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Everything posted by guleed_ali

  1. Xaaji Xunjuf;989417 wrote: People like Guleed Ali should not be allowed to enter Somaliland. Whoa Xaji, how you gonna shut me out like dat! P.S: How would you know I'm not from Somaliland already
  2. Kaluun's threads are creative and get lots of views and replies and he puts thoughts into them , he's not like that fellow a few weeks back who was starting threads of every thought that came into his head. Kaluun controversial topics are fine but change it up a bit for us non-political folks to participate. I'm a Somali Weyne supporter but I'd love to visit every major city from Borama to Kismayo in shaa Allah. Somalia ha no lato wa baraka Allahu feekum! Waxa no ga waranta ganacsiga Somaliland is it open for business to all or do I have to belong to a particular reer....
  3. OdaySomali;989298 wrote: The reason why she chooses to be so visible is because this increases donations to her hospital, to buy expensive equipment, training equipment and to fund the day to day running of the hopital's operations and the field clinics/community nurse-midwifes she has set up in the region. By attending engagements, making documentaries this raises awareness and more people donate. Dani kaa adag. Thanks Oday I guess we should give her the benefit of the doubt.
  4. burahadeer;989256 wrote: Good,since you admit that Iran & Saudi Arabia known to be sharia rigid don't implement plenty of Islamic laws,then who you expect to implement! liberal or democratic muslim countries? This tells you no one is prepared to take that road because its harsh & can only be enforced with Stalinistic style, something neither muslim nor others r gona accept. You would have seen great number of muslim countries implement if it was that easy which translates each to his own.Easier said than done.We both know that you not gona amputate a thief or stone to death adultered women....the clan is gona get you and is barbaric in the eyes of most muslims & others. We r not in the 13th century....I know the laws of Islam is there but I & you also know it hasn't been interpreted as such when everyone is aware of it.Every otha religion realised that and islam is no different......between you & God since you the one getting the end result. Since no muslim nation has yet reached that goal should be a point of concern to you. No it's because it interferes with their desires. If Saudi was ruled with true Shari'a law the family of Al-Saud would be the ones suffering for all their injustices and corruption. If Iran followed true shari'a those crooked Ayatollahs and their cronies would get Axed (literally and figuratively). The only winners would be the common folk who'd live in peace and be ruled justly. Sharia' is bigger than any one person.
  5. Safferz;989261 wrote: I was just typing this. It is absolutely insane that you can stab/slash someone with a knife and the police and courts leave it up to the victim to decide whether or not to press charges. The role of the justice system should be to support victims of crime and act in the interest of public safety, but the way it is now in Somaliland almost certainly means victims of crimes like domestic violence will face pressure from their partners, families and communities that can make it impossible to pursue charges. I'm not a fan of Edna , but she's doing important work. I don't know much about her but I'm not too big on the whole "saviour" of Somalia persona. I may be wrong but I would prefer if she kept a lower profile and did her good work. People hype her up like wonder woman but I'm sure there's good people that surround her as well. But all actions are by intentions so may Allah forgive me if I've wronged her.
  6. A touchy subject within the Somali community. It tends to stem from mental illness which an even more taboo subject in the Somali Community. People are getting around to it Alhamdullilah and seeking help for their children before it's too late. I can think of 2 Somali people that I personally knew that took their own life. Alhamdullilah I never thought of it myself. May Allah make it easy for all Muslims suffering from this.
  7. Cadale;989212 wrote: people build your houses asap. Tarzan and co aint fooling around :eek: :eek: I'd suggest they gather the appropriate paperwork for their houses. The people of Xamar are an honourable bunch, their leaders not so much.....
  8. Scare tactic to get people to sell their homes. Lots of people went back and fixed their homes but didn't sell. Kinda irked some people..... Anyways my family has some properties in Xamar not necessarily in Banaadir but I think this would make me want to keep our properties rather than sell. In some Muslim countries that I've been to people are afraid to tow an abandoned car for fear that it may be the a vehicle who's owner passed away and it may now belong to orphans. Tarzan and Co. should take a lesson from others and respect peoples' properties.
  9. I saw this on another site Dr. Oz.. Conventional economics are always trying to find ways to mitigate risk in the economy. This type of aggressive activity usually ends up back firing. Just look at the U.S and euro zone. Africans have always traded with various currencies and done well. People should stop trying to reinvent the wheel and just shut up and trade. Financial engineering is the worst thing that happened to the free market.
  10. Hawdian;989015 wrote: Ruunti tallo fcn baa sheegtey. I have just watched the YouTube clip again and can honestly say that this girl comes from a loving good family she has a very supportive father , her mother is dead before they came to Norway . This girl talks with her dad about wearing the hijab she does not wear it to school now . She says its really important for her to archive her goals and make her family proud of her . She says she will wear hijab again when she feels ready even its for forever .she says to the question on wether she is Norwegian or muslim that she is Norwegian muslim. This is not an interview about hijab but about a young muslim girl reflecting about her life in Norge and seen this I have no doubt that Yasmin will become a mature successful young adult due to her wonderful family and the fact she so intelligent . Overall a good interview with a very well spoken young muslim girl . Yes but as a Muslim she's insinuating that the Hijab is a barrier for her to succeed. She doesn't know that as a Muslim she's setting herself up to fail. What I'm trying to say is that her father should emphasize is that it's not him she's disobeying or angering but that she's angering Allah. This is the only reason I hope that all Muslim sisters do wear the Hijab. Is so that they are obedient servants of Allah. Replace "do wear the hijab" and insert any positive attribute about a Muslim and that's still my belief. Having said all this I ask Allah to guide her and all of us and understand that I don't dislike this young girl but I dislike her deciding not to wear the Hijab. This is the essence of (الولاء و البراء) loving and hating things for the sake of Allah.
  11. Safferz;989013 wrote: And that was me being polite. I don't know what posts you've been reading for you to conclude Hawdian is well mannered and respectful, even if we put aside his posting history for a moment and look at his comments in this thread alone, it's simply false. He is crass, unthinking and rude, contributing little beyond insults towards me and others he disagrees with in the threads we've both participated in. Kindness and respect are reciprocal, whether it's on the internet or in person, so don't try to police my behaviour or admonish me for being cheeky with someone who has been blatantly disrespectful towards me and others on this forum in the few months he's been here. You can wish and choose to believe whatever you want, but pressure, coercion and force is unacceptable. Hijab is a contentious subject for this reason, and whether you want to acknowledge it or not, has been and continues to be used as an instrument to oppress women in many Muslim majority countries. I'm not one to argue hijab is oppressive - I think of it as dualistic in that way, liberating for some while subjugating for others - but what makes it so is the question of force/coercion vs. agency/free will. Then let's not force kids to eat their veggies or do their homework. Better yet let's get rid of curfew or chores. The deen is not something where you can pick and choose. If there are people who despise the Hijab and don't want to wear it they're the exception not the rule. Making the Hijab mandatory in a Muslim country is the same as indecency laws in North America (we just have a higher level of modesty, just as some States have a higher level of modesty than other States). Our opinions as outsiders are moot what matters is the will of the people in that particular country and their lawmakers, and one's got to admit it is way more than the typical 50+1 that is required in "democracy" (using the KSA as a test country). By the way you find just as many Women (if not more) fighting to enforce the Hijab as you do Men.
  12. Is it a problem for a Man to wish that all Muslim Women wear the hijab? It wouldn't be a problem if I wanted all Muslim people to stop backbiting or that all Muslim people wouldn't steal from one another. Why is the hijab a touchy subject? Somali Men don't get upset when our sisters tell us to get our act together and become better Men, Sons, Father, Uncles etc. As a Muslim I believe every Muslimah should wear a Hijab. The hijab is prescribed upon Muslimas just like kinship, obeying your parents etc are. If a father teaches his daughter about Salah and forces her to pray then why can't he teach her about hijab and force her to wear the hijab. The hijab may not necessarily be a pillar of Islam but it is a condition for the second pillar of Islam (Prayer). Why must we categorize these under oppression or misuse of the deen. Why can't it be a Muslim wanting good for his fellow Muslimah, sometimes we over analyze issues and distort the true intention of the people.
  13. Safferz;988981 wrote: lol, not the first thread I've seen you do this -- do you really think Somali is some sort of secret code for you to talk to your Salafi friends on SOL? Waa lagu fahmaya sxb, grow a pair and participate in the conversation constructively, whether you agree or disagree with the SOLer. You are an articulate, educated Somali Woman but I think that's uncalled for. Especially the way a majority of the men on here respect you and praise you. If this was towards a troller I'd understand it as anger but Hawdian is well mannered and respectful man and I don't think he or any of the good brothers deserve this. If it isn't good enough for an intellectual debate why is it good enough for SOL?
  14. Just put your trust in Allah (Subxanahu wa tacala). Since you're visiting family maintaining blood lines is an act of worship in shaa Allah. If your intentions are good and your heart is clean you should have no problems in shaa Allah.
  15. This thread should be in the Women's category....
  16. Xaaji Xunjuf;988541 wrote: Guleed Ali in an ideal world Somalia and Somaliland would have been the best allies boosting relations on all fronts integrating their economies the movement of people the boundaries between the 2 countries would become eventually artificial since the countries have shared values culture linguistic ties, many of Somaliland have relatives in Somalia and many in Somalia have relatives in Somaliland. The whole passport dispute would not been even an issue if the 2 countries had diplomatic ties Tanzania Kenya and Uganda are about to introduce one passport ,in time Somalia and Somalia and Djibouti could introduce one passport. But Somalis are to proud compromising on such issues is impossible both Somalis of Somalia and Somalis of Somaliland are stubborn and consider compromising and giving each other the benefit of the doubt being defeated by the other. A home grown new union based on shared interest and mutual respect could have been created long time ago but i doubt we are any different than the rest of African nations that went their separate ways. We will never see the bigger picture well atleast the leaders will not the bickering and disputes will continue for years to come. Well said, Jazakllahu khairn Xaaji. I appreciate your candor and forthrightness. The way I look it is from the perspective of the average Somali. As a future entrepreneur (in shaa Allah) investing in Somalia/Somaliland kinda scares me right now. If I were to build a shipping empire (hypothetically I'm just a broke student right now) and I can't get from my offices in Berbera to my offices in Xamar because of these silly arguments then I may base my headquarters in Dubai. Who loses at the end is the Somali people who may have gainful employment if say my offices were in Berbera. I'm just saying that these irrational decisions effect more than just politicians. If these politicians don't see the bigger picture then I'm not sure if there's any hope left for Somalia.
  17. Saalax;988530 wrote: Good. Southern movement to Somaliland should be limited. So either Somalia or Somaliland Salax, do I have to choose one? I can't love my northerners like I love my southerners. Are we going the George Bush way of "with us or against us". I ask Allah to unite all Somalis under Islam before Qabiil, politics, and ideology. Allahuma Ameen!
  18. File this one under the "divide and conquer Somalia" portfolio.
  19. Classified;988442 wrote: I'll conclude with your post. May Allah forgive me for wrong I have said. Indeed, " the muslim searches for excuses for his Muslim brothers, when the Muslim brother commits sins ". I couldn't have said it better. AUN to the girl Huda Rafle. I think perhaps I need a time off from this forum for a while. I think if you've come around by the above hadeeth then indeed you've become a better person. You don't need time off this forum if it changed you into a better person. I don't want to speak on your behalf but I was just heart broken by some of the pictures that were posted of our departed sister Huda and you may have been as well. It pains me to see a Muslim sister in that state. For everyone saying that cancer is a horrible way to pass away. Perhaps Allah has blessed Huda with this long process so she can seek Tawbah and repent for things that she may have done. I'm not saying one should be happy that they got cancer, but they should always look at the upside. If deeds are by the last action (الأعمال بالخواتيم) then I sincerely hope that she took that time to repent to Allah and asked him for forgiveness. That is between her and Allah (Subhanuhu wa ta'la) and thus we should say Alla yarahmha or Allahi ha U naxaristao or May Allah have mercy on her. The Somali is assume to be Muslim (الاصل) unless otherwise stated. However classified may have been affected by the pictures posted of the sister in certain circumstances. Just like Classified made an excuse for the sister, I will make an excuse for him. And may Allah shower us all with his mercy especially our dearly departed Sister Huda. May Allah gather us together in Jannah and forgive our sins and make us better people Allahuma Ameen. P.S: I would like to ask any Muslim on these forums to forgive me for anything I may have said to them, and I hope we can all ask each other for forgiveness! Allahuma Ameen P.P.S: I didn't mean to go off on a tangent but the way Classified changed from his last first post on this thread to his last post got to me. Wasalamu Alikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu...
  20. Wadani;988507 wrote: That's a false analogy you've made there, because the ruling to wipe over the feet/socks is pulled directly from the Sunnah of the Prophet while the ruling on Khat is not. The ruling on khat is based on ijtihaad using qiyaas, which is perfectly fine if indeed khat is a narcotic. But no one has proven that to me yet. As for scholars who did not go as far as to deem it xaraam they include Shaikh Muqbil AUN of Damaaj and if i'm not mistaken the great Imaam Ash-shawkani AUN who was also from Yemen and both considered to be of the Salafi tradition. As for your last point I agree, it's better to leave anything in which there is doubt just to be safe. Keyword is (AUN) like you said earlier these issues should be handled by contemporary living scholars. If you're aware of the concept of Qiyas and well versed in Usool Al Fiqh (Principles of Fiqh) then you should know that there need not be a "scientific" reasoning behind the ruling, it could be an element in the entire ruling but the ruling is not based solely on it. The research that discovered cigarettes causes cancer also caused a lot of scholars to change their opinion on cigarettes. Science is not the only evidence used in rulings but of course it is an important one. P.S: The wudu example is just a general example I wasn't comparing it to the khaat issue. Here is a lecture by Sheikh Mustafa Haruun (Hafithullah) that breaks down what khaat really is. It is a sharci/scientific based lecture. I hope it explains it more.
  21. If a scholar issues a fatwa and he is correct then he is rewarded twice. If a scholar issues a fatwa and he is incorrect then he is rewarded once for his effort. Most Somali scholars are of the opinion that khaat is Xaram for a variety of reasons. The sentiments echoed on this forum are merely opinions of major Somali scholars. If there are other opinions you may present them but you can't disagree because it doesn't make sense or it's reasoning is sub-par. If that were the case then we would start washing the bottom of our feet rather than the top when making Wudu (as the beloved Sahabi Ali ibn Abi Talib (RA) said so) Lastly we live in a society today where people want to be identified as doing something Makrooh but not quite Xaram. Why would one put himself in a situation where he's doing something hateful but not impermissible. A great example is the one who doesn't pray, he debates that the action is not Kufr but rather Fisq. Do you really want to be between فسق وكفر rather than be an obedient servant. The fact that some scholars may differ in an opinion should put the fear of Allah in our hearts rather than give us an easy way out.
  22. Wadani;988119 wrote: But how can I have an inferiority complex if I don't believe i'm inferior to anyone lol? Is it even possible to feel inferior to anyone as a Somali Muslim? And why are you making the assumption that I believe that Islam is an Arab religion first and foremost? How can I believe that when this deen reached the horn before many parts of the Arabian peninsula itself, and was a place of refuge for the persecuted sahaba before even Madina? Come on man. Isku xishood dee. Ok let's settle it this way. Word of advice always look at the best of people. Don't waste your type with those Munafiqs who say one thing and do the opposite. The majority of Arabs (Humanity as a whole) are good well intention-ed individuals. This is the Fitrah that we are all born with. Let's just leave it at that....
  23. Wadani;988113 wrote: Guje and Guleed are a perfect microcosm for the Somali predicament. Somalis always go to extremes. On one side we have an Arab as* kisser, who has the audacity to claim others are suffering from an inferiority complex, and who tries to legitimize his self-hate with deen, and on the other end we have a man who has no respect for our beloved Prophet and the deen. SMH. Soomaalidu waxa middle path-ka layidhaahdo maba yaqaanaan. You know nothing about a middle ground! You have an inferiority complex with respect to the religion of Islam. This religion belongs to no one, but people like you who categorize people and put them into groups and sects is what harms this beautiful way of life of ours. Just cause I happen to get along with most people it doesn't mean I have to look at their worst examples and claim that's who they are..
  24. Wadani;988110 wrote: But who the hell is talking about the Prophet (calayhi salaatu wa salaam) or righteous and good hearted Arabs? Arab culture is a racist culture...just like Somali culture is a clannish culture...just like Japanese culture is a workaholic culture....just like Greek culture is a lazy culture. The exceptions just prove the rule. Anyway, ur ilk need to stop thinking they have a monopoly on this deen. You seem like a well read man but these egregious generalizations you make are just horrible. Just look at the comment made above by this clown Guje. You're telling me Somalis aren't racist or these Indopakistan people aren't racist or that the white man isn't racist. You have a few youtube videos and you're going to generalize over 350 Million Arabs. I have Arab friends that span from Morocco to Kuwait and I've never seen more welcoming hospitable people. People need to get out and talk to people and not just sit in front of a computer and generalize. If you knew how high Arab people regard Somalis you wouldn't be talking like this
  25. Guje;988109 wrote: I don't think Mo would welcome your obsequious feet kissing antics , your goofy anyways Watch yourself this site may allow trolling but you can't troll yourself out of hell fire!