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Everything posted by Abu-Salman

  1. Frankly, one shouldn't expect to keep the same spiritual level without determination and consistency just like a garden require constant upkeep in order not to degrade. As a matter of fact, renouncing to congregational prayers at the mosque was, in my case, the first step toward neglecting Salat before abondoning it altogether. However, I've profited from the last summer Islamic conferences and the following Ramadan to discipline myself. Indeed a little perseverance and determination go a long way towards fighting Kuffar's countries loss of sense of purpose and, gradually, observing an Islamic way of life become a second nature. Last but not least, one should never overlook the importance of constantly staying in touch with the right people (ideally in the Masajids)...
  2. Well, I was wondering the same question until I've heard at the local mosque that what is unknown or Qhayb is the sex of the future child at the time of the fecundation. Obviously, noone can predict such outcome and to complicate further some individuals inherit double "sexual" chromosomes (XX Y, X YY or even XX YY instead of X Y for a boy and X X for a girl) besides others rare cases; X chromosomes coming from the mother while Y is of course inherited from the father. Nevertheless,we should be very careful of the exact meaning of each hadith since Arabic is a highly refined, most eloquent langage in addition to the required competence (the one in question is in the Istiqfarah section in the bilingual summarized Bukhari edited by darusalam)...
  3. Hardly an article could be more sensationalist, biaised and un-ethical. Firstly, assimiling Islam, Jihad, terrorism and global threat already disqualify the "westernocentric" author. Indeed, how a most benevolent popular organization who sacrifice themselves for the salvation of their own people against Americano-western sponsored slow genocide could pose a "global threat"?
  4. Frankly, dilapiding such intellectual energy on this recurrent issue reflects a misconceived sense of priority. As a matter of facts, transcending atrocities-trigered resentment for the average Somalilanders is mainly a matter of time coupled with high-level diplomacy skills from the Courts. How could one expect a traumatized Hargeysa lay man, with the Somalis inflated sense of pride, to admit that secessionism is not in his best interest when you have this kind of provocation from the other side? Moreover, a cabinet packed until quite recently with warlords who have no qualm in annihilating their own kinsmen is hardly a panacea for credibility, specially under a Tigre-hired pseudo-government headed by Abdullahi Yusuf. Having said that, Islamic brotherhood is definitely the only coherent framework within which unity could be promoted again. Im indeed looking forward to the moment when UCID's leader Faysal Ali Warabe will "xisaabtam" with the TPLF clique as promised, after realizing in a surprising moment of lucidity, that his expectations are hardly conciliable with Ethiopian need to accomodate their stooges in Baidoa among other things...
  5. Having considered opinions from both sides concerning the utility of further talks as well as the rapidly evolving situation on the ground, I came to the conclusion that we can have the best of both worlds, namely Shariah implementation combined with the marginalization of the Tigres hired pseudo-government. As a matter of fact, warlords-maffia's moral is at its lowest with self-respecting patriots simply deserting on a daily basis after realizing their short-sightedness. Meanwhile, the courts gradually repair vital infrastructures in the capital while an encouraged diaspora is seriously thinking about returning and investing in their homeland. For the anecdote, when asked about the cost of the airport's reconstruction, the courts simply asked the arab league to estimate for themselves. This definitely proves that the widespread corruption which destructed the country by alienating the clans is clearly a sign of the past, hence allowing Somali's energy to bear fruit. As for those still determined to figure in our annals as the quintessentials traitors, we can definitely afford to let them entertain their Ethiopian guest by co-administratin Baido's city...
  6. Frankly, as opposed to warlords-elected, warlord-"president" Yusuf, Pr Geedi was perceived as the only with an ounce of credibility when the Addis-sponsored "government" was negociated through bribery and Kenya's "generous assistance". Nonetheless, openly flirting with the Tigre gang in Addis-abeba, welcoming defeated warlords who constitute the backbone of his administration (war criminals as security chief or key minsters, what a joke indeed) as well as tergiversing about Range issue, thus revealing the true nature of Puntland administration-"president" links has utterly destroyed any remaining credibility (interestingly enough, Geedi was declared persona non grata there...and el presidented welcomed with the red carpet). But then again, who can trust secular politicians solely motivated by their lust for power at all cost, irrespective of any principle? PS: Ngonge, I've the feeling that you consider Islam here as a politic tool rather than a supreme philosophie, englobing every sphere of our existence. Do you really believe that it's purely destined to manipulate "naive populace" and certainely not to rule "enlightened intellectual" like you as well?
  7. To be honest, mouthy Waraabe with his incoherent facist rethoric (incitating tribal paranoia) doesn't represents more than few disconnected hardcore opposants to Riyaale's administration other than those pro-Kulmiye (there's a wide mentality's gap between it's westernized leadership and the lay people). Of course, tribal motivations are one of the main factors at play here and the secular, power-hungry politician (born in the Hawd) is deeply deluded for the overwhelming residents of Hargeysa (as well as other parts of the country) are pro-ICU. How a heathen who was "enjoying" life as a diaspora's refugee and moreover utterly incoherent (basically, he does acknowledges that we share both religion and ethnicity as Somalis and that Addis is the occupying enemy as well) dare to speak for a whole clan? In other words, doesn't this constitutes a recognition that his main purpose is to advocate clanic hegemony as a "tribal leader" in this part of the country? As for his support base, his social werfare-orientated program seems to appeal and it may be quite possible that Riyaale's failure to deliver combined with the lack of serious alternative is the major unifiying force here. Im actually starting to wonder which philosophy, other than tribal paranoia and narrow-minded clanic hegemony, immoral Warabe seeks to promote. In fact, though I've witnessed this blind, irrational support of secessionism in my own entourage, yet noone was theorically opposed against a united Islamic State, which is favored by the majority as the ideal scenario (the reluctance to unite with a warolords-led administration seems comprehensible). Last but not least, the "secular solidarity", albeit transcending fundamental points of divergence like the issue of unity's imperative, is particularly noteworthy (it seems that those, most ignorant of islamic values, are solely united in their fear of becoming soon irrelevant).
  8. Poor N N, maybe your desperate materialistic stance prevent you to realize the very basic truth that the "international community", in the sens of western powers, never actually cared about our people's plight for obvious reasons. In fact, the USA, along with other powers, flooded the country until the last hour with modern armaments while supporting financially the late dictatorial regime who was busy to annihilate succesively the opposing clans and silence the opposition (sophisticated weaponry and a military hospital were dispatched to the North in the height of the atrocities when the red berets were slaughtering an entire clan). As expected, this genocidal policy didn't cease with the regime's fall as substantiated by the extensive US support towards the warlords, not mentioning the GI's crimes in the South. Evidently, pretexting the warlord maffia's, the so-called self-elected "government" under Addis-Abeba's patronage, is the natural way of prolonging our subjugation for vested interests(a "government" formed through bribery, it should be recalled, moreover under Kenya's auspices, another occupying enemy). Likewise the all too sudden "discovery" of Somaliland or the incessant hatred propaganda of Voice of America ( a recent VOA article was explicitely inciting animosity between the H clan in the capital and the D&M in Baidoa).
  9. N N, to be honest, you seem so brainwashed and unislamic that I wonder why you do care of Somalis at all instead of focusing your energy on your "ideal secular society" in the West (nationalism is hardly a coherent philosophy). True indeed, Somalis used to be utterly ignorant of their great religion in the past. In fact, they even lacked the comprehension of the most basic concept Islam, Islamic pure monotheism or the Tawhid (cult of saints, numerous superstitions ect; "Saints and Somalis" of Ioan M. Lewis). Nonetheless, having realized the extent of our ignorance and also that Western propaganda always depict Islam through their crusader lens (unlike you), We've decided not to be bothered at all since everyone is free to organize his own society. Obviously, it goes without saying that a handful of disconnected heathens, whose yardstick is their wretched Western way of life, will neither revert nor slow down Shariah implementation by the overwhelming majority of coherent, self-respecting Muslims. Instead, they are kindly advised to stay in the societies in wich they fell "better of" according to their secular standards given that any attempt to plot with the enemy against our people's will won't be tolerated. Decidedly, one may hardly be more incoherent than the Islam-allergic "secular-minded" heathens, contradicting themselves in each and every sentence. Was not Hamas, that they seem to abhor with their patrons, a "democratically" elected, anti-corruption government who emphasized social welfare and advocated wise use of the substantial international aid? Is not Ethiopian occupation, in our context, the major source of Somalia and Somalis problems in an historical perspective, and was moreover busy to derail any attempt towards unity and reconciliation in the last 15 years? How could a self-styled "nationalist" gladly collabore with the Christian enemy occupying a great deal of Somalis land?
  10. The point, have you ever considered that colonization by Ethiopia, with the support of its Christians allies who divided our territory, has somehow historically sowed the seeds of the current tragedy? Was not the failure of the succesive governments and their shameful record linked with their military setbacks, especially Siyad's radicalization after the 70's defeat? Of course, tribal retoric also played a key role but in a historical perspective, too many unacceptables "concessions" were accepted by Somalis vis-a-vis their leaders as well as by themselves in the name of the re-unification imperative. Therefore, the resulting consequences are hardly surprising especially when you have the Tigre-minority oligarchy constantly sabotaging any attempt to re-unite and reconcile the Somalis. By the same token, one may wonder to which extent a secular warlords mafia hired by the Tigre gang in Addis could prove any better than the previous failed regime, which has at least the decency to not welcome occupation troops with open arm...
  11. have you guys actually asked these people why they support the warlords and Ethiopians instead of dismissing them as crazy etc Could there be actually any reasonable reason to support an enemy-sponsored warlords mafia?
  12. the Puntland Parliament which has many MP's from that region gave the go ahead Who elected in first instance the so-called "MP's from that region"? Are you implicitly stating that the Warsangelis & Dhulbahantes from parts of Sool and Sanag have indeed witnessed an utterly transparent whole electoral process and are yet audacious enough to reject the "parliament's" decision? More fundamentally, has a referendum taken place to let local tribes decide wether they accept to join Puntland, Somaliland or set up their very own administration more likely to take their interest into account while being directly accountable at the local level in the absence of a responsible national government? The exploration area is not limited to Majiyahan, but covers all of Puntland and in particular the Nugaal [Oil and Gas], Qndala[silver] and other areas In other words, a weak and autocratic administration is selling wholesalely our limited and no-renewable ressources without even any nationaly recognized Government's review, moreover to a single obscure company apparently impatient to take inconsidered risks and initiate constant fighting in disputed areas? Do I really have to remind you that the current climate in our country is not really propitious to such central decisions, not only at the federal level but also more locally given the territorial conflicts involving local tribes as well as Somaliland's and Puntland troops? Finally, does the pockets of a handful corrupt "Af mishaaro" take precedence on peace and national reconciliation, not mentioning the equitable repartition of national, no-renewable resources?
  13. Indeed, the Tigre militia has openly and shamelessly declared that they are "ready to invade Somalia" thus definitely decredibilizing their puppets in Baidoa as well as those who used to claim that the courts exagerated Ethiopian occupation as a convenient pretext. Having said that, Meles Militia is constantly challenged by the Onlf/OLF and countless other ethnic liberation fronts representing Ethiopians overwhelming majority in whose territory they operate(Tigre minority who hold the power is no more than 13% of the total population). Besides the colonized majority of Ethiopia (even the Amhara, traditional rulers, feel marginalized and revolted in the last riots alongside others nationalities), Eritrea and to a lesser extent, mainly in the diplomatic field, Egypt as well as Sudan welcome any opposition as a golden opportunity to safeguard their own vital interests (Nile's waters, border issue for Eritrea ect). Therefore, far from being isolated, the courts do dispose of many allies ready and eager to cooperate not mentioning Arab and Islamic solidarity, beginning with Ethiopians muslims who accounts of approximatively 50% of the total population and carefully the latest developments in Somalia...
  14. Once again, regionalism and short-sightedness prevail upon intellectual debate centered on the whole nation's welfare as well as long-term thinking. Clearly, Range Resources is not an usual company and if they are so eager and impatient to invest in Puntland even before it's basic stabilization let alone that of Somalia or the region, this merely reinforce the assumption that these crooks are seeking a short-term and extremely advantageous agreement with a weak and challenged regional administration (lured by few US$ millions, it goes without saying). How could a serious mining company (mining is always a long-term or very long-term activity)interfere with the border issue between Somaliland and Puntland by sending a team on the disputed areas not mentioning the resulting deadly clashes between Puntland's forces and Warsangeli tribemens? By the same token, it seems obvious that the corrupt and autocratic administration in Garowe is jeopardizing not only local peace by breaking tribal modus-vivendi but also Somalia's unity by giving the go-ahead to Range Resource in such a climate. How could there be any unity or sustainable peace if national resources are not exploited under federal agreement with benefits redistributed to the whole nation through careful planning? What could prevent Garowe inept and rethoric-driven oligarchy to spend royalties on tribal militias, aimed to further increase mining areas, instead of national defence imperative? What garanty does Puntland people have that their region won't be another Liberia, Nigeria or other failed African short-term vision illustration?
  15. Indeed, the facts speaks for themselves: - The courts have challenged the warlords. _ They recognized the TFG and were eager to negociate since the beginning. _ they announced their willingness to impose the return of looted properties.
  16. Without the slightest doubt, the warlords cabinet with A. Yusuf as "president" has dealth a further blow to the unity credibility. The only hope is now a quick Courts victory...
  17. ASAS Likeing to surround himself with ignorant folks, so he can 'teach' them and when he feels threatened by them assassinate them. Yes, Abdullahi isn't someone, who takes such issues very lightly. If he has to kill, then he will do it even, when it means killing his own family. Accusse him of killing his in-law (his wifes brother), his collegue Abdirahman Aydid and Sultan Hurre etc. Other political rivals or people, who he regarded as a threat but he's not a moron. Though it's widely acknowledged that the SSDF had Marxist tendancies and, your description of A. Yusuf is even more eloquent than mine! In short, already known to be inept, power-hungry, inconsistent and corrupt your beloved "warlord-president" could as well be blamed for numerous cold blood assasinations (even family members seems not to escape from the blood-thirsty tyrant according to your description), thus lenghtening his long list of crimes against our people. In fact, overthrowing an elected president in his own fief, he clearly showed his own priorities. Now, how could you expect us to let such warlord rule our own regions ?
  18. ASAS Likeing to surround himself with ignorant folks, so he can 'teach' them and when he feels threatened by them assassinate them. Yes, Abdullahi isn't someone, who takes such issues very lightly. If he has to kill, then he will do it even, when it means killing his own family. Accusse him of killing his in-law (his wifes brother), his collegue Abdirahman Aydid and Sultan Hurre etc. Other political rivals or people, who he regarded as a threat but he's not a moron. Though it's widely acknowledged that the SSDF had Marxist tendancies and Puntland was disatrously mismanaged despite it's vast resources and little population, your description of A. Yusuf is even more eloquent than mine! In short, already known to be inept, power-hungry, inconsistent and corrupt your beloved "warlord-president" could as well be blamed for numerous cold blood assasinations (even family members seems not to escape from the blood-thirsty tyrant according to your description), thus lenghtening his long list of crimes against our people. In fact, overthrowing an elected president in his own fief, he clearly showed his own priorities. Now, how could you expect us to let such warlord rule our own regions ?
  19. ASAS Likeing to surround himself with ignorant folks, so he can 'teach' them and when he feels threatened by them assassinate them. Yes, Abdullahi isn't someone, who takes such issues very lightly. If he has to kill, then he will do it even, when it means killing his own family. Accusse him of killing his in-law (his wifes brother), his collegue Abdirahman Aydid and Sultan Hurre etc. Other political rivals or people, who he regarded as a threat but he's not a moron. Though it's widely acknowledged that the SSDF had Marxist tendancies and Puntland was disatrously mismanaged despite it's vast resources and little population, your description of A. Yusuf is even more eloquent than mine! In short, already known to be inept, power-hungry, inconsistent and corrupt your beloved "warlord-president" could as well be blamed for numerous cold blood assasinations (even family members seems not to escape from the blood-thirsty tyrant according to your description), thus lenghtening his long list of crimes against our people. In fact, overthrowing an elected president in his own fief, he clearly showed his own priorities. Now, how could you expect us to let such warlord rule our own regions ?
  20. Why the TNG will remain weak even despite massive support? Yusuf record in Puntland, especially when he destitued the elected president by force, and more generally his utter lack of consistency ( a former Marxist)other than power lust is largely acknowledged by his Puntland fellow citizen. Likewise the widespread accusations of human rights violations by international sources, Puntland mismanagement as well as corruption charges. To add insult to injury, warlords like Aideed hold key positions in the cabinet...
  21. Naxar Nugaaleed: A government is not an option and disarment is not an option. If you hate this government, you can only wait tell it fails. If you want disarmament (All sane Somalis do), foreign peacekeepers is the only rational way at national disarmament. Of course, we do need urgently both disarmement and functioning government to arrest and judge warlords. Now how could you expect the TNG with one of the quintessential criminal warlord at his head, elected by fellow maffiosi warlords, keeping prominent ministerial and security positions will deliver justice to their very victims? Wasn't M. Dheere welcomed by PM Geedi himself? To add insult to injury, the Maffia in Baidoa are opposed to Shariah implementation and welcome relentlessly Tigre militias...
  22. As for the second argument that imply somehow a diminished humanity, wasted life with too many limits for the believers, one may seriously wonder wether you are as "bright" as you seem to claim. More precisely, have you ever considered that every point you make could be instantaneously used against your atheist stance? What could be more depressing, futile and inhumane that a hedonist way of life, seeking constantly immediate satisfaction, more often than not in contradiction with your own inner moral sense. Besides, given that strong moral values are linked with above average intellect, an ability to look at the "big picture", one may wonder by the same token wether sincerely religious people are the most "naive", less able to think critically ? For instance Newton was both a "genius" and devout Christian, so was Descartes, father of the systematic doubt or doubting as a method. Likewise most of the prominent scientists before the secularism rise, a purely cultural phenomenom (certainely not a critical and rational position as often too arrogantly claimed). Clearly, claiming that moral values are resulting from "evolution" and function as a way to maximise our chances of reproduction requires quite a lot of blind "faith" especially when atheist extremists go further by explaining our compassion for animals ect by another acrobatic theory, stating that the goal is not only to preserve our own genes but even genetically similar living beings (though I would hardly feel more compassiontowards a "fellow" ape who share more than 90% genetic material with me than my beloved cat ect). Now the question is on which side wishfull thinking is heavily relied upon?
  23. In denial is man only if and when one is confronted with a truth that correspondes to some sort of reality, but for this flaming atheist good Xiin-ow it is the other way around , i've yet to deny the existance of coherently, cogently and naturally presented diety who is naturally real , be it yours or mother Goose' , ofcourse , here i'm disregarding your dazed statement of "something whose absence you can’t prove" ploy. Placing a hope beyond the grave might be a good wishful thinking , but closing humanity in solitary prayers and dreaming of death as a door opening unto an eternal bliss condemns man in this life as a crawling worm, and it's a way too fetching that futile hope at best . Since you've stated explicit arguments, we can start confront them. First of all, believing in God is not a blind act of faith in the sense of a "brainwashing" transmitted across generations though atheists arrogance may find hard to concede intelligence and rationality to believers. Of course, overwhelming evidence could be find in the complexities of the universe from DNA to galaxies, rain to the highly precise athmospheric composition which contribute to many vital human needs at the same time (and the list seems endless, more perplexing if you have even a very basic scientific scientific). In fact, even Einstein was a pantheist who amalgamed God to every material entity though this belief won't qualify him for the majors religions. At the same time, science is suited for material, physical realities and not for the metaphysical realm, thus making it inappropriate when discussing religions unless clearly "experiencable" contradictions are revealed (for example, it will be foolish to claim that the Bible wasn't altered, and it is quite possible to verify that the Quran has been preserved ect).
  24. Obviously, the Sheikh says nothing more than what an overwhelming majority of Somalis both at home and abroad, more or less westernized, do believe (Shariah implementation, opposition against Tigre military dictatorship sponsored-puppets...). To be honest, even me, a Djiboutian with Somaliland origins who received French secular education (one can hardly be more secular than French system of education)do think exactely, very much and utterly in the same way. In fact, I was dreaming of this very day since my early years, this day when Somalia will become a united Islamic State standing up against Ethiopian, Tigre-led colonization (not Amhara anymore, maybe a further ally against Addis-abeba besides the populous Oromo, Eryhtrea, Soudan and others opressed Ethiopian nationalities). Who seriously thinks that I'm an irrational, dangerous terrorist? Well, I do think indeed quite logically, am interested in science much more than the massive majority of Americans, pretty aware of World realities ect...yet I'm definitely convicted that the Islamic courts leaders are implementing the very ideal we do share accross minor and pointless differences. Now, using Djibouti and Hargueisa to defeat the Islamic courts, as if we didn't share the same vital interest to defend against Ethiopian hegemony, is more the joke of the year than anything else (even in the highly unlikely hypothesis that Ethiopia hand over the Hawd or others occupied territories and stop aupporting Somalia anarchy)...
  25. Clearly, Meles Zenawi and his maffia has found a golden opportunity to divert their public opinion from never-ending political as well as humanitarian crisis in the Eritrean conflict but now more than ever in Somalia's occupation, the so-called fight against "extremism" (or in other words, Somali unity). What better strategy indeed to silence opposition while marginalizing countless ethnic liberation movements? Besides the announced major military excercises in the ******, involving the Ethiopian air force (source: ****** online), it seems that the usual war propaganda is now aired in the official, rather cheaply written Pravda... Editorial The Ethiopian Herald June 29, 2006 The Horn of Africa, had, for many years on end, been a scene of inter-state wars, inter-state conflicts, ethnic and other conflicts. As a result, many areas in the Horn had been exposed to displacement resulting in migration, resettlement, disease and social ills of serious proportions. Lately, however, these problems have either been resolved or partially alleviated through the concerted efforts of the local governments, regional organizations and international agencies. Efforts made by such organizations have, for instance, resulted in restoring relative stability to Somalia where a transitional government has been formed. IGAD, the African Union and practically the international community have taken a common position with regard to the on-going peace process in Somalia . In this connection, Prime Minister Meles Zenawi in a recent press conference said that “ Ethiopia ’s position as regards peace and stability in Somalia is identical to that taken by the international community as a whole.†Ato Meles also pointed out that Ethiopia has fully endorsed the federal institutions in Somalia — the transitional government and the transitional charter — which the international community fully supports as well. The Prime Minister underlined that the Federal Transitional Government is presently making each and every effort to restore peace and stability to the country and that it should get support. It is only proper that peace-loving peoples should do their utmost to bring back peace and tranquility to Somalia that had been exposed to civil war and instability for years. On the other hand, however, the Union of Islamic Forces has put Mogadishu under its control. Prime Minister Meles described the Union of Islamic Courts as “a Union of desperate forces — the messenger voice of the Eritrean government, the Jihadists, and Al-Ithad Al-Islamia, which is registered by the UN as a terrorist group†It is to be recalled that Al-Ithad had been involved in terrorist outrage in Addis: As the Premier pointed out “it is absolutely prudent and proper for us to take the right precautionary measures.†Any unstable situation that may develop in neighboring Somalia could have a detrimental effect on Ethiopia . In this connection, the implications of resurgence of terrorist groups within Somalia naturally would have negative effect on the security and stability of Ethiopia . Thus it is a legitimate action of Ethiopia and it reserves the right to defend itself against all attempts to destabilize its security and stability. Security policy is basically a question of protecting national existence and well-being. And ensuring national existence is essentially the alpha and omega of security. Other issues associated to security would be raised after national existence is ensured. There is a general consensus that foreign policy and national security should have the mission to protect national interests and ensure national existence. And as is explicitly put forth in Ethiopia ’s foreign and security policy and strategy, the mission of Ethiopia ’s security policy is no different from what has been described herein above. The national security would be exposed to serious danger, disintegration and destruction under conditions where national goals for development and democracy are not realized. Ever since, the FDRE government took over the mantle of leadership, it has been exerting multi-faceted efforts to carry out activities that focused on bringing growth and development to the country. It has been doing its best to initiate, nurture and develop democratic traditions in the country at grass-roots level to enable the people enjoy the fruits. The government has been taking measures to promote and develop good relations with neighboring countries and other countries. As well in the process, it has been facing numerous challenges including those which threaten the very security of the country. However, it has taken various steps from time to time, to alleviate or resolve such problems. Associated with national security whenever it faces problems that threatens the nation’s well-being the government has the right to protect this land from any external danger. And it is in this spirit that the government and people should continue to work hand in glove to fight against poverty, to bring overall national development, and, protect the country from any external threats. For centuries on end, Ethiopia has proved to be a peace-loving country. It had at no time exercised belligerence, intransigence. It had never advocated any aggressive behavior towards any country. And it has never refrained from engaging in any activity that promote peace. In fact, it has participated in many platforms that seek to bring about reconciliation and understanding among peoples, governments. It is in the same position as the peace process in Somalia is concerned. But Ethiopia is always highly concerned about its security. And the government and people are always steadfast to protect the security and stability of the nation which they highly enjoy and benefit from.