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Everything posted by GAROODI
Xaaji Xunjuf;969909 wrote: There is a khatuumo shir in taleex soon bal aynu sugno waxa ka soo baxa Hearts and minds: Somaliland: minister if health is heading to buhoodle soon to lay the first brick for a new hospital. Las canod is doing better then under the pirates or even afweyne. The city has electricity, local government is working on projects. As long as the army of khatumo keep joining SOMALILAND and the development continues in those cities inshallah in time the argument will go Somalilands way.
If you add up the Somalis, Oromo, anfar, the xabashi Muslims like the gurage etc Muslims make up majority of Ethiopia.
The whole family does the Sh)t together in yemen acudibilah.
Jacaylbaro;969871 wrote: 600 ,, in the face of what dee ?? ,, 27,000 SL troops ?? ... Now do the math sxb It's 45 thousand with 2000 graduating every year. When you remove tribe out of the equation it makes sense for people in las canod and buhoodle to live in peace with naiobours. It makes no sense to be anti SOMALILAND even though the people are closest to SOMALILAND then even the pirates. Why oppose Somaliland appose the pirates support kismayo and alienate mugdisho Walahi wa suicide mission. Burco and erigavo are closer to buhoodle and las canod so it makes sense. What destroyed relations was the civil war after the civil war we all agreed to forget what happened and develop what the Garad tribe the awd tribe and the duriyada tribe called the north and to be seperate from the south. With khatumo came war with the end of khatumo comes peace.
They should ban it Somaliland and Somalia. Ethiopia and Kenya getting rich off our backs. Hard currency for leaves absolute disgrace. We might as well burn our money. In yemen they chew so much there is a shortage of water. The Yemeni live off it.
From what I read it will be class c drug but if caught with it to many times it will lead to fines and jail which is excellent. Good job conservatives
Saalax;969870 wrote: So what happened in Netherlands, what is the employment rate for Somalis there. Good question I have no idea what goes on in Netherlands. Lakin from what I seen of Dutch Somalis they are worse then British Somalis. They all ran to London as well after the Dutch ban I think. No more chat in UK, Europe or North America so the next exodus will be towards Africa. Somalis in Britiain khat has finished them off.
Khatumos process merging with Somaliland begins.
GAROODI replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
burahadeer;969850 wrote: XX, Don't worry about the fadhi ku dirir in SOL.They will all just end up like Galaydh and samater,confused , distraught and eventually land in Berbera rehab clinic. Hey samatar Iska da Walahi somaliweyn dacaad bay ka ahayd not qabil until he went to Xamar and saw reality. -
Xaaji Xunjuf;969763 wrote: Lol English Gartay but why Turkish. It's called appeasement: the Turks are mongo Asiatic they have more in common with ghengis khan then Somalis. But they say the descendants of herer in Ethiopia are Turkish plus you have the zeilla and adel kingdom and the close relationship with the Turks strange thing to do nonetheless adding Turkish I would have added Chinese, Arabic and English and somali as official.
Oiler;969703 wrote: Can these men be trusted? We will find out: judging from past qaramayn in Bari few people have defected back to the other side. SOMALILAND provides stability and allows all the various regions to have army units that are tribally akin to the cities they are from.
warsamaale;969685 wrote: kkkk house of elders ?, monkey see monkey do Yes M@nkey do you have anything similar???
Fiqifuliye (Somaliland.Org)- Weftigii Xukuumadda ee uu Hoggaaminayay Wasiirka Madaxtooyadda Md. Xirsi Cali Xaaji Xasan ayaa maanta degmadda Fuqifuliye ee gobolka Sanaag oo 80km dhinaca koonfur bari kaga beegan magaaladda Ceerigaabo ku soo dhaweeyay in ka badan lix Boqol oo ka mid ah kooxaha nabad diidka ah ee Khaatumo, kuwaasi oo wada hadal dheer ka dib maanta si rasmi ah ugu soo biiray ciidanka qaranka. Waxaanay wateen 13 Gaadiidka Tiknikadda ah. Maleeshiyadan laxaadka leh ayaa iskugu jirta kuwo la qarameeyay iyo sida la sheegay kuwo la nabadeeyay. Garaad Cabdilaahi Maxamed Guulleed oo ka mid ah isimmadda Beesha deegaankaasi ayaa sheegay inay ku faraxsan yihiin inay maleeshiyadii ugu badnayd ay ku qarameeyeen ciidammadda qaranka Somaliland ka dib wada hadal dheer oo sida uu tilmaamay ay ka dhalatay is faham buuxa. Garaad Cabdilaahi Maxamed waxa uu intaasi ku daray inay ku qanacsan yihiin Somaliland, isla markaana ay safka hore kaga jiraan bulshadda difaacaysa qaranimadda Somaliland, waxaanu xusay inay dadkooda dhinac ka raacayaan. Garaadku waxa uu u mahad naqay cid kasta oo ka soo shaqaysay hawshan midho dhashay. Horjoogihii ama Taliyihii watay ciidankan ayaa sheegay inay ku faraxsan yihiin sida Somaliland u soo dhawaysay isla markaana uga midho-dhalisay wada xaajood muddo qaatay oo uu xusay inay la yeesheen xukuumadda Somaliland. Waxa uu carabaabay in diyaar u yihiin inay ciidanka qaranka ka mid noqdaan. Wasiirka Madaxtooyadda Somaliland Mudane Xirsi Cali Xaaji Xasan, oo ka hadlay madashaasi ayaa bogaadiyay maleeshiyadan oo ah tii ugu tiro badnayd ee ka soo goosata kooxaha nabad diidka ah, waxaanu tilmaamay in arrintani ay fursad wanaagsan siinayso dedaaladda xukuumaddu ku doonayso inay nabad waarta ka islaaxiso goboladda bari ee dalka. Wasiirka madaxtooyaddu waxa uu u balan qaaday ciidankan cusub inay heli doonaan dhammaan xuquuqda ay helaan ciidanka qaranka Somaliland. Waxaanu ku booriyay kooxaha baaqiga ku sii ah nabad diidka ah inay ka faa’iidaystaan fursadda nabada iyo horumarka. Sidoo kalen waxa kulankaasi ka hadlay Wasiirul dawlaha nabadeynta gobolada bari Md. Cali Maxamuud Axmed (Cali Sandulle), Wasiirka Warfaafinta Md. Cabdilaahi Maxamed Daahir (Cukuse), Taliyaha Ciidanka qaranka Sareeye Gaas Ismaaciil Maxamed Cismaan Shaqalle. Cumar Maxamed Faarax Somaliland.Org/Hargeysa cumarmfaarax@hotmail.com
^^^^ there above is your proud history so walk tall amongst your fellow Somalis.
Considering your obsession with the British: I leave you with the words Douglas Collins: the British officer who was married to the king of the pirates daughter: Amina Boqor Mohammed Boqor Osman: "Amina herself broke the spell by whispering, 'War, Abdi Melik, awa wa addo' (Oh, how the moon shines), and then kissing me passionately,'Oh my God, I love thee'. Drunk with happiness, I replied with a long, slow kiss, 'I love thee too, Amiina'.he brilliant moon now riding high above bathed us both in her friendly light. Drawing my lungi over us we slept, lulled to sleep by the trade winds whispering in the palms, and the incessant breaking of the surf.All too soon from the Suacron fishing village behind us a cock-crowheralded the false dawn and Amiina stirred sleepily in my arms. 'Abdi Melik,' she whispered, 'I si, I si' (give me, give me). Her lips parted and her kisses infused me with a passion more than I could bear, soon, too soon to be extinguished as love itself rested. Urgently now the cock crowed its strident reveille again. The sun's first blush peeped above the sea. Pulling Amiina protestingly to her feet I stripped in a second whilst she disrobed, letting fall her shift as she looked shyly at me, a bronze aphrodite. Hand in hand we ran to the sea, splashing through the shallows and surf, then swimming on to a wrecked dhow where we rested, panting with exhilaration and laughing with the joy of being young and in love. 'Ahalki an tagno' (let us return), I smiled at her. 'Edinku sidas shada, eg! wainu ta-gaina' (Say ye so? lo, we go), she laughed, diving in the shining waves and heading for the beach.We dressed quickly and ran up to the house, past the astonished sentry, who gave me a belated butt salute as we went by, and so began my love affair with Amiina. During these ecstatic nights I would teach her English, giving her simple exercises to do whilst I worked in the office by day". Page 147 A Tear For Somalia By Douglas Collins end.
Jacpher;969541 wrote: Is your history lesson any better than; I am of the queen, protected by the British colony, and my history lesson is written by British colonial history writers. Ashes to ashes and dust to dust: RIP kacaans fake history: dervish banu nahay ismael mirre ba korfield qorta ka goyay" hahahaha
SOO MAAL;969495 wrote: I posted that video to mock this thread and Garoodi, a man who hates D- clan so much You should discuss the topic. and no need for foul language. That's all this mupp£t can say its akin to a white flag. Move along hahahah you try to mock because you have nothing to add hahahah. Everything is true and all you can say is: History itself shows we are two different people's. different calibre even God made people different from one another.
Wadani;969483 wrote: Revolution. It was a revelution alright revelution to fake history and try and wipe out an entire people and the Beauty is Allah brought it all crashing down. At least now we can correct the historical fabrications as well. Alxamdulilah You who believe! be upholders of justice, bearing witness for Allah alone, even against yourselves or your parents and relatives. Whether they are rich or poor, Allah is well able to look after them. Do not follow your own desires and deviate from the truth. If you twist or turn away, Allah is aware of what you do. (Surat an-Nisa’, 135) Among those We have created there is a community who guide by the Truth and act justly according to it. (Surat al-A‘raf, 181) … if you do judge, judge between them justly. Allah loves the just. (Surat al-Maida, 42) You who believe! show integrity for the sake of Allah, bearing witness with justice. Do not let hatred for a people incite you into not being just. Be just. That is closer to taqwa. Fear [and respect] Allah. Allah is aware of what you do. (Surat al-Maida, 8) Every nation has a Messenger and when their Messenger comes everything is decided between them justly. They are not wronged. (Surah Yunus, 47) We sent Our Messengers with the Clear Signs and sent down the Book and the Balance with them so that mankind might establish justice. (Surat al-Hadid, 25) Say: “My Lord has commanded justice…” (Surat al-A ‘raf, 29) So call and go straight as you have been ordered to. Do not follow their whims and desires but say, ‘I have iman in a Book sent down by Allah and I am ordered to be just between you. Allah is our Lord and your Lord. We have our actions and you have your actions. There is no debate between us and you. Allah will gather us all together. He is our final destination.’ (Surat ash-Shura, 15) Among those We have created there is a community who guide by the Truth and act justly according to it. (Surat al-A ‘raf, 181) Those with faith, those who are Jews, and the Christians and Sabaeans, all who believe in Allah and the Last Day and act rightly, will have their reward with their Lord. They will feel no fear and will know no sorrow. (Surat al-Baqara, 62) Call to the way of your Lord with wisdom and fair admonition, and argue with them in the kindest way. (Surat an-Nahl, 125) Is it not likely that, if you did turn away, you would cause corruption in the earth and sever your ties of kinship? Such are the people Allah has cursed, making them deaf and blinding their eyes. (Surah Muhammad, 22-23) Allah does not forbid you from being good to those who have not fought you in the deen or driven you from your homes,or from being just towards them. Allah loves those who are just. Allah merely forbids you from taking as friends those who have fought you in the religion and driven you from your homes and who supported your expulsion. Any who take them as friends are wrongdoers. (Surat al-Mumtahana, 8-9) As for those who reject Allah’s Signs, and kill the Prophets without any right to do so, and kill those who command justice, give them news of a painful punishment. (Surah Al ‘Imran, 21)
^^^ you gotta love Reagan lool. The man is halarious
Haatu;969440 wrote: ^You just called the sayid a fulay and said nothing about the "Top Landers" in the movement. That in itself is the reason no one takes your crap seriously. And no one hero worships the sayid. All Somalis respect him for fighting for his land. The sayid ran away from taleex on the outset of the British taking the last fort I.e taleex. He left his family and children behind, then he subsequently abanded the men who had fled with him and ran into og country. He wrote a letter to general sanweyen the top British general thanking him for looking after the people at the Hight of dervish and signed treaties of protection with the Italians thereafter. He looted, killed and left destitute tens of thousands of people the only difference was our lander criminals had the ba))s to die for what they believed in. He fought for his land??? Huh?? Excuse me??? What part of thanking the British and signing protection treaties with the Italians is fighting for your land??? Idaja and aw Jamac got your tongue.
^^^ I think you guys are side stepping the issue The dervish according to the British other the Abdulle Hassan was a entirely lander led as i have proven to you without doubt using first hand accounts not d block as argued by idaja and aw jamac. d block was the greatest victims of the dervishes as i have proven to you. They killed the las canod folk, raided them, killed their tribal chiefs and left them destitute and in feeding centres in burco and Berbera. History shows even the first cities bombed were lander and taleex was the last etc. there were fort commanders and foot soldiers of various tribes but according to the British top leadership were landers. So how did it come to be that a stable boy who was 14 at the time and Abdulle Hassan the greatest folaay of all time (the man who ran away from taleex and left his own family behind as stated by British intelligence documents) are hero worshiped by the d block??? And not one mention of the men who actually led the movement and died and the hag leaders barried in taleex as well.
Notice how the only photos they have of that time are of the same landers: Propaganda video: " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
Even the pictures they use are landers: This is a picture of haji guleid: on the top hand corner the man sitting with the other men: http://www.google.co.uk/search?tbm=isch&q=dervish+somali+xaaji+guuleed&spell=1&sa=X&ei=OJTnUYeLAcXP0AWe44GQDw&ved=0CDkQvwUoAA&biw=320&bih=416# This is a picture of south Hargaisan preparing to take back there cattle: http://hornhistory.blogspot.co.uk/2010/05/duulaankii-dayax-weerar-iyo-caalya-1904.html?m=1 The man on the horse is lander Risaadlr Haji Muse farah igare http://beenaywaarun.blogspot.co.uk/2008/02/dagaalkii-taleex-iyo-midhiso.html?m=1 These pictures are the celebrations of the approach of suldan Nuur: http://hornhistory.blogspot.co.uk/2012/01/suldaan-nuur-amaan.html?m=1
warsamaale;969299 wrote: still on your one man mission against the D's. get a life Don't flatter yourself: just correcting historical mistakes. No history so you hide your history and lie about others. It's good to see you all accept kacan false version of history seeing all you guys do is giggle or insult.