don't want you, don't want anything to do with you, and don't want you in their countries'. Both Groups ain't down with Islam so one group rejects it totally and the other wants to change it up "to fit" with today's world (the latter being the far more dangerous one IMHO). Sometimes you need to cut through all the rhetoric and break it down in simple everyday English!
  2. Naxar Nugaaleed;984615 wrote: anywhere else in the world, a scandal this big would elicit endless interrogation of public officials by journalist everywhere these officials. Yet we nothing from the government yet. Here's your answer:
  3. Marksman;984573 wrote: I find it interesting that my post a few weeks ago about Saudi Arabia taking over religious education in Somalia with their Wahhabi curriculum didn't start conversations like this. LINK So if it's Saudi Arabia using soft power that way it's okay? All I'm asking for is a consistent outcry against anything unSomali like the Wahhabi death cult. Stop the hypocrisy. Last I checked it was the Somalis who slaughtered each other in the name of Qabiil and not the Saudis. Thousands of Somalis live in Saudi in peace, unlike your Iranian counterparts Mr. Shiaa sympathizer. Don't ever compare your brothers in Islam over you enemies within "Islam". Word of advice "check yourself before you wreck yourself".
  4. How long would it take before one of these Rawafidd (قاتلهم الله ) tries to bring their Mut'aaah marriages to Somalia. I don't think anyone is willing to allow these savages to indulge into their savagery with out sisters,daughters, mothers etc! So if anyone thinks having Iranians in Somalia is a good idea speak for yourself please!
  5. Xaaji Xunjuf;984443 wrote: ^^ They are still Muslims u act if Shiates are Christians, shiasm is not a religion its branch of Islam Xaaji Xunjuf if you get to know the true shiates and their beliefs you wouldn't even want to look at them, let alone consider them your Muslim brothers. The biggest enemy to Islam today is the shiates sect (IMHO).
  6. *Ibtisam;984200 wrote: Che- I dont like preachers- all of them- even those who have the same views as me , let alone ones I disagree with. In any case I think our people need constructive and basic Islamic education- not propaganda material. I said the same thing about the Egyptian Library opening in Hargeisa- they have stocked it only with books in Arabic for starts, and then the books are all about Egypt and how great Egyptians are- how does this benefit us as Somalis? I would not even mine if it was Arabic perception of the world, early sciences or something a little wider than just Egyptian civilization. I understand why they want to open it, but I dont understand Somaliiad ka dabo ordeysa and advocating for them maxaa uga shan iyo tooban aha? I asked their Somali counter part and his response was Egypt was so great that everyone should read about it- yes as leisure but how can you argue that it is a Somali natural priority to read about Egypt. I think you're being a little harsh. I agree that we need Somali preachers because obviously they understand our people best. However, different Muslims require different callers to Islam. We should have da'ees who call to their respective demographic groups (youths, young adults, elders, women etc.) Don't get me started on Iran, just look at what they're doing to our brothers and sisters in Syria. If we open our doors to Iran it would seal the end of Somalia as we know it (we're barley holding on now as it is).
  7. Xaaji Xunjuf;984346 wrote: Mooge Culusow wants a second term and he needs the financial power to back his second presidential campaign its all a process saaxib. Being in power is sweet no one wants to lose it. Incumbent President is an oxymoron in Somali Politics. We can't stand them after a year what makes you think he'll be liked in 3 years.
  8. Yeah but ya'll gotta admit that this is unprecedented. The use of Lobbyist, Law firms, shell corporations in South Africa to embezzle $100M is a game changer. We were use to the house in qurbaha or the hundreds of thousands in the Gulf etc. This is another level of corruption and with $2.4B supposedly on the way there's definitely a need to be worried. There's more to come......
  9. Looks like there's more to the resignation of the Governor. The President's Chief of Staff Kamal Dahir Guttaale is implicated in attempting to coerce the former Governor in this embezzlement scheme. Scroll to the bottom of the link to find the documented transactions between the Federal Government and Shulman Rogers as well as Podesta Group (Lobbyists).
  10. Being a distinguished commercial banker and running a Central bank are two different things. Central Bankers are more policy oriented and generally hail from Academia. Pursuing someone like Dr. Abdiwelli Gas (for example) would have been a better selection since that's his area of expertise. I didn't think she was a good hire in the first place, but she replaced a fellow Awdalite to keep everyone happy (IMHO). The President and his advisors need to learn how to vet their candidates and how to properly create a pool of candidates and go through a thorough interview and vetting process.
  11. My question was concerning the big picture of Islam in Somalia. I've seen a lot of liberal minded people, feminists and even Atheists on these forums. I'm just hoping these ideologies aren't sneaking into the country vis-a-vis the media, education system, etc. If there are masjids being built, kids memorizing the Quran and learning about our beautiful religion I"m all for it. If you want to have a Manhaj war then take your fight to facebook and/or youtube.
  12. The question is if it is true she did all these things, why did you hire her? This is a double edged sword for the Administration, you're damned if you do and damned if you don't. P/R nightmare!
  13. My beef with Khorchide is that he's not looking at Islam holistically: "Khorchide: I have a different reading of the Koran. God is not an archaic tribal leader, he's not a dictator. Of the book's 114 suras, why do 113 of them begin with the phrase "In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful"? There has to be a reason for this. The Koranic God presents himself as a loving God. That's why the relationship between God and man is a bond of love similar to the one between a mother and child. I would like Muslims to emancipate themselves from the image of an archaic God that's being connoted in many mosques, in religious education or during courses of theological instruction." So the relationship between a child and a mother is always about love. What if the kid misbehaves is there no discipline involved? Secondly he says: Khorchide: Not just in Germany, and not just among youngsters, unfortunately. This is a highly simplified faith that presents God as nothing more than a bookkeeper or a judge, who calculates how often I've prayed. I can understand those who want to keep a kind of religious to-do list. But it's a pity. This kind of approach doesn't allow faith to move on from a highly elementary stage. It's more difficult to say: I would like to do something good for the sake of goodness; or I strive for internal perfection that finds its expression in good character traits and actions. Allah says in the Quran I created the jinn and humankind only that they might worship Me. 51:56 So wouldn't it be correct for a Muslim (Worshiper of Allah) to call others to worship Allah. I just did a quick search in the Quran for the word punishment (عذاب) and it showed up 21 times, I did a search for heavens (جنات) and it showed up 20 times. Allah is to be worshiped in between fear & hope (خوف و رجاء). When someone is down about something or a sin they committed inspire them with some the mercy of Allah. If someone is about to commit a sin or angry you strike the fear of Allah in them with the warning of Hell fire and defiance of Allah. This guy accuses people of taking a simplistic approach to define Islam when in fact it is he who is looking at one side of the equation rather than both. Finally, Khorchide says that because of the difficult archaic language in the Koran, "most Muslims don't concern themselves with the true essence of the Koran", which means that they base their faith on what they are told, "harking back to statements made by theologians in the ninth and tenth centuries" FLASE! They base it on the Arabic language that is studied today the same way it was studied by the Sahabah. Allah says in chapter 39 verse 28: قُرۡءَانًا عَرَبِيًّا غَيۡرَ ذِى عِوَجٍ۬ لَّعَلَّهُمۡ يَتَّقُونَ (٢٨) A Lecture in Arabic, containing no crookedness, that haply they may ward off (evil). (28) The Quran is perfection and it is the word of Allah. And the way to interpret the Quran is through the Messenger of Allah (Sallahalhu alihi wa salam) who it was revealed on and his companions. If he's talking about rulings and judgments then he better debate the people of Jurisprudence (الفقهاء)
  14. We're talking about a nation that spent the last 20 years killing each other on the basis of Qabiil. If anyone needs Dacwah it's Somalis. We got no law and no order and that is because we left the book of Allah (caza wa jal) and the Sunnah of his Messenger (SallAlahu calihi wa salam) for what we thought were "greener pastures". Now do I sound like a Salafi or do I sound like a Muslim who is concerned for his nation! Ya'll need to take a chill pill with your obsessions with Salafis and their ideology. Give your Brother 70 excuses before you jump to conclusions. And by the way Dacwah is not restricted to non-Muslims but to Muslims and non-Muslims alike. If you've ever attended a Halaqah or a Nadwa then you've been exposed to Dacwah.
  15. I'm dumbfounded, I don't know what to say. Worship Aqeedah! Neo-Salafi cults. Khayr and Wadani I pray that Allah guides ya'll Allahuma ameen, and may Allah forgive us and forgive them Allahuma ameen!
  16. dhugfe;983233 wrote: Thanks for the advice, I was just using that term for simplicity and relevancy to what khadafi mentioned only. I am not bothered by the fact that rent varies or changes, in fact, in my post, I specifically said it wasn’t a surprise that it does. Granted I did not show the calculus on how or why it increases like you did but only that it does and it isn’t a surprise. We were just discussing a snapshot of the process and I was more or less concerned with the fact that anything that increases the bank’s equity in the home [62.5% in your example] is safe to say is Riba. Be it a fee or the likes, and trust me banks can get very creative when it comes to squeezing few more bucks out of you The only thing they can't do is purchase the home and resell it to you. If I'm not mistaken banks cannot legally participate in the purchasing and selling of real estate. There in lies the problem! They can get as creative as they want but they still won't be able to satisfy the backbone of the agreement which is ownership and in turn shared risk. I'm not sure how the bank's equity increases in my example it went down from 75% to 62.5%. Compare that to a conventional mortgage and you'll see a huge difference in principal between year 1 and year 5. Again I must remind everyone of the quranic verse: "That is because they say: Trade is just like usury; whereas Allah permitteth trading and forbiddeth usury" 2:275
  17. Safferz;983219 wrote: I think you're being too generous and easily accepting of his narrative. He didn't have a change of heart, he had a change of strategy and is now positioning himself for political power in Somaliland after failing in Somalia. If things went as he hoped in Somalia (or expected rather, because he's that arrogant), he would not have changed his tune. I think we can say that about every politician! No one stands up for anything anymore except of course what furthers their careers and/or something that will result in goodwill for him/her.
  18. dhugfe I believe I understand your concern, in that you can't have a rental contract at the same time as an sale contract. The correct way is to have a rental contract with the promise to end in ownership. The contract can't be made up of a sale and rental contract at the same time. Another major condition is that there can't be any underlying caveats that the shariah objects. I.e you can't include interest based penalties for missed payments etc. There are organizations that adhere to these rules but one must make their research and consult with people who are familiar with it. Like everything in life it is a struggle but it is worth it at the end of the day!
  19. dhugfe;983209 wrote: I think the Islamic mortgage financing process is fixed and there is no two way about it. That process gets murky, however, when those “Islamic banks” try to alter that process to their advantage. For example, the monthly payment towards the principle (equity) should only cover the principle, remain fixed over the life of the loan and should be known in advance. Instead those banks try to make it variable to reflect the “market rate” which is nothing but interest and it increases the bank’s equity, which should never happen in this system. The only thing that is allowed to be variable, to reflect the “market rate”, is the rent portion which shouldn’t be a surprise because rent varies over the years. There is a bank called lariba here in the states, and at first glance it looks legit, but further research might be needed. There is always something in the fine prints. By that same logic when you rent an apartment your rent should never go up for the life of your tenancy. And please never use the word "loan" to describe and a sharia compliant partnership agreement. The only loan you can make in Islam is a Qard Hassan (قرض حسن) a loan that reaps no benefit. Because any loan that reaps a benefit is Riba (كل قرض جر نفعا فهو ربا) The best way I can explain these partnership agreements is in this way: I partner up with a bank and purchase a four bedroom home for $400 000. The partnership is a 75%/25% split ( The bank and you put up 300k and 100k respectively). Ya'll decide to rent the house out for $1600 a month the going rate for such a home. But rather than rent it out to someone you decide that you need to live somewhere yourself so you tell the bank that you'll rent the 75% that you don't own. So you'll pay the bank $1200 a month (75% of $1600) and on top of the $1200 a month you'll pay the bank $800 a month to buy more ownership of the home (Principal if you will). You agree to this for say 5 years. In 5 years you've contributed $48 000 towards principal. Now your share of the home is $148 000 and the bank's is $252 000. It's time to renew the agreement, but now a similar home rents out for $2000. You now own 37.5 of the home to the bank's 62.5%. You rent will now be $1250 (62.5% of the new rent $2000). This is what bothesr dhugfe is that the rent amount changes. However for a true partnership you have to give your partner what the market rate is for the rent. So if the market rate falls (which hardly happens in this day in age) then your rent payment falls. I hope this explains it in a better way. Wasalamu Alikum
  20. Safferz;982920 wrote: You know that's not true. Somalis talk *a lot* and follow these things closely within their own communities, I don't even live in Toronto anymore yet I haven't seen Nin-Yaaban post anything from TO that I haven't already heard about from someone back home. News gets around easily, and you're really reaching by overstating the importance of SOL. SP, what's the verdict? So because Somalis gossip and slander each other it makes it okay. A little counter-intuitive don't you think, we should rectify it not make it worse! My question to you is would you want your parents', siblings', or loved one's photos displayed here if they did something wrong (God forbid).
  21. Rahima;982837 wrote: ^ The problem with Islamic banking these days is that whilst in principle they appear to be halal, when you get down to the nitty gritty detail you find that there really isn’t much difference between them and the interest based banks. With the two options you described, option 2 is only halal if the bank owned the property before you even approached them and option 1 is often fudged by these banks when it comes to the calculations where you realise that they just replace interest with rent . In saying that though- I too believe that wanting to move away does not mean that we shouldn’t invest in property if you can find a halal way. The way I see it is, even if I move (which I plan to inshallah), I can always rent out my house. "That is because they say: Trade is just like usury; whereas Allah permitteth trading and forbiddeth usury" 2:275 Sister Rahima you don't want to be like those people so I suggest you be very careful in how you talk. Banks "lend" you money and make money based on the time value of that money (interest rate). Whereas an Islamic bank actually purchases the home and resells it to you with a prescribed rental rate and a declining principal ending in ownership. The two may be similar but in fact they are not and that is what Allah refers to in Surat Al Baqarrah. May Allah forgive us for our sins (Allahuma Ameen).
  22. Jacpher;982881 wrote: And now we are discussing the private life of Shiekh Saciid Raage and t is in his heart and his wife? Culumada afka kala baxa people. What was the topic? I agree Jacpher! A scholar once said "the flesh of scholars is poisonous". Let's remember that before we go in on them.
  23. dhugfe;982897 wrote: I think this is an excellent thread; it serves as a deterrent for the morally weak who's still got the least bit of self-respect left. So to any Farah out there thinking of doing any of such heinous acts, smile you could be on SOL lol. I say, if anything, this thread needs more publicizing. If that is done; I bet those ever increasing Somali crime numbers in the west will take a nosedive. p.s. NY’s mugshot, as stated by many nomads, should’ve been the first on the list. They didn't fear Allah when they committed this crime, what makes you think they'll fear SOL? La xawla wa la quwata ila billah!
  24. Guzel in shaa Alah you get through these tough times quickly and you pay off your mortgage and repent to Allah, may Allah make it easy for you (Allahuma ameen). Underdog that topic requires a new thread, not all so called "halal" mortgages are shar'iah compliant. This led a lot of people to just give up and get a conventional loan. Some of the better options require a larger down payment and may take a couple of years until you're able to get your desired home.