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Everything posted by Abu-Salman

  1. Few of us may know that back in 1986, Somalia reached food self-sufficiency when it signed a mutual pact in that regards with Algeria despite its potential almost untouched (notably its coast, one of the largest and most productive in the World). Furthermore, the inter-riverine region on its own has the potential to feed the whole of sub-sahara Africa. Moreover, and beyond the traditional preferential tariffs enjoyed by similar countries such as the ACP tariffs agreement with the EU, a developing Arab market worth almost a trillion of dollars represents another ideal and ever-eager client (in addition to mineral wealth, banana, Tuna, honey and other primary sector produces in short supply worldwide represent for each a market of tens of billions): : Building the banana chain in Somalia: Support to Agricultural Marketing Services and Access to Markets (SAMSAM) experiences E. Baars, A. Riediger Report "However, from 1993 to 1997, the sector was partly revived with exports to Europe and the Middle East, amounting to six refrigerated ships per month loading at the Mogadishu port near the production areas" "The study indicated that among farmers technical know-how is still largely available". "Soil and water analysis show high nutritional contents with minimum supplementary fertilizers required to optimize them" "In times where food commodity prices are rising, Somali bananas can attract high end consumers and therefore potentially and once established, be sold at high price levels." Could you contribute by posting about another lucrative sector in which we have clear comparative advantage or potential?
  2. I think what really matters is that one has committed himself with any voluntary/charitable cause which truly interested him, ie the local somali community or even blood donations with the NBT. As for insight into medical careers, why not shadow his GP, interview relations etc
  3. I guess the losses and current mess in Afghanistan needs more local "justifications" in these dire times...
  4. Why don't those who are passionate about Islam, justice or patriotism, to the extent of aligning themselves with controversial outfits, fundraise instead for self-defence, uncontroversial groups directly engaging our most cruel ennemy, especially when this could be done in all legality accross the West? What are the fatwas or Ulamas consensus concerning the ONLF and consorts?
  5. What a waste of efforts, resources and expectations that could have been infinitely more productive in desperately needed demining, reforestation or clean/irrigation water! Yet, "democracy" or its prejudicied, lobbies-dominated ersatz prevalent in much more litterate, better informed societies has proven itslef unable to function properly; eg, the mess in California or the impossibilty to reform seriously in France, Britain etc despite unprecedented inequalities and concomitant crime rates as well as unsustainable carceral systems, debts & economic paradigms, agricultural & environmental practices etc...
  6. Originally posted by Fabregas: today, how can there be maslah or maqaasid al shariah in compromising on/ abandoning the Shariah itself for the modern day idoltary systems? Isn't this an oxymoron in itself? Secondly, do you believe that likes of Shariff have completely abandoned Sharia governance for a secular system due to international pressure and also as a means the suffering of Somalis? Or is it merely a strategic compromise designed to gradually implement the xukum of Allah at a later stage? I believe it is the former! Shariah implementation is a flexible as well as gradual process with preconditions (legitimate authority). For instance, even when proper procedures are adhered to and the strict conditions met, the prescribed Hudud may not be applied when stealing occurs in times of compelling yet widespread need. More crucially, education, raising awareness and providing for the needs should be the real priorities and duties of the authority in place; it is the latter's responsibility to precisely prevent the need for Hududs by assisting the population under its control (whether it be towards jobs creation, welfare, assisting the youth in regards to marriages etc). In case of one witnessing say instances of greater Shirk, then it falls under his own responsibilty to educate and gently persuades away his folks from such practises; in that sense, Shariah implementation is relevant at every level, individual or famillial, certainely not a duty that squarely fall on the shoulders of one man or his team. On another level, "husnu than" or thinking positively about fellow Muslims until overwhelming and clear, precise evidences is a must. To descend further in the reasoning, there are not yet scholarly consensus in one direction or another concerning Sh Sharif's administration, regardless of his fortuitous ascend to power, while all his previous choices or background point towards an honest Islamic character more concerned with piousness than fame, profit and other usually associated lusts (from his origins to his occupational choice or his methods)...
  7. You read the story of Huud, Saalax, and Yonis and the pattern never changes. It’s one of resolve and gradual gain, and not what we see today in many places of Islamic world. Indeed Xiin, better understanding of the wisdom behind Allah's plans and more specifically of Maqaasid Al Sharii'ah, ie aims and objectives of Shariah, is desperately needed. When learning is neglected or Ulamas relegated, it is thus inevitable that the big picture as well as more fundamental issues are neglected in favor of hasty yet ephemeral pseudo-gains. To better illustrate this, we may examine the example of those still Fiqh-illiterate brothers or sisters who are over-scrupulous in some matters relatively to more major ones which deserve more emphasis or exceed the prescribed or Sunnah limits in their routine such as ritual purification and thus wasting or delaying prayers; had they strived for more Islamic knowledge, they would have acquired an appropriate sense of priority and spared themselve many confusions. More generally, commoners who settles for less Islamic knowledge, whether it be in terms of Arabic, autenthification & gradation of Ahadiths etc, should all the more defer to those better versed in Ilm and follow the Ulamas of their madhab as a requirement for appropriate decisions. In that light, there is no shortcut to the wisdom and concomitant learning on which Islam rests; else, both the Qur'aan and Sunnah would not have exalted learning and there would have been little point in all the trials inflicted to both messengers as well as their spiritual heirs, ie Ulamas...
  8. Ruling on working for newspapers I work for one of the daily newspapers in my country, which is supposedly an Islamic country but in fact it is not. You know the extent of government hypocrisy and misguidance in these newspapers. I work in the department that deals with design and production of these newspapers. Is my salary halaal? Because job opportunities in my country are very few and I have no choice but to work in this job, even though I did not want to work here at first. Praise be to Allaah. We ask Allaah to set the affairs of the Muslims straight, and to guide the media bosses to that which is best for all people, and to help them to spread truth and chastity. But unfortunately very few newspapers and magazines are free of things that are forbidden in Islam, which means that we must refrain from selling them and buying them. That makes it more likely that we should refrain from working in them. Among these forbidden things are the following: 1 – Horoscopes and fortune-telling. These are major sins which may lead a person to kufr. 2 – Program listings for satellite channels. Most of these channels spread evil and immorality. 3 – Indecent pictures of attractive and immoral women. 4 – Adverts for banks and companies that sell and manufacture haraam things. 5 – Cartoons which are haraam because they are usually drawings done by hand of animate beings. 6 – Hypocritical praise of the rulers who do not deserve it. 7 – False fatwas that are fabrications against sharee’ah, and deviant articles that attack Islam. And there are many other things that go against Islam, which may be more or less serious according to each nation and its system, and according to each newspaper and its aims. Hence the scholars have issued a fatwa forbidding the buying and selling of newspapers and magazines that contain a few of these haraam things, so how about those that contain many of them? What if the ruling has to do with design and production of these newspapers? 1 – Shaykh ‘Abd al-‘Azeez ibn Baaz (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: It is not permissible for you – or anyone else – to sell newspapers and magazines that contain pictures of women or articles that go against Islam, because Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): “Help you one another in Al‑Birr and At‑Taqwa (virtue, righteousness and piety); but do not help one another in sin and transgression. And fear Allaah. Verily, Allaah is Severe in punishment” [al-Maa’idah 5:2] Fataawa Islamiyyah (2/371). 2 – Shaykh ‘Abd-Allaah ibn Jibreen (may Allaah preserve him) was asked: I am a young man, 21 years old. My father has died and I have five brothers and my mother. He left us some shops, including a shop that sells newspapers and magazines, and religious books and Mus-hafs (copies of the Qur’aan). In that shop there is a worker who is not Muslim. I told my older brother that it is not permissible for that worker to touch the Qur’aans and religious books, and it is not permissible to sell the magazines which contain pictures, but he did not accept what I said. What should I do? Is it permissible for me to sit with my brothers and eat with them? He replied: We appreciate your piety and your desire to avoid haraam and doubtful things. We advise you to try to fire this kaafir and you will find a trustworthy Muslim who is much better than him in sha Allaah. With regard to magazines, if they are indecent and promote immorality, then it is haraam to sell them, make a profit from them or deal in them. If the pictures in them are regular pictures and are free of indecency, then there is nothing wrong with selling them because of what they contain of useful knowledge and permissible speech, and the pictures are not the main purpose for you. We advise you to stay with your brothers and eat with them, and there is no sin on you in sha Allaah. Fataawa Islamiyyah (2/371, 372). 3 – Shaykh ‘Abd al-‘Azeez ibn Baaz (may Allaah have mercy on him) was also asked: What is the ruling on drawings (caricatures) which appear in some newspapers and magazines and include drawings of people? He replied: The kind of drawings mentioned are haraam, and they are among the widespread evils which must be avoided because of the general meaning of the saheeh ahaadeeth which indicate that making images of any animate beings is haraam, whether they are done with machines or by hand or otherwise. For example, al-Bukhaari narrated in al-Saheeh from Abu Juhayfah (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) cursed the one who consumes riba and the one who pays it, and he cursed the image-maker. It is also narrated in al-Saheehayn that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The most severely punished of people on the Day of Resurrection will be the image-makers.” And he (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The makers of these images will be punished on the Day of Resurrection and it will be said to them: Give life to that which you have created.” And there are many other ahaadeeth on this subject, and there are no exceptions to that except cases of necessity where image-making cannot be avoided, because Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): “He has explained to you in detail what is forbidden to you, except under compulsion of necessity” [al-An’aam 6:119] I ask Allaah to help the Muslims to adhere to the sharee’ah of their Lord and the Sunnah of their Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and to avoid that which goes against that, for He is the best One to ask. Fataawa Islamiyyah (4/362, 363) 4 – Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al-‘Uthaymeen (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: I say to those who are in charge of these newspapers that they will have to answer before Allaah when they stand before Him on the Day whereon neither wealth nor sons will avail, Except him who brings to Allaah a clean heart [cf. al-Shu’ara 26:89]. Those who publish these evils will be responsible for whatever effects came about as the result of their publishing them. If the society turned into a bestial society, where nothing good was enjoined and nothing bad was denounced and the people did not follow the commands of Allaah let alone the commands of the slaves of Allaah, this will lead to unlimited chaos. And he said: Among the evils spread by these newspapers is the love that develops in the heart for images that have no reality, so it is like a mirage in a desert. The thirsty one thinks it to be water, until he comes up to it, he finds it to be nothing; but he finds Allaah with him, Who will pay him his due (Hell). And Allaah is Swift in taking account [cf. al-Noor 24:39]. Another of the evils spread by these newspapers and magazines is that they have an effect on people’s morals and customs, because of the images and fashions found in them, so the society turns into one that is very similar to those corrupt societies. So the believers should boycott these newspapers and magazines and not help their publishers in their sin. Buying them is helping them and strengthening them and encouraging them to continue publishing them and things that are even worse. Those who subscribe to them and buy them are helping them in sin and transgression. The believers should remember what Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): “O you who believe! Ward off yourselves and your families against a Fire (Hell) whose fuel is men and stones, over which are (appointed) angels stern (and) severe, who disobey not, (from executing) the Commands they receive from Allaah, but do that which they are commanded” [al-Tahreem 66:6] O Allaah, have I conveyed the message? O Allaah, have I conveyed the message? O Allaah, have I conveyed the message? O Allaah, bear witness to what I say, and bear witness to what these people hear, what is obligatory for them and what I say and repeat: you must boycott these newspapers and magazines and burn any of them that you have in your possession, so that you will be free of their sin. Fataawa Islamiyyah (4/381-383). 5 –Shaykh ‘Abd al-‘Azeez ibn Baaz (may Allaah have mercy on him)said: It is not permissible to publish magazines which include pictures of women or promote zina, immorality, homosexuality, consumption of intoxicants and other things that call to falsehood and help therein. It is not permissible to work for such magazines by writing or distributing, because that is cooperating in sin and transgression, and spreading mischief on earth, and promoting the corruption of society and the spread of evil. Allaah says in His Book (interpretation of the meaning): “Help you one another in Al‑Birr and At‑Taqwa (virtue, righteousness and piety); but do not help one another in sin and transgression. And fear Allaah. Verily, Allaah is Severe in punishment” [al-Maa'idah 5:2] Fataawa Islamiyyah (4/384) 6 – Shaykh ‘Abd-Allaah al-Jibreen (may Allaah preserve him) was asked: We hope that you can explain the Islamic ruling on what appears in some immoral magazines which is called the zodiac, such as Taurus, Scorpio and so on. They say that whoever is born under the sign of Taurus, for example, such and such will happen to him, and he will travel to some land etc, and similar claims to have knowledge of the unseen. Each sign has its own events that will happen to those born under it. He replied: The zodiac refers to stations or “houses” of the sun, of which there are twelve. Allaah has sworn in the Qur’aan (interpretation of the meaning): “By the Sky (displaying) the Zodiacal Signs” [al-Burooj 85:1]. They are: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. They are months, and nobody knows what is going to happen in them except that which Allaah has told us. Whoever claims that such and such will happen in Taurus and such and such will happen in Scorpio is one of those who claim to have knowledge of the unseen, which no one knows except Allaah. It is not permissible to seek in the stars or the constellations of the zodiac anything but that which benefits a person’s faith and Islam. And Allaah knows best. Fataawa Islamiyyah (4/386). 7 – The scholars of the Standing Committee were asked: What is the ruling on one who allows magazines that contain pictures and articles that are forbidden in Islam to enter his home? They replied: It is not permissible for a Muslim to allow into his home magazines or novels which contain heretical ideas or material that promotes bid’ah and misguidance, or which promotes immorality, for they corrupt people’s beliefs and morals. The head of the family is responsible for his family, because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The man is the shepherd of his household and is responsible for his flock.” Fataawa Islamiyyah (4/387). 8 – Shaykh ‘Abd-Allaah ibn Jibreen (may Allaah preserve him) was asked: The [name deleted] newspaper plays a bad role in distorting news about Muslims, concealing facts about their issues and presenting a bad image of Islam. It mispreresents Islamic issues and deals with them in a manner that does not serve the best interests of Islam in any way. It also presents news about kaafir actors and actresses etc and publishes pictures of them. What is your opinion of this newspaper? What is the ruling on selling it, buying it, distributing it and keeping it? He replied: If the matter is as described above, then dealing in it is a way of encouraging it, distributing it, promoting it and supporting it, in spite of all the problems in it and the damage it does to people’s ‘aqeedah. Hence I think that it is not permissible to keep it, buy it or distribute it. I advise every sincere person to avoid subscribing to it or publishing (articles) in it, because that will a way of suppressing it, until it changes it ways and does something better than this. Fataawa Islamiyyah (4/388) Conclusion: You have read the fatwas of the scholars, and what they have said about the reasons why it is haraam to work for newspapers and magazines that go against sharee’ah, or to sell and buy them. You have seen what we said at the beginning of our answer. Based on that, you can think about these fatwas and see to what extent they apply to the newspaper that you work for. If there is anything that goes against sharee’ah then you should not work for it. Fear Allaah and remember that Allaah has promised you something better if you fear Him. In the Sunnah there is glad tidings for you if you give up this work for the sake of Allaah. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): “And whosoever fears Allaah and keeps his duty to Him, He will make a way for him to get out (from every difficulty). 3. And He will provide him from (sources) he never could imagine. And whosoever puts his trust in Allaah, then He will suffice him. Verily, Allaah will accomplish his purpose. Indeed Allaah has set a measure for all things” [al-Talaaq 65:2-3] “and whosoever fears Allaah and keeps his duty to Him, He will make his matter easy for him” [al-Talaaq 65:4] and the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever gives up a thing for the sake of Allaah, Allaah will compensate him with something better than it.” Classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Hijaab al-Mar’ah al-Muslimah (p. 49). If you think that by staying there you can change some of these evils and reduce them, and enjoin what is good and pave the way for righteous people to write for the newspaper and defend Islam, and other kinds of beneficial actions, then we hope that your staying there will be a good thing and that you will be rewarded for it and for your efforts to reduce evil, in sha Allaah. But if you are not able to do that and the newspaper is filled with evils, then you have no choice but to leave, and Allaah will compensate you with something better than it. And Allaah knows best. Islam Q&A Travelling to the land of the kuffaar to seek knowledge, and helping the kuffaar to make software I have seen alot of the questions that you have answered and I have come to trust your opinion in complex matters such as which face the Ummah at this time.May Allah bestow His Mercy on you for helping the muslims by your knowledge. (Amen) My question is whether it is permissible for a muslim to travel in a land of the kuffar for the purpose of gaining worldly knowledge.Also is it allowed for us to help the kuffar in making software,that they may use for military purposes.eventhough they may be a peace with us?Is the money that we get from such jobs halal or haram?Please answer this question for me as I am a student and very disturbed about whether what i am doing is right or wrong.I have talked with of my friends and they say that it is halal because what they do with our software is non of our concern and we are only doing our work and getting paid what we cannot imagine in any muslim country.Dear shiekh please help me out,May Allah enter you in Paradise for all the good work you are doing.(Amen) Praise be to Allaah. If it is worldly knowledge that is beneficial to the Muslims, and it cannot be learned in a Muslim country, then it is OK to go to the kaafir countries, on the condition that the person is religiously committed and knowledgeable enough to be safe from desires and doubts. It is not permissible for us to help the enemies of Allaah with programs that may cause harm to the Muslims and give the kuffaar more power. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): “Help you one another in Al-Birr and At-Taqwa (virtue, righteousness and piety); but do not help one another in sin and transgression” [al-Maa’idah 5:2] This applies whether the harm is something that may happen in the future, which is the situation when there is peace, or is something that may happen immediately, as in the case of kuffaar who are in a state of war with the Muslims. The means of earning a halaal income are many, and whoever gives up something for the sake of Allaah, Allaah will compensate him with something better. Written by: Ibn Jibreen.
  9. Why I took up arms against Ethiopia By Yannick Demoustier and Jonathan Alpeyrie BBC Focus on Africa magazine ONLF Fighters inspect mass graves in the oga-den The ONLF says these rocks conceal mass graves Ahmed, 35, is a member of the oga-den National Liberation Front (ONLF), one of a number of separatist groups fighting for independence of the Somali-speaking oga-den region in the east of Ethiopia. The previous evening, he had participated in an attack against Ethiopian troops near the town of Babile. "The assault lasted only a few minutes but we managed to kill nine government soldiers," he said. "We are no match for direct combat, so we must rely on quick surprise attacks." The armed resistance began in 1994 after the ONLF, then a political organisation, broached the idea of splitting from Ethiopia. The central government responded by imprisoning oga-den leaders and, according to academics and human rights groups, assassinating others. 'Point of no-return' "In 1994, as a student in Dire Dawa, I was not allowed take the final examinations because I was an oga-denian," said Ahmed. "I was arrested two years later on false charges of belonging to the ONLF, they kept me there for four years and I was beaten repeatedly, sometimes even subjected to electric torture. While in detention, my father was killed by government soldiers." On his release in 2001, he immediately joined the rebellion but his mother remains in jail in Jijiga. Fearing for his family, Ahmed convinced his wife to flee with their two daughters. "They are refugees in Kenya, I haven't seen them for three years. "There comes a point of no-return when you know you don't belong in this country," he said. 'Human shields' Over the past two years the conflict has escalated following the ONLF's April 2007 attack on a Chinese-run oil exploration field. This resulted in the death of 74 people, including Ethiopian guards and Chinese workers. The central government calls the rebels "terrorists", however watchdogs have accused the government of human rights violations. In this village, they crushed babies' heads with stones and in another, they cut up bodies and scattered the parts to prevent remaining villagers from burying the dead "This is a complete fabrication and these are unfounded allegations," said Berhanu Kebede, Ethiopia's ambassador to the UK. "The Ethiopian government has no intention of harming civilians, it is the ONLF that use civilians as human shields." Near the deserted village of Galashe, which Ethiopian troops allegedly stormed in January 2009, Ahmed explains what lies beneath the numerous piles of rocks. "There are about 50 bodies under each pile. "The Ethiopian soldiers stayed here for a couple of months, they terrorised inhabitants, killing as many as 1,500 people." In Galashe and across oga-den, civilians attest to the same horrors, the gang-raping of women, the burning of huts and killing of livestock. But the Ethiopian ambassador denied this claim. "This was recently the subject of an independent investigation and this has made it clear that no such crimes were committed. "This is a vast area with a population of 4.5 million, who are mostly nomadic and you won't see graveyards because people bury their relatives anywhere they can," said Mr Berhanu. The government has closed off all access to the oga-den region. Ahmed believes the Ethiopian government is trying to cut them off from the local population which supplied the rebels with food Rebel alert One of Ahmed's main tasks is to train the younger recruits. "They are very angry but it is important that they remember to stay organised, especially when things appear calm," he said. The Ethiopian government has been trying to find a political solution to the problem. "We are approaching them through their elders to explain that the constitution provides enough political space for a peaceful resolution of the problem but they must renounce the armed struggle and wage their political agenda peacefully," said Mr Berhanu. "The rebels say that they cannot live under Ethiopian rule but we are a federal state." Ethiopia remains one of the world's most aid-dependent countries, receiving more than $2bn in foreign assistance every year. Evidently, no aid reaches the oga-den region despite the government's insistence that hostilities have ceased. "Why does the international community remain silent?" said Ahmed. "The UN must come to the oga-den to see what [Prime Minister]Meles is doing to us." Yannick Demoustier is a French journalist for Rue des Pommiers news agency and Jonathan Alpeyrie is an independent photojournalist.
  10. Do you mean Islamic School or academy? Indeed, it is more needed than anything else as most flourishing scourges (addictions, acculturation etc) need to be tackled at the root, for at least the future generations' sake. However, I think one pressing necessity I have come to identify and that would greatly encourage local education in general, would be the availability of appropriate educational material, ie adapted textbooks (following an adequate curriculum). Not only would it greatly assist local teachers but it would also make general education more relevant to local priorities, whether it be in terms of langages or sciences...
  11. Let's make Akhi the hypothesis that Al Shabab, Xisbul Islaam and their allies succeed in overthrowing Sh Sharif: what are the plan and strategy to form a coalition and engage the rest of Somalis as well as the World (both hostile to a large extent)? Would a Shabab-led entity give more credence to Shariah rule than the rest of the Islamic Courts (who may enjoy more widespread sympathy) by assuring this time the continuity of authority (on which that of Shariah rests)? Above all, would Al Shabab & co start listening unconditionally to international Ulamas of high caliber from the very day the TFG is dissolved? In a nutshell, how and through which detailed processes exactely are we going to better secure the prime Maslaha of the continuity of faith under Al Shabab & co? You may note akhi al ghaali, that as we speak,some brothers are involved in Da'wah activities and teaching in Nairobi, Addis or elsewhere and that if those regimes feel threatened, they may focus more on colonising both mentally and physically Somali Galbeed or the NFD; Somaliland and Puntland also could feel targeted etc... PS: Let's make abstraction of past events and assume that Western interferences are a given.
  12. Maybe it is about time Somali specialists offer some Health & prevention programs on medias such as Universal TV or even launch a dedicated website. Of course, Islamic figures or practising specialists will garner more trust as the level of ignorance in those issues is indeed bewildering...
  13. Originally posted by Nur: The Ulima have equally asked Sharief to kick out the criminal, civilian killers AU forces out of Somalia, which he also failed to do so. Why would Sh Sharif insists on AU troops to stay if the government was not in danger of collapse in the face of a disparate and poorly disciplined armed alliance, with opportunists on both sides? Is there not a high probability that infighting would start again with little prospect of a new, more legitimate government? Crucially, why don't those opposing Sh Sharif on Islamic grounds conform to Ulama's injunctions, respect their mediation or at least wait for their verdict or sanction before waging a full-scale war and claiming the moral high ground? How would Al-Shabab & co gain the trust of Somalis, let alone the tolerance of the rest of the World, to form a "better" government? Is there any point in a "government" that would constantly wage full-scale war against both the rest of the Somalis as well as the world, at this stage? Most importantly, are we not risking to erode the sympathy gained by the Islamic Courts and more generally make the common man even more suspicious of claims to Shariah rule? If we take the Sunnah as reference, did not the Prophet himself scw pledged one third of Madinah's agricultural output in returns for the end of its siege, while always srcupulously applying both the principles of Maslaha and Mafsada (benefit vs harm) and Shura (ie consultation, which may involve tribal elders, business leaders, technocrats and other respected personalities)? Akhi, I am the last to resign to oppression but our supreme goals, whether it be to fully implement Shariah or liberate ourselves from Western-sponsored, Ethiopian/Kenyan colonialism could only be attained by methods which are themselves Shariah-compliant; the constitution is merely an agreed set of rules on how the government and its operations are regulated, which could be purged of its few Islamically ambivalent clauses (just like we agree on traffic regulations, corporate or schools charters etc)...
  14. Originally posted by Nur: [...] In 2006, the Islamic Courts Union was an alliance of most Islamic groups. The other alliance was the Criminal Warlords alliance which was humiliated and one of its leaders driven to drown in the Indian ocean. In 2009, there is a different formation, a minority of the ICU are in alliance with Criminal Warlords, while the majority of their past allies are in the opposition and about to take over Mogadishu again, ironically in the same summer season.[...] Nur Ulamas have called for support to the Sharif led TFG, which implemented Shariah, our central request, while others were involved in mediating until the full-scale war started by those opposing the now Islamic Government. As for the Amisom and warlords, we need a step-by-step approach and I see no reason whatsoever or any possibilty of Ugandans or Burundi troops staying once armed youths or masquerading thugs no longer pose a threat to the government; that is why Sh Sharif repeated his offers of negociations ("everything is on the table")! The crux of the matter is that any viable government will have to engage both Somalis as well as the rest of the world; a daunting task for which Al Shabab & co are hardly able to perform due to their sometimes unislamic exuberance, though Sh Hassan Dahir and others who accept Ulamas as final authorities, notably on Shariah interpretation, may be accomodated. Personally, I would have found a Sharif led government would be almost ideal; an honest Islamic character who leads technocrats...
  15. Deliberately misleading and utterly uncongruous; could you explain me "evolution", "adaptation" and "races" scientifically before any further discussion? Why would you blindly believe in concepts you can not fully grasp, let alone explain them? Besides, with your constant and deliberate attacks on everything islamic noted by everyone (you just labelled veils as "tents" again); it is not like you are yet to form strong opinions on Shariah, Islamic prescriptions, scholars, countries etc why do you feel it is more ingenuous to try and disguise your pure bigoted islamophobia, as well as prejudices born from generalised ignorance, as "dialogue"?
  16. The reason I would not move to the other regions of the country is simple, Kismayo is not only my home town but the ONLY place I have always known…aniga ma ihi dadka sheegta meel aysan weligood arkin just because qabiilkooda ayaa degan What matters most is the islamic environment and learning of the place in question; then, relatives.Lands or countries are abstract and realtive concepts...
  17. Interesting, I'm amazed at how casually few say they do not plan to go back there, their own country! Truth must be told, unless one is living in an islamic country, one has no choise but to emigrate (even then, one may lead a more productive life at home, depending on his circumstances). Why limit oneself to Xamar or any other place of birth when most areas such as both Puntland and Somaliland are safe and most of us have links or relatives elsewhere? Personally, I'm monitoring some familial business there and may thus soon move back home in Somalia, albeit relatives are now dispersed for wordly pursuits. Not that my beloved Djibouti is not as Somali, but for those practical reasons as well as high living costs and a too liberal/secular atmosphere, I do largely prefer other Somali towns (Xamar is still my first choice though I may have to wait again)...
  18. It seems that the principles of that quintessential Somali patriot, well known to all Somalis, are confirmed: patriotic, hard-working yet compassionate. Of course, like many of his time, he may have been influenced by Western ideology (over-emphasis on secular education, notably when it comes to women etc); with a more Islamic background, he may have become a Somali model in the league of Sh Sharif and others. What I found interesting is that as I expected from him, the man was both intelligent, intellectual and yet very human; thus, his successes in the business and social arenas did not alter his ingrained sense of ethics and compassion (as well as the typical anti-sectarian attitude typical of such individual). Neither did he gave up his anti-colonial convictions started with his struggle for independence as well as the return of the Hawd or Reserved Area, which is still Ethiopian occupied thanks to British complicity. No wonder, therefore, he refused to get a passport other than the Somali one despite living in Hargeysa for more than a decade now. Undeniably, Raage Omar and his brother Muxamad Cabdillaahi Cumar, now serving as Somali FM, have inherited some of their father's qualities, not least his cosmopolitan outlook beyond petty villages rivalry and rationality, as demonstrated by the former's coverage of Ethiopian atrocities in Qatar-owned Al Jazeera and other high profile Medias or the latter endeavour to assist in the renaissance of a stable Somalia. Noteworthy, all of Hargeysa's officials and elites are now joining other Somalis accross the globe to express their admiration and condoleances... Marxuum C/llaahi Oomaar oo si heer Qaran ah Hargeysa loogu aasay (Daawo Sawirrada Aaska) Isniin, 08 June 2009 (HOL)- Allaha u naxariistee Marxuum Cabdilaahi Oomaar Cawaale oo ka mid ahaa Odayaasha waawayn ee Soomaaliyeed, isla markaana aadka looga yaqaano Saaxadda Siyaasadda iyo Ganacsiga Soomaaliyeed ee sanadihii lixdamaadkii, ayaa maanta si heer qaran ah loogu aasay Magaalada Hargeysa oo uu habeen hore ku geeriyooday. Waxaana Aaskiisa ka qayb galay Madaxweyne-ku-xigeen ka Somaliland Axmed Yuusuf Yaasiin, Hoggaanka Axsaabta Mucaaradka ah, Shirguddoonka Golaha Wakiilada, Wasiiro, Xildhibaano, Madax-dhaqameed, Culima’udiin, aqoonyahan, Ubadkiisii iyo marti-sharaf kale. Marxuum Cabdilaahi Oomaar Cawaale oo aaskiisa si heer qaran ah looga soo qayb galay, ayaa Masuuliyiin badan oo aanu kula kulanay Munaasibaddii Aaskiisa, waxa ka mid ahaa Madaxweyne-Xigeenka Somaliland Axmed Yuusuf Yaasiin oo geerida Marxuumka tacsi uga diray Umadda iyo ehelada. “Haddii cid la dayn lahaa waxa la dayn lahaa Rasuulkii Ilaahay. Cabdilaahi Oomaar wuxuu ahaa odayaashii waawaynaa ee Somaliland. Ilaahay ha u naxariisto, dhammaan waxaan ka tacsiyaynayaa Somaliland, gaar ahaan ehelkiisii iyo qaraabadiisii. Waxaan leeyahay, Ilaahay Jannada ha ka waraabiyo.” Ayuu yidhi Madaxweyne-xigeenku. Guddoomiyaha Xisbiga Mucaaradka ah ee UCID Faysal Cali Waraabe oo isna ka qayb galay Aaskaas, isla markaana halkaa ka hadlay, ayaa hadalladiisii waxa ka mid ahaa, “Wuxuu ahaa shaqsi cajiib ah oo Muwaadin ah, isla markaana dad badani ka faa’iidaysan lahaayeen. Markaa Ilaahay dalkeena dalkeena dal aan laga haajirin ha ka dhigo, isagana Ilaahay ha u naxariisto. Waxaanan soo jeedin lahaa in marka qofku dhinto sida loo jecel yahay aynu isu jeclaano marka aynu nool nahay.” Dhinaca Xisbiga Kulmiye waxa isna u hadlay Cali Guuleed (Cali Maarshaal) oo ka mid ah Masuuliyiinta Xisbigaas, isla markaan wuxuu marxuumka Ilaahay uga baryay in uu Jannadii ka waraabiyo, ehelkii, qaraabadii iyo dadkana samir iyo iimaan ka siiyo. Guddoomiyaha Golaha Wakiilada Somaliland Cabdiraxmaan Maxamed Cabdilaahi oo isna halkaa ka hadlay, ayaa sidoo kale yidhi, ‘Inaa Lilaahi Raajicuun, waxaan tacsi u dirayaa reerkii, Caruurtii iyo dhammaan eheladii uu ka tegay Cabdilaahi Oomaar, waxaan ilaahay uga rejaynayaa in uu Jannadii ka waraabiyo, inagana samir iyo Iimaan inaga siiyo. Cabdilaahi wuxuu ahaa Odayaashii reer Somaliland.” Guddoomiye- xigeenka 1aad ee Golaha Wakiilada Cabdicasiis Maxamed Samaale, ayaa isna yidhi, “Oday wayn oo dalka iyo dadkaba ku wayn buu ahaa, waqtigiisii ayuu dhintay, qof kastaana waqtigiisa ayuu dhimanayaa. Ehelkii waxaanu leenahay samir iyo Iimaan. Qof kasta oo inaga mid ahna waxa la gudboon in uu fahmo in maalin uun halkaa la geynayo oo la xabaalayo, waana in laga fikiro.” Sidoo kale waxa halkaa ka hadlay Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha Somaliland Cabdilaahi Ismaaciil Cali (Ciro), kaas oo hadalladiisi ay ka mid ahaayeen, “Wuxuu ka mid ahaa Odayaashii reer Somaliland ee taariikhda ku lahaa halgankii iyo xorayntii Somaliland oo uu magac wayn ku lahaa. Waxa kale oo uu magac ku lahaa Ganacsiga Dunida, gaar ahaan meel kasta oo ay Soomaaliyi joogto. Waxaan leeyahay Ilaahay Jannadii ha ka waraabiyo, eheladiisiina samir iyo Iimaan ka siiyo.” Dhinaca kale waxa taariikhda Marxuumka ku dheeraaday Qoraaga Boobe Yuusuf Ducaale oo ka mid ahaa dadkii la kulmay, isla markaana la rafiiqay Marxuumka. “Marka hore Geerida ku timi Cabdilaahi Oomaar Cawaale waxaanu ka tacsiyadaynaynaa Caruurtiisii iyo ehelkiisii, reer Somaliland iyo Soomaali oo dhan. Waxa kale oo aanu ka tacsiyaynaynaa intii taqaanay. Allaha u naxariistee Cabdilaahi Oomaar isku da’ maanu ahayn, hase ahaatee xusuustaydu waxay dib ugu noqonaysaa 1960-naadkii oo aanu qoys ahaan saaxiib ahayn. Cabdilaahi Oomaar dadku ganacsade ayay u yaqaaneeen, nooc ganacsiga ka mid ah ayuu ka ganacsan jiray, ganacsigiisu mid aqoon ku xidhan buu ahaa. Madbacaddii u horraysay ee dalka timaadda waxa la odhan jiray Horseed, Cabdilaahi Oomaar sidaas ayuu daabacaaddii dalka horseed ugu ahaa. Wixii ku lammaanaa waxay ahayd Madbacaddaas oo daabici jirtay Jariiraddii Al-Liwaa, taas oo ahayd tii ugu muddada dheerayd Wargeysyada Somaliland oo waxa la bilaabay sanadkii dhawr iyo kontonkii, waxaanay joogsatay bishii October 1963-kii, isla markaana xaqle ayuu ka ahaa, waxaana uga hooseeyay Axmed Jimcaale iyo Axmed Yuusuf Ducaale.” Ayuu yidhi Boobe Yuusuf Ducaale, waxaanu intaa ku daray oo uu yidhi, “Horseedkaas ayuu ahaa, horseedkii Saxaafadduu ahaa, horseedkii xoriyatul-qawlka ayuu ahaa, horseedkii Ganacsiga casriga ah ayuu ahaa. Waxa ii suurogashay in aan arko oo aan la kulmo oo aan la sheekaysto mar kale sanadkii 1997-kii, oo uu waddanka u yimi in uu Madaxweyne isku sharaxo. Waxaan si fiican u xusuustaa Allaha u naxariistee qaabkii uu Ololaha Doorashada u galayay oo ay adag tahay sida waddanka looga helaa. Wuxu ahaa nin aqoon leh, markii uu galayay Ololaha Doorashada, wuxuu soo qaatay oo uu soo urursaday dhamman wixii macluumaad iyo deraasad laga sameeyay Soomaaliya, gaar ahaan Somaliland hadday tahay sahan Ruush sameeyay ama Ingiriis sameeyay..Cabdilaahi Oomaar wuxuu haystay oo Gurigiisa taala oo dhaxal uu Ubadkiisa uga tegay ah wixii deraasad la sameeyay ee laga sameeyay Doox walba, buur walba iyo geed walba oo Somaliland ah..Ilaahay ha u naxariisto.” Si kastaba ha ahaatee, Marxuum Cabdilaahi Oomaar oo ahaa Aabbaha dhalay Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibedda Soomaaliya Maxamed Cabdilaahi Oomaar iyo Weriyaha Caanka ah ee Raage Cabdilaahi Oomaar, ayaa xannuun in muddo ah oo hayay ugu geeriyooday Magaalada Hargeysa. Taariikh-nololeedkii Marxuum Cabdilaahi Oomaar Cawaale Isniin, 08 June 2009 (HOL)- Akhristayaal waxaanu halkan idiinku soo gudbinaynaa taariikh-nololeedkii Marxuum Cabdilaahi Oomaar Cawaale oo ka mid ahaa Odayaasha waawayn ee Soomaaliyeed, islamarkaana lagu aasay Hargeysa. Taariikh-nololeedka Marxuumka oo aanu ka soo helnay ehelka Marxuumka, ayaa qoraal ay soo saareen oo ka waramay taariikh-nololeedkii sii wuxuu u dhignaa sidan; “Marxuum Cabdilaahi Oomaar Cawaale wuxuu ku dhashay Magaalada Luuq ee Soomaaliya. Tacliintiisii, wuxuu ka baxay Dugsigii sare ee Waxbarashada ee Vacationer Training Center (VTC) eek u yaalay Magaalada Sheekh ee Somaliland sanadkii 1945-kii. Intaa ka dib wuxuu tegay Dugsiga sare ee Tababarka ee Ganaccsiga iyo maaraynta ee Cadan (Commercial College Aden). Waqtigaas oo ay Magaalada Cadan ahayd Magaalooyinkii ugu horeeyay ee Ganacsiga iyo ilbaxnimada Caalamka. Waxyaabihii uu soo qabtay Marxuumku intii uu noolaa: Ganacsiga: Markii ugu horraysay waxa gacan qabtay Ganacsadihii weynaa ee Jirde Xuseen, isla markaana uu la shaqeeyay. Wuxuu aasaasay Shirkaddii ugu horraysay dalka ee la odhan jiray Oomar Company sanadkii 1957-kii. Waqtigaas waxa uu bilaabay Madbacaddii u horraysay Madbacadaha Casriga ah ee Modern Printing oo la odhan jiray Al-Liwa oo ah Calanka. Wuxuu Muqdisho u digo-rogtay waqtigii Soomaaliya iyo Somaliland laysku daray oo uu halkaas ka sii waday Ganacsigiisii. Waxa kale oo uu sameeyay Ganacsi casri ah oo qayb kasta leh heer qaran iyo heer Caalami ahba lahayd. Wuxuu tartan adag la galay raggii Ganacsiga ku lahaa Xamar ee ajaanibka ahaa, sida Talyaaniga, isla markaana uu ka hor maray. Guulihii uu gaadhay wuxuu abuuray cadow badan, taas oo kaliftay in uu ganacsigiisii ula wareego Magaalada London sanadkii 1967-kii. Balse waxa uu waddanka gudihiisa dib shaqooyinkiisa uga furmeen sanadkii 1974-kii. Waxaanu Somaliland dib u soo degay sanadkii 1996-kii, oo uu ilaa hadda ku noolaa. Siyaasadda: Marxuum Cabdilaahi Oomaar Siyaasadda muddo dheer ayuu ku soo jiray, waxaanu ka mid ahaa aasaasayaashii Ururkii dhalinyarada Dugsiyada ka soo baxay ee Al-Madar, waxaanu noqday Lacag-hayihii koowaad ee Ururkaas, isla markaana wuxuu gelin jiray hantidiisia gaar ahaaneed oo uu Ururka ku taageeri jiray. Sanadihii 1953-kii ilaa 1958-kii wuxuu noqday Madaxweynihii labaad ee Ururka Al-Madar. Sidaa darteed, Ururka Al-Madar waxay ka qayb qaadatay raadinta Hawd Saver Area (Gobolladii uu Ingiriisku bixiyay) iyo ololaynta Xornimadii Somaliland. abuuristii Xafiiskii NUF-ta oo loo xil saaray dhulkii maqnaa ee HAWD SAVER AREA iyo xornimadii. Waxaanu waqtigaas sameeyay 1957-kii Jariirad Magaceeda la odhan jiray Al-Liwa ee qaybta wayn ka qaadatay Halgankii gobonimo-doonka Somaliland. Sanadkii 1957-kii Marxuumku Allaha u naxariistee wuxuu isku soo taagay Madaxweynenimada Somaliland, laakiin Dastuurka dalka ayaa sheegayay in labadii sanadood ee u dambeeyay aanu dalka joogin, taas ayaan iska hor taagtay Murashaxnimadiisii. Waxyaabaha kale ee Marxuumka lagu xusuusto, waxa ka mid ahaa; -Wuxuu ahaa ninkii u horreeyay ee keenay dalka Ururka Laanqayrta cas waqtigii isticmaarka, hawlaha ay qaban jireena qayb laxaad leh ayuu ka qaadan jiray. Waxa kale oo uu u ololayn jiray waxbarashada gaar ahaan Hablaha oo uu aad u dhiirigelin jiray. Wuxuu aad u caawin jiray dhalinyarada xag dhaqaale iyo xag guubaabo labadaba. -Sanadkii 1967-kii ilaa inta uu ka soo noqonayay wuxuu ahaa Odayga Soomaaliyeed oo aad u gacan qabtay mid Caafimaad u taga, mid Tacliin u taga iyo dad kale ee hawlaha kale u taga Ingiriiska. Sidaa darteed, waxa la odhan karaa wuxuu ahaa Safiir u fadhiya Umadda Soomaaliyeed dalka Ingiriiska. Shaqsiyaddiisa gaarka ah waxa ka mid ahaa; -Wuxuu ahaa Marxuumku nin daacad ah. -Shaqo badan. -Hawlkar ah. -Nin deeqsi ah oo gacantiisa meel walba gaadhay, cid walbana wax taray. -Wuxuu ahaa nin indheer-garad ah oo aragti fog. -Wuxuu ahaa nin naxariis badan oo qaddiyado badan qaata. -Muu ahayn nin Qabiili ah, wuxuu ahaa nin waddani ah. Waxyaabaha waddaniyaddiisa u astaanta ahaa waxa ka mid ah, in uu diiday in uu qaato Baasaboor aan ka Soomaaliga ahayn, waxaanu doortay in uu dalkiisa ku soo noqdo oo uu ku noolaa. -Marxuum Cabdilaahi Oomaar wuxuu yaqaanay Qiimaha uu waqtigu leeyahay, waxa uu sheegay in uu yidhi, waligay Makhaayad maan fadhiisin oo kama sheekayn. Wuxuu ahaa Nin qoys: Noloshiisa oo dhami waxay ku dhisnayd qoyskiisa, wuxuu ahaa aabbo jecel Ubadkiisa, naxariis badan u leh, waxaanu ugu dedaalay in uu siiyo Tacliinta u wanaagsan, waanu ku liibaanay inay ka soo baxeen Jaamacadda ugu wayn dalka ingiriiska ee Oxford iyo Cambridge. Wuxuu ifka kaga tegay: Allaha u naxariistee Marxuum Cabdilaahi Oomaar wuxuu ifka kaga tegay Xaaskiisa Sahra Cabdulqaadir, Innamadiisa oo kala ah, Maxamed Cabdilaahi Oomaar, Raage Cabdilaahi Oomaar. Hablihiisa oo kala ah, Raaqiya Cabdilaahi Oomaar iyo Saynab Cabdilaahi Oomaar. Ilaahay Jannadii ha ka waraabiyo, inagana samir iyo Iimaan ha inaga siiyo. Barkhad M. Kaariye Hiiraan Online barqad@hiiraan.com Hargeisa, Somaliland
  19. Kolka lasoo koobo, walaasheen KK waxay ku saxsantahay inay tahay luggooyo ciyaal ku kori rizq xaaraan ah, adoo kadib khayr ama nafci ka sugaya. Not only it is plainly immoral and mis-educating the children, but cheating the system means dire consequences both immediately and in the afterlife; likewise, culimas have time and again warned us against parents falsely claiming to have separated as the resulting children may then be "xaaraan" (marriage, as an institution decreted by Allah, is far beyond such schemes and even joking with divorce could be equated with divorce Fiqh-wise) All that for what? typically around £ 200 a year, as working parents may be entitled to tax credits etc; much less than the omnipresent flat screen TV we poison Somali offsprings' minds with... Now, frugality is a virtue and children are a blessing and we should not look at life through purely materialistic lenses; however, one should avoid compromising ethically at all cost, for their own sake! As for making a living, the only imperative is to avoid xaaraan sources as well as dubious ones however over-represented they are (the rest is secondary and a bonus, ie seeking better conditions or pay etc)...
  20. Touche Peasant, Bees communicate through "dancing", that is the basic answer. Yet, these wonderful creatures enhance their communications methods and plan for contingencies through the simulatneous use of the Earth magnetic field, Sun's ultraviolet emission as well as even visaul reperes to ensure we never run short of hive' products such as honey which varied medicinal properties are now being rediscovered by western scientists, products which were already part and parcel of the pharmacopeia of such celebrated physicians as the ancient Egyptians etc As for the Qur'aan, with a whole eponymous Surah ("An Nahl", or The Bees), it serves as a signpost to reminds us of our ingrained tendency to take things for granted... PS: if "guts" function as bioreactors using bacteria to digest food etc, then shouldn't acarian mites got one of the smallest ones?
  21. Naxar Nugaaleed: Salman, i wouldn't confuse politics with international studies or geography. honestly, i don't know anything about Denmark except that they have socialized healthcare. as for my guess, look at the map, Russia spans 11 time zones! and regardless of the pop, its not a crime to think that massive country has less people per square mile then that little country to its south, Mongolia. Russia is not much bigger than Canada despite its widht and its population at around 170 (around 6 times that of Canada) is one of the highest; that is common knowledge isn't it? Likewise, that vast Greenland is Danish ruled. Indeed, Danemark is used as a case study in welfare and social studies (in terms of environmental awareness, too, to a lesser extent). Also, their influential Viking ancestors ruled England during the Danelaw era, thus contributing to its culture and langage etc. The point is that "Politics", for what is worth, is another superficial thus misleading subject, depriving from the necessary background of more serious and detailed knowledge of world history, civilisations and cultures which continue to shape the current dynamics. Hence, why it is vital to be humble as the more we learn, we discover how little we finally know; that is indeed one of the ultimate benefit of true learning...
  22. Allah yarxamhu, one Somali family beyond the usual petty sectarism who felt and still feel equally at home both in Xamar and Hargeysa...