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Everything posted by Abu-Salman

  1. A think-tank or policies advisory group is a great idea, not unlike the forum for inteelectuals in the horn that gathers in Djibouti; we need the likes of Abdi Samatar or that Prof Afrad in Qatar that sounds impressive and to prevent petty groups sectarism.
  2. lol NORF explaining "whites goods", Ngonge accused of planning a cool week end shopping at Asda, khat n TV. It's a myth btw that women only gossips, some men are backbiting non-stop including pseudo sheikhs, it's common envy and insecurity or character assasinating someone "preventively". I do call people I trust walaal and show affection, it's a tiny minority though outside cousins or family; I'm naturally easygoing but have been wounded or see ingratitude enough to focus unconditional love (with courtesy to all). Albeit I get along with widely different people (treat them as I would expect or better), I only call friend someone I can trust fully, at least as much as my cousin; the truth is that it's very hard to get someone good hearted, religious who is also able to understand you or is intellectually similar. C' est la vie, you make do with it, just went xalay to gym with this wadaad. Why I love him? He envy or jealous little others and is humble; he actually invites me to Xamar with full package (it's nice even though I will pay my way myself, people often express gratitude with lies or malice). I just can't understand how you guys get so many close friends, I wish I could
  3. My pleasure Apophis; Ibn battuta was well-known for his account of Muqdisho in the 13th century (and nearby Somali city-states such as Zeyla existed at least in the 10th Century as explicitely islamic, though all those ports were often much more ancient). Ibn Khaldun is quite similar but his social theories, eg urban decadence conquered by nomads vitality etc are interesting; after all, once material ease is secured, decay is inherently secured (as illustrated by current issues: drugs abuse which is ironically a big issue for doctors, depression, "status anxiety" and its stress as key driver of pathologies etc).
  4. Imam Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyah Muhammad ibn Abu Bakr (more commonly known as Ibn Qayyim or Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah) (1292-1350CE / 691 AH- 751 AH) was a famous Sunni Islamic jurist, commentator on the Qur'an, astronomer, chemist, philosopher, psychologist, scientist and theologian. Although he is commonly referred to as "the scholar of the heart," given his extensive works pertaining to human behavior and ethics, Ibn Qayyim's scholarship was focused on the sciences of Hadith and Fiqh. Click Here for Free E-books Some are a must in any library: "The prophetic medicine", "Al fawaaid" or "Waswasah" (doubts or perfectionism). However, "Ad daa wa dawaa" was one of the most interesting read ever and is found widely, the arabic is easy to read (or ask a local wadaad/ get the translated version; even if you are non-muslim, much of it is still relevant). I must confess that I admire the intellect, analytical minds and wisdoms of those good or well traveled men that litterally went through much upheavels and losses while keeping their sanity or optimism (Al Ghazzali who confronted faith crisis despite being quite learned , Ibn Khaldūn often viewed as one of the fathers of modern historiography, sociology and economics etc). It is sad that more recent "celebrities" such as Rousseau are well-known when their own inspirations are glossed over (after all the whole "renaissance" sprung up from Andalusia or Islamic Spain/Portugal with both key thinkers and theologians acknowledging that influence).
  5. weird choice but dad offered it to me in August 1991 as me and the elder have been circumcised: the 1st serious one apart from dabbling into habo IT book back in around 1990 (was curious, she brought me to the bank: this child is a prodigy lol) or our mini lib, children storybooks, arabic items etc was this (shocking read, went for the part 2, both "borrowed" from the elder she maternal cousin lol):
  6. Inundated with condoleances, calls, visits etc to make; seems like people are having cancer, strokes etc everywhere (not to mention births etc); will just make few calls, visit the old chap nearby and ask the jamaacah for duas for another one; as for drowning guilt: Have enough on my plate, no pun intended, however much I love and appreciate others kindness (just got offered full package to visit Xamar)
  7. Aun, he was an independence militant too, from a well-known family; aas qaran is planned for tomorrow with the whole officials-traders elite...
  8. Almost all investments secured: all projects inauguration are scheduled for 2017 at the latest! (again courtesy of Skyscrapercity.com)
  9. Ports and Free Zone authority of Djibouti (APZFD), now with China Merchant Holdings International (MHCI) as shareholder, is taking the game to a whole new level: expanding the existing facilities (2 ports, oil terminal & free zone), building 3 additional ports, a ship maintenance yard, 2 new free zones, a shipping line, an additional oil terminal and a LNG facility. By 2017, Djibouti is planned to become Africa's gate on the eastern shores, well beyond its current reach: Djibouti's ports handling capacity will be increased 15 folds!
  10. Think I will go for a KFC tonight Those places, even if they were halal, are way too hyped (more real burgers etc elsewhere). STOIC;906724 wrote: Its Official.Got my ticket booked this year.Africa here I come after fifteen years in the concrete pavement of US of A ..Its gonna be fan..looking forward to meet all the people I left behind... hope u'll check sland too; never understood how those northerners blended into kenya, tz etc goin local. In JB, they tend to have a feet in both places, so do the rest (ddawa etc).
  11. JB baddo kale ayuu nagaliyey; haatu ok I see... back to halal or not, salafis in here would have done it if it was okeyed by their scholars no?
  12. lol alqaidah mentality; still JB kulama yaabo, seen too many strange things done by more learned "wadaads"; even though my own liberal cousin claims to be one and was so for his parents since "wuu tukadaa etc" but I trust him much more than many pseudo ones cos wysiwyg
  13. Durex halal? who said its not halal if used halally. Never understood all those guys keeping it close and bragging about it...yar maalin ka dhacey isagoo lacag soo saaraya in front of the shop wadaados! They set up meeting places via their BB, a child managed to get pregnant despite her wadaad father close guard, he was mad at the mosque (all those mafrishs/rented places are just nearby).
  14. lol haatu, the sh seems in exile though he's comin back alone, we were discussing support for his party, then only all communication equipment were located and professionaly stolen when the town is safe. mafhuum walaa ee ya sxby? ps halal doesnt mean its safe, besides ngonge da'dii waxaa lagu cunayey wuu dhaafey according to gossip channels kaftan bro.
  15. Xukunka ahlu kitaabka, the "daleel" is not in question, but are there ahlu kitaab these days (their "kitaab" has been re-edited many times these last centuries etc, atheism and other beliefs more likely etc)? Hence my: people are more agnostic than christian anyway; that is why the imam will not do a nikaah with someone nominally ahlu kitaab. These are just some of the questions and why people refrain from it... ps ka daaya maadeey meanwhile
  16. asc, cajiib but I was always of Ngonge opinion as everyone else that only certified halal meat is valid abroad; and yes, people are more agnostic than christian anyway (save maybe in the USA and peripheries; that is why the imam will not do a nikaah with someone nominally ahlu kitaab). Haatu, a group was discussing the new sheikhs party at home etc. As much as I hate corruption etc, I'd rather not see them involved in politics. Everybody seems to care about his own skin or almost, so no reason to get stressed much about lack of healthcare etc anymore. You see I may sacrifice for an individual but now I'm too cynical for "common good" a la Somali
  17. lol the sheikhs are in the opposition, people were gathering to support the new party, then this strange thing. Now I'm opposed to blind opposition that costs much, get the drift sxb? So are you pro-Kikuyu or more into luo/kalenjins come your own elections soon? Africans are headaches everywhere
  18. Ngonge, I'm a bit in a limbo of lost ideals and places (change, people moved etc), can't decide on one place either (Sland or JB etc) even so. Should learn to stop overthinking things
  19. The home in jabuuti was broken into this week; very bold and professional to take risks and locate voip tools and computers, passing through the kitchen window that can be opened (the area is safe and police everywhere though). It may be those state thugs given their support for opposition (the Sh A Bashir has got his family in TO to come back for his group). As I see things, people care more about their petty relations and comfort than ideals and elites mismanagement is just a symptom, so can't see myself playing the hero for them when we already suffered much...
  20. Some of the recent modern acquisitions, respectively Russian Mi-24 copters, US Sikorsky but also French Famas rifles etc:
  21. Arta new Regional Hospital (fully equipped): One of Ali-Sabieh Cement Plants (a new Regional Hospital to be operational soon): Latest Let410 acquisition by Djib Air Force, VIP version, landing in Ali-Sabieh: Boeing 727 or local "Air Force 1":
  22. Maadeey, the Sh is back in Cardiff I guess; he got an MA in english hence the humor filled sermons in English. I think his most valuable advise, apart from avoiding blind xamaasad (Ittihad etc), is not to waste time on reading magazines (again from his long experience); even pseudo-serious ones, ie "The Economist", are superficial, ideology driven and facts are better learned elsewhere or through exploring books (sciences, geography or history; the rest is even more of misguided theories or wishful thinking). This looks ok for Arabic: arabic.tripod.com. Ps this Burco thing, need to see the hyped place, JB get Norf villa ready
  23. asc all, masjids at every corner and successive adhans, tafsir after isha etc; those were the days. Just saluted the Sh M. cabdi (from Cardiff now) and jabuuti sh A Bashiir is here too; Nuune and me need to attend sh A. Nuuh kutub back in Xeebta...
  24. Resolution: Cuntada carbs leh iska yaree (difficult) Well, oats are great for many reasons; for usual pasta etc, besides drinking enough water daily, you can start with salad/maraq or switch to greens/fish on its own. Chew calmly till it's liquid or almost and relax before eating/thinking food. It seems simple yet so hard in practice with daily stress. Had seen this mini size yet almost complete Arabic reference tool used by this revert friend: Pocket phrasebook/dictionary/usage (handy, complete for beginners; those authors "mastering arabic 2" by Palgrave is another not boring hit, skip the 1 if you have very basics). (the chunking method: from basic fluency to mastery, more general tips and memorisation software) The Quran is great practice too (just the juzz Cama has around half of the 2000 words or so: 80percentwords) as wadaads learned and still learns it simply through their lectures and mutuun such as shafici concise fiqh intro etc.
  25. As long as you love it; for those blessed, work is fun...I'd probably do it even for free if I was diplomat, official, reports writer etc.