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Everything posted by Dalmar1
Galbeed sxb, your words wallahi touched my hearts! If only we had leaders like you.
Deg Deg Dawladda Jabuuti Oo Shaacisay In Wiilkii iyo Gabadhii Isku Qarxiyay Dalkoda Laga Soo Diray Hargaysa? Waxaa Caawa Si Buuxda Dawladda Jabuuti Uu Shaacisay In Wiil iyo Gabadh Dhawaan Isku Qarxiyay Dalka Jabuuti Laga Soo Diray Magaalada Hargaysa Ee Xarunta Maamulka SNM ee Somaliland Taliyaha pooliska Dalka Jabuuti ayaa Shaaciyay In Baadhitan Dheer Kadib Lagu Guulaystay Halka ay Ka yimaaden Labadan Qof Ee Naftood Hurayasha ahaa Ee Isku Qarxiyay Dalka Jabuuti Taliyaha ayaa sheegay In Ay Ku Koren Hargaysa Ku dhashen Hargaysa Lagana Soodiray Hargaysa Arintan ayaa Ku Soo Begmasa Xili Mudooyinkan ay Soo Badanaayeen Eedaynta Ah In Maamulka SNM Ee Somalilad Gacan saar Laleeyahay Dagaal yahanada Al-shabab
<cite> @Dr_Osman said:</cite> I think somalis should think twice before electing arab funded somali parties, we know full well arabs want a centralised somalia and it will do no favors but keep federalism stalled or problems created in order to justify a change of direction. For example I am horrified to see a heavy islamist based cabinet in PL, we got minister of federal affairs, education, health, justice full blown islamist of al-ictisaam which is a wing of the muslim brotherhood similar to jadiid which is another wing of the muslim brotherhood. The Muslim brotherhood was created in EGYPT which is a centralized state and wants the same for Somalia. That's why we should always be wearing of these muslim brotherhood based parties. For example have u guys noticed the heavy involvement of turkey in mogadishu and nowhere else? is it a simple coincidence that erdogan party is muslim brotherhood based? he did the same thing in egypt, he went there to back the muslim brotherhood, u think his not doing the same thing in somalia, of course he is but his using soft diplomacy ie; development to jadiid mogadishu in order whisk anti centralists that federalism is based since u have no development but mogadishu does. I think this couldve of been a big factor why gaas cabinet is heavy on islamist to whisk turkey over to Puntland but this will risk out federalism and I dont think Puntland people are prepared too. I am sick of all these arab based somalis and we need to becareful in the next election of electing anyone with an islamist background or from an arab country or we are simply wasting our times on federalism since the arabs will never want to see federalism in somalia because they consider somalia more useful as a unitary state that can be a proxy for them against other african countries. I say HELL with Jadid, HELL with them all f-ing qabilist! insha'allahi people like you will be dealt with soon and become a thing of historians and student of history to debate about their presumed existence.
You mean Central Somalis as in HAG's HG, sxb as inhabitant of Central Somalia and as an HG man myself (from Mogadishu, Dhusamareb, Marka, Afgoye, Beledweyne, Hobyo) i think speak for all HG in when i say, you landers will NEVER and i repeat NEVER break Somalia apart, if you think Sahal group were the only group fighting your secessionist idea's then you my lost confused compatriot are in deep ignorance, HAG will never allow you to break somalia apart, we know deep down (we may not scream like you guys everything aloud) that you are puppet of Ethiopia, serving their interest in Somalia. Sxb HAG is and will always use you for our interest, now we are in progress of using you to confine the Sahal group in Somalia! Wallahi the Langaab's and their delusions of grandeur is really something to be marvelled, just because HAG and Sahal have a minor political scuffle they assume we would help them in serving their master's (ethiopia) interest in breaking Somalia apart.
Who in god's name is this simpleton named mustard or whatever, this man comes from no where only to showcase his stupidity in front of everyone,waryaa mustafe just GTFO because your only fooling yourself here!
Dowlada Soomaaliya ayaa haatan qorshaynaysa inay qabato shir dib u heshiisiineed oo balaaran kaasi oo ka dhici doona magaalada Muqdisho. Ridwaan Xersi Maxamed raysal wasaare ku xigeenka Soomaaliya ayaa sheegay in shirkaan bisha Juulay ee Soo socota uu ka dhici doono caasimada Soomaaliya. Listen for more on; http://saadaalnews.net/?p=11410
Tillamok sxb YOU ARE MY HERO!
http://www.shacabkamedia.com/warka/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=5244:dhagaysopuntland-iyo-anaga-heshiis-baan-nahaywasiirkii-mweyne-xasan-culusoow-garoowe-soo-dirsaday-oo-ku-faanay-inay-puntland-heshiis-la-yihiin&catid=1:warka-gudaha&Itemid=3 http://caasimadda.com/dhageyso-dfs-oo-ku-dhowaaqday-in-ay-heshiis-gaareen-ayada-iyo-puntland/
Wallahi Ceyb caleykum, how desperate r the d-block to hope that mungaab goes rogue on p/Hassan!
Dr.osman your a funny lad! In one thread of yours you curse and berate Dahir Alasow for being a HAG, Qabalist and anti-Somalia, and now in this thread your eager to quote the article of the very same guy you berated a day ago!?!?!?!???
Saleeban Xaglotoosiye and Prof Cali Khaliif Galayr are in Buuhoodle ?
Dalmar1 replied to malistar2012's topic in Politics
<cite> @CidanSultan said:</cite> Malister abowe what did I say about getting involved in somaliland affairs. Citizen of Burundistan free your people from Akuna matata. No Cambuulo for you in somaliland Boweee heye. sxb you dont realize it, by we HAG support officially and unofficial of SNM total domination in Somalia waqooye, so long we remain a unified Somalia. -
<cite> @Tillamook said:</cite> Dalmar, when did you become a comedian?
Subxanallah President Qeybdiid Is playing smart he has included Beesha GARSOOR into the new ministers and yesterday Abdi Jamac Gessod of GARSOOR and his tribe leaders have said that they are fully leaving Puntland and are joining Galmudug as their new state, Galmudug now owns 2/3 of Galkacyo, Baraxley and now Garsoor! Anyway, wax dhib ha ma leh haddii ay beesha GARSOOR ay kuu biirtey maamulka galmudug . Hadaba waxaa beesha GARSOOR laga doonayaa in ay isaga soo baxaan dhammaan degaanada Maamulka Puntland ay ka mid yihiin magaalooyinka Boosaaso , Garoowe , Qardho , Waqooyiga Galkacayo isla markaana ay soo xiraan dhammaan ganacsiga , shaqooyinka iyo hawlaha ay ka hayaan Puntland .. Cid u diidikarta ma jirto in ay ku biiraan maamulka Galmudug. Read this Puntlander crying about Galmudug initiative; http://www.raxanreeb.com/2014/05/deg-deg-siyaasi-maxamed-cali-madhoodhe-oo-yiri-haddiiba-ay-ku-biirayaan-galmudug-maxay-west-puntland-u-burburiyeen/
Baraawe all the way!!!!!!!
Galkacyo is the only and best suitable capital Somalia has after Mogadishu.
<cite> @Hawdian said:</cite> @DALMAR buddy, I dont take advice from people who live in bunga bunga land where you kill eachother with spears everyday . get used to me making fun of yours stupd tribes everyday. Free speech ,and on . Yours truely , someone who is willing to throw a banana after you. Forget about the banana you dont even deserve it ,I'll give to monkie .http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6DBuk91phkI . OMG. First of all I was born in Europe and second of all I'm from the parts of Somalia like you Somaliland that is functioning well,....there fore you claim is absurd and baseless, I only adviced you so you can look closely on how stupid and insane you sound. Sxb fix up before you make a fool out of yourself, which I'd assume is already too late. As for my tribe being stupid, sxb no matter how high or low we fall its your tribe that will always be looked and margnilised as second no 5th class garbage stupidely,....you will forever live under H or D rule ridiculously and stupidly. AND THAT IS A FACT!!!
<cite> @Hawdian said:</cite> ^ hehe, with great intellectual geniuses like you speaking for federal republic of Somaliya, Im sure we right on to the path of recovery , rebuilding , And rebranding. Sweet job done my Tutsi buddy. Sweet job done. Akuna matata. Sxb Hawdian your sarcasm is becoming dryer by the comments you make, as it is fun Watching when you poke sarcastically at Dr.Osman (threads & comments) but its now becoming nuisance and childish when doing so in every thread someone makes! Sxb I suggest you stop at this moment polluting in every threads with your nonsensical sarcasm that has no bearing or relations of that particular thread, i hope you heed my advice carefully about your tiresome sarcasm.
There has been a secret pact made between reer Mudug in Galkacyo (which my father attended), which i wont dwelve in, but rest assure that soon (within 3 months) you will hear President Hassan stepping down from presidency. (Abduweli instead of Hassan being president in that conference, has a reason behind it) nb; and by the way Puntland wasnt invited, abduweli is representing Somalia.
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