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Everything posted by Indhoos

  1. Indhoos

    Mother knows best

    Suuq madoow bay ka bilaabi lahaaye iyo Jaad wale nimo.
  2. Subxaanallah. We can go on and say, waa gaalo, yadda, yadda, but something similar happened in Ohio some time ago when a Somali husband became quite anxious about the time his wife spent on somali chat lines. Facebook users please be careful. Laa xowla walaa quwata.
  3. Indhoos

    Aar Maanta

    Love saafi song...aa-haa-haa, I respect the fact that he is not hiacking any old songs.
  4. ^^^You are taking this very personaly...I really loved C&H's intervention techniques and advice, why don't you consider employing similar ones. May be tonight you should earn ajar by helping quiet down those who are making the noise during salah. Talk to them and give them couple of pointers, if they are kids, ask them to help you make sure that all is quiet, shoes lined up properly, lines straight etc...and those who can pray, usher them into lines and tell them to pray, pray, pray... Wa bilaahi towfiiq...
  5. ^^Of course they can go together, I mean look at that, hypnotizing... As for the issue at hand...Stay connected with the kids, make sure to support them, call them, and be civil to the mother.Insha-allah when they are old enough, they will come and find you...unless mom poisons their mind.
  6. Salaams, I actually lose weight during ramadan that I end up looking like, "Qumayo reero laga soo eryay." Mom's words and I eat as much as the rest of the family if not more...What gives?
  7. First of all Congrats SOLers...Mise waa ramadaanta, I am not sure, b/c the lasttime a lady posted a similar thread, people bit chunks off of her. I remember her name was Amina... anywho...OZ-Girl, have patience b/c there is a very good chance that you have not met the right one yet. In the meantime you will keep finding faults at every gentleman you meet like sis KK mentioned, but once the right one show will try, but fail continously to find faults in him. What your experiencing happens and believe me, you are not alone or crazy and there is nothing wrong with you. So just look around and you will know once Mr. Right knocks on your door...prior to that you will end up breaking numerous hearts, but oh well.... Afur wanaagsan all
  8. "I'm always slightly terrified when I exit out of Word and it asks me if I want to save any changes to my ten page research paper that I swear I did not make any changes to." HEAR, HEAR. The only time I look forward to a red light is when I’m trying to... stuff my face with food before getting to work late. "Sometimes I'll look down at my watch 3 consecutive times and still not know what time it is." The person who asked me the time ends up asking me three more times, b/c I keep coming back with a blank stare and huh? LOL...Thank you for sharing this.
  9. Originally posted by Farancab: Sadex waa maahir sadex baase u miciin ah sadex baase ka macaan sedex baanse waxba uga ool. Mugdi waa maahir cadaase u miciin ah maalin baase ka macaan waxanase waxba uga ool nin indha la Abaari waa maahir doog base u miciin ah cows baase ka macaan waxaana waxba uga ool nin aan waxba haysan Colaadi waa maahir waanwaan baase u miciin ah nabad baase ka macaan waxaanay waxba uga ool nin dhintay ( isagu tage ama ha la heshiiyo ama ha la is laayee) -Macalin Dhoore Maahir macnee fadlan...Mahadsanid
  10. You made behave like a flipping hyena. *droonling over the combination on the plate*
  11. Forget this, Maalin walba ma qoomiyad baan marna ka dhaaran marna u dhaaran? I think farta soomaliga latinka waxaa la aas-aasay lixdan iyo labadii waxaana la aqbalay lixdan-iyo-sagaalkii .
  12. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: Indhoos..Could it the cops were checking and keeping an eye on these guys or do they actually conspired as being alleged.If they had something to do with situation, they must be fired! Actually conspiracy ma'ahan, they are carrying them because they can and "Police say officers had peaceful conversations with some protesters whom police were expected to carry weapons at the protest but also knew they intended no harm." halkan ka eeg Waa meel laga falan yahay.
  13. They said it was set up...They showed the armed men meeting with the police prior to the demo.
  14. Waar ma waalateen? Nimanka caloosha kuusane, lugaha miiqanood moodo digagad balaashii dib loo qabtay...markaasay suunkana meel hoose intey ka xirtaan baad naxdin la ordisaa...shaqfur dheh...Now calool on a female, hmmmm.... So JB waaxay bar go'u, dhamee sheekada, mise waxaad kasoo xigatay kuwa sheekooyinkaas netka lacagta kaga raadiya? Wait it is coming un bay guraan...
  15. Geel Jire, so it is convenience for you right instead of inconveniencing you? Allamagan, True our everyday life is much easier, but what is the cost? Money wise as well as non-monetary factors. I can no longer memorize phone numbers, and prior to cell phones era I knew my friends and their friends phone numbers. JB, so we are forced to be slaves to technology for it is constantly evolving. Siren, you said that you live without them, yet you find everyday activities to be bit jumbled and unpredictable without the magic toys. Rudy, Good for you. GG, It is 95, I need to have my lifting belt on when carry it and bend from the knees to haul it out of the bag, but it works just fine. Why I like it better than the newer ones. Juxa, you have two now? Why nine monthskii maa ka aaroosaa? Lol Blessed also said it is a convenience, right? But you can live without it, Despite memory woes, do you think it contributes to your forgetfulness? So, we all think that they made life a lot more easier and heck yeah, we can live without them, but I bet if it came down to it, we won’t be able to, b/c we are forced to use them even if we choose not to. The whole world is revolving around and I am afraid that young children will no longer learn to write legibly using a pen and paper, because it is way easier to type on a computer. Just a thought…
  16. The cops comment, they did not use them, so we did not have to arrest anyone and all of the weapons are legal...I felt like inaan Somalia dhex joogo for goodness sake...
  17. ^^^I drive 1992 Honda sounds like the channel four news chopper, but so what? I just need to fix the tail-pipe and in the meantime, the neighbors are getting free wake-up call service. I spend about five dollars per week.
  18. ^^^Alla stop dissing my beloved Dino (short for dinosaur). I meant 1995... The lovely USBs, What if you were to loose it? I pray that you don't, walaahi... Maskax fuundaa along with induced laziness...Gambaleel ka xitaa waa laga wahsanaa haye? Alla Hooyooy!
  19. ^^Taa layskuma hayo bro...but can you live without your magic toys?
  20. ^^^lol...I was hoping the undergarmnts one will come first, but oh well.
  21. Good Day SOLers, I was thinking about the new obsession with gadgets and technology. Five years ago, cell/mobile phones were rare and most people did not have one, yet today, almost all of us will go into a panic attack if we leave it at home for couple of hours. What is it that will happen as soon as we leave it at home NOW that was not happening back when we did not have cell phones? We are not able to write e-mails lately, let alone letters, the question is always, "what's your cell number?" Not only that, but we are brainwashed to upgrade constantly. Just the other day, I pulled out my 1995 dell laptop from my bag and a co-worker was beside himself, he exclaimed, "Oh my god! That thing needs to be in a museum!" :mad: :mad: No it does not! It works perfectly fine, it has windows XP, USP Port, not to mention one for floppy disks, it has a Ethernet port as well as a wireless chip, So I am happy with it. Yes they still make floppy disks and NO! I don't need to replace my cell phone, despite the fact that I have to use both hands to hold it against my ear; Why it works perfectly fine as well. I mean I can hear a dial tone, then dial the number I need to call and I can also hear the person on the other end just fine, so no need to replace it. Don't get me started on what else is out there, I mean if you look at all the things that are labeled necessary and all the ones that are labeled hazardous, it is amazing humans have survived with or without to this far. So dear SOLers, what is your take on all of these gadgets, granted most of them make life easier, but do you think you will be able to make it without the beloved gadgets and without upgrading constantly? :mad: Just a thought, all onions are welcome…..Thank you in advance. PS. If you are about to ask me what is the point of this question, I will tell you that you are transgressing against my right to a fulfilling rant.
  22. I went to a meeting maalin dhexdaasa and this new "Somali Heesaa" was invited there as well. There were Ajanabi and Somalis and all kinds of people at the place. After the qudbado ended, he was welcomed to the mic and he said he was going to sing a classic calan song....He Started singing Calankaagu waa hibo Sharaf kugu Hagoogane, Off key, the tune was off, The cod was similar to cabaad... I became embrassed and was trying hard not to cover my ears...I looked at my dhinac and saw my younger brother, I laughed, b/c the poor guy was covering his eyes to escape the ceeb and chanting "Oh god, someone stop him." Well they were able to get the auto-tune going and it started sounding slighlty bearable....but walaahi if I were standing close enough I would have dharbaax him for killing a favorite classis.
  23. Indhoos

    Online Dating

    arabs are blacks?