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Everything posted by Dalmar1

  1. Almost everyone is wondering why the mucaarad haven't brought this question of Tigrey-SNA story to ex-pm Hasan Ali kheir who is one of the mucaarad council. If this was true they mucaarad should have brought forward their quiete man Hasan Ali kheire, his silence here tells a story.
  2. Shariif need to know that antagonizing half of the country with his constant dagaal hanjabad won't help his cause in ruling this country. How is he (shariif) supposed to rule this country Somalia as President when almost all of Somalis view him as qaswade/spoiler, it's clear that not my President will be the slogan when he declares himself President.
  3. His term was extended when they met in Uganda for the Kampala Accord, Uganda only had one condition for the extended year and it was for the pm then Farmaajo to be expelled which sheikh Shariif was very happy to comply, thus he fired his then PM Farmaajo. So today the tables are turned and he sheikh Shariif is the one who's screaming murder for an term not even reached yet be Farmaajo let alone extending yet. The problem with Shariif is that he's a reer baadiy with unaka leh mentality.
  4. It looks apperant that Sheikh Shariif wont stop until he expels Pres.Farmaajo like he expelled former President Abdulahi yuusuf, walahi siyaasada Xamar is becoming too repetitive around beesha anuka leh.
  5. I'm not surprised here to be honest because reer Jowhar are well known to please reer Garowe when it comes to doing their bidding. Some even say that reer Garowe are their overlords ever since Ali Mahdi era , so reer Somaliland need to prepare for the worst with these folks in power as they will signs all there is for Puntland.
  6. Waraabe responded https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1103948916685318
  7. Masha'Allah and Hambalyo to reer D&M ee Galmudug.
  8. Instead of blame gaming each other sxbyaal, will Someone here Please tell me the reason why both States reneged against Seychelles?
  9. Dalmar1


    Elders speaking out against Puntland https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=720285988769208 and here is an MP speaking against Puntland slaughtering reer ****
  10. Dalmar1


    Beesha *** oo eedeyn culus u jeedisay Puntland iyo xiisad ka taagan Gaalkacyo By Zahra Axmed Gacal July 11, 2020 in Warar Gaalkacyo (Caasimada Online) – Kadib markii dagaal culus uu xalay iyo saakaba waqooyiga magaalada Gaalkacyo ku dhex maray ciidamada ammaanka Puntland iyo koox la sheegay inay ka ganacsanayeen maan-dooriyaha ayaa waxaa si adag dagaalkaas uga hadlay odyaasha mid ka mid ah beelaha dega deegaanada Puntland. Odayaasha iyo waxgaradka beesha *** oo shir jaraa’id ku qabtay waqooyiga magaalada Gaalkacyo ayaa sheegay in iska hor-imaadka ka dhacay xaafadda Garsoor ee magaalada Gaalkacyo uu ahaa mid lagu beegsaday dad rayid ah oo beeshooda ka soo jeeda, isla markaana dadka ku dhintay ay u badnaayeen culumo. “Waxaan hor taaganahay dadkeenii dhibaatadu gaartay, si aan u dhowrno danda dadka reer Mudug, waxaana nahay beesha *** waxaan u sheegeynaa maamulka Puntland iyo cid kasta oo daneyneysa nabada in falkii xalay ka dhacay Gaalkacyo uu ahaa mid ka duwan sida loo sheegay” waxaa sidaas yiri mid ka mid ah waxgaradkii warbahinta la hadlay. “Xaafada Garsoor ciidamo Puntland ka tirsanbaa weerar ku soo qaaday dadkii deganaa oo dhan mandooriye ayaa lagu magacaabay, waxaana lagu burburiyey guryihii iyo dadkii deganaa halkaas, markaasbaa la leeyahay maandooriye ayaa laga hor tegay, sida loo dhigay maahane waa sidaan u sheegeyno” ayuu yiri mid ka mid ah odayaashii warbaahinta la hadlay. Sidoo kale waxay beeniyeen in kooxo Khamriga ka ganacsada ay ku jireen xaafadda la weeraray, iyagoo xusay in dadka iska hor-imaadkii xalay ku dhintay ay ahaayeen culimo iyo aqoon-yahanno xaafadda deganaa. Xunahan ayaa dowlad goboleedka Puntland ka dalbaday in jawaab iyo raali gelin deg deg ah ay ka bixiso dhibkii loo geystay dadkooda, sida ay hadalka u dhegeen. Sidoo kale waxay carabka ku adkeeyeen inay nabadda ka shaqeynayaan oo aysan dooneyn in dhib dambe ka dhaco magaalada Gaalkacyo iyo guud ahaanba gobolka Mudug.
  11. Dalmar1


    Galdogob Wadaad who was killed by reer Pirate Pirate police who killed him who looks like the alcoholic here you decide, AUN to the Le.ekase who died.
  12. SFG deserves all the Credit indeed, and horta when will your crusade against Galmudug Folks end, 24 saac baa waxa laa taagantahay cuqdad, perhaps we should give you an reer Mududg woman to soften up your nightmarish days of the 90s Halyeey Ina Caydiid.
  13. Well Said Galbeedi, these Ahlu-suufis were nothing but a charlatan, thanks to Allah that they have been dismantled as they have caused enough Fitnah.
  14. About time Ahlu-sunnah has been dismantled, now these 2 should answer for their criminal activities and then be executed for their crimes.
  15. That photo was taken last year, these reer gedo are desperate with their full of lies and delusions.
  16. Sxb MMA, i like you as an individual, you are a man of worthy Principe, but laakin you need to change your all loving, turining the other cheeck for failed leaders like farmaajo, and start holding them accountable. My stance was always the same, im an straight-shooter that is against any fake leader that represents Somalia's highest office under hypocrisy, this failed current President Farmaajo is literally an criminal (Qalbi-dhagax, and Baidhoba fiasco) with countless bloods on his hand, and yet folks like you support him blindly, i at least supported Xaaf because he was an stable and peace leaning President for the Central Region's Galmudug State, so when Xaaf is compared to Farmaajo its like comparing any western Democratic President with the Middle Eastern wannabe Dictators who abuse their citizens right, just as farmaajo abused your folks rights in Baidhoba killingcountless using Ethiopia Tank as he installed his Nephew Puppet Lafta-Gareen. I guess after all this discussuin its clear that Mudane Oodweyne is right, that some folks do indeed have Low-Born Mentality that just happily and Easily accept Subjugation like the Bay and Bakool folks that are Resident Member Mudane Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar represents. I guess some were born to be ruled as slaves, citizens and aspiring rulers.
  17. Adiga always come with Caay/Insults, whenever someone with an intellect faces you, you begin to sprout insults like an child who wont get its way, sxb chill out and talk like an adult, starting with stopping the petty insults like ''Sewage-dweller'' or your favourite insult against me ''Isbaaro crew'' etc.... you sound petty in all sense. Back to topic, whats happening in Galmudug is exactly by fact explained by Mudane OOdweyne, that the Failed Farmaajo is having difficulties parachuting in his man into Galmudugs Presidency just as he succeeded in Bay and Bakool. Failed Farmaajo has been struggling in Galmudug for almost a year, just understanding the Basics of Galmudug has been difficult for N&N, its been almost 7 months since the Election in Galmudug was due yet no success for N&N yet, but since we all know Who live in Galmudug Beesha Iljeex it wont be as easy as it was in the Bay iyo Bakool, the joke fest of a state called Bay iyo Bakool has been subjected to farmaajos whim ever since he was elected President for Somalia, Baidhoba is the playground for every Somalia's Presidents. So MMA, Instead of focusing on the puppet Lafta-Gareen you and your ilks of Bay and Bakool tend to focus on matters of unconcern such as that of in Somaliland, Mogadishu and even Galmudug, so forgodsake focus on your rotten Bay and Bakool before all hand and mind your business. #GalmudugIsNotBayAndBakool
  18. Your cuqdad for Beesha Galmudug is very clear and noticeable, so take a chill pill and relax, as for the terrorists i can only say that its the fault of the incompetent President farmaajo for not taking the fight to alshabaab terrorists in their Headquarters in Bay and Bakool where all the alshabaab upto 99% come from. So MMA Instead of focusing on these Honourable MPs perhaps you should focus on your cousins in Bay and Bakool from committing atrocious terrorism wanton murders in Mogadishu, every bombings comes from Bay and Bakool.
  19. It seems that you too have noticed, that he goes full on retardical about how great Farmaajo is, then ends with ''O yeah, Kenya won and Somalia loses its Ocean''. Farmaajo is an hypocrite and a traitor to Somalia, and no matter how much the yar-yars paint him as an hero, farmaajo is an Khaa'in -alwadan, end off.
  20. President Farmaajo ignores their tuugnimo, in the hopes that reer Unaka Leh dont turn their eyes on him, he is allowing this theft and looting that occurs on the Somali Citizens simply because he is afraid of their wrath. Madaxweynaha waa inuu ku qasbaa la xisaabtanka kuwan tuugadahan ku nool caasimada
  21. This is disgusting and clannish act, no wonder Farmaajo is the most hated President ever in Somalia. This amateur qabyaalist Farmaajo is so intend on making more enemies for himself, him taking a picture with an convicted war criminal is an spit on the faces of innocent victims who died mercilessly by the murderer Tuke and his group. Farmaajo overall is an disgraceful President, instead of reconciling he stirs up more hate in Somalia especially for our northern Somali brothers.
  22. Lakin wey dil badanyiin, iska ilaali waryaa, Ha.wiye haa isku gafin inta xamar aad joogtid adiga oo marti ah.
  23. Kheyre is wasting his time, his Dayniile folks have the smallest mps in Somalia With just 7mps (while Farmaajos folks have 14mps), and at the other side of the spectrum you have Beesha Hiraabs with 37mps, plus their allies Beesha Madobe being 12 and many other allying MPs that will give Ahmed Fiqi like in 2016 election an overwhelming 97mps. So having counted the statical MPs one need to win I can safely say that both Farmaajo and Kheyre won't be seen come 2020s election simply due to having low counts of MPs. BTW, it was Fiqi that installed Farmaajo as President as it was he that brought 90+ mps to swing vote Farmaajo over President HSM, he since then has regreted that because of farmaajo renegaded the promise deal they had.