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Everything posted by GAROODI

  1. The hag have figured out a new formula for Somalia conquest. Keep hag in presidency hire a d block yes man. Develop mugdisho and take the country. Genius. You will see this as the new formula. Hag is getting serious now. The second objective will be to change the constitution, develop a hag ruled army and mugdisho. From there build a power base from Kenyan border to Galkacyo. A new day has dawned for hag however the only thing letting them down is security and the reliance on au soldiers. But if they can end the dependence on au then its win win.
  2. Somalia;970593 wrote: Slobodan Milosevic was right in saying that, history is proof. What happened to the Croat Serbs? They were forcible expelled from their lands, hundreds of thousands , some killed as well after the defeat of Republic of Serbian Krajina. So it's very important that SSC do not experience such fate at the hands of world powers, no one fears the small irrelevant secessionist triangle which calls itself "Somaliland", but rather the support they could get to start clan cleansing in our lands. Tudjman wanted an ethnically clean Croatia, he got there with US support. We must avoid war, we want peace guys. I don't think you can compare SOMALILAND with Serbia because SOMALILAND has never fought an offensive war only defensive. And plus if they wanted to take your lot they could but the opposite has happened. If anything you are the Serbs puffed up with bravado and fake history then slapped back down to reality and now still clinging to a dead dream. The reality is you a have a hostile hag dominated south with migdisho and somaliland that is hostile to you as we'll Walahi I would hate to be in your shoes bad result. Even with a negotiated settlement between SOMALILAND and Somalia which will never happen everything will be split down the middle between the two and we both know if SOMALILAND wanted that it could get it. Bad end result indeed
  3. ^^^ sad times for d block as highlighted above. If you want to score points then keep at it. The reality is when I land in any airport in SOMALILAND it is run through Hargaisa and if you don't like it then general matata is waiting for you in mugdisho. You can't control the city of mugdisho and yet to feel relevent you use airspace as an issue. Saxib the ship has sailed the discussion is over we are merely finalising the details or who keeps what. You want the air tower go ahead the ban on the UN will stay in place. The agreement signed stated a joint committee why don't you search what that means mister I have two barren wasteland desert regions and am fighting for relevance. SOMALILAND controls its entire state from corner to corner, it controls its seas hense why no piracy and we control what planes land or not land in 6 regions. You barely control 2 regions and your president is protected by African mercenaries in his own capital. Saxib your people have set a new benchmark of failure yet to feel relevent you dare challenge me? Win your independence first before jumping the gun and on a personal note your rag tag two state region means nothing and because of that you hide behind the Somalian flag hahah. We know what your about baxbax from baxbax land
  4. ^^^ dahabshill does more for reer mugdisho then the somali government. These people are not serious hahaha
  5. It's signed on paper in turkey therefore SOMALILAND has legitimacy over this issue unless mugdisho want to ban UN airplanes haha ... This was an own goal from mugdisho.
  6. GaadhHaye;970496 wrote: If the SNM Gang has balls ( I mean the ruling ones), let us see who will be the first to go to the media and declare the Turkey baby talks are null and void and reconstitute the emotionally clouded policy of threatenting UN aid flights. He will be the grand MFC spoiler of all the times. No one gives a d@me about your views regarding SOMALILAND your people are starving and your 2 state enclave is crumbling that should be your main focus. You are not lander or hag so persona non grata
  7. We will see: Somalia has been on the move for the past 22 years depending on who you ask.
  8. ^^^ and a slight decrees in aid from the UN because it doesn't meet the democratisation requirements. Copying SOMALILAND has reached its limit I guess not all of us can conduct election particularly in 2 regions which consist of the entire subclan
  9. It shows to the world that Somalia is not serious about legally binding agreements: furthermore SOMALILAND will just renew the UN ban over its airspace and then you'll hear more crying from mugdisho. Look at these southerners on this forum desperate as ever did you forget you report to general Akuna matata so airspace is still outa your league master mugdisho space first hahah
  10. The reality is if Somalis accept the Somalias borders they have accepted the colonial borders and also the treaty that created those borders. If they accept Kenyan and Ethiopian borders then they must accept Somalilands borders because they are all one and the same.
  11. Here is proof of d block servitude of the British yet this guy stands here spreading the same bull)it: Not even a colony yet want to fight for the British; Removed clan names; SOMALI WANT TO FIGHT The New York Times, pg. 8 Nov 22, 1914 Jubaland Chiefs Send Plea to England to Join the Army London, Nov. 10 – the London Times has received from a correspondent a copy of a petition signed by the principal Somali chiefs in Jubaland, asking that they be allowed to fight for England. The document is as follows: To His Highness the Governor, Through the Hakim of Jubaland Salaams, yea, many salaams, with God’s mercy, blessing, and peace. After Salaams, We, the Somali of Jubaland, both H@ and Og comprising all the tribes desire humbly to address you. Now we have heard that the German Government have declared war on the English government. Behold, our "fitna" against the English Government is finished. As the Monsoon wind drives the sand hills of our coast into new forms, so does this this news of German evil-doing drive our hearts and spears into the service of the English Government. The Jubaland Somali are with the English Government. Daily in our mosques we pray for the success of the English armies. Day is as night and night is as day with us until we hear that the English are victorious. God knows the right. He will help the right. We have heard that the Indian Askaris have been sent to fight for us in Europe. Humbly we ask why should not the Somali fight for England also. We beg the Government to allow our warriors to show their loyalty. In former days the Somali tribes made fitna against each other. Even now it is so: it is our custom; yet with the Government against the Germans we are as one, ourselves, our warriors, our women, and our children. By God it is so. A few days ago many troops of the military left this country to eat up the Germans who have invaded our country in Africa. May God prosper them. Yet, Oh Hakim, with all humbleness we desire to beg of the Government to allow our sons and warriors to take part in this great war against the German evildoer. They are ready. They are eager. Grant them the boon. God and Mohammed is with us all. If Government wish to take away all the troops and police from Jubaland, it is good. We pledge ourselves to act as true Government askaries until they return. We humbly beg that this our letter may be place at the feet of our King and Emperor, who lives in England, in token of our loyalty and our prayers.
  12. Gar_maqaate;970363 wrote: If only you people had an ounce of intellectual curiosity then I would really school you on the history of somaliland but you would rather feed on tribal fair tale and half baked mythology. Tallaabo did you know the your colony masters the British didn't not even consider somaliland as a protectorate or the fact they believed that the treaties signed with friendly tribes are legally void? Do you have proof in words that I can a actually reference stating that??
  13. Tallaabo;970373 wrote: There are still some people out there who think Mogadishu has any authority over Somaliland. But like many nations, institutions, and individuals, they will eventually see the reality insha Allah. Mugdisho has little authority in mugdisho without au forces. Let alone another country.
  14. Xisbiyada UCID Iyo WADDANI Oo La Sheegay In 48 Saac Gudahood Ay Kala Saxeexanayaan Heshiish Ka Nixin Doona Xukuumadda. Hargeysa(Ramaas) July23, 2012 - Labada xisbi mucaarad ee WADDANI iyo UCID, ayaa la filayaa inay 48ka saacadood ee soo socda gudahooda ay ku kala saxeexdaan heshiis ku salaysan iskaashi mucaaridnimo iyo in meel looga soo wada jeesto danta iyo maslaxada guud ee qaranka Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland. Ilo-wareedyo lagu kalsoon yahay ayaa warbaahinta u xaqiijiyey in labada guddoomiye ee xisbiyada UCID Eng. Faysal Cali-waraabe iyo WADDANI Md. Cabdiraxmaan Maxamed Cabdillaahi (Cirro) ay si rasmi ah u kala saxeexan doonaan heshiis mucaaridnimo ku dhisan oo la filayo inuu si xooggan uga nixiyo xukuumadda iyo xisbiga talada haya ee KULMIYE. Labada xisbi mucaarad waxay wadahadalka iyo diyaarinta heshiishkooda cusub ee mucaaradnimo u saareen guddi farsamo oo ka kooban lix xubnood oo saddexba dhinac ka socdaan, kuwaasoo la sheegay inay hadda dhammaystireen qodobadda heshiiska rasmiga ah ee UCID iyo WADDANI qallinka ku duugi doonaan 48 saac gudahood (Salaasada maanta amma Arbacada berri), kadib markii wadahadallo si hoose u socday lagu heshiisiiyey labada hoggaamiye xisbi oo muddo dheer fiintu kala dhex miranaysay, kuwaas oo la caddeeyey inay xal buuxa ka gaadheen xurguftii siyaasadeed ee dhexdooda taallay. Xubin ka tirsan guddida lixda ah ee labada xisbi u saareen dhammaysirka heshiiskooda, ayaa sheegtay in heshiisku dhici doono Salaasada maanta amma Arbacada berri, iyadoo labada dhinac ku heshiiyey sidii ay isku kaashan lahaayeen, iyadoo lagu shaqaynayo doorkii mucaaridnimo, danta qarankana meel looga soo wada jeedsan lahaa, WADDANI iyo UCID-na qayb uga qaadan lahaayeen dhismaha iyo horumarinta Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland. Heshiiska sida qorshuhu yahay ay kala saxeexanayaan labada xisbi ee WADDANI iyo UCID oo xafiiltan siyaasadeed hore u dhex yaallay, ayaa u muuqda mid xukuumadda Madaxweyne Siilaanyo iyo xisbiga talada haya ee KULMIYE il-gaar ah ku eegayaan, kaasoo haddii uu si rasmi ah u hirgalo furi doona dagaal siyaasadeed oo ka dhex qarxa iyaga axsaabta mucaaradnimada isugu bahaystay. - See more at:
  15. ^A ten year old child can tell you SOMALILAND is not comparable to Somalia let alone baxbax land etc. Lakin Iska indo tiir waxba kumu Hadin. The first guy made me laugh. Imikana as refugees they use media outlets for cheap political game scoring. SSC dervish banu nahay sheko from miniapolis.
  16. Xaaji Xunjuf;970193 wrote: Tallaabo the other block is caynabo its very safe since when was caynabo not safe? They are not drilling in Buhoodle or eastern sool, mala geogriphiga kugu yara adag. I agree with the xaji this is caynabo and its always been safe and pro SOMALILAND so why not drill.
  17. Percentages: if its good then why not .... Seeps of oil across SOMALILAND even the British wrote about it.
  18. MoonLight1;970108 wrote: you still haven't made up your mind, once you said Somalia will be theirs, and now only Italian Somalia, lol. Garoodi sxb keep your nightmares with the D block. you are a man with inferior complexity issue. For me Somalia is Italian Somalia: never see SOMALILAND as Somalia Maybe you do. The world sees SOMALILAND and Somalia as different even though they don't recognise it. Hense why every major conference has called for the "two to discuss their future relations". When it comes to hag I'm just being honoust: two economic and political forces in east Africa the landers and hag. Two somali political capitals that have any leverage in the world Hargaisa and mugdisho. Saxib if hag fix up Somalia ....I.e Italian Somalia to put it in simple terms to you will be the realm of hag.
  19. malistar2012;970055 wrote: Nuune it feels good that People starting to realize the SNM scam , You have problem with that People in SOMALILAND are content with just being what they are: from Djibouti border to the Somalia border is the realm of SOMALILAND can you prove otherwise? I think you guys are more obsessed with our recognition then we are. You have recognition and yet Africans keep order between you we have a state with no recognition. Alxamdulilah being seperate is out own form of recognition and if anyone tries otherwise it will be a bullet between the eyes like abo siad
  20. MoonLight1;970100 wrote: agree. from Raskamboni to Lowyacade as president Xasan sheekh mentioned on his 26th of june speech. we have no problem with that. Think what you may you know what I'm talking no one cares about Hassan sheick he has to say that hag don't give a d@me about SOMALILAND. Formalities aside hag are united more then ever mugdisho is developing slowly and if they can secure mugdisho and out play the kikuyu worshipers of kismayo they will hold mugdisho and Italian Somalia. D block have nothing left other then two barren regions in Bari and kikuyu servitude in kismayo. From Galkacyo to Kenya will be the hag domain if they can hold mugdisho and develop an army
  21. If hag can secure mugdisho and hold it Somalia is theirs. Hag are more intelligent then the past more unification. Hold mugdisho and develop an army slowly and it will take time.
  22. *ANWAR*;970047 wrote: It hurts you to see Somalia returning hahahahahah I like hag people nothing against them at all. I just watched the video and felt for the poor guy. The hardest job in the world. if Somalia was Dubai it would have no impact politically on SOMALILAND. Plus hag and landers have no animosity.
  23. Ninka wa dacad dee ? He went south because he drunk the somaliweyn coolaid when he got there he realised everyone was dead. Nothing such think as somaliweyn anymore it died in 1991 when the last two states ended the union. Nothing such thing as Somalinimo in Somalia Ethier because they wouldn't be using kikuyu or xabashi on each other to gain leverage over one another. Wake up and smell the coffee.