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Everything posted by Abu-Salman

  1. I think STD check is part of the compulsory prenuptial health check in many countries and such diseases are bound to increase dramatically with Ethiopians and diaspora members omnipresent in Somalia (Berbera Aids rate, due to the port, rate was among the highest and contamination rate was soaring accross Somalia). Now, the health system could easily be upgraded should the authorities make it a priority, especially for the sake of the overwhelming majority, without access even to basic prevention. People should be aware than more often than not competiting priorities, coupled with corruption and mismanagement, are the real problem (war against other Somalis, incompetent authorities with little vision etc). After all, Cuba, China, and many other countries who chose Health as a national priority, are far from being the richest countries yet export thousands of Health specialists, in conjunction with a remarkable as well as affordable health system, while welcoming even American students. In comparison, many other countries spend much more with little results to show for...
  2. I don't drive too. Neither did my father back in Djibouti or other relatives here in Europe, albeit my mum did sometimes (just a bit more convenient for picnics, going to the beachs ect when offered a public car for instance). Why create a need that doesn't exist for many people, especially when doctors are encouraging people to be more active (even urban planners are urged to "force" people to use their muscles)?
  3. From Islamic Organization for Medical Sciences ISLAM AND PSYCHOSOMATIC MEDICINE MOHAMMAD AHMAD AND Mrs. NIKHAT AHMAD India. The most important cause of morbidity today is the stress and strain of life. Not only this, but directly or indirectly the stress and strain of life. Not only this, but directly or indirectly the stress and strains of life are also one of the most important causative factors of cornary artery diseases which stands out as the number on ekiller of mankind today. "We are born in pain, we die in pain and in between there are pains both psychic and somatic". One cannot avoid stress in life nor can we live without stress. It is essential for the development of human faculties. But excess of it is extremely damaging to the human body. Minimising stress within tolerable limits is the goal of modern physical and psychological therapy. The present work attempts to analyse how best Islamic practices have contributed to solving the psychological problems and have helped towards a healthier living in a chieving positive health. Because of the limited space only the commonly practiced methods which minimise stress and bring about relaxation both physcial and mental will be discussed int he light of Islam. The following methods of relaxation have been selected for the present discussion. 1. MID-DAY NAP A short mid-day nap (Qailulah) is a Sunnah. The value of this mid-day nap in total body relaxation has been appreciated recently by scientists. Not only does a mid-day nap give relaxation to the body in day time but it is also very conducive to sleep at right. Relaxing once during the day is very conducive to total relaxation and sleep - once you crawn into bed for the night (Kerner) It should be appreciated that insomnia is a "powerful stressor in itself". The Sunnah of short mid-day nap may, therefore, be practiced as a remedy for sleeplessness. Furthermore, the sunnah is not necessarily to sleep during the day but to lie down for some time to relax. This is exactly what is required for proper relaxation according to the modem scientific investigations. 2. FAITH IN THE ALMIGHTY CREATOR AND SUSTAINER Lack of faith in the Almighty Creator is one of the theories of psychological disorders leading to psychoneurosis and psychoses. This can be understood from the knowledge of the mechanisms of development disorders. Man is constantly exposed to stress conditions. It is not possible to avoid stress in life. One tries to adjust to the stresses of life by methods which he has learned as well as by the inherited tendencies of reactions to stress. The resul of this stress adaptation interaction is a STESS REACTION. The effect of this stress reaction will depend upon the severity on stress and on the power of adaptation of the individual to stress. If stress is mild an dpower of adaptation is good, the reaction results in an adjustment which is beneficial to the individual. However, if the stress is severe and adjustment poor, it results in major mental disorders (psychosis). A person who has the faith in Allah the Alkmighty and He is with Him, has an intense moral support which will sustain him in th emost adverse situations in life. Hadith Sharif mentions extensively of the importance of the virtues of remembrances of Allah and the Holy Quran bears a testimony to it in the following words: BEHOLD ITS MERIT THAT REMEMBRANCE OF ALLAH BESTOWS SATISFACTION OF HEART It is logical to conclude that believing in one Allah as preached by Islam provides the real moral support as needed in life and bestows satisfaction of heart. 3. FAITH IN LIFE HEREAFTER AND ACCEPTING THE INEVITABLE In the light of the foregoing discussion, it is obvious that one who believes that the troubles of this Dunia are nothing but emporary and Dunia is Fani, and there is a life hereafter, will be content with whatever he gets in this world. 'Accepting the inevitable' is an important and indispensable mechanism of psychological defence against frustration. Those who do not have faith in life hereafter are totally dprived of this benefit. Those who believe in a temporary life hereafter will be partially deprived of this benefit and those who believe that they will get the rewards of all their deeds in the world only, should be expected to have an effect of fear rather than relief. The faith in destiny and in the life hereafter as is preached by Islam should definitely be the most effective sustainer for anybody. 4. CARE OF NEIGHBOURS In the so-called 'most advanced places', it is a fact that people do not know even their immediate neighbours. The scientific significance of keeping good relations with neighbours is being appreciated only recently with the observations of Hans Seley, known as the father of the science of Stress. He has concluded that the most important factor affecting mental peace is having good relations with neighbours. In most of the religions good relations with neighbours has been emphasized. But the meaning of aneighbour and the type of relations to be kept with neighbours is very comprehensive in Islam. As for the definition of a neighbour, in Islam all persons living in the 40 houses from the houses of an indiviudal, in all directions, are his neighbours. As regards the rights of the neighbours; these are extensive in Islam. Hazrat Gibrail stressed so much on the right of neighbours that once it appeared to Rasool (pbuh) that neighbours may have a share in the property of a person. Thus one can appreciate the status of a neighbour as considered in Islam. It is the faith of all Muslims that all the teachings of the Prophet (pbuh) are the best of the actions. The psychiatrist will definitely realise their significance when he will look at it in an unbiased perspective. 5. SLEEP POSTURE The posture one adopts while sleeping reveals a lot about the personality of the person, his attitude towards life and so on. Lying down in bed relaxes the muscles of the body and the degree of relaxation is determined by the sleep posture adopted by the person. In the semifoetal position the person lies on his side with arms and legs partially folded. The limbs are not kept in an exactly opposed position. In terms of physical comfort, in this position it is possible to turn from side to side without undoing the set configuration of the body position. It is supposed to be the best position in terms of physical comfort. It has, therefore, been considered as the best position for relaxation. According to an old proverb the kings are known to prefer to sleep on their back, the rich man on his stomach and th ewise man on his side. These abovementioned observations bear testimony to the superiority of sleeping in semi-flexed position on one side. The sleep position which was adopted by Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) is a Sunnah and is scrupulously adopted by devout Muslims. He used to lie on his right-side with limbs slightly flexed, right hand below his cheek and facing towrds Kaba Sharif. This position is similar to the semi-foetal position described above, and, obviously in the light of the existing knowledge about sleep posture, is the position adopted by a highly balanced person psychologically. It is also the best posture for relaxation, both physical and psychological. Adherence to this sleep posture should therefore, contribute a lot to total body relaxation. SALAT AS A MEANS OF RELAXATION In salat the person concentrates on Allah, who is not a formed object but a Light, a Noor, with all His qualities of being Rahman and Rahim. He is unlimited and will remain forever. He is the Master of the Day of Judgement, the Qeyamat, when the fate of every body will be decided. The person not only concentrates on Allah but also talks to Him in a murmuring voice, reciting His own words. The person not only sits before Allah, but stands before Him, bows down before Him and finally prostrates before Him. Praising Him with words better than which no human mind can think of and better than which no human can utter. Finally, he recites the conversation which took place between Allah and Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) during Meraj. Obviously both in physical form and in mental state, this should be a definite improvement on the most sophisticated method of concentration devised by human mind. From the foregoing discussion, it is obvious that scientific researches have confirmed the superiority of Islamic practices. Further researches will definaitely reveal more astonishing facts regarding the superiority of faith in one Almighty Allah, faith in the eternal life hereafter and in the life style of Prophet Mohammad (pbuh). Anxiety and psychological maladjustments bring about a chain of metabolic changes which, in turn, produce damage in various tissues of the body - causing 'PSYCHOSOMATIC DISEASE'. These diseases are the most important cause of, morbidity and mortality of mankind today. Islamic practices bring about peace of mind and soul apart from giving phsycial relaxation. Undoubtedly, if one adheres to the teachings of Prophet (pbuh) he will be greatly benefited in this life as well as in the life here after. REFERENCE 1. Al-Quran-ul Hakeem (Surah Ra'ad) 2. 'The Teachings of Islam' by Shaikhul Hadis Hazrat Maulana Mohammad Zakaria; published by Idara Ishaat-e-Dinyat, Hazrat Nizamuddin Aulia, New Delhi, India. 3. 'Stress and your Heart' By Fred Kerner, Hawthorn Books Inc. 1961. 4. 'Souvenir' Divinise The Man International Conference, Bombay India, 1976-77. 5. Reader's Digest- "What your sleep position reveals". Nov. 1977 issue.
  4. It's rare for men to get breast cancer right? I remember when i was twelve i felt this pain in my nipples and when i touched them they were so hard(lol this sounds wrong) i showed my mother and she flipped and took me to the doctor and he said it's just puberty lol Exactely what happened to me, too, at 12. Mum, there is something, look, breast cancer? Akhas, war i dhaaf said my mother, a nurse, who was in a hurry (something along those lines)! Reading and watching so much about Health may make people hypocondriac, a risk factor in itself especially with the Western paradigm which tends to separate specific Health issues from the wider societal framework (family, communities, economy, environment ect) lol There was this Doctor who said let's stop seeing Cancer everywhere or we will end up giving cancer to people (warning about everything is hardly productive unless one could possibly avoid the specified threats)! Breast Cancer happen to men too, albeit much less often and it seems taht having children early and breastfeeding them somehow limit the risk. So many pollutant: dioxins, possibly plastics or other products widely used such as alloys in cooking wares, particularly cosmetics used daily with each of them containing a cocktail of potentially dangerous molecules, home cleaning product & perfumes, loneliness and associated stress or depression, unhealthy diets full of additives and limited amount of regular activity integrated into daily life, all seems to contribute to Cancer Diseases in the West in addition to Diabete, Asthma and other epidemies (and incresingly in "developing countries" as they imitate Western lifestyle). Maybe it's time we focuse on living more naturally without unnecessary exposure to molecules cocktails and other sources of risks such as radiations (even Mobiles, PCs, TVs and many other widely manufactured products are far from being healthy), that we don't even know remotely their full effects instead of putting the emphasis on increasingly expensive treatments or screenings which may increase Cancer risks themselves and do little good (someone may be saved from lung cancer only to die later from breast cancer or related disease caused by the chemiotherapy itself)! We should avoid costly, unneccessary Health scans which exposes to additional radiations unless first approved by the doctor and focuse instead on leading a natural, healthy lifestyle with plenty of Quran Reading & Invocations as eminent Doctors seems to unanimously agree now on the immense benefits of spirituality, hence why they advise people on yoga or other forms of regular, daily meditations for those not praying, attending Mosques or churches (a powerful protection not only against terrible cardiovascular, as confirmed by the last book on that topic I've just read, but all other threats to Health) ...
  5. I came across and read a quite eye-opener book, "80 Hommes Pour Changer Le Monde" (French for "80 men to change the world"), written as a team project intituled "Tour Du Monde en 80 Hommes" or "World's Tour Through 80 Men" (www.80hommes.com) and which reminds us that many simple, practical as well as ecological steps are far more successful than many other interested forms of "Aid", "Technology Transfert" and "Investments" more akin to mere political bribes or ravage local environments while disproportionally advantaging the well-offs. Indeed, the books illustrates many examples in different fields I can hardly quote exhaustively, from empowering the poors through land, property and business titles, hence energizing the informal sector while liberating the majority of humankind from both precarity and insecurity to standardized, low-cost healthcare ( whereas Mc Donald sells cheap, unhealthy burgers, an Indian ophthalmic surgeon layed the foundations of eye mass surgeries with locally manufactured implants, an approach replicable to other specialties). However, I thought practical irrigation technology could help us towards both food security as well as self-sufficiency in an era of rising food prices, especially in Somali inhabited areas more suitable for agriculture, where rural Somalis are neglected and massive rural-urban migration is witnessed. Developed by Approtec (Appropriate Technologies for Enterprise Creation), an initiative founded in Kenya, a simply designed but highly effective manual irrigation pump is the star of their range of products and seems particularly suited for Sub-Saharan conditions (with many awards and international recognition). The Money Maker Transforms the Lives of Kenyans
  6. I thought that this website USC-MSA Compendium of Muslim Texts, which I didn't really checked thorougly, provides a Very Succinct, Partial and Only Complementary Introduction to Islamic Studies in English (A very superficial treatment of Ahaadeths or "mustalah al-hadith"), but of course, Original Texts in Arabic explained by Muslim Scholars are Indispensable. An interesting eye-opener for those of us who take their Deen for granted, doubt or are are on other paths, the section Misconceptions About Islam section of this University of Southern California Website page also correct some common and quite widespread prejudicied views that are sadly witnessed even within Islamic communities. One could hope that pseudo-Muslims, complexed "seculars" who ignore their Deen while revering those laws based on ancient pagan or Christian usages and traditions such as the Common Law, Code Civil etc will get basic acquaintance with Fundamental Islamic Studies through autenthic sources, ie the trusted, unsurpassed Scholars (Quran, Ahaadith and the resulting Fiqh as well as Aqeedah or belief). However, these excellent Muslim Websites are most useful for committed Muslims and relatively concise with well-known Somali Sheikhs: Masjidusunnah and its twin with an "English Lectures" section Nasiixa.com and will allow everyone to fulfill adequately his primary duty as Muslim, notably the most important Salat, through the indispensable "Sifatu Salaat" of the great Hadith specialist Sheikh Al-Albaane. Let's always remember that the Prophet ordered us to pray as we saw him (which imply relying on autenthic Ahaadeths) and Allah has promised explicitely to not punish those who perform it both correctly as well as regularly, a guarantee unavailable for the rest, as stated in the book version introduction!
  7. Why do we always justify the unjustifiable as a society? Is there the slightest doubt on whether getting Khat banned should be one of our priorities, just like mitigating clannishness? As a matter of fact, I found that these two core evils are intertwined in our context. Is it not everyone's main requirement to fulfill obligatory acts of worship with Salat toping the list, while protecting his mind and thus allowing it to focus on the Fards with Khushu' (concentration, manners ect), hence why every form of Drug is prohibited and Khat has naturally been declared Haram long time ago by leading scholars (some Khat's effects are even much worse than alcohol)? Is there now a debate on whether Khat should be classified as a Drug (behavior altering substance that induce craving), which is already the case in many countries? Of course, there are many other reasons why Khat is utterly undesirable Islamically, whether as direct or indirect consequences. As for those quite "liberals", "moral relativists" , they need to be reminded of their Islamic obligation to encourage "Khayr" and discourage "Munkar"; in other words, we are all accountable for our society, naturally to the extent of our ability (the very, very least being to disapprove evil from within his heart!). Again, anyone interested could consult the many publications on this topic and should take an informed position before commenting on anything. Khat being a Public Health concern is only too obvious, but reasons for this range from linked psychological disorders (Somalis are major mental health' services users, so disproportionally represented in psychiatric internment wards!) to cardiovascular, metabolic disorders such as diabetes, epidemics such as TB, etc (not mentioning its unhealthy paranoia-triggering effects in clan-based Mafrishs). For one, Statistics are hardly an infallibly objective tool, especially nowadays when everyone manipulate it or find what he already wanted to "prove", though the fact that cancerigen chemicals are liberally used to grow Khat hardly needs statistics, and given that the precaution principle is paramount. Indeed, no amount of scientific data will fully unravel all the Khat's damages or those of the involved pesticides and we are already too polluted with so many interacting products!. But what statistics does one needs anyway when Khat directly encourages every type of risky behavior such as inactivity, high level of sugar consumption (Somali tea), passive smoking in confined space, the associated malnutrition (tea, along other caffeine-based drinks such as coffee or Coca-Cola, act as a diuretic which literally drain much needed vitamins and oligo-elements out of the body, already rares in our typical diet) in a appetite-reduced Khat addict? Moreover, Khat is not only an existential Health & socio-economical threat, prime cause of the alarming rate of divorces, especially for the Somalis, but it also serves strategically the economies of both our British-sponsored direst enemies, conjointly conniving since decades ago alongside the former colonists to keep us mired into artificially sustained endless mutual mistrust & anarchy (hence making us accomplice in the occupation and genocide in Somali Galbeed, marginalization of Somalis in "Kenya" where even national medias vilipend them when they are victims of large-scale , organized governmental atrocities such as those in the eighties!). There you go: an Ethical, Health, Socio-economical Disaster, a Drug that encourages more and more farmers to switch from other crops in a region where Food Security is already compromised by deliberate political oppression, already banned by every other concerned State without ulterior motives, an historically very recent, most unfortunate addition to the Somali culture yet painted as "central" etc Should we then really debate on whether to ban it or not? The Khat Nexus: Transnational consumption in a global economy
  8. Clearly, Islam is gaining converts (or more accurately reverts, as childs are born Muslim, ie submitted to the One and Unique God, Allah) wherever one looks to, wether it be Businessmen in Tokyo, Professors in Paris or Factory workers in London (and even faster in the Post 9/11 USA); how could they spin and "explain away" such fundamental fact we may wonder? "I felt disillusioned by the sheer number of saints and other intermediaries one has to pray to", "Women are more respected, not constantly 'sexualized' and displayed as objects everywhere, like we are used to here in the USA", "I always questioned the coherence of our Christian dogma", "Doesn't the Bible explicitely forbid eating pork?" "The veil attracted me as it reminds me of Mary" and other explanations are readily supplied by an increasing number of Latinos who are experiencing a marked rise in terms of conversion rate to Islam. Some also mention their eagerness to reconnect with their lost Islamic heritage, when Spain was the West learning seat, pioneering public Libraries, Universities, Hospitals and other institutions as the European Continent was experiencing an Era of Generalized Darkness (an heritage that set the Iberian peninsula apart, enabling it to take profit of Arab Navigation Technology to Discover and conquer the American Continent while dominating the Western World). Heavily influenced by Islam, both Iberian cultures and langages (even individual names) still testify to this glorious past and here is a relevant little selection of international medias reports: The Christian Science Monitor The Christian Science Monitor Le Monde (French) PS: Latinos are expected soon to represent the largest US Ethnic group, outnumbering Whites, largely thanks to immigration and higher fertility rate!
  9. Clearly, Islam is gaining converts (or more accurately reverts, as childs are born Muslim, ie submitted to the One and Unique God, Allah) wherever one looks to, wether it be Businessmen in Tokyo, Professors in Paris or Factory workers in London (and even faster in the Post 9/11 USA); how could they spin and "explain away" such fundamental fact we may wonder? "I felt disillusioned by the sheer number of saints and other intermediaries one has to pray to", "Women are more respected, not constantly 'sexualized' and displayed as objects everywhere, like we are used to here in the USA", "I always questioned the coherence of our Christian dogma", "Doesn't the Bible explicitely forbid eating pork?" "The veil attrated me as it reminds me of Mary" and other explanations are readily supplied by an increasing number of Latinos who are experiencing a marked rise in terms of conversion rate to Islam. Some also mention their eagerness to reconnect with their lost Islamic heritage, when Spain was the West learning seat, pioneering public Libraries, Universities, Hospitals and other Institutions as the European Continent was experiencing an Era of Generalized Darkness (an heritage that set the Iberian peninsula apart, enabling it to take profit of Arab Navigation Technology to Discover and conquer the American Continent while dominating the Western World). Heavily influenced by Islam, both Iberian cultures and langages (even individual names) still testify to this glorious past and here is a relevant little selection of international medias reports: The Christian Science Monitor The Christian Science Monitor Le Monde (French) PS: Latinos are expected soon to represent the largest US Ethnic group, outnumbering Whites, largely thanks to immigration and higher fertility rate!
  10. Very insightful bro Odey, and although Somalis share these plagues with other nations, we are set apart by clanishness exploited by foreign powers and the local magnitude of such evils. Of course, ensuring Food self-sufficiency, Basic education as well as primary healthcare is much more a matter of reforming our own mentality and having an authentic vision than simply having a government as proved everywhere else, where it encourages corruption. I always thought Western concepts/standards of "developments" were not only environmentally destructive and irrealistic but still even worse, deluding people en masse. "Willingness to pay taxes" (albeit fundamentally different Shariah-compliant taxation is more relevant in our context) is key you said, but that presupposes a shared identity/vision simultaneous with a just, transparent system of governance as testified by the experience of many other nations where so many projects and schemes failed because of mutually distrustful community whose main allegiance was to their next of kin, their clan or ethny. Many nations have become somewhat acculturated during the process of colonization further continued through "Aid" and "Cultural Imperialism" (Hollywood, Times, MTV ect); hence the complexes vis-a-vis a currently technologically superior West, concomitant with the Moral Vacuum (even the positive aspects of tradition are discarded while only futilities such as music & dance are celebrated). The Italian/British/French colonists started by marginalizing Somali Clerics as well as Elders and this was continued by their allied Somali heirs, hence little wonder that nothing or nobody stopped the killing and looting spree in our genocidal civil war (not mentioning chronically unethical governance as politics reflects the wider society)... In conclusion, talking about "Development", whatever interpretation or model one may prefers, without first fixing the root cause of this lack of shared identity/vision is clearly akin to putting the cart before the horses!
  11. While Hargeisa has rehabilitated its thieves, in sharp contrast, Mogadishu could not even rehabilitate its Sheikhs. Could it be that some people are not confident enough to state their achievements without constantly resorting to unholy, misplaced comparisons?
  12. What we forget all too easily is that any sustainable progress depend on ourselves and that Foreign Aid only exacerbates the already widespread corruption and warmongering. Did you know the whole Somaliland Health ministry has only 4 vehicles whereas the Army, Police and other officials needlessly monopolize even those donated ? Little wonder there was little to deal with the recent cholera outbreak, especially in the light of the Sool issue as well as the expected counter-attack by Puntland. Western countries are already diverting their support to locals, confirmed NGOs and have recently started to allocate more funds towards Somaliland (preventing "extremism"). A relative of mine in Hargeysa informed me today that Djibouti based French Diplomacy may channel some funds towards a "French-Somalilanders" NGO and a "community pharmacies" system, through their Djiboutian experience, and with added private shareholding as to mitigate rampant corruption, is high on the priority list alongside an upgrade in terms of quality of the healthacare delivered by local hospitals (child and maternal mortality rates are extremely high and the majority could hardly access private healthcare). Having said that, nothing sustainable could be achieved as long as more than 70% of the national budget is allocated to defence & security expenses while primary healthcare and Basic & vocational Education are woefully ignored alongside Water & Sanitation (both clean water and basic sanitation have dramatically reduced mortality rates worldwide for modest investments)! It just seems that the overwhelming, silently suffering majority is invisible for local authorities while corrupt officials and businessmen are thriving in a regulations free environment (interestingly, Riyaale has been termed as the highest paid "President" in exercise while the Somaliland 2003 Budget , here an analysis posted on Somaliland.org, is an eye opener in itself). Sadly, the enduring incarceration of the able, respected Dr Gaboose and fellow Qaran party chairman Eng Hashi, under alleged Ethiopian pressure through their local office, will do little to alleviate the plight of the average citizen. “Iska Daa Doorashooyinka inagu soo fooda lehe,Xadhiga Qaran Wuxuu carqalad ku noqday Socdaalkayagii [uganda], Garanmaayo Waxa loo Cafinwaayey” precised, after finally altering his initially hostile position vis-a-vis Qaran party's legalization, UCID Eng.Faysal Cali (who also, initially, opportunistically supported their imprisonment). Particularly noteworthy, the ELDR EU party seems to link his appeal for the consideration of Somaliland recognition to their release and Qaran legalization, as they quite convincingly argue that the three legal parties should be decided by Somalilanders themselves instead of the ruling UDUB. As unique response to this date, a quasi-dictatorial "Media Law" has been drafted to pave the way for 2008 elections as the current authorities feel more emboldened by their alliance with Addis-Abeba than any other form of legitimacy... ............................................................................................................................ Here is the ELDR letter to the local executive: HE. Dahir Rayaal Kahin The President of the Republic of Somaliland Hargeisa, Somaliland Brussels, 27 November Dear Mr. President, The Congress of the European Liberal Democrat and Reform Party (ELDR) adopted a resolution that calls upon the European Union and all of its Member States to give diplomatic recognition to the Republic of Somaliland and actively encourages the African Union to accept that Somaliland is not a secessionist state but rather a democratic entity that has abrogated a union with a failed State. However, our call is conditioned by the existence of a government that respects human rights, a free market, and democracy, with a free press and the possibility of democratic changes of government.In a region of the world where these qualities are in short supply, your country is a beacon of democracy. Therefore ELDR was alarmed to read of the arrests of Dr Mohamed Abdi Gaboose, Engineer Mohamed Hashi and Mr Jamal Aideed on July 28. These three gentlemen were architects of Somaliland’s freedom, and are surely entitled to exercise their constitutional rights to freedom of expression and of association, and the right to take part in the government of their country, which are found in Articles 19-21 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Whilst the constitution of Somaliland provides that there shall be only three political parties, there is no law that I am aware of which says that the current three parties will always be the three accepted under the constitution. The constitution like all others also guarantees the right of association and the persons who have been arrested are arguing that they are simply exercising their rights to form a political association and to be given a chance to compete freely to become one of the three political parties allowed under the constitution. May I respectfully urge you to release the three gentlemen, and to convene a representative assembly to determine how to secure maximum popular participation at the forthcoming elections, by a process that would determine which three parties have the greatest support and whose candidates’ names should therefore appear on the ballot papers? I need hardly emphasise the damage to the cause of Somaliland’s recognition that will result from failure toresolve this problem by discussion and agreement, rather than arbitrary detentions. In the longer term, Somaliland may wish to consider whether it is necessary to place any constitutional limit on the number of parties. In many democratic countries the citizens tend to elect just a few parties, though others may put up candidates without harming the democratic process. Yours sincerely, Annemie Neyts-Uyttebroeck MEP, President of the European Liberal Democrat and Reform Party
  13. Wixii dadka kala fogaynaya lama sii buunbuuniyo, gaar ahaan maanta oo xaaladu marayso sidii xasuuqa mowqif midaysan la iskaga hor taagi lahaa! Aniga kolay ima dhibayso maadaama ahamiyad magacan uuna lahayn, hase yeeshe arrintan wada xaajood ayaa lagu xalin karaa wakhtiga munaasib ka ah. On the practical side, what really matters is not to trivialize their utterly legitimate struggle while they adjust themsleves and here is, again, why the ONLF initials have been chosen: Well, an alternative may have appeased some fears of "clan hegemony" but after pondering a while, I have to admit that Og-aden was still the internationally well-known name of the region (especially after the liberation struggle in the 70s which opposed Somalis against Abyssinian colonization) . Hence, in this age where medias are so crucial, the ONLF initials come in a handy while avoiding the trap of depicting the liberation struggle as a territory dispute between Somali and Ethiopia (unlike the former Western Somali liberation front), as it has been stressed over and over again.
  14. While deeming everything else irrelevant, you chose to focuze instead on the O in ONLF. Well, an alternative may have appeased some fears of "clan hegemony" but after pondering a while, I have to admit that Og-aden was still the internationally well-known name of the region (especially after the liberation struggle in the 70s which opposed Somalis against Abyssinian colonization). Hence, in this age where medias are so crucial, the ONLF initials come in a handy while, simultaneously, avoiding the trap of depicting the liberation struggle as a territory dispute between Somali and Ethiopia (unlike the former Western Somali liberation front), as it has been stressed over and over again. Having said that, this trivial designation issue epitomizes the larger inter-clans suspicions on which the historical enemy thrive; if people prefer their own brand, then by all means, do so and resist under your prefered banner! Nevertheless, to simplify it through one example, France comes from the Franks (a mere single German tribe) and you hardly witness Frenchs disputing over it, albeit they originate from almost every imaginable bacground (German tribes, Greeks, Romans, Arabs ect who mixed over millenaries with different religions and sects)... PS: Prof Ahmed I Samatar, who contributed so much to Somali studies through his decades long meticulous work and whose input is valued by the highest officials, have exposed briefly yet brilliantly, both international and local dynamics relevant to Somalis over the centuries: Ahmed I Samatar iyo Shirkii Den Haag by Hiiraan Online
  15. Another attempt by islamophobe secularists and/or Ethiopian propagandists to further divide us into clan lines, that is, as if all Somalis haven't suffered enough during the last decades under Abyssinian colonization and the whole region wasn't marginalized ("Somalis are nomads, therefore unable to govern themselves" said Meles during a poor attempt to justify the lack of Somalis representents in the Ethiopian so-called parliament). Sadly, some websites have fallen into the trap (though it would have been expected from Awdalnews as its editor Bashir Goth is a vocal Secularist that decredibilized himself through his numerous anti-Islamic writings). Doesn't it contains enough outright lies and inaccuracies that anyone acquainted with the region could immediately spot? PS: I have no link whatsoever with the ONLF, but obviously I can only sympathizes with fellow Muslim Somalis whose plight and unprecedented suffering is ignored by the "International Community" and naturally, we must leave no stone unturned to prevent the historical colonist to exploit our own oil for furthering its genocidal agenda (hence why Somalis' unity is paramount)...
  16. Ethiopia ups military budget, blames Eritrea threat Ethiopia has boosted its defence budget by more than $54-million to gird for a possible resumption of hostilities with Eritrea over their disputed border, Prime Minister Meles Zenawi told Parliament on Tuesday. "Our military budget has been raised proportionally from three billion to 3,5-billion birr [a rise of 16,7%, equivalent to $54,3-million]," Meles said. The rise was "only 1,7% of our total budget", he added. Ethiopia's total budget is estimated at more than $2.2 billion. "The Eritrean government has repeatedly opposed our request to negotiate the implementation of the border and warned of a repeat of full-out war. As a result, we had to build our defence capabilities," Meles said. "We believe the government in Asmara is well aware of our capabilities and another invasion would lead to their downfall," he warned. Eritrea last week said Addis Ababa's rejection of a 2002 frontier ruling by the United Nations-appointed Eritrea-Ethiopia Boundary Commission, granting the flashpoint town of Badme to Asmara, was an aggression. The stand-off between the two neighbours has worsened -- with much flexing of military muscle -- ahead of the expiration this week of the commission's mandate to fix the border. Earlier this month UN chief Ban Ki-moon expressed concern about the military build-up along the border and urged the two countries to break the stalemate in efforts to demarcate the disputed frontier. A 1998 to 2000 border war between the two countries left 70 000 people dead. -- AFP Soldiers continue human rights abuses in Ethiopia's beleaguered southeast, say residents AP, November 28, 2007 KEBRIDEHAR, Ethiopia: Ethiopian soldiers have abused civilians, committing arson and rape, in a southeastern area where they are fighting rebels, but there have been some improvements in aid delivery, residents said. Ethiopia's prime minister said his troops are fighting a counterinsurgency in the Og-aden, and would not make the mistake of violating human rights. A top United Nations relief official who visited the region Tuesday said much more remains to be done. A thin, pensive 30-year-old man, who asked not to be identified out of fear, told The Associated Press about two incidents on Friday in which the army burned two villages, Lebiga and Korelitsa, to the ground, killing one man. The army, the man said, was killing his neighbors "like goats." Officials in the area said they had heard similar reports. They also asked not to be identified because of the sensitivity of the issue. The man also described gang rapes and public hangings in the region and said that villagers had been told not to speak to international observers. Officials in the area also said villagers had been told not to speak to outsiders, and that also was mentioned in a September report by a U.N. fact-finding mission. Another man, 26, who also asked not to be identified for fear of reprisals, accused the government of withholding food in order to punish fighters and supporters of the Og-aden National Liberation Front, a separatist movement that in April attacked a Chinese-run oil exploration field in the region, killing 74 people. In May, the Ethiopian military began counterinsurgency operations, which has stymied trade and some food aid. On Tuesday, the region appeared calm. Government soldiers dotted the flat, arid landscape and towns of Jijiga and Kebridehar, though there was no evidence of any significant military operations. Women — some wearing scarves of hot pink — fluttered through the streets. Men in Jijiga walked along the main promenade. But when questioned, residents were reticent. One man in Kebridehar said he believed the streets were full of military intelligence officers. In the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, Prime Minister Meles Zenawi told journalists Wednesday that human rights abuses and a humanitarian crisis, "didn't exist. Doesn't exist. Will not exist" in the og-aden. "This is a counterinsurgency. I am not going to tell you there hasn't been anyone beaten up. I am absolutely confident that there has not been any widespread violation of human rights," he said. Meles, a former rebel, said that he would not repeat the measures taken against him by previous regimes and his government will not commit, "widespread human rights violations." "We know firsthand how to fight an insurgency and how to avoid og-aden mistakes," Meles said. John Holmes, the U.N.'s humanitarian chief, on Wednesday described the humanitarian situation in the og-aden as "potentially serious." "I didn't get the impression that we are in a catastrophic situation now," Holmes told journalists, adding, however, "there's an awful lot of challenges still to address." Those challenges included opening up transport and trade, expanding food distribution and addressing human rights concerns, he said. Holmes said he discussed these issues Wednesday with top Ethiopian officials, including Meles. Holmes said he heard many secondhand reports of human rights abuses and said that "they come from numerous and sufficiently varied sources to be taken seriously." He did not give details. In recent months, Ethiopia has expelled the International Committee of the Red Cross and the Dutch branch of Medecins Sans Frontieres from og-aden. But in recent weeks the government has allowed 19 non-governmental organizations to return to work in the og-aden. The U.N. fact-finding mission said in September that the situation in the og-aden had deteriorated rapidly and called for an independent investigation into the humanitarian issues there. The mission also said that recent fighting in the region had led to a worsening humanitarian situation and a doubling of the price of food. It also called for a substantial increase in emergency food aid to the impoverished region where rebels have been fighting for increased autonomy for more than a decade. Simon Mechale, director of the Ethiopian government's Disaster Preparedness and Prevention Agency, said on Tuesday that his talks with people in the region provided a more optimistic picture. "From what I have seen so far, I did not see any amazing or disturbing thing," he said. The Og-aden National Liberation Front is fighting to overthrow the government for what it says are human rights abuses and to establish greater autonomy in the region being heavily explored for oil and gas. The government accuses the rebels of being terrorists funded by its archenemy Eritrea. Ethiopia to maintain crackdown on Og-aden rebels: PM ADDIS ABABA (AFP) — Ethiopia will sustain its crackdown on separatist rebels in the restive Og-aden region, Prime Minister Meles Zenawi said Tuesday, adding that scores of insurgents had been killed. The military launched a crackdown on the region after the Og-aden National Liberation Front (ONLF) attacked a Chinese-run oil venture in April, killing 77 people. "We are maintaining our previous strategy of taking legal and proportional measures against the anti-peace elements in the Og-aden," Meles told parliament. "Scores of ONLF and OLF (Oromo Liberation Front) rebels have been killed and wounded from the actions we have taken so far." Earlier this month, the rebels accused the army of bombing villages and killing several people, but the government denied killing civilians. The barren oga-den region has long been extremely poor, but the discovery of gas and oil has brought new hopes of wealth as well as new causes of conflict. It is about the same size as Britain with a population of around four million. Between 650,000 and one million civilians -- already affected by recent flooding -- have been displaced by the clampdown.
  17. First of all, let's not be too pessimistic on this crucial issue, it's all too easy and hardly productive. If for girls, getting married to a Somali from so-called minority/enemy/Southern/whatever clan, will put their children at disadvantage in Somalia, I think this is pretty relative as long as he fulfills the key requirements (Imaan, Deen knowledge & practise, Akhlaaqs ect). For instance, it may takes him more efforts to access some jobs while he could be bullied by other children ect. However, all this are only minors disadvantages as eventually people distinguish themselve by their own efforts and parents' values are paramount. Yet, we all know this is not limited to a specific group but that Somalis generally discriminate against each other. For instance, in Djibouti where Somalis from all the different clans live, it is an open secret that the most coveted public functions alongside other social advantages such as education bursaries were more or less attributed on a tribal basis, with heavy bias towards the President's clan (just like the former Somali regime when challenged by numerous clanish rebellions). Nevertheless, all the relatives that put in the required effort attained an even more enviable socio-economic status and some are simply keys to Djiboutian policies and ministers through their education or thrive commercially. Clearly, favoritism discourage not only hardwork but also self-reliance. On a more positive note, clan-based nepotism is antithesis to any progress and more and more governments are realizing this fundamental fact in the light of global competition. Maybe, the quotas system we practise as Somalis is more a hindrance than anything else and that competitive examinations should be a requirement in recruitments everywhere as recently decided by the Djiboutian government. Again, from my own experience, the clan of a potential bride has hardly been a problem within my family since the more educated, last generation and, in general, this is hardly an issue for men. In final analysis, if Islamically Jaahil, semi-illiterate Somalis really matters to you or have any impact in your decisions, then you actually have more serious self-esteem & personality issues yourself (unless your world is limited to the familial gossip and you are too intellectually challenged for any higher purpose in life)...
  18. Quite frankly, Somalis are rascists towards any human not from their own clan or sub-clan, even the white Doctor who comes at home to treat them free of charge. For instance, the one Northern tribe I know best for both my parents belong to it, assume as common knowledge that everything South is "suspect", and somehow "naturally inferior". Likewise for other pseudo-minorities, ie the Madhibaans, who happen to represent neverthless at least 40% (if not 50%), put together, of the so-called Somaliland in terms of population and even slightly more in terms of superficy. What is supremely irrational is that most of us have at least few grandparents or ancestors from those clans, yet act condescently towards fellow Muslim Brothers (surprisingly enough, even my own "mixed" grandmother wouldn't be pleased with any new "mixed marriage"!). Hence, why it is both a moral and politico-economical imperative to attack the root causes of such widespread paranoia and superiority complex ( which paradoxically reflects insecurity and inferiority complex) by putting instead the emphasis on our common Islamic identity, the one that really matters for coherent Muslims. Unfortunately, Northern clan-centred secession ("Somaliland" for PR purposes) as another facet of clan-based nationalism only further exacerbates such anachronistic, anti-Islamic beliefs, as confirmed by my more than a decade long experience. Another confirmation of the current irrationality of my own kin is that we only possess at best a mere sixth of the whole Somali lands, albeit not neccessarily the most fertile and without any perennial river, while amounting to an equivalent percentage of all Somalis, yet are pretending to be self-sufficient in plitico-economic terms when the 80 millions Ethiopians are experiencing an almost two digits economic growth! Particularly noteworthy is that one of the main trigger of the Union in the sixties, namely our transhumance lands in the Hawd and reserved area being colonized by the Christian Abyssinian enemy, is more relevant than ever with the increasing scarcity of water simultaneous with global warming, demographic explosion and the central place of the primary sector in any sustainable development plan as well as in terms of food security and the concomitant strategic independence. Therefore, there is little doubt that reviving and replacing our faith in every sphere of our increasingly acculturated society will lead to our emancipation, not only in terms of dignity and welfare, but also from these counterproductive, medieval prejudices in an era when every other cultural bloc leave no stone unturned in further consolidating its unity...
  19. Having witnessed the so-called Structural Adjustment Program consequences in Djibouti, it seems even the IMF itself has finally somehow recognized the obvious fact that this despotic institution (unjustly dominated by Americano-European interests) contribue tremendously to the current nightmare faced by ill-governed poor citizens across the world by arbitrarily cutting down already scarce yet vital expenditures on Health & Education sector, hence why countries who quitted it are faring better. Already well-known was that the WFP or USAID were suffocating local pesants and economy by dumping the West agricultural surplus into poor countries, thus both pleasing their own rural lobbies while allowing brutal regimes to continue using what has been termed as "food weapon" against populations deliberetly kept hungry when perceived as potential political/ideological enemies (the main trigger of Ethiopia's historical famines, for instance). Aren't we therefore clearly better off focusing on our own resources for achieving basic Health, Education & Food Security milestones, as cornerstones of sustainable development? ....................................................................................................................... The Lancet* 2007; 370:1749-750 DOI:10.1016/S0140-6736(07)61734-6 World Report Experts call for reform of the International Monetary Fund, Rhona MacDonald Dominique Strauss-Kahn took over as the new head of the International Monetary Fund this month, amid calls for reform of the organisation's governance and restrictive policies, which, say experts, hinder health and development in low-income countries. Rhona MacDonald reports. On Nov 1, the French economist Dominique Strauss-Kahn began his 5-year term as head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF)—the tenth successive European to hold this position. Unlike the change of leadership at the Fund's sister institution, the World Bank—where Paul Wolfowitz was forced to resign amidst a scandal—the mainstream media barely took any notice. But this silence does not mean Strauss-Kahn's appointment was uncontroversial. There is an unwritten, but apparently binding, rule that the head of the World Bank will be an American, chosen by the USA, and the head of the IMF will be a European, chosen by Europe. And, despite a last ditch attempt by Russia to open up the process by nominating a Czech candidate, Josef Tosovsky, the appointment of Europe's nominee, Strauss-Kahn, was a fore-gone conclusion. Many commentators and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) criticised the closed process and argued that such undemocratic action seriously undermines the commitment of the IMF to reform. “The IMF has chosen to ignore the demands of developing countries such as Brazil and South Africa, who called for an open and merit-based selection process for the leadership. [strauss-Kahn] must be the last IMF Director to be selected from Europe”, said Specioza Kiwanuka from NGO Action Aid Uganda. Kiwanuka is not alone in calling for IMF reform. Conceived in 1944 at a UN conference in Bretton Woods, USA, the 45 governments represented sought to build a framework for economic cooperation and set out Articles of Agreement about the IMF's main responsibilities—namely, to ensure the stability of the international monetary and financial system, to promote economic stability and prevent crises, to help to resolve crises when they occur, and to promote growth, and to alleviate poverty. 63 years on, with membership from 185 countries, the principles, responsibilities, and structure of the IMF have barely changed since its inception. One of the main criticisms levelled at the IMF is the anomaly in its quota systems, which can affect how much say developing countries and emerging economies have in their financial future. When a country applies for membership of the IMF, the executive board recommends that country's quota—a measure that determines the country's subscription, voting weight, and access to financing. Quotas are decided by formulas that include many variables such as the size of a country in the world economy. But this system has resulted in emerging economies, such as China, having similar quotas to Canada, the G7's smallest economy. In recognition of this problem, in April last year the International Monetary and Finance Committee of the IMF adopted a programme of reforms, to be completed by Autumn, 2008, aimed at adapting quotas. However, according to a recent briefing paper by the think-tank, the Overseas Development Institute based in the UK, “Negotiations on how large developing countries should be represented in the IMF are still on-going after almost a year”. The briefing paper concludes: “The support of member countries for reform is likely to increase dependent on the international economy—conditions which might be more favourable in 2007 than 2008, particularly in European economies which have the most anti-reform positions at present.” Strauss-Kahn acknowledged the quota problem in a meeting with journalists on the second day of his new job. He responded to a question about quotas by saying, “the change in the quota question has to be significant, a shift has to be significant from the developed and rich countries to the low-income countries and emerging market countries, that is clear”. Simon Maxwell, director of the Overseas Development Institute says that Strauss-Kahn needs to act fast on this issue because “a strong, credible, representative and accountable IMF is in all our interests. Without governance reform, the IMF will fail”. Robert Weissman, from the US NGO, Essential Action, believes that although governance reform is needed it should not draw attention away from policy reforms. “There is no justification for the IMF's voting-by-dollar system…or the customary European right to name the managing director. But all these flaws pale in importance compared with the need to create more space for developing countries to pursue people-oriented economic policies.” As well as addressing the problems of the quota system, many NGOs want Strauss-Kahn to look at the economic restrictions that the IMF imposes on countries, since these have a negative effect on public services such as health and education. Essential Action was one of the many NGOs and civil society groups that jointly signed a letter to Strauss-Kahn, in the run up to his appointment, which stated, “the undersigned civil society organizations were alarmed to find that the April, 2007, report by the [iMF's] Independent Evaluation office, The IMF and Aid to Sub-Saharan Africa, confirms the long standing claims that IMF policies undermine developing nations' ability to increase health and education spending. To date, the IMF's response to this finding has not been satisfactory”. The Independent Evaluation Office report found that, between 1999 and 2005, up to 74% of additional foreign aid to 29 countries in sub-Saharan Africa had been diverted from its intended purpose and allocated to domestic debt payment and international currency reserves because of IMF policies. The report concluded that aid spending was curtailed because of IMF insistence on specific deficit-reduction and inflation-reduction targets that affect the size of the overall national budget. The IMF's restrictive policies—also known as structural adjustment policies—have been cited as being behind the catastrophic economic collapse of Argentina in 2001. Argentina and Indonesia have since left the IMF, preferring to go it alone rather than be subject to such restrictions. However, poorer countries, particularly in Africa and Asia, are not in a position to leave the IMF and so remain subject to IMF policies. One such policy that has received widespread criticism is the capping of public-sector wages, particularly in health and education. A report, Does the IMF constrain spending in health in poor countries? Evidence and an agenda for action, published in June this year by a Working Group from the Center for Global Development based in the USA, found that almost half of recent IMF programmes (17 of 42) in low-income countries during 2003–05 included some form of ceiling on the wage bill. One of the recommendations of the report states, “wage ceilings should be dropped from IMF programs except in cases where a loss of budget control over payrolls threatens economic stability”. David Goldsborough, lead author of the report said, “The effect of [iMF] programmes on health spending is controversial. Those who have worked hard in the past decade to mobilise unprecedented levels of funding and attention for health programs in developing countries have contended that the IMF's approach to macroeconomic management has constrained effective use of donor funds and therefore weakened efforts to improve health conditions in countries that are most heavily burdened by disease”. The report also found that there was a striking lack of connection between macroeconomic and health sector policymaking. “Key fiscal decisions are taken with little understanding of potential consequences for the health sector and health ministries typically cannot make an effective case for increased budgetary priority”, wrote the authors. The NGO letter to Strauss-Kahn requested that in the first 100 days of his leadership he should take several steps to enable poor countries to direct sufficient resources to meet pressing human needs, including that the IMF should not stand in the way on increased spending in health, HIV/AIDS, and education. According to Weissman, Strauss-Kahn has yet to acknowledge, or respond to, the letter. “Strauss-Kahn should prioritise through whatever powers are available to him, enhancing countries' rights to pursue expansionary macroeconomic policies. He must insist that the unwritten rigid rules that prevent poor countries from spending more on health care be ended”, he told The Lancet. Rick Rowden from the NGO Action Aid International—another signatory of the letter—agrees. He says, “The economic literature and historical record clearly show that there is a middle range or ‘grey area’ of still feasible but more expansionary policy options that could be explored which would enable countries to greatly scale up public spending. Unfortunately, for the last 25 years the IMF has prevented countries from even considering such alternatives. This is not only unjust, it is also unnecessary, and Strauss-Kahn must act to make these changes at once.” *: The Lancet is a leading Medical Journal, who occasionally investigate the impact on Health-related challenges of the wider Socio-Economical environment. PS: I particularly expect our eminent Oxford-educated experts like Oodweyne or others to expose their own holistic vision for politico-economical self-sufficiency, wether applied to Somalia, Somaliland, Djibouti or the whole Somali-inhabited region in synergy, as we all are somehow related and interdependent (for exemple, a significant share of Djiboutian economy is reinvested in Hargeysa, which is itself important for Somali Galbeed's trade ect)...
  20. Decidedly, Puntland seems embarrassingly in the limelight while some Somalis affiliated to that corner are all too busy justifying the unjustifiable on the basis of the USC 90's atrocities, even though its main architects are part of the warlord-TFG, not least through Gedi, himself an assistant of the infamously notorious mass-butcherer Ali Mahdi, while the thousands dying daily now in Muqdisho were not even born in 91 (not mentioning the so-called "National Reconciliation" chairman alleged involvement in burying toxic nuclear waste, shipped by the Sicilian Mafia, in Somalia shores). Why is it so hard to focus instead on the CURRENT TRAGEDY unfolding all the way to Bossaso before our very eyes as well as international cameras, where rescaped women and children are raped before and after desperately facing probable drowning shark-infested seas as the Pope, himself virulently anti-secularism, felt obliged to intervene: www.radiovaticana.org. Hopefully, this will encourage the Catholic segment of the increasingly vocal Somali Christians, at the very least, to temper their blind support for Ethiopia and its warlords. yet another thrilling RFI reportage: "We are receiving many testimonies of Women being raped before embarking.We are retrieving many seriously injured Women"... Clearly, the issue is no longer between revenge-seeking clans or christians VS Muslims "extremists" but humanity against unprecedented cruelty in the name of "secular war against terror" (fought, naturally, by the most unholy, undemocratic, cruel despots and their local tribal mercenaries). PS: I am not tribally connected to any party, wether it be the TFG or the Resistance, just for the record...
  21. Recently, international Medias have focused more on the quagmire of Human Traficking in Puntland, a heaven for a most perverse type of "shareholding". Following the incessant tregedies of thousands Somalis as well as Ethiopians risking a particularly gruesome death by boarding small boats from Puntland Coast towards Yemen (as an entry point for the Gulf or the West), some journalists have investigated wether Puntland's highest authorities had vested interests in this obscene deal. Indeed, the recent TPLF genocidal crackdown on the Oga-den alongside recurrent atrocities against other nationalities, alongside the atrocities of its not less brutal occupation in Somalia, have been accompanied by a surge in desperate migrants, all too willing to face forced drowning on the shark-infested Red Sea (more often than not, after being beaten and molested by the crew, before being thrown out). Sensing the new "business opportunity", well-connected Mafias freely operating inside Puntland are feeding the world with even more horror stories. Obviously, one could expect entire populations to flee the Ethiopian dictatorial regime killing sprees, routine torture and mass-punishment as well as rampant rape against entire villages, burned down into ashes (females bodies hanging on trees are becoming a common sight in Oga-denia, as soldiers strangle their gang-raped victims, which often includes even teens). Yet, we should not less expect Puntland authorities to welcome these forsaken victims by providing them with basic safety at the very least, according to humanitarian norms, instead of adding more to their nightmare by turning a blind eye to widespread acts of raping and violence against defenseless Women and children in their most vulnerable hour. Here is yet another account of such cynical profiteering in which, courageously, Puntland Elders denounce the unholy, so-called anti-"terror" Americano-Ethiopian alliance as bringing further misery to the entire Horn of Africa, now needlessly dethroning Darfur as the epicenter of deliberately triggered Human suffering according to the UN agencies and international NGOs : www.rue89.com (particularly noteworthy in this reportage in several parts by a French team is the acknowledged CIA presence around Bossaso, whose authorities are also allied with Addis-Abeba). PS: For further independent accounts of extra-judicial killings and routinized torture by the Ethiopian military, one may start with the Amnesty International Report 2007 - Ethiopia summary, albeit rather "diplomatic" ...
  22. Asc Bro, JZK for all your efforts: 5 and 7 sound great and you could incorporate the quite relevant 6, 9 and 14 into a "Family Breakdown Prevention" scheme which could advise on marital partner's choice, marital relationship counselling and advises for single mother's/families (in other words, pre and post-marriage' aadaabs) as most divorces are easily preventable by adopting Islamic values and way of life, then choosing the right partner and remaining patient according to the Sunnah during unavoidable trials and routine lows for the benefit of the whole society and future of Somali children. We tend to forget all too easily that "changing the World" start by changing one'self and Akhlaaqs with his family and thus showing the right model to current and future generations (parents neglecting prayers, abusing each other, while indulging themselves into fraud and other lies are hardly a coherent exemple for kids to look to)...