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Everything posted by Abu-Salman

  1. laakin the "when it is dark" clause need explanations; only going out when it is dark? Other depressions symptoms ect? At any rate, it always helps a lot to excercice regularly (even simple walking), watch out your diet and pray/take lessons at the Masjid (make sure they follow the correct creed before they teach you); you can also ask ina qur'aan lagu saaro, it always works when you believe in it and for many purposes...
  2. Prefering to stay alone could be motivated by several reasons; principally, either the usual people surrounding you are not quite interesting and you are the type of person who like to read, think and let your imagination run. For instance, I've noticed that me and my brothers used to feel most comfortable when between us, or with close cousins and friends when playing; we were simply reared such as not to mingle with "potentially misleading" children of our age and concentrate on our games and activities at home or with the family. Hence, our conception of happiness was week-end pick-nique/beach with the family and playing at home the rest of time, while being with the cousins during summer vacations. Obviously, my most preferred activity, reading and daydreaming was inconceivabe surrounded by typical Somali noise and I'm still very selective with people I'm intimate with (usually like-minded people, who can not be intrusive/distractive). Of course, social phobia is altogether another topic, if you dislike any company at all and every time or going to markets/shops and other dense areas' likewise depression and addiction to TV/internet ect...
  3. Here are top-rated opinions, far from the daily routine of sectarian/tribally motivated propaganda, posted on the BBC "Have Your Say" section, under the title "Is the Somali peace force doomed?". Where was the UN peace keeping force during the 16 year civil war? Why are they acting now, at a time when the UIC has managed to get things under control? Because they are calling for Sharia?(it's working, the country has become so much safer) Or do we really love them so much, we can't see them suffer (cough)? By the way, in some UIC places cinema/music is banned because pornography/valgur music was being shown/played. Others not banned, because it wasn't. simple. Shaq, Birmingham .................................................. This is just another attempt from the West to stop the rise of political Islam. If this was secular movement they would have been applauded by the UN but as it is an Islamic poltical movement the US via the UN has to get involved. The West would make us believe Somalia has had government and stability for years before the UIC came on the scene when in reality Somalia has been in chaos for over a decade. I hope the UIC take up arms against in invaders and resists foreign troops in Somalia. Khalid Bryce, london, UK .................................................. There is no doubt that the US does not want peace in Somalia. The Somalis are saying "Enough is Enough! we can deal with our own problems" but unfortunately, this warning is falling on deaf ears. Sending peace troops will only escalate the problem. What foreigners need to realise is that if the UIC declares a holy war, then it doesn't matter what the invading forces are called "peacekeepers or no peackeepers", they will be seen as attacking the sovereignty of this nation. Maryam, Sokoto, Nigeria .................................................. Why there is a need for peace force now, when UIC is bringing peace in areas controlled by them, Somalia today is much better then from the days of warlords and criminals supported by US money. This shows west is not interested in peace, actually its enmity of Islam comes first. Syed, Toronto, Canada .................................................. The UN only developed an interest in Somalia when Islamists gained power. The people are better off than before, yet now they need peacekeepiong. The UN wants to strengthen an "internationally recognized" government that doesn't operate or represent the people. This is a thinly veiled attempt to infringe on the internal affairs of another poor Muslim country that doesn't support the US. The West would prefer anarchy to an Islamic state in Somalia. As much as I fear the IUC, This is hypocrisy. Douglas, San Antonio, Texas, USA .................................................. After the debacle of the US backing unpopular warlords, here we go again. The Somali situation is symbolic of African problems. Whenever foreigners attempt to impose their solutions disaster ensues. When will the West leave Africa alone to solve its problems? The Somalis can look after themselves. george dash, canada .................................................. Here we see once again the arrogance of western policy and their fair of Islamist taking power. People there can travel around the areas controlled by the UIC without being stopped or questioned. It’s time for the UN “THE WEST” to think about what is good for the Somali people not what the west want. Sending troops will only bring more bloodshed so please listen to the nation not to the warlord criminals or we might see another Afghanistan. May GOD Almighty bring peace to Somalia, Faisal Al-Wehliye, Espoo, Finland .................................................. Allot of Somalis dont see that sending troops to Somalia is the solution, United States and the whole world should support khartoum peace talks, we as Somalis dont want our country to be onther Iraq, wich it will be if foreing troops come. Keep in mind that goverment that the US is supporting doesnt have the support of Somali people. Issa .................................................. Where was the force when Somalia was in ruins and there was no stability at all. Why does the UN want to go in now that the Islamists have done a better job than the UN would ever have done. Another Anti-Islamic ruling by the US controlled UN. [rocktapper], London .................................................. Yes... Another American Backed adventure.. mohammed, Huddersfield .................................................. I believe this resolution could be good for Somalia. Somali people are known to come together when there is an outiside interference. I firmly believe all the different clans will come together to fight this so called "peacekeepers" and this in return will result with a big revolution 'uprising'. Asad, Birmingham .................................................. It is too late to safe the so called "weak government" why this concerned world waited so long? If they want to help Somalia right now, let them do it by helping the Islamic courts Union. They seem to be working well for the people, much better than anyone else we have seen for the past 15 years. Forget the TFG who is busy by doing nothing. Focus on the flooded country for god's sake. Bangyaal, Minneapolis .................................................. Why now?? Where were the peace force when the peole of Somalia looted and tortured on the daily basis by the warlords. Why not when those who call themselve the geniune goverment fighting with each other? Since the Islamic Court took control of the Southern Somalia people are not only living peacefully and economically well. Donot make Somalia Afghanistan or Iraq. Khurram Tahir, karachi, Pakistan .................................................. Neither Somalis nor Ethiopians support the interference of Ethiopian or any other foreign forces in the internal affairs of Somalia. Ethiopians like me consider Somalis like brothers. Nor do they want to go to war with them. This rumor of war is simply an scapegoat for the unpopular minority regime in Ethiopia to divert attention from the popular opposition raging in the country. Somalis should be encouraged to form their own government. Why "peace keepers" now when Somalis are at peace? Misrak Lemma, Rotterdam, Netherlands .................................................. This move by the U.N. will not create peace but rather a true civil war. Its simply a fear of Islam. Abdifatah, Columbus, ohio
  4. Secular entities in the West are accountable to an informed public, hence under pressure; but even with such counter-powers, they irremediably fail to adopt the necessary policies for promoting public health, social cohesion & solidarity, environmental protection, not mentioning limiting the widespread expoitation of less developed nations. What incentive could possibly have corruption ridden governments, favorising nepotism on merit and manipulating ignorant masses to promot courageous policies even if they are "democratically elected" just like in Kenya? How could such institutions adopt ethics as priority, especially nowadays, when we are facing so many economic, social and moral threats? Were not the former civilians, "democratic" Somali governments, much celebrated as "African exemples", those who pioneered state-sponsored, widespread corruption, tribal manipulations, social divisions and generalized neglect to the extent that Syad Barre coup d'Etat and consequent regime was unanimously hailed as "liberation" and the beginning of progressive social policies, infrastructure building and promotion of Somalis unity and solidarity?
  5. Obviously, a secular government would hardly consider as priorities issues such as health, especially when unchallenged and leading illiterate masses. Hence, the Aids issue highlight the inherent incoherence of a government who fail to protect his population, ie his very raison d'etre. For instance, prevention against AIDS started to be mentioned in the media in Djibouti in 95/96 only when the situation was already noticed as potentially disastrous by Health NGOs. Yet, despite few showcases destined to milk international agenies and donors, nothing has been done to attack the root causes of this evil, ie widespread prostitution tolerated by the State (young girls were lured by foreign presence from as far as the Ethiopian Highlands). The latest news suggest that autorities are now constraint to mobilize the ulamas given overwhelmingly shocking statistics. For now, the only hope we have is Shariah implementation in Somalia which will avert the impending disaster there; As for Somaliland and Puntland, they are also learning the hard way that a society based on secular laws & institutions is the perfect recipe for auto-genocide...
  6. • Advancing its bigoted policies throughout Ethiopia, to day it is propagating a virulent anti-Islam propaganda as it prepares for its war of aggression against Somalia II. Ethiopia’s terrorizing and destabilizing in the Region • Somalia: In violation of international law and the UN Charter, using the pretext of hunting down Al-Itahaad groups, Meles Zenawi’s minority regime has on several occasions’ invaded sovereign Somali territories and still occupies them. Many Somali have been killed and hundreds are languishing in Ethiopian detention dungeons. In order to scuttle the Somali peace talks between the Union of Islamic Courts and the Transitional National Government of Somalia, and to divert the Ethiopian people’s attention away from his domestic problems, Meles Zenawi has now declared war against the people of Somalia using various pretexts, the latest being “to defend Ethiopia’s sovereignty against the jihadists”.
  7. And that is also why the Islamic courts deserve our unwavering support; Shariah implementation provide indeed the only moral framework within which "minorities" rights could be sustainably promoted. ICU leaders, such as Sheikh Indhacade, have paved the way by marrying accross artificial lines and encouraging their followers to do so, thus setting an unprecedented exemple in our Somali context...
  8. Somali-owned websites are usually poorly moderated, tribally biaised or online tabloid at best but Somaliaonline is the only addictive for me (I may view some interesting opinions on Hiiraan sometimes or switch back ellusively to Djibnet), apart from Qaadisiya, of course, which inform us on the Courts progress in defending Diinta & Dalka as well as the reconstruction process. let's hope it has some potential to mitigate tribal/regional emotions; even though many typical cases preach here too...
  9. Gifted children are not necessary brilliant in the classroom but, above all, naturally curious and hence restless (non-stop questions, reading earlier more challenging books ect). How to sustain their interest in the classroom is one of the most challenging question. You may try getting them into a more advanced level (they can cope very well with a one or 2 year more advanced class). However, intellectual maturity doesn't necessarily translate into emotional maturity and being among much older children could be a problem too. As long as they are challenged intellectually and motivated constantly, without being assumed to be "mini-adults", they can perform well in langages, investigate history, world problems, sciences, medicine (almost any subject presenting challenges). You may have noted also that they have a strong ethical sense (justice, fairness, morality ect), which need to be put into a coherent framework through religious studies. One of the downsides is that they can be very disorganized and pay attention only to what interest them (details are not among their strenghts); so they may appear very intelligent and very immature at the same time, especially given their tendancies to daydream and think about the "big picture" at any given time. Given my long interest in the subject of child developpment and my own personal/famillial experience, I've constated that many experts observations are in accord with the reality. For instance, "giftedness" is very likely to be transmitted accross generations and may have some "side-effects"; not least caused by loneliness and feeling to be an eternal misunderstood. Empirically, I've tried to examine my own family history in the light of such observations and have been somehow astonished; not only both my parents were remarkably brilliant but even me and my own brothers shared their characteristics. For exemple, we all skipped one year (my mum refused to allow me a second year), and were still astonishing teachers, even though it backfired once and one of my brother has to redo his class before skipping another year (too much restlessness, the teacher was "martyrized"). Not easy to see incoherence and futility everywhere, while paying attention only to the "big picture" although details could be vital too...
  10. Obviously, Guelleh revealations are already well-known. However, beyond regions/clans fictions, mere personalities or artificial colonial boundaries (necessarily temporary), is it not refreshing to see a Somali leader proclaiming our central values that unite us, moreover on one of the major Pan-African news magazines? Here is an extract of the aforementioned interview published in the la Nation (Wednesday 8th December Edition): On vous reproche d'avoir reçu, en septembre, à Djibouti, les dirigeants de l'Union des tribunaux islamiques…. Pourquoi nous en ferait-on le reproche ? Depuis le début de la crise somalienne, nous avons reçu hommes politiques et seigneurs de guerre, à l'occasion de pourparlers de paix et de multiples initiatives diplomatiques régionales ou continentales. Si les islamistes s'imposent aujourd'hui, nous n'en sommes pas responsables et nous n'avons pas à les ignorer. Je considère que leur diabolisation systématique est contre-productive. La campagne que mènent certains pays de la région est dangereuse. A quels pays faites-vous allusion ? Je pense à l'Ouganda, qui présente la situation comme un conflit islamo-chrétien et s'apprête à lancer des croisades dans la Corne de l'Afrique. Le président Yoweri Museveni évoque sans retenue une guerre sainte. Il a affirmé qu'il fera en sorte que les islamistes somaliens connaissent le même sort que les intégristes de Hassan el-Tourabi au Soudan. L'Ethiopie parle de menaces pour son intégrité territoriale et affirme que les islamistes revendiquent le plateau de l'Og-aden. Ce qui est évidemment faux. D'ailleurs, je doute fort que les Ethiopiens de l'Og-aden, qui sont somalophones, soient tentés de rejoindre un Etat théocratique. Mais quand bien même cette menace serait réelle, l'armée éthiopienne est suffisamment puissante pour défendre son territoire et n'a pas besoin de dépêcher des unités combattantes chez le voisin. Le plus grave dans cette affaire est que l'Ethiopie et l'Ouganda utilisent la légitimité internationale pour justifier leur intervention militaire. Je sais qu'il se concocte à l'heure actuelle un projet de résolution au Conseil de sécurité de l'ONU pour une levée partielle de l'embargo. Il s'agit de permettre aux pays voisins d'envoyer du personnel et des équipements militaires afin de protéger le gouvernement transitoire contre les islamistes. Ce serait donc des Ethiopiens et des Ougandais qui assureraient la protection des officiels basés à Baidoa quand ils se rendront en mission à Mogadiscio. Peut-on penser un seul instant que ce soit aussi simple ? Si ce projet se concrétise, nous allons droit, à Dieu ne plaise, vers un embrasement total de la région. Y compris Djibouti ? Il y aura forcément des répercussions sur notre pays : un afflux de réfugiés, une vigilance accrue en matière de sécurité. Je le répète, la diabolisation des islamistes somaliens est contre-productive. Museveni n'a pas assisté au sommet, mais le Premier ministre éthiopien était présent. Lui avez-vous dit tout cela ? Oui, mais il s'est contenté de rappeler les menaces qui pèsent sur son pays. Comment une force qui n'arrive même pas à contrôler l'ensemble du territoire de la Somalie pourrait-elle constituer un danger sérieux pour une puissance régionale comme l'Ethiopie ? Que vous a-t-il répondu ? Il m'a dit que cette force soutient des organisations éthiopiennes fondamentalistes ou sécessionnistes et que la situation politique qui prévaut dans son pays le contraint à agir. En fait, tout cela est vu à travers le prisme américain qui assimile l'Union des tribunaux islamiques au terrorisme mondial. Les conséquences pourraient être aussi graves que celles qu'ont entraînées les présumées armes de destruction massive de Saddam Hussein. Mais vous qui avez des rapports privilégiés avec l'administration Bush, avez-vous essayé de convaincre la Maison Blanche de son erreur ? La qualité de notre partenariat avec les Etats-Unis nous permet peut-être d'être entendus, mais pas d'être toujours écoutés. Regardez le cas de l'Egypte, autre partenaire stratégique des Etats-Unis : croyez-vous qu'elle soit plus écoutée que nous ?
  11. And how do you want Djibouti, the "tiny desert city state" according to you, to be protected against Ethiopian Imperialism when the pseudo Somali "government" welcome shamelessly the historical enemy who colonizes and terrorizes half of our Lands and Brothers in Galbeed? Did not Djibouti explicitely state, very early, that it will not allow US troops to attack Somalia from their local base? Is not, therefore, total victory of the ICU the only realist solution to get rid of both French defence agreement with Djibouti on the long term, alongside the Ethiopian trojan horse in Baidoa, as to unite Somalis, eventually, within the Shariah framework? As for Ethiopia, with Somalia recovering and uniting, Addis negative influence on regional peace will be severely mitigated and Ethiopian reliance on Somali ports will finally force them to make major concessions; this is the holistic strategy adopted by all Djiboutians regardless of tribal affiliation. At any rate, this Qabil worshipping a la Geeljire "my warlord before anything else" is consterning to say the least...
  12. Djibouti Pres. Guelleh: Museveni Never Cease Talking about Crusade in Somalia In a recent interview with the pan-African French-langage magazine Jeuneafrique, titled Ismail Omar Guelleh Truths (subsription needed), Djibouti president explicit his frustration with his Ugandan pair, who, according to him, "never cease talking about Crusade in Somalia and crushing the Islamic Courts, just like he helped overthrow Hassan Turabi regime in Sudan". Effectively, the Museveni couple is known to be fervent proselytes of one of the increasing number of "Born Again Christians" sects proliferating throughout East Africa, especially in neighbouring Kenya, and affiliated with US churches who provide funding and indoctrinate the poor desperate masses through lavish donations, in a region devastated by Aids and generalized corruption. With US special forces training militias supposed to be sent in Somalia as "peacekeepers", it seems that Washington rely this time on Kampala autocrat regime, who failed to resolve its two simultaneous civil wars, which worked havoc on a country already strained by exceptionally high AIDS contamination rate. In the same interview, the president precised that he failed to understand the logic according to which the Islamic Courts were condemned whereas Warlords, who terrorized Somalis for 15 years, are relentlessly welcomed for "peace negociations", even though the humanitarian situation is, by no means, aggravated by ICU rise to power. Expressing his disappointment with Washington, Guelleh outlined that the Bush administration paid only lip service to US friends, including even key allies such as Egypt. Further exaspered by Ethiopia PM Meles Zenawi claims that the Courts posed an "imminent threat" to Ethiopia, President Guelleh restated the well-known facts that the ICU is struggling to gain total control over parts of Southern Somalia and that Ethiopian large military, the second most powerful in Africa, was largely capable of defending their country. "a regional conflagration is underway", warned the president.
  13. people oo as Somalis would say, Diinta ku waasha, deeply devout people that loses touch with reality. I guess complete devotion to one particular thing could be detrimental to your over general feeling. Ignorance should be blamed when we get unnecessarily overzealous on minor points beyond what is prescribed and to the extent we neglect the "Big Picture"; this is also the case when learning any new subject academically (an experienced doctor and a layman will have very different perspectives on health isuues for instance), or more generally in everyday Life, especially with Somalis. All is about priorities, balance and focus; thus, the need to learn more about Deen as to become more self-confident. Che, what do you mean by complete devotion? Is there a possibility of a half-devotion without being incoherent? You may note that my theorie is that "self-incoherence" (lack of clear priorities to which the rest is subordinate, contradicting objectives ect) is the root cause of depression, stress...
  14. Sal/Cal Akhi Hizb, Any Muslim ( or any being for that matter ) needs to read 'Don't Be Sad' by Aaidh ibn Abdullah al-Qarni .. an excellent book for any occasion, whether feeling stressed or satified with your life. Definitively, the original version is in Arabic and it covers some Qur'aanic Aayaats dealing most eloquently with Human Psychology by our creator himself; and that is why Arabic is sine-qua-none for learning about this subject beyond Western theories and gross approximations which reinvent the wheels...
  15. If someone is clinically depressed they are 'ill' maa garatay walaal?The chemical balancement of their maskax is not of neutral composition Physical nature of depression, as well as others mental conditions and more fundamentally brain functioning, remain obscure; hence, experts attribute it prevalents pathologies to natural physiological & chemical imbalances, environmental factors, partially to heredity, or life experience and personal mindset ect according to one's subjectivity and some concomitant researchs, naturally biaised, as an agreed upon paradigm for the neuro-psychology field is yet to be found and, moreover, direct experimentation is unpractical. Sorry if I sounded too crude but I felt the Qur'aan was accused of triggering depression; the poster didn't precise that a superficial reading of some separate ayaats was in question here. Therefore, we should excercise utmost caution when raising such issues...
  16. Another European diplomat, again requesting anonymity, said that the international community should be focusing on engaging the courts and encouraging talks with the government rather than sending in troops. "Somalia will be an Islamic state - we are already too late to stop that happening," the diplomat said. "We need to be talking to the Islamists, not provoking them." Even now that former colonists and crusaders realize such basic truths, most ironically, a handful of hardcore tribal extremists/secularists, defeated Warlords and Somali Christians plot along Addis-Abeba for the highly improbable Aids-infected IGADSOM undisciplined militias on which both IGAD members and TFG institutions are deeply split over! Nin noolow maxaa aragti kuu laaban...
  17. How could an upright believer, occupied with Salats and various forms of Dikr, be more depressed through reading Qur'aan sincerely, is this not the supreme oxymoron? Is it possible to have a sense of lack of purpose and unnecessary suffering while at the same time pondering with faith on the most clear and comprehensive explanation of the creation's purpose, including humankind, and the unimaginable reward awaiting upright believers who endure trials patiently and support each other in faith and obedience? At any rate, many psychologic and their associated medical symptoms are directly linked with lack of sense of purpose and this sense of unneccessary suffering compounded by Western solitary lifestyle condemned by Islam (marriage, strongly encouraged, have a protection role, alongside benevolence and generosity); there are also some other cases which may have other additional causes such as Jinns possesion ect...
  18. D. Greater financial support from inside Somalia and abroad. Since the ICU’s expansion, information indicates that increasing amounts of money are flowing to support ICU operations. The funds have their origins from both outside and inside of Somalia. Reports indicate that individual contributions from inside of the country in amounts of as much as $170,000, $250,000 and $600,000 US dollars have been sent from Puntland, Somaliland and Mogadishu, respectively. Are Somalis accross artificial clan/regional lines therefore united in support of "Terror" as claimed by the TFG? the Ethiopian Government is supporting both the TFG and the former Somali warlords - a contradiction. It is the view of the MG that the principal reason behind the re-emerging Somali warlords is to regain their respective former vested interests comprising of individual fiefdoms complete with political and economic benefits. Their purpose is not too assist in the establishment of the TFG as a viable Government This contradictory activity clearly indicates the self-serving nature of Ethiopian support to Somalia. Self-explanatory indeed...
  19. Kenya and Ethiopia were conspiring conjointly since Nairobi independence to keep their ill-gotten Somali colonies; this is a pure historical fact. Djibouti, with its Somali majority, obviously resent foreign interferences and the strategy of Warlords sponsoring aimed to keep Somalia divided while on the road towards total destruction. Also, Ethiopian invasion set a most dangerous precedent for an already highly volatile region. At any rate, there is no any specific "djiboutian" consciousness or stance at the popular level since Muslims everywhere support morally Somalis popular uprising against Warlords terror and foreign invasions (one may note that Kenyan Muslims denounced their own government and vowed to defend their Somali brothers). Effectively, the warlords government was welcomed initially as a "necessary evil" by many Somalis accross clan/regional lines; however, the popular mood swiftly changed as it become increasingly clear that the unholy alliance was nothing but Addis-Abeba new trojan horse...
  20. Although Addis-Abeba and Washington proeminent roles in sabotaging Somali peace efforts by arming ruthless warlords is rightly emphasised, Kenya more obscure plots need also to be highlited. Already openly lobbying for a lift of the arms embargo, giving carte-blanche to Ethiopian military within its territory while excercising jointly with GIs at the Somali Border, Kenya have recently launched a major diplomatic offensive to accelerate Somalia dismembrement, financed, of course by an American neo-cons think-tank. Not only are unfortunate NFD Somalis treated as second-class citizens and the Somali region utterly disregarded, just like in Somali Galbeed, but they are even denied full citizenship untli now while being regularly vilipended in the Kenyan press as an all-purpose scapegoat. Particularly noteworthy is also the back-stabbing of the TFG Nairobi engineered conjointly with Addis (Nairobi notoriously served as Somalis Warlords safe base untli very recently). As a further evidence of an unholy collusion, the Kenyan envoy in Muqdisho who praised the ICU for the return of law and order, instantaneously revised its position to harmonize it more closely with Washington and Addis "Terror" propaganda. To add insult to injury, the conflictuous secession issue has opportunistically been revived in the run to add fuel to Somali flames... ................................................................................................................................................................................... “Kenya Is Lobbying Igad, For Somaliland Be Given Observer Status” Somaliland Times Hargeysa, Somaliland, December 2, 2006 (SL Times) – Kenyan Member of Parliament, Mr. Peter Arigu who came to Hargeysa for a two day visit from Kenya on Wednesday (29/11/06) on the invitation of the International Republican Institute, an American organization which promotes democracy in developing countries to hold a two day lecture and seminar for Somaliland members of parliament . Somaliland Times interviewed Mr. Peter Arigu at his hotel in Hargeysa. SL/Times: Honorable Peter Arigu can you tell us the purpose of your visit to Somaliland? P Arigu: I came to Somaliland for two reasons. First, I came to Somaliland to hold two-day lecture and seminar for the upper and lower chambers of Somaliland’s parliament where I will give discourse on how bills of laws are legislated in parliamentary proceedings. The second reason is to learn from the ‘Guurti’ or upper house of Somaliland parliament’s expertise and experience at conflict resolution and peace making. SL/Times: Is this your first visit to Somaliland? P Arigu: No, this is not my first visit to Somaliland, I came last August (2006) and that was my very first visit to Somaliland and was in preparation of this visit. This being my second visit, will be mainly concentrating on how Somaliland’s parliament can establish sound procedures in debating, formulating bills and conducting parliamentary business, as well as how best for Somaliland parliament to represent the interest of the public in general. I also, personally want to get first hand experience from the ‘Guurti’ house of elder’s parliament in their experience and skills in conflict resolution and how we in Africa can benefit from their experience. SL/Times: In your speech to the ‘Guurti’ the house of elders in Somaliland’s parliament you said that Somaliland would be given soon an observer status in the regional organization, Igad. How do you know of this? P Arigu: When I came to Somaliland in August (2006), I was most impressed by the democratic and institutional development Somaliland had attained and it left a great impression on me. Soon, as I returned to Kenya, I informed my Kenyan colleagues in parliament of Somaliland’s impressive achievements and we quickly went about how best to reward Somaliland for its achievements. We decided that the first step would be to lobby our government to motion Igad to give Somaliland an observer status in Igad and the UN, and this it did our government accepted to motion Igad for this privilege to Somaliland. I think this would be the first step towards future full recognition of Somaliland. SL/Times: Does Somaliland have any friends in Kenya who promote its cause in public and in parliament? P Arigu: Yes, Somaliland has many friends in Kenya. Just look at Eastleigh, in Nairobi many of its residents are from Somaliland and many more are spread across the country and are actively in politics and business in Kenya. Some are in the Nairobi municipal assembly and in the national parliament. And they all fight for your cause in public and private. SL/Times: How much support does Somaliland have in Igad and aren’t countries like Sudan, Djibouti and Eritrea against Somaliland gaining recognition? P Arigu: This is because of misunderstandings among these countries because Kenya for one wants to mediate between Somalia because we want peace in the Horn of Africa, this is why we got all the parties in Somalia to come to Kenya to sort out their differences and we succeeded in doing this whereby they formed a parliament and choose a president. Unfortunately, the parliament and president of Somalia did not travel to Mogadishu instead stayed in Kenya for a long time. This caused tremendous strain and danger to Kenya and eventually my government had to evict the Somali parliament and president out of the country back to Somalia. SL/Times: Since the Islamic Union Courts captured Mogadishu there has been a lot of anxiety of major conflict engulfing the entire region, Kenya is at present mediating between the TFG and IUC, will Kenya succeed in this task? P Arigu: We want peace in the region and not conflict this is why Kenya will do everything it can to stop this conflict not only will we mediate but also take whatever necessary steps needed to diffuse a major conflict occurring in the region. We are working for the good of the entire region and must succeeded in this task. SL/Times: There is much news in the media that Ethiopia has troops stationed inside Somalia and there is the fear that the IUC and Ethiopian troops will clash. How do you see this? P Arigu: No, we are very hopeful this will not happen. We have spoken to Ethiopia and have made it clear to Ethiopia that this conflict is not in the interest of the region and we are quite certain that Ethiopia has adhered to our pleas and will not be pushing for confrontation with the IUC. SL/Times: The USA government is lobbying the UN to lift its arms embargo over Somalia, what is the Kenyan position on this? P Arigu: We would like the UN arms embargo to continue in force till all Somali factions have sorted out their differences . And I believe if the UN arms embargo is lifted it will ignite the hostilities more than ever before and cause a major catastrophe beyond the reaches of Somalia and will engulf the entire region this is the first time that your achievements have reached us in Kenya over all these years and this is most unfortunate. . SL/Times: What advice would you give to the people of Somaliland? P Arigu: I would advise the Somaliland nation to put more effort in getting their message for recognition out to the world, especially the members of the houses of parliament, for they can lobby their colleagues in parliament in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania and other countries too. Because this is the first time that your achievements have reached us in Kenya over all these years and this is most unfortunate . I believe the efforts you put in achieving peace and development inside the country is more so than ever before needed for neighboring countries and beyond. Source: Somaliland Times
  21. BREAKING NEWS: Ethiopian plots against Somalia fulfilled Dec 01, 2006 Og-aden Online investigative reporters in Og-aden confirm that the Ethiopian plots against Somalia that we have reported on earlier have now materialized. Our reporter indicates that there have been modifications to the plots hence the Baidoba explosion can be directly attributed to the Ethiopian government. A high-ranking Ethiopian official who requested anonymity due to the sensitivity of the operation briefed one of our reporters. This source claims that since the American government has unexpectedly bought into the Ethiopian propaganda machinery, plans to carryout attacks against Kenyan and Ethiopian targets were abandoned. Instead the source says, carrying out bombings in the seat of the Somali government, Baidoba become important for two reasons. First as happened yesterday, it was carried out to coincide with the introduction of the motion at the UN by the Americans to authorize Ethiopian, with IGAD cover, invasion of Somalia . It was also meant to convince the skeptics at the UN mainly the European governments such as France and England that the Union of Somali Courts (UIC) use the same ‘terror’ tactics as is known to the terrorist networks around the globe . Og-aden Online News The battle is no longer between factions but one for defending Islam, whose miracles in salavating our people, are deeply resented in Addis-Abeba by the minority Tigre maffia. Hence, "Terror" is the latest label par excellence whereby the despised criminal TPLF sell its policies abroad and thus perpetuate the subjugation of Ethiopians as well as Somalis, not least the marginalized, routinely terrorized Somalis Galbeed. Consequently, anyone who relays the same odious propaganda against Shariah implementation become ipso facto accomplice with the Bloodthirsty Thugocracy in Addis-Abeba, allergic to anything connoting moral values and struggle against oppression...
  22. How long Ethiopia invasion will be sustained as our colonized Somalis Galbeed Brothers, who have first hand experience of Tigre cruelty, won't allow them to launch unchallenged this agression from their land? ONLF Statement On Events Unfolding In Somalia Nov 28, 2006 There has been much written about the events unfolding in Somalia with frequent mention of the ****** National Liberation Front (ONLF) and speculations on our position with regards to the events unfolding in Somalia. Hence, we would like to take this opportunity to clarify to the international community and members of the media our principled position on the Somali civil war and Ethiopia’s involvement in that country’s internal affairs. First, the ONLF categorically denies assertions by the TPLF led regime in Ethiopia and members of the media that ONLF military personnel are in Somalia. As a matter of principle the ONLF has never been and does not intend to be a party to the conflict in Somalia. We wish to affirm that the scope of our military operations is and will continue to be limited to ****** and Ethiopia. We further wish to make clear that the ****** cause in not a territorial dispute between Somalia and Ethiopia but rather a legitimate struggle for the self-determination of the Somali people of ****** Secondly, the ONLF strongly cautions the international community against permitting an Ethiopian invasion of Somalia as that would have dire consequences for the entire region. An Ethiopian invasion of Somalia will trigger a catastrophic regional war with massive loss of life and continued instability in the Horn of Africa for years to come. Thirdly, the ONLF wishes to affirm that we will not allow our territory to be used as a launching pad for an Ethiopian invasion of Somalia without stiff resistance from our armed forces. Fourthly, the ONLF bears witness to the fact that the TPLF led regime is in continuous breach of the arms embargo placed on Somalia and has been since the inception of the embargo. The current Ethiopian regime has clearly been the primary obstacle to the peaceful settlement of the Somali conflict for over a decade by actively interfering in the internal affairs of Somalia by arming various factions, training their militias and undermining through diplomatic maneuvers nearly all attempts at a peaceful settlement between conflicting parties. In This time of increasing tensions in the Horn of Africa, the ONLF wishes to confirm that the people of ****** stand in strong solidarity with the people of Somalia to reclaim their sovereignty and achieve a lasting peace free of foreign influence and manipulation. Despite the Ethiopian regimes policy of deliberately undermining peace in Somalia, the ONLF urges all parties in Somalia to solve their differences through dialogue and recognize that they are at the threshold of a crucial decision that will usher in a period of sovereignty or foreign domination for Somalia depending on the choices they make. The ONLF will continue to support and encourage every legitimate effort to provide all necessary assistance to the Somali people so that they can fully grasp their political future into their own hands and move toward a peaceful, prosperous and democratic future built by Somalis and for Somalis. ****** National Liberation Front (ONLF) ONLFPRESS@onlf.org