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Everything posted by Dalmar1
Sxb Galbeedi if what you say is true and it happens, what do you think will be the outcome after 10 years in the referendum, will the Somalia Galbeed (Somaliland) vote to break away, and will it be a referendum for all Somalis in Somalia or just those in Somaliland (Hargeisa,burco,berbera)???? Thanks sxb for answering it!
Authorities in Somalia’s semi-autonomous region of Puntland say that dozens of troops loyal to the self-declared state of Somaliland have surrendered to them. The mayor of Armo district of Bari region, Ibrahim Shire – where the troops had arrived- told the media that at least 60 men have surrendered themselves and their weapons from the breakaway region. He did not say what the authorities were planning to do about them. The troops have been reported to be based in Sanaag region, one of the disputed provinces between Puntland and Somaliland. ‘’ We were heavily armed in order to kill our people and we couldn’t accept o do such things, we decided to reunite with our people,’’ said one of the Soldiers who surrendered. Their surrender comes as military tensions between both sides increased in the last weeks, after Somaliland deployed its troops to Sool- one of also the disputed regions- and captured Taleh district, but they withdrew after facing protests from the local residents. Puntland Government warned Somaliland over its provocation and said that it will take the ‘‘necessary actions’’. Last month, President Silanyo paid a surprise visit to the port town of Lasqoray , which lies on the Red sea and under goes Sanag region. His visit was coincided with the assassination of Puntland commander of forces in Galgala mountains late Col Jama Said Warsame, who was killed in a highway ambush. Al-Shabaab claimed the responsibility of the assassination. Puntland leader Abdiweli Gaas accused Somaliland of financing and training the al-Shabab militants hiding in Galgala mountain ranges and said that they got ‘’evidences’’ proving the link and will pass it to the International Community. But Somaliland denied the allegations. Troops from both entities have clashed over disputed borderlands in the past.
Shame on snmland not only they are terrorist ashabaab supporters and sympathisers, but they also shoot and kill unarmed civilians, la hawla wala quwata, how low can they fall!?!?!??!!!!
Ciidammo ka goostay Somaliland oo Maanta isku dhiibay Maamulka Puntland Isniin, Abriil 21, 2014 (HOL) — Maamulka Puntland ayaa sheegtay maanta inay isku soo dhiibeen tiro ka tirsan ciidamada Somaliland, kuwaasoo tiradooda lagu sheegay 60-askari oo watay hubkooda. Guddoomiyaha degmada Carmo ee gobolka Bari, Ibraahim Shire ayaa sheegay in ciidamadan ay xiriir lasoo sameeyeen, waxayna ahaayeen 60-askari oo wata hubkooda, Puntland ayayna soo galeen. “Ciidamadan waxaa saldhig u ahayd gobolka Sanaag, halkaasoo ah deegaan ay ku muransan yihiin maamullada Puntland iyo Somaliland,” ayuu yiri Shire oo aan sheegin qorshaha dowladda ee ku aaddan ciidamadan u soo goostay Puntland. Mid ka mid ah ciidamada kasoo goostay Somaliland ee galay Puntland ayaa u sheegay warbaahinta in maamulka Somaliland ay amar ku siiyeen inay dilaan dadkooda, iyaguna ay go’aansadeen inay soo galaan Puntland. “Waxaanu ahayn ciidammo aad u hubeysan, waxaa nala siiyay amar ahaa inaan dadkeenna dilno, innaguna taas waan diidnay, markaas kaddibna waxaanu ku gaarnay go’aan inaan soo goosanno,” ayuu yiri askarigan ka tirsan ciidamada soo goostay. Arritan ayaa kusoo beegmaysa iyadoo dhawaan ay ciidamada Somaliland qabsadeen degmada Taleex oo xarun u ah maamulka Khaatumo, inkastoo ay isaga baxeen maalin kaddib. Sidoo kale, waxay goosashada ciidamada Somaliland ee maanta ay imaanaysaa iyadoo bishii lasoo dhaafay uu madaxweynaha Somaliland, Axmed Siilaanyo iyo wafdi uu hoggaaminayo ay booqdeen degmada Laasqoray, degmadaas oo ka mid ah kuwa ay ku muran yihiin Puntland iyo Somaliland. Ma jiro hadal weli kasoo baxay maamulka Somaliland oo ku saabsan ciidamada maanta ka goostay dhinacooda ee galay Puntland, iyadoo aysan tani ahayn markii ugu horreysay oo ciidammo ka goostay Somaliland ay galaan Puntland. Maxamed X. Xuseen, Hiiraan Online maxuseen@hiiraan.com Muqdisho, Soomaaliya
<cite> @SomaliPhilosopher said:</cite> Dalmar you are just as bad as CidanSultan. Enough. I will let you guys hate each other in harmony. Sxb i'm sorry, i promise i shall refrain myself from now, and if i do transgress then let me know so i may stop brother!
<cite> @Mooge said:</cite> ^^hahaha. Hawdian niyoow integrated as in marrying madow? go to east africa niyoow and see what is happening. walaahi the labor slaves the British brought from Somaliland are the poorest and "most integrated" in all the Somalis because they mixed with the locals so much that you can't even recognized them in places like tanzania which I visited. They have no businesses to speak highly of (except few) and are bad shape economically and politically (all politics is dominated by other Somalis). forget Kenya, go to even tanzania and they are known as the cow herderds because they all have cows in small villages while most Somalis run huge businesses stretching from Kenya all the way to South Africa. if i were you, I wouldn't brag about "integrated" because that will hit your ilk hard. lool. I too have been to Kenya and Tanzania, wallahi the richest 2 were Habr G(angsters) and reer eagle,s but the richest man in Tanzania was an HAG from the reer Beledweyne which was worth 1.7B. anyway the snm are known not to have any business enterprises anywhere besides having only Amina (which i think is from reer snm, not sure though) and Dhabshiil (even though HAG's Albarakat was ten times richer, until shut down by USA). Go to UAE, Egypt,Uganda,Qatar,Tanzania,Rwanda,Oman,Both sudan's and Kenya (also known as little Mogadishu), and you will come to know HAG has Hge Economic Business presence as No.1 in Somalis! AS an example of HAGS superiority over other Somalis in terms of Economic and business, look and compare This three villages of Burco,Hargeisa and Berbera which all had 23 years of Peace and stability which remains dusty,waterless and no all round electricity and paved roads, and which in all has been surpassed by Xamar within 2 years of Peace!
United Nations "The Security Situation In Mugdisho Getting Worse"...
Dalmar1 replied to CidanSultan's topic in Politics
<cite> @CidanSultan said:</cite> Moqadisho (BurcoOnline) 21.04.2014 Danjire Nicholas Kay ayaa cadeeyay inay Qaramada Midoobay dib u qiimayn ku samaynayso joogitaankeeda magaalada Muqdisho ee Somaliya, ka dib markii ay xaaladaha amni sii xumaadeen. Danjire Nicholas Kay, oo u waramay xarunta Janes.com, wuxuu ka hadlay sida ay muhiimka u tahay inuu la joogo shaqaalihiisa ku sugan Muqdisho oo ah magaalo colaadeed "Haddii aad masuul ka tahay badbaadada iyo amniga meel kasta oo ay 100 ilaa 200 oo qof joogaan, hoggaamiye ahaan masuuliyadaadu waa inaad la joogto. Waxa sidoo kale muhiim ah muuqaalka guud ee ay bixinaysaana inuu yahay inaanu halkan [Muqdisho] joogno, oo aanaan cabsoonayn, diyaarna u ahayn inaanu yaacno.” Ayuu yidhi Kay. Hase yeeshe, haddana Danjire Kay, , wuxuu sheegay in xaaladaha amni ee Muqdisho ee sii xumaanayaa ay sababayaan inay dib u qiimayn ku sameeyaan joogitaankooda Muqdisho, taas oo ay macnaheedu tahay inay surutogal tahay inay Qaramada Midoobay dib uga guurto magaalada Muqdisho oo ay ku soo deg degtay. Wuxuu dib u qiimayntooda sabab uga dhigay weeraro dhawr ah oo ka dhacay magaaladaas kuwaas oo uu ka mid ahaa qarax la hagayay oo bishii Febarwari lala beegsaday kolonyo Qaramada Midoobay ka tirsan oo ay ku dhinteen toddoba ka mid ahi, weerarkii lagu soo qaaday xaruntooda Muqdisho iyo kuwo kale. Mr. Kay, wuxuu sheegay in xidhiidhkii Somaliya Iyo Itoobiya uu u muuqdo inuu soo wanaagsanaanayo, isagoo sheegay inay masuuliyiinta Itoobiyaanu dhawr goor u sheegeen sida ay muhiimka u tahay inay dawladda dhexe la wareegto maamulka deegaanada ay ka qabsadeen Al-Shabaab. "Xidhiidh dhow oo koraya ayaa ka dhex muuqda Somalida iyo Itoobiya.” Ayuu yidhi Mr. Kay. Qaramada Midoobay iyo wadamada reer galbeedka ayaa hore si indho la’aan ah u soo degay magaalada Muqdisho iyagoo aan hubsan ammaankeeda. Talaabadan ayaa haddii ay Qaramada Midoobay qaado oo ay dib uga guurto magaalada Muqdisho waxa ay dhaawac u gaysan doontaa kalsoonida dawladda Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud ee caalamka, oo marka horeba ay bulshada caalamku ku tilmaantay mid bilaa awood ah The Key word in this published article is; (BurcoOnline),.......did we really expect an unbiased article from reer SNM than there usual twist and turned biased article! -
Sxb Somaliland and puntland can secede for all we HAG care, but Galkacyo up to Kismayo belongs to DF in Xamar, and I suggest the two landers up north secede before its too late, as the SFG is gaining in momentum (in terms of Diplomatic, political, economical and militarily) alarmingly everyday! In short, Pack up and Leave before its too late!
Dr.kenny if that was the case, Somaliland would have long been a Recognised State! Hey sxb didnt you hear what P/hassan said in his first months when he was new, he said that Somaliland and Puntland is not of mine concern and they can control themselves for all they want, but from Galkacyo up to Kismayo is the responsibility of Xamar and shall forever be under our Xamar control be! Ayway please (i speak for all HAG "Maybe 70%") do leave now and become a state before its too late and the SFG becomes stronger than it is now, then you and others have way no CHANCE to leave let alone exist as a gobolaad maamul! Horta about puntland having all the institution to be a state, didnt your so called president declare puntland is Bankrupt,and the year income will be less then 30Million dollar???????!!!!
sxb galbeedi i met Qeybdiid, wallahi he's the most paranoid and hateful man i've ever met, he truly believes that D-block is the root problem of Somalia, 24Hours he was ''this ---, and that---- about the D-block. Galbeedi, the reason i mentioned his crimes (which is out in the open anyway) is to let these children (Dr.osman and such) see the kind of Evil man Qeybdiid is, and who they are dealing with!,.....i support that all Criminal Warlords face the Court, and i rephrase ALL CRIMINALS! Puntland is now having trouble now with only S- OF HG, now imagine if Qeybdiid succeeds in Uniting HG of Sac-Sal-Cer (ahlu sunnah)-Saru& Dudub into greater Galmudug, yep a big Problem for Puntland!
The most scariest of all, is this Hell (HAG) Hound Mungaab, Look behind him, all Il'jeexs Habr-gangstersUSC's! The days of HAG internal war is finished, aideed's side has won, our man MUNGAAB our man is cleaning Xamar by removing all anti-Habr Gangesters elements district mayors and putting a Damul'jadiid loyalists aka Habr gangsters loyalists! and outside of Xamar, same-thing is being implemented in removing anti-HAG elements, latest was in Balcad (where the Mayor refused to Pay Heavy Tax towards beesha Mogadishu, he's been captured and he's family has been ----- set as an example to other beesha HAG that dont comply with the NEW BLOODS!
Dr.osman im tired listening to your ''make belief'' rant of how geedi,badiyow,abdiqaybdid,ximin iyo xeeb are agents of Puntland and SAHAL! waryaada, you have to know that President Hassan is a smart man with a clear tactical PLAN, anyone including you can see if you would open your eyes for it. GEEDI and Badiyow are in the process of being named an Ambassadors for abroad, and as for Qaybdiid he is in preparation of assimilating Ximan iyo Xeeb into his greater Galmudug where it then will unite with Hiiran,and S/dhexe! sxb dont you know that Qaybdiid with the help of SFG (through wasiir Guleed) has propped his military in terms of Weapons and Arms, all this has put fear on Puntland, that Galmudug is preparing an Heavy surprise assault on Puntland while its busy on its SSC regions! Sxb DR, wasiir Guuleed with SFG had an agreement with SNM crew that the Northern Somalia belongs to them and South belongs to USC, and the problem to this plan/agreement is Puntland,.....so whats the Solution to this problem, well its easy Attack Puntland from both Side from SSC and Mudug by the two Maamuls while SFG remains in Clean Hands! Abduweli of Puntland went to Qeybdiid (according to my father who's in Galmudug, who was presence in that Shir) was to beg not to attack Puntland while they are in war with Somaliland in SSC provinces! LOOK AT HIS FACE (the same man who slaughtered in 1994 500+ p/landers by burying them alive in Mudug) does he look like he's under Puntland......he conquered Mudug,nugaal and Bari in the 90's under the command of aideed, if he conquered once he can do it can again under a legitimate GOVERMENT and no HAG internal war like 90's As for President Hassan, he's buying time in strengthening its Government in terms of politics,diplomatic,militarily and ECONOMICALLY! And waryaa for god-sake, dont you realise the reason P/hassan allowed S/hoose to be part of Baydhabo is to legitimatise HAG's Presence in the future 6 region state!,.....like Xaaji habaar said P/Hassan's strategy is to let the status quo continue in Kismayo and overall in Somalia, while he's building his economy, military and diplomatic!
anyway the true motives of weli going to qeybdiid, is nothing else but to beg! he's begging qeybdiid not to invade mudug and nugaal when the war between the p/landers and snm boys begin in SSC!,...... he's asking qeybdiid's assurance for staying neutral and nothing else!
,....... waryaada, stop joking, we all know who the boss is based on actual records and history, this weli cant even subdue snm boys, and yet dr.osman wants us to think weli has the famed commander of USC under his weak paws! sxb lets put the joke aside, this qeybid is composed like a true leader, bearing in mind a 2 decade ago he slaughtered an 500 p/landers in galckayo andd nugaal within a single "1" day! again;
<cite> @Dr_Osman said:</cite> dalmar 300k and 2.1 million what is there to fight? maybe send them a jilib kkkk La hawla wala quwada waryaa stop talking this nonsense of how big and strong Puntland is, because its all empty talk, as you know Somaliland occupies huge harti land that Puntland claims!!! So if you guys are what you DR claim then why is Puntland not getting its lands back from Somaliland????
DR if that's the case why didn't Puntland liberate SSC from snm crew that is still occupying it up to this day???? Waryaadaa fulinimada isk dhaya, and fight them off your lands!!
It's funny with all this under presumed land of Puntland it will be the Somaliland that will get it as it soon will be their land after they partake the invasion of buuhodle and taleex that is under way! Puntland is talking big with no action while only focusing on Jubaland which is a land far from them, while their immediate neighbour Somaliland sharpening their knife for the upcoming invasion. http://harowo.com/maamulka-sland-oo-isku-diyaariyay-weerar-ka-dhan-ah-taleex-iyo-buuhoodle-saacadaha-soo-socda-coming-soon/
Republic Of Somaliland President Takes Evening Stroll To Hotel
Dalmar1 replied to CidanSultan's topic in Politics
Waxaa Magaalada Buuhoodle Shir Jaraa,id Ku Qabtay Masuul Katirsanaa Maamulka Garoowe Kana soo Jeeda Deegaanka Buuhoodle oo Xilkaasi Iska Casilay Kuna Soo Biiray Maamulka Khaatumo. Buraale Jaamac Fagadhe, Oo Maamulka Cabdiweli Gaas Ugu Magacoownaa Gudoomiye Ku Xigeenka Gobolka Cayn Ayaa Ku Dhawaaqay Iscasilaadiisa Isagoona Haatan Usoo Noqday Shacabkiisa Iyo Maamulka Khaautmo. Wuxuu Daboolka ka Qaaday Arimo Xasasi Ah oo Kataagan Magaalada Garoowe, Islamarkaana Wuxuuna Xubnaha Kasoo Jeeda Beelaha Khaatumo Dhibaatada Ku Haysata Maamulkaasi Garoowe. Maaha Masuulkii Ugu Horeeyey Ee Kasoo Goosta Maamulada Hargeysa Iyo Garoowe Isla Markaana Isu Soo Dhiiba Maamulka Khaatumo State OF Somalia
Rasaas la sheegay in uu riday Tabaariga Maxamed Ducaale oo ah ninkii hore rasaata ula beegsaday Xildhibaan Maxamed Faarax Qabiile ayaa keentay dhimashada hal ruux oo haweena oo magaceeda lagu sheegay Xamda Cilmi iyo dhaawaca wiil uu dhalay Xildhibaan Maxamed Faarax Qabiile oo lagu magacaabo Sacad Maxamed Faarax. Tabaariga Maxamed Ducaale oo maalmahan udabeeyay kusugnaa magaalada berbera ayaa la sheegay in uu Xalay fiidkii weerar ku qaaday meherad ay haystaan caruurta uu dhalay Xildhibaan Maxamed Faarax Qaabile oo kutaala Suuqa garanwaaga ee berbera. Ninkan dilkan gestay ayaa wararka la xidhiidhaa sheegayaan in uu watay baabuur Crown ah oo uu leeyahay Wasiir kuxigeenka Arimaha gudaha ee dhinac amniga maamulka S/land Cabdillahi Abokor Cismaan oo horena loogu xidhiidhinayay in uu ugu adeegsaday ninkan Xildhibaan Maxamed Faarax Qabiile. Arintaan ayaa waxay dhalisay Xiisad Balaadhan waxaana Sidoo Si ba’an uga hadlay Xisbiga UCID ee Faysal Cali Waraabe HALKAN HOOS KA DAAWO
Warar goordhaw naga Soo Gaadhay Magaalada Burco Waxay Sheegayaan Inay Gordhow Xildhibaan ka Tirsan Baralmaanka maamulka labaxay Soomaaliland lagu diley halka kadib Markii nin Shacab Ah Uu Ugu yaraan 5 jeer Mindi kaga Dhugtay wadnaha Iyo Halbowlayaasha. Wararka Ayaa U Sheegay alldhacdo.com inuu Isagoo sakarada Gordhow Loola Cararay magaalad isbitaalku yaalo Iyadoona Ilaa hada la Ogayn Ninkasi Sababta Uu ku Diley Ninkani Xildhibanka Barlamaanka Maamulka Ahaa Oo ku Sugnaa Magalaagadaasi baryahii Ugu danbeyey. Xildhibaanka Oo lagu magacabo jamac xasan aadan Ayaa Loola Cararay isbitaalka Iyadoona Xaladiisa cafimad tahay Mid aad U Liidatad Sida wararka Sheegayaan,Oo Uu Ninkaasi Goobaha Hal bowlayaasha Iyo Qatarta Uu kala Eeganayey Isagoo maraya Afka Hore Ee masajidka Badha Badha.
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