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Everything posted by guleed_ali

  1. Guje;988105 wrote: Guleed Ali is a nauseating Arab *** kisser. u should be ashamed. I wish I had the chance to kiss the feet of our beloved "Arab" Messenger Mohamed (Sallahu calihi wa salam). Be careful not to generalize and paint all Arabs with a single brush. It could get you in trouble......
  2. If this would've have been your first response then I wouldn't have an issue with what you said But it just shows that you and those of your ilk have an inferiority complex and you just label people as Salafis without knowing anything about them. I never claimed to know anymore than you but you're just jumping to conclusions. Anyways this is getting silly I ask Allah to guide you and I to the straight path, Allahuma Ameen...
  3. Wadani;988097 wrote: Shut up u silly Salafi. I have more allegiance to and a better understanding of Islam than u do. Allahu Akbar!!! P.S. what do school shootings have to do with racism and xenophobia? Bilaa caqli waaxid. لا يدخل الجنة من كان في قلبه مثقال ذرة من كبر If you get the gist of this Hadeeth then you should realize the magnitude of your grave error. Claiming to have more knowledge than someone (let alone someone you've never met) is a sign of arrogance and pride. My point was that everyone has their flaws and random acts of violence is a flaw that plagues us in the West (as an example). So don't just point out people's flaws and dismiss everything else as an isolated incident....
  4. Wadani;987948 wrote: If you don't want us to condemn Arabs, why have you posted one of the hundreds of videos online that show these subhuman excrements engaging in their cultural pastime? Your statement about these types of horrible human rights abuses happening everywhere in the world is baseless...such shameless savagery is unheard of in most parts of the world, and if it does occur it's a rare and isolated incident because it is not culturally accepted in most non-Arab societies. And why would we refrain from calling out Arabs just because many somalis work in the Khaleej? I dont follow this logic. During the civil rights era many blacks made a decent living from their jobs in America...r u saying Malcolm and ilk shouldn't have rocked the boat lest the 'massah' gets angry? Get out of here with ur spineless and inferiority induced vapid commentary on such issues. Those who don't see or refuse to see that the problem with Arabs is peculiar and is not ur usual racism and xenophobia but is rather a rage filled sadistic manifestation of pure latent evil unleashed with passion upon the weakest links in society have their heads buried deep in the sand. It's an evil that is culturally sanctioned and is inherent in Arab psyche as a result of their centuries old and unabated obessesion with the 'domestication' and usage of certain kinds of humans as property akin to cattle. Do you always talk out of your backside like this. I'd rather be beaten like that than have a coward storm a school full of children and shoot them in cold blood. If killing a school full of children in cold blood is an isolated incident then you don't know what you're talking about. Evil is everywhere in this world so stop piling on the Arabs and leaving the rest as "isolated incidents". You have personal issues that you should work on before painting everyone with the same brush. Or blame it on the "bearded" wadaads as you always do. But then again your name is Wadani and you probably pledge allegiance to the flag before anything else.
  5. Classified;988047 wrote: Outside of Badhan town in Sanaag region Did you find these online or did you take some of them yourself?
  6. DoctorKenney;988039 wrote: Khadafi you're right in the sense that "Islamist" can mean anything from an Al Qaeda supporter, to an Ikhwan member, to an AKP supporter, to anything in between. And sometimes it's rather a vague term. The AKP of Turkey would be considered secular if they were in another country, like Saudi Arabia for example. I don't believe that everything is going to be perfect, that if we move towards Islam everything is going to be perfect and fine. But it'll be in the right direction. And a government that implements these ideals fully or even partially would be a great improvement. And the people themselves need to live a life in accordance to it. Not just the government, but the people themselves should be more inclined to their religion. People get the government they deserve. And if the people are upstanding, then it'll be easy for the government to be upstanding as well. And I agree with you, that Malaysia is an excellent country to emulate. Egyptian cultural influence is minimal compared to 40 or 50 years ago, but Egypt over the past couple decades has been reduced to nothing more than a tourist destination. It's not a world power, they don't have a vibrant economy, and the Westerners know Egypt as nothing more than a land with ancient artefacts and museums. That's what Egypt has been reduced to. We both see the problem, we're just trying to understand why it's like this, and how would they change course I'll have to disagree with you here Dr. K Egypt is a knowledge haven. Egyptians comprise a number of intellectual elites. Even their religious scholars juggle two or three other degrees. I recall a Chemical Engineering PHD holder acquiring another Doctorate in Sharia from Alazhar all while not being allowed to enter a government building because of his beard (That's another story for another thread). There are many examples of how educated Egyptians are. Just ask any Somali aged 55 to 70 and they'd most likely encountered a few Egyptian teachers during their formative years. The reason Egypt has behind set back is because Mubarak and his cronies have essentially drained the country of any Financial independence (oppression to the nth degree). The Suez canal was essentially given away and the income that is derived from it was pretty much forfeited. Egypt is a pillar of the Muslim world and I ask Allah to bring it back to where it once was when Prophet Yusuf calyhi asalam ruled over this great nation.
  7. Cadale;987853 wrote: Hadaftimo, Sanaag Cadale Jazakllahu khairan for showing my hometown some love!
  8. There may be Somali Christians but there ain't no Christianity in Somalia......
  9. Alpha Blondy;987410 wrote: that's very concerning. That's very none of anyone's business.........
  10. Reeyo;987381 wrote: Yes it is, blame our social structure, from religion to civil law. If you commit a crime ( definition is relative) you are worth less then a moral person that has never committed a crime. If you recall the story of the person who killed 99 people and asked someone if there is a chance of them being forgiven. When a man said he had no chance that man became victim #100. Don't be #100 with this nonsense about criminals being worth less than others.
  11. Where's the Minister of Religious Affairs (Awqaf) and the Grand Mufti?
  12. Khayr;986845 wrote: You know "Doing Nothing" is a Decision. So if you do nothing in this case, you will have killed 5 people. Sounds to me that you would be held accountable because your decision led to the death of 5 people. Could you live with that decision? So is Apophis the mad man.... I don't get it I thought they were tied to the track by a mad man. This is not making any sense....
  13. Khayr;986899 wrote: G.A. saxib, reread the scenario again. Apo, By you rational, you would support the proactive state terrorism in the name of protecting national interest. There is no morality in putting your own self interests first. The "self" being the principlem that is being adhered to instead of doing what is right. Tallabo, Not interefering is a decision that you make and we are accountable for All of your decisions. In this case, you would co-sign on the death of five "innocent" people. More like you need to rewrite the question! The trolley can go down the other track safely while there's a person tied to the end of the track, i.e the trolley stops before it reaches said person. Remove the word safely and we're good. Cause it's kind of hard to reach a place safely when you just squashed a dude who's tied up....
  14. Khayr;986778 wrote: A trolley is running out of control down a track. In its path are five people who have been tied to the track by a mad man. Fortunately, you could flip a switch, which will lead the trolley down a different track to safety . Unfortunately, there is a single person tied to that track. Should you flip the switch or do nothing? Doesn't really matter if the one person is tied then does it? If the trolley stops safely it won't harm the one person that's tied up.... Why's everyone so jumpy on these forums, read between the lines folks before getting into philosophical arguments about hypotheticals.
  15. Jacaylbaro;986825 wrote: I love the contradiction here ..... Fake Passports are made in Hargeisa A group of people have been arrested in Hargeisa for making fake Passports Doesn't that mean Somaliland is doing good in countering such activities ?? ,,, Are Somali passports allowed to be produced in Hargeisa? If so, then this a good thing that curbs the production of illegal passports. I don't dabble into politics all that much but I still don't get why the "Republic of Somaliland" still have Members in the "Somali" Parliament.
  16. Alpha Blondy;986754 wrote: ^ i'm an educator . that's different from being a teacher. it's like being a motivational speaker as opposed to being a lecturer. teaching is awesome, abti. i've been a teacher 4 times in my life. the experiences have made me a better person, ruunti. you can always do a PCGE and become a teacher, too. you'll be considered as ''key worker'' and will get first dips on housing schemes. there's even a pension, apparently. No wonder you're always psycho-analyzing various SOL'ers (it's the educator in you). Just look at how many pages this thread has, you should change the title to "Alpha's interactive classroom". If you're as creative in with your students as you are here they're lucky to have you bro.
  17. Haatu;986749 wrote: Alpha, I kindly request you desist from the blatant i.***** propaganda you're peddling here. Also, a good teacher never assumes the students know something. Very simple but you'll be surprised at how many teachers neglect this. So if you're going to teach proton NMR, first point to Hydrogen on the periodic table with the students and work through what the different numbers and symbols mean before teaching them what a nucleon is. It might be revision/basic for most but there might be some who don't know or have forgetten. (I would make an amazing teacher) That's just it Haatu there isn't one correct pedagogy. Every person, region, culture, etc. have different ways of learning. I think an educator's most important asset should be versatility, i.e you should be able to get the best out of all your students and not just those who enjoy your methodologies. You can have 3 different teachers teaching the same subject, curriculum and material but the delivery will always be different and hence the results from students will also differ.
  18. Alpha Blondy;986755 wrote: why isn't the masjid the centre of the community then? Who said it isn't? That's where you go when; You first wake up (Fajr). Before you sleep (Ishaa), You get married. Settle disputes. You get divorced. You have problems. You have solutions. You want your kids to become better human beings. The list goes on....
  19. Cool vid Alpha, As a former high school teacher myself (predominately Somali student population) I can echo the sentiments the author put so astutely. A big problem with some (or most) Somali parents is that it is very difficult to convince them that attending University may not be the best path for their child(ren). A high number of Somali children are put into these categories of ADHD/ADD. This may sound harsh but many Somali parents want their children to make them look good in front of their peers over becoming successful (the two aren't necessarily mutually exclusive). P.S: Someone needs to do research into this form of learning using animated characters, don't think I would've watched it otherwise.
  20. Haatu and Jacpher will split the Islamist vote.
  21. Blackflash;986518 wrote: I doubt guleed_ali would hold the same views if it were Sunni regime that was controlling Syria. His ilk and their cancerous views are why Muslims of Greater Syria have been, and will likely continue to be, the source of their own suffering. Backflash a Sunni regime as you like to put it would follow the guidance of Allah and his messenger. I don't recall Prophet Mohammed (Sallahu Alihi wa salam) ever killing innocent people. So I'm against any regime that kills its own population. The amount of anti-Islam rhetoric on these forums is mind boggling! By the way the Syrian Constitution declares that its President must be a Sunni Muslim, so who's conning who here. I'd like to know your Islamic view if "ours" are so cancerous.
  22. I'm not gonna get into the whole civil war thing. But suffice to say are you with the guy who drops chemical weapons on his people? If your answer is a resounding NO then we've settled our dispute. The world has changed classified even Switzerland picks a side now you can't be on the fence!
  23. Your title should read the people of Syria vs. the pseudo-government of Syria. Unless by foreign backed militia you mean Hezb Al Shaytan and Iran.
  24. Raamsade;986117 wrote: Laws against discrimination on the following grounds: race, religion, place of origin, etc. All benefit muslims. The sad irony is that there are no comparable laws in any Islamic country. And yet countless hours and gallons of ink are wasted on lamenting discrimination against Muslims in the West. How about we spend half of the time and energy on critiquing the discrimination against Muslims (Shias, Ahmidiyas, Ismailis, Sufis, etc) and non-Muslims in the Islamic countries. At least those transgressions are a matter of life and death not a matter of quality of life as in the West. But you know why that is; your brothers in Islam have decided to wage an all-out war against the West using all means including hiding among civilians. So if you're under extra scrutiny, blame your fellow Muslims. I have plenty of relatives who go to Somalia often, no body questions let alone notices them. Unless you fit the profile, young Somalis going to Somalia post-Alshabaab era, then you got nothing to fret about. But you are not and CAN NOT be Muslim first in the 21st century. You can't even do your Hajj by proclaiming "I am Muslim First," at the airport, no one will let you in. So be humble and take other people's perspectives into consideration. You can live your life as Muslim First as long as you understand others don't agree with that. And sorry but Islam is as Muslims do. There is no other Islam. What you see is what you get. The other Islam is mythical, theoretical Islam but such Islam doesn't impact the real world. Islam as practiced by Muslims is the only real Islam. Theoretical Islam accessible by means of esoteric knowledge might as well have never existed or written. Who cares what's in the Quran or how the Prophet lived if no body follows it? So yaa aakhi, open your eyes (brain) and take note that there is no Allah . And if there is Allah, He should first stop tormenting poor people with Cyclones and Typhoons; there is too much gratuitous suffering in this world against the existence of caring God. So join me in the fight against medievalism, obscurantism, insanity, daftness, drinking urine tainted camel-milk, Brittany Spears, the World Cup, Mickey Mouse (there was a fatwa against Mickey Mouse) and all that is good in this world. That's all I need to know! May Allah guide you.... because at this point this is the only duaa' I can make for you as a non-believer! Fellow sol'ers take note Raam is the person you don't want to be!
  25. Raamsade;986065 wrote: And yet they still welcomed your ungrateful **** even though you didn't speak like them, you didn't dress like them, you didn't look like them, you didn't share their values and you certainly didn't share a faith with them. You or your parents came to the West with virtually nothing but you were still welcomed with open arms. The day you landed in the West, you promised to be treated as a HUMAN BEING equal before the law like everybody else. What's more, many laws were drafted to protect you from discrimination. The West didn't have to take your whining **** in, they could've taken thousands of other more grateful folks that shared values closer to those of the West. I think it is high noon that you show some gratitude. Because if you are not grateful then be honest enough and give your passport to the thousands of Somalis who cherish in the seas every year trying to get into the West. Regarding the Hijab, I think the so-called Hijab revival is the fulcrum of much darker force - Wahabism or Salafism. There is no denying that the ascent of Wahabist ideals accompanied the donning of Hjiab. You can't decouple the Hijab and Wahabism in my opinion. If the issue of the Hijab was merely one of spiritual re-awakening among Muslim women and all that entailed was a lot of happy Muslim women wearing their pretty Hijabs, holding hands, waving v-signs, laughing and smiling interspersed with joyous shouts of "all you need is love," I can assure no body care. If anything, the world would be captivated by this new movement and the Islamic world would've won millions of new converts. But that is not what has transpired. Instead the rise of Hijab politics was accompanied by rise of suicide bombings, religious extremism and hatred, violence in the name of Allah, death threats, extremist groups espousing and harboring terrorism and terrorists, etc. In the face of this unassailable reality, questioning the Hijab business is perfectly legitimate. Really now Raamsade I think you haven't only been drinking the cool aid but you're part of the development team that introduces new flavours. I'm still looking for the discrimination laws that protect Muslims. You know the ones that don't screen my name for job with security clearance, the ones that are comfortable with me not shaking hands with female interviewers, the ones that don't question how often I go to the Middle East or Somali etc. Once you take me for who I am which a Muslim first and a (fill in nationality here) second that's when I'll be grateful. The people I fled don't represent Islam and the people I fled to also don't represent Islam. No matter where I am, I know that I'm a slave to Allah first. So quit putting people on a pedestal and recognize that the "right way" to do things is to follow the words of Allah and the message of his beloved Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم).