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Posts posted by guleed_ali

  1. Guje;989685 wrote:
    No he wasn't, kevin carter was an anglo south africa.



    What's with these severe forms of generalizations on SOL. Maybe he just hasn't met many people in life. Also, I thought clan talk was not allowed on SOL, or is it just a technical rule that doesn't allow for the official names of clans to be used. Anyways why can't we just disagree respectfully makes the conversation that much better......

  2. I'm really concerned with the lack of young entrepreneurs and the ever intense focus on post secondary education. Access to capital is not as hard as it used to be. But I believe that most people would rather have income security than take a 'risk' with starting a business and possibly failing. I guess the days of operating a business during the day and working shift work at night to make ends meet are over. I hope more and more people are leaning towards entrepreneurship. I myself am leaning towards it simply for the lack of jobs rather than my entrepreneurial spirit. Even though I have had offers of start-up capital from some friends and family, I haven't yet pulled the trigger. May Allah make it easy for all of us.

  3. Khayr;989620 wrote:
    وَقَالَ مُوسَىٰ رَبَّنَا إِنَّكَ آتَيْتَ فِرْعَوْنَ وَمَلَأَهُ زِينَةً وَأَمْوَالًا فِي الْحَيَاةِ الدُّنْيَا رَبَّنَا لِيُضِلُّوا عَن سَبِيلِكَ رَبَّنَا اطْمِسْ عَلَىٰ أَمْوَالِهِمْ وَاشْدُدْ عَلَىٰ قُلُوبِهِمْ فَلَا يُؤْمِنُوا حَتَّىٰ يَرَوُا الْعَذَابَ الْأَلِيمَ


    And Musa said: Our Lord! surely Thou hast given to Firon and his chiefs finery and riches in this world's life, to this end, our Lord, that they lead (people) astray from Thy way: Our Lord! destroy their riches and harden their hearts so that they believe not until they see the painful punishment.


    That is the dua that Musa made for فرعون.


    Being gentle initially and being gentle after being spat on are two different things.

    Let us not confuse the two.

    I always thought of Fircoon as the one who said (أنا ربكم الأعلى) I am your highest Lord. I guess Fircoon was Hafiz Quran when Musa (Calyhi asalam) went to see him. Khayr I can't sit and argue with you after your last statement. I ask Allah to guide us all on his straight path.

  4. Khayr;989585 wrote:
    Where does the comparison lay

    in a debtor that asked for his money back? Surely, you

    are not implying that we should ignore our responsibilities that

    we have with others because

    they are disrespectful or harsh towards us? Pay your debt and fulfill your obligations.

    There is no tolerance

    towards disrespect.


    The incident comes to

    mind when Umarً(رضى الله عنه)

    wanted the Badr captives to be

    excuted but the Prophet(صل الله عليه وسلم) wanted to ransom them

    off. A sign of forgiveness

    and mercy. Guess who intervened

    and took Umar's side?


    Please don't twist my words, you know what I meant. It wasn't the debt that was the issue it's how the man disrespected Al Sadiq Al Ameen and yet he was still merciful with him.


    How did Allah (Subhanahu wa tacala) tell Musa (Calyhi asalam) to treat Fircoon. Did he not say:


    فَقُولَا لَهُ ۥ قَوۡلاً۬ لَّيِّنً۬ا لَّعَلَّهُ ۥ يَتَذَكَّرُ أَوۡ يَخۡشَىٰ


    And speak unto him a gentle word, that peradventure he may heed or fear.


    Surely you're not comparing burahadeer to Fircoon!

  5. Khayr;989562 wrote:
    How do you respect someone that mocks your identity and values?

    I have no respect for someone

    that disrespects what is beloved to me. Kufr and Iman don't mix.


    Do you recall the story of the Jewish man that confronted the messenger of Allah (Sallahu calyhi wa salam) and accused him of not paying back his debts on time and demanded his money. Umar (RA) was ready to lay a beating to the man as only Umar can. The messenger of Allah (Sallahu calyhi wa salam) stopped him and when the man left he gave Umar some money and a box of dates to settle his debt. When Umar asked I understand what the money is for but not the dates he said the dates are for scaring the daylights out of the man. When the Jewish man received the dates and understood the reason behind it he came back to the messenger of Allah (Sallahu calyhi wa salam) and said that he was just testing him to see how he would react. The man became Muslim and the rest is history.


    Do you need another reason why?

  6. Nin-Yaaban;989561 wrote:
    Thanks. The internet isn't really a good place to have a discussion about suicide or mental issues since its full of trolls and sarcastic people. I hope people have family/friends they can talk to or can go somewhere to get help, before its too late.

    You're right there was a case once of some random dude in MN who coerced a Moroccan Canadian girl studying in University into committing suicide by getting into a suicide pact. Of course she went through with it and he just moved on to his next victim. He posed as a female nurse if I remember correctly, what a coward!

  7. Nin-Yaaban;989555 wrote:
    Suicide is a serious issue, and effects some people. Suicide and mental health is the only thing i never make fun of, or put others down for.


    Alpha Blondy and Guje i hope things work out for both of you.


    The person i know who tried to do that is now in stable condition, but the doctors said he'd have permanent damages from the way that stuff happened. I hope he makes out of this OK.

    NY good on you for bringing it up! It's a discussion that's much needed. May Allah reward you immensely.

  8. Guje;989542 wrote:
    Thanks for caring but somethings no one can help you safferz, you have to face them alone.

    Well you're facing them with people in this forum now right? I believe the internet has given people the opportunity to face their problems without feeling shame. As Somalis we tend to look at people who have psychological or social problems as weak individuals and just leave them aside. No matter how we differ in our views we're still human beings who help each other when need be. If there's anything anyone of us can do to help you just say it, I'm sure people on these forums are more than willing to help. Just look at the beautiful message from Saff.

  9. Hawdian;989507 wrote:
    @dear sadeeqi Guleed
    Im not sure we dealing with a muslimah
    here a lot of people are socalled Gallo in SOL (Jahanmba people ) but you right I must stop giving advice to all these trolls who hold fancy Mickey Mouse degrees it's getting boring now. I'm just gonna go and make myself a nice cup of shaay somali thats much better use of my valuable time. Waad sallamtin.

    Brother Hawdian I don't believe I have read anything wear Sister Saff has taken herself out of the religion or has implied so. I believe she's a proud Muslimah who has weaknesses like all of us. There are some other misguided people on here who rebel against Islam and those people I have no tolerance for (No one can guide them but Allah). As for one who respectfully disagrees with Islam, I ask Allah to guide them to his straight path and I don't mind engaging in conversation with them because they're rational, objective, open minded people who criticize when need be and give credit where credit is due. I hope we can give them more to give credit to and less to criticize in shaa Allah. May Allah guide us All to his straight path.

  10. Safferz;989549 wrote:
    No, you don't -- the same feelings of depression that have you thinking about suicide are the same ones that make you think you're alone and that your thoughts aren't unhealthy. Considering suicide and saying you hate living are NOT the words of someone with good mental and emotional health, there are doctors, counselors and professionals that can help you treat depression, and suicide prevention/crisis hotlines with people you can talk to and who will give referrals. Everything you've described *can* be treated with therapy and the right medication, but the first and most difficult step is to seek help, so please reconsider!


  11. Guje;989542 wrote:
    Thanks for caring but somethings no one can help you safferz, you have to face them alone.

    Have you thought of seeking help from a higher power. For some people one's relation with his creator is the only reason they're living. Like Allah says in his holy book:


    I have not created jinn and man but to worship me.

  12. Alpha Blondy;989373 wrote:
    i think about committing suicide a lot, but i'm a coward and won't be able to go through with it. shame, really.


    to kill yourself, you'd have to have courage. that's why most of us are still alive.

    I remember a story about a pro athlete (steroid user) who walked into the bush with his dog and a shotgun to commit suicide. When he was about to pull the trigger he remembered saw his dog and worried as to who would take care of it. He pointed the gun at his dog and when he couldn't pull the trigger he decided to just come out of the bush and squash all the suicide talk. You may have said it as a joke but it can be true. Btw suicide is not something to joke about as it could happen to anyone at anytime, suicide is not exclusive to suicidal folks anyone can become suicidal.

  13. burahadeer;989439 wrote:
    The litmus test was Iran and Saudi Arabia, they both failed.So far we don't have a single muslim nation that implemented Sharia.


    Ring my bell when the keyboard warriors succeed in enforcing.

    They may have failed but there's still benefits for one to live in Somalia, Saudi, Egypt etc. I always tell people that in Western countries people are openly sinning (i.e it's the norm) and one may give in to temptation and join. In Somalia, Saudi or any other Muslim country one would have to look around to sin (i.e it's not the norm) rather than being tempted. Although if one were adamant on committing a sin one can sin anywhere in the world. If we keep looking for perfection we won't get anywhere so we take the best of what we got. I hope that clarifies my stance burahadeer.

  14. Xaaji Xunjuf;989492 wrote:
    Because you are not from Somaliland why would we allow you in Somaliland you are not from there , if u were from Somaliland u would not ask can i visit Somaliland or that u want to visit Somaliland you would consider it your home. Stay in your Somalia and if you are a Somali Kenyan stay in Kenya.

    I'm confused... But I guess it is suffice to say that I'm not as welcome as I thought I would be in Somaliland.

  15. Alpha Blondy;989402 wrote:
    i don't measure my imaan by the length of my beard, you see. thanks for pointing out my ignorance. are you going to issue a fatwa on me condemning my ignorance? ileen for some of y'all, it's all about point scoring eh.


    agreed on living a conscious life. lakinse, it's a shame too many ignorant arrogant little akhis are alienate folks with their uninformed spiel. in Burao, the nation's second capital city, there's a growing groups of gadhweyn folks called
    ''bakhaar ii deeb''
    - loosely translated as
    ''let me manage your store''
    . do you know why they are all growing beards?

    I see where you're coming from Alpha. But it's like the question is it better to be a five time praying Muslim who looks the part but is rough with people or a five time praying Muslim who doesn't look the part and treats people with kindness. The answer I always come up with is it's better to be a Muslim who prays 5 times looks the part and treats people with kindness. People should advise others and not judge and that's a problem with some of the Salafi brothers today I'll have to admit. The "bakhaar ii deeb folks" their actions only hurt the genuine Muslim who grows his beard for the sake of Allah. May Allah guide them and guide us Allahuma ameen.

  16. Procrastination is bad but made worse when you think you're best work comes out in crunch time. I started to convince myself that I would not get any work done until I'm right up against the deadline. But time management and prep work leading to the finish is definitely a better way to go.

  17. Hawdian;989454 wrote:
    Before we go into all this Mumbo jumbo stuff you keep posting horta saladha ma tukata waayo qof salads fajr ku billowa malintiisa weey qebsantahy. Waa kula talinaya ee feel free to use my golden advice . Keep calm nd carry on.

    Hawdian diinta wa nasiixa so I'm glad you're giving the nasiixa. But the way you give the nasiixa is important as well. If you address sister Saff with less confrontation and more of a brother to sister advice I think your message would get through much better. It is definitely good advice, if you can go the masjid and pray in jam'aa (brothers) then it would be even better.

  18. Kaluun;989411 wrote:


    I have no problem with genuine Somaliweynians but the problem is those in the Konfur who preach unity yet can't unify a son and father anything south of Las Anod (Talleeh included).


    For instance before they preach what they don't practice, we wish to see them give genuine attention to the unity of Xamar Jadiid and Xamar Amisom, Xamar Jabab and Xamar Al Shabab; North Galkayo and Baraxleey...Ximan and Galmudug...Hiiraan and Galgadud...


    I am sure you got the picture. These group is all hot air thus they have no right to focus on the stable north when they failed to unify the burning hot spots. We believe in grassroots approach to all problems; big or small.


    I have no issue with honest and genuine sincere Somalis like yourself and you can visit us in Haud iyo Hargeisa.

    I appreciate it brother Kaluun! I hope to visit Haud one day in sha Allah and Hargeisa. But I think you've explained this from the perspective with reason rather than just qabiil or hatred of others which helps me better understand the landscape of Somaliland politics. But there's also muusuq massiq just like any other place (albeit much less than the south) so I hope the people of Somaliland purify their land of those people.