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Originally posted by Kool_Kat: AfricanQ, bal welcome to SOL marka hore...Secondly, something you haven't learned for yourself, cooking, you certainly shouldn't try to learn it for the sake of a would-be-husband aadan faraba ku heyn...At this age, you should've learned to cook already, and have cooked for you family (hooyadaa iyo aabahaa iyo walaalahaa)... Thanks for the Welcome sis. To be honest, I'd be happy to live on cornflakes, some fruits, and the occasional take-away. I don't feel the pressure to learn to cook for myself. The primary reason I want to learn how to cook, is so I can cook for my family in the future inshallah. I don't see anything wrong with that, infact that is a self-less act, I applaud myself for that lol. Mashallah. @ Ismahan - I wouldn't be upset if a guy didn't want to marry me because I couldn't cook. Infact, I'd be upset if he thought it was ok. If I was in his shoes, I'd give the girl a 3-6 months trial, and test the food at the end of it. If I was not satisfied with the outcome, then I would tell her to study more, and I'd re-consider in the future. Many young people are getting divorced very quickly, many don't even see their first year anniversary. The reason being is, that many women see it as an inferior position to do as their man wishes. This is the result of too much hollywood in their life. They have been indoctrinated at school, and taught that a woman can do as a man. Traditional roles, are looked down upon, and when a girl says ''I want to do that'', she is looked at old fashioned. And sadly, we see girls saying ''The man should cook, why doesn't the man do this, it's no fair.'' SHUT UP. You are the woman, Lord created your hands small, so they can fit nicely into a digsi, it's common sense that the woman should be the one to cook, I mean genetics do not lie, and our hands are living proof of this. I'm not here to argue about whether a woman should be the only one to cook. This isn't a civil rights debate. Please, lets not digress, if you have anymore tips to add about what food you like, I'd be very happy to read. Thank you very much, and I hope everybody enjoys their afur. Sallam.
lol. << Walking to the Kitchen. Sallam Ya'll.
Originally posted by Ardo Askari: Salaams mar ka hore, salaan kadib are u sure ur 21yrs of age? inalilaah wa inaa ilaahi raajicuun :rolleyes: ..There are so many other wonderful things u can fullfill ur life at this age u are laakin u are worried abt ur cooking skills to please a farax aad guursandoontid....Na a bal go n live n experience life! Wa sallamu alaykum. Lol, Yes I am turning 21 very soon inshallah. I'm currently in university, I don't plan to get married anytime soon, however, there's nothing wrong with making sure you are properly qualified when the situation arises. I need my credentials on the table, and to not be able to cook is simply unacceptable. How will my family live? I am thinking ahead, as the saying goes ''If you fail to plan, you plan to fail''
Originally posted by Aaliyah416: I don't even fully agree. I mean a women does not have to stay at home unless there are kids involved. am strong believer to raise your kids when they are young..bt if there are no kids in the picture staying at home to cook for him is a totally a no-no for me..cuntadasiisa haka sarto ma gacma dheerahay hehehe. Anyways, thats just my stand.. Yup, I agree. You don't need to stay home ALL DAY, just to cook for him - when there are no kids in the picture. Nevertheless, you should wake up early, make sure the house is in check, iron his/your clothes, wash everything. Prepare what you shall cook for dinner. Go work, then come home, and cook his dinner. You expect him to make his own food? How selfish is that. He is a man, while married to you, he shouldn't even know how the kitchen looks like. Shame on those women who allow their partner to see the inside if the family kitchen. Shame on you!!!
@ Make a Wish - Really, lol.. where would you know me from? And thanks for the website, I will check it out inshallah. Fo'Sho Fo'sho Errrbody can be invited for an afuur, once I master the skils of cooking lol. @ MS DD - Honestly, I'd rather be out there working full time too. However, once a husband + children come into the equation, there are sacrifices to be made. I believe the breakdown of Society stems from the breakdown of families. The problem the white people are having now, is that both parents work, thus nobody is at home to teach the kids right from wrong. The education systemn takes the responsibility of teaching the kids, what parents failed to do so. When kids have nobody to look up to, the chances of them running to the streets looking for guidance is inevitable. So, Yes I understand where you're coming from, being at home can be very boring. But whats more important, your sense of fulfillment & wordly desires or your childs wellbeing and moral guidance. I choose the latter.
Originally posted by Ms DD: This pleasing business seems one way street to me. I want to know what will the bloke learn or go out of his way specially for me in order to please me? Why cant he learn to cook in order to please you? [/QB] Well I believe in traditional roles. A Woman should keep the house clean, cook the food, and cater to her mans desires. And, the man should make sure his family are financially secure. Households need structure, you play your part, he plays his part. Having said that, because we live in the 21st century, and living expenses are extremely high - thus it wouldn't hurt if the wife could work part-time. As long as she is still fulfilling her duty in the house. I mean put yourself in a Man shoes. You've been out all day, working, earning money to sustain your wives festish for shoes, buy her the latest sofa, or brand new curtains to make all the other Xalimo jealous when they visit. The least you want is to come home to a clean house, with food on the table. But oh no, you discover the woman you married is a ''Feminist'' all she ever screams about is ''what do you do for me??'' B**ch can you not see the house your living in, the bills I pay. And you want me to wash the dishes? Personally I am very against domestic violence, but in this situation, he should Chris Brown her.
Aniga aff reer xamar makasaayii nooh.
Originally posted by Ducaysane: Why dont you guys let the girl answer MS DD's question. : I believe I answered her Q in my answer beforehand. I stated, that to have a successful marriage, you need to please your husband in the kitchen department, and the bedroom. To explain further than that, will not be very halaal. You need to use your imagination people, that is all I can say.
Originally posted by nuune: Africanqueen aloore atarisho waxaa leedahay ma fahmin miyaa, see camal buufiska aduunka maa kugu dhaceyna mise tarantoorigaa ku go'ay, moolo moolaati iska dhig yeah soona dhawoow mar kale macbuudkaa ku dhaartee bajiyaha sida loo kariya ma aqaani maa dhahdeyna Acudbillah.. Aff somali usub buu ninkaan maanta ii kaynay. Walaal, raali ahow hadaa sid kala uu gaaratay markaa ku iri.. aff Jinni baa ku hadlaysaa. Laakin ruunti maku fahmi. Inyar baan kaa gartaa. Buufiskaa ka hadlaaysid maxaa waaye? Gabar hadaay kuu sheegta maku garanin, miyaad buufis ku urday? Aniga aff somali fiican ma qori, iyo maku hadli. Laakin aff somali sax baan garanaa. Adiga markaa yarayd, aff la garaynin baa ku hadashay.. qofna mana ku saxin, somaha. Laakin maanta anaa ku saxaya walaal. Afkaa ku hadlaysid MABA JIRO. Fadlan orod aff somali caadi so baro. Aniga dhadka runta baa uu sheega, xumaan ha uu qaadinin haye.
Originally posted by Ms DD: Welcome horta Secondly... men dont look for a wife so that she can cook for him only. I used to make a point of not being able to cook when i am talking to blokes. IF they stick around, great, if not, i say his 'his loss'. But to their credit, most men arent bothered.. Their fave saying was " we will learn together..maacallees h" Thanks for the welcome abaayo. Erm I was taught there's two ways to please a man. The Kitchen and the bedroom. And Yes, you're right, a Man shouldn't just love you due to what you can cook. But it sure would make it a hella lot easier.
Originally posted by nuune: You come to da right place, I mean maxaa dhibkaa ku gelinaayo, aayar maa isbarmuunto iyo faankuulo isku walaaqatid wlcme Walaalo, ma ku garanin, miyaa aff jinni ku hadashaa... acudibillah waaba iga nixisay. aff somali oo la fahmaaya fadlan soo baro. Haye abowe, qeyr baan kuu rajaynayaa.
@ Jacaylbaro - All the options you gave me, does not help me with my situation. However, I'd like to thank you for spending time writing that absolute rubbish to me. Just like how you wasted my time, I chose to waste yours by replying. okay, you can stop reading it now, I bet you're still reading lol. Damn.
Sallamu Alaykum everybody. Before I start, Yes I am new.. blah blah... nice to meet Ya'll blah blah. Lets pretend for a few seconds Ya'll actually care that I'm new. Anyhuuuu I'm turning 21 very soon. Yup, I'm still in a state of shock, I always thought I'd be happily married, baby on the way by now. But I don't see that happening anytime soon, perhaps in 5 years time. God knows. However, my problem at the moment is I don't know how to cook??? So everytime I begin to have a normal conversation with a guy, and I get the feeling he likes me. I try my best to hide this, but I'm a strong believer in honesty. Therefore, I try to joke around sayind ''I can cook cornflakes'', they never seem to get that joke, and instead are horrified. I mean one guy went as far as to telling me, he sees a girl who can't cook has handicapped. After many guys discover I cannot cook, the way they talk to me evidently changes. They no longer want to continue the ''marriage conversation'', I mean everytime I bring up the topic, they stutter and say ''well... erm... I haven't reached that stage'' Nigga two nights ago you were telling me how you'd love a wife and baby. Now you telling me you're not ready, do I look retarded?? Anyways it's the blessed month of Ramadhan, and there's no better month to learn how to cook right? I've been watching my mother make sambuus, malawax (which some of you may call laxoox) Bur, bariis iyo baasto. And I've been observing, I must say it does not seem that hard. But I'd like to learn how to cook other food, not just Somali food. I'm a big fan of indian food, I love curry. I want to be the best cook ever, not just for my husband (inshallah) But growing up all I saw was bariis, bariis, bariis, baasto, then back to bariis bariis. I want to suprise my family, make them excited to come to the dinner table to eat my food. I want their mouth to saliva, when they hear me say ''dinner is ready'', so I made this topic in the hope some of Ya'll would give me ideas for the best food I can make. So far I'm very eager to learn different types of Indian food. I also like italian food e.g Lasagne (somalis already make that) I'm not a big fan of Chinese food, I'm pretty sure cooking Dogs, is not allowed in Islam. P.s Sorry for writing so much, I'm just extremely passionate about this topic. Please don't hold back, and if you can provide pictures, that would even be better. Hope the fasting is going good for all of you. Keep the peace.
I love that song Saafi One of my fav songs of all time.