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Everything posted by Abu-Salman

  1. Afternoon all. Lunch time ---KFC! ^^Try oven chips and (wholemeal) home burger; a compromise between temptation and healthy habits (now that omnipresent transfats are added to the long toxics list)... Would you believe I even bake my own brioche (tri-glycerides of fatty acids, besides butter and flour on the label, suffice to quell my appetite)?
  2. A great Reciter: (Remind me of Djib TV) and the classic: ... PS: Their other samples are even better...
  3. It is the second time in a row that I need to get my vision corrected. My eyesight is miserable, "punishment for your sins" pops a little message in my head. "Yeah, yeah…" I mutter, "too much TV for too many years." And how many years is that? As many years as these eyes are old. Doctors will tell you that watching too much TV is bad for your health, and that is not bunkum. It's only the tip of the iceberg. It may be bad for the eyes, but it's worse for the mind and cancer for the soul. [...] Five Excuses: 1. In defense of television, it must be said that it has many advantages but the disadvantages far outweigh them. This scribe is the last person to abuse the virtues of the ***** box. But as Allah says, even alcohol and gambling have some infinitesimal profit for man. "They ask you concerning wine and gambling. In them is great sin and a small profit for men. But the sin is greater than the profit." [baqara 2: 219] 2. It is an indispensable tool for news and information. Honestly, when was the last time anyone watched TV just for news or a nature program? Even if we have the will power to stick to news, what if the anchor is from the opposite sex? How could we "lower our gaze" as Allah commands? There are surely media to find news and information without falling back on the TV. 3. Another classic justification that is used all the time to watch TV is saying that if the heart is pure, if the person is good, nothing can affect him. Well, how pure is the heart? How good can a person be? More than the Prophet's noble Companions or the Apostles themselves? Allah's command is for everyone and if they were commanded to follow it, where do we ordinary mortals stand? Sure can't claim to have stronger faith or purer hearts than the Prophets! But why malign the television set, when newspapers and magazines have photographs and we cannot help having some kind of image in the house. It is true that pictures of animals and other living things are ubiquitous these days. Anything from children's clothes to shoes to feeders has cartoons on it. In my opinion, TV is worse because the pictures are moving, and make sounds, which make them more life-like. 4. The most insidious argument in favor of watching television, for the pious at least, is that there are also religious programs. Yes, the Friday sermons are broadcast, and salah is broadcast live from Mecca, which is pretty awe-inspiring. Sometimes I happen to catch Al Shari'yaa wal Hayat on Al Jazeera, which is interactive and exceedingly informative. And I confess I may be missing a great deal of "good" programs because of the language barrier. The point is definitely not that we should "improve" the programs. The point is that for every good show we watch, there are 50 others that undermine our values, culture, or at worst, our religion. Even if we improve the quality of the programs it is jejune to think that we shall be watching that one Islamic show and ignoring the 600 odd channels that a dish antenna receives. Has anyone ever claimed that he got one ounce of guidance from the TV set? For a moment let us accept that we have Herculean self-restraint and fortitude. We only watch the news and Discovery channel. But how can one guarantee that when we are away, our young ones are not abusing it? If one of our children gets so much as a minor burn from scalding water, how much we suffer, and what pains we take to cure it. What does it reflect but utter lack of Imaan, when our family is teetering over the brink of the Flaming Pit, and we smile on, encouraging the song and dance they are immersed in! 5. Now there will be people who will shrug at all this, "hey, aren't we just over-reacting and making a big deal about a little thing?" It's not as if watching TV is a career option or anything. It is just a little amusement, let your hair down and put your feet up and get a little cozy on the sofa with a pot of herbal tea. What could be possibly wrong with it? With Islam, everything ultimately boils down to Faith. If by a little amusement, you are disobeying Allah, mark the Qur'an where it says, "If you question them they declare with emphasis and sincerity, we were only talking idly and in play. Say, was it Allah and His Signs and His Apostle that you were mocking at? Make no excuses, you have rejected faith after you had accepted it…"[Tauba 9: 65] We all pride ourselves as rational beings, but the burden of rationality is to decide between right and wrong. Each of us has to weigh for ourselves the pros and cons of our actions, and conclude if something is worth the price. I don't want to miss going to Heaven just because I couldn't miss watching The Bold and the Beautiful! "Ah, hindsight…" says the little voice in my head, "always perfect vision…" "Shut up" I mutter, "better late than never So true! Jzkallah khayran for your thougthful reminders...
  4. ^^maxaa kuu diiday mashruuc koonaha sariirta kaa kaafiya, sidoo kale dhaxantan dhaceysana iska kaashatiin?
  5. Today, I just realized how simple things such as remembering someone's favorite perfumes could be wonderful. The "Miss Dior" and "Cabotine" I just shipped to Hooyo in Djib, via walaalo who just flew from Paris, did earn me lots of unprecedented Du'as; not that I was not myself fond of the Miss Dior in particular (everyone else got to be more creative now) lol... PS: The old Roland Garros (which I used to snatch from aabo) seems discontinued...new fragrances seems so dull anyway!
  6. A recent judicial inquiry on an organised children sex exploitation network in Djibouti involving French clergymen, military officers and diplomats (inside their facilities) coincided with the suicide by self-immolation of an illegitimate boy. Interesting how the "country of Human Rights" and "Eldest daughter of the Church" is characterised by such level of cronysim, to the extent the cruelest abuses against the most vulnerables, in orphanage accross the globe, are systematically covered. But then again, details of decades of similar, institutionalised abuses are emerging in the not less catholic Ireland, of all places... .................................................. French minister in 'boy sex' row France's Culture Minister Frederic Mitterrand is facing intense pressure over a book he wrote that described paying for "young boys" in Thailand. The book was written four years ago, before he joined the government, but is back in the headlines following his impassioned support for Roman Polanski. Polanski has been arrested in Switzerland on child sex charges. Mr Mitterrand, nephew of late President Francois Mitterrand, is expected to defend himself on TV later on Thursday. Mr Mitterrand has come under attack from right and left. In his 2005 book The Bad Life, he wrote: "I got into the habit of paying for boys," saying his attraction to young male prostitutes was not dimmed despite knowing "the sordid details of this traffic". "All these rituals of the market for youths, the slave market excited me enormously... the abundance of very attractive and immediately available young boys put me in a state of desire." Mr Mitterrand, 62, has denied being a paedophile, saying the term "boys" was used loosely. The account of cruising for prostitutes in Thailand attracted little attention when it was published in 2005, when Mr Mitterrand was a TV personality. 'Sex tourism' He did not share his uncle's socialist politics, and was brought into the centre-right government by President Nicolas Sarkozy in June 2009. But his strong defence of Polanski has brought the book back into the public eye. Polanski faces deportation to the United States for having had sex with a 13-year-old girl in 1977. Mr Mitterrand said the US' behaviour, in seeking his extradition, was callous and "horrifying". Socialist Party spokesman Benoit Hamon told Reuters: "As a minister of culture he has drawn attention to himself by defending a film maker accused of raping a child and he has written a book where he said he took advantage of sexual tourism. To say the least, I find it shocking." Marine Le Pen, vice president of the right-wing National Front, read excerpts of Mr Mitterrand's book aloud during a television interview, and said it left "an indelible stain on the government". She called for the culture minister to step down. "Resign, Mr Mitterrand and perhaps, afterwards we'll be able to give lessons to other people," she said. Mr Mitterrand said it was an honour to be dragged though the mud by the National Front, and criticised the Socialists for making common cause with the extreme right. A senior aide to President Sarkozy, Henri Guaino, on Thursday backed the minister, saying the row was "excessive and quite undignified". But the BBC's Emma Jane Kirby, in Paris, says that the revelation that a senior cabinet minister was involved in sex tourism, just as the country holds negotiations with Thailand to discuss ways of fighting it, will inevitably embarrass Mr Sarkozy's government. BBC, 8th October 2009
  7. ^JZKallah khayran for exploring all the available avenues; I believe sanitary evacuation for such children, whether in the West or the more competitive East (much more competitive yet excellent facilities are available in India, Malaysia etc) is also an excellent catalysis for Somali Unity & Solidarity...
  8. ^Great, The Mayo Clinic was doing its bit in conjunction with one Minnesota based Somali charity for sanitary evacuations which was celebrated not long ago, I guess it's a win-win (in terms of marketing for that big Hospital/Corporatione)...
  9. ^baryahan ayaan islaha maxaa intan ka keenay, ileen meel xasaasi ayaa laga taabtay sh Ducaysane oo waatan maantana kismaayo lagu haysto
  10. Madaxa Ururka Caawinta Caruurta Soomaaliyeed ee dhibaateysan oo sheegay in la daweyn karo wiil 8 sano jir ah oo uu dhaawac culus Muqdisho ku soo gaaray/Head of a Somali children charity announces a Heavily Injuried 8 years Child in Muqdisho Could be Treated (Please read contacts below for Donations in your area) Dhaawac culus oo Mudisho ku soo gaaray Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud oo 8 sano jir ah Khamiis, October 08, 2009(HOL): Madaxa Ururka Caawinta Caruurta Soomaaliyeed Cabdi Muuse Maaxaay ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in la daweyn karo wiil 8 sano jir ah oo lagu magacaabo Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud kaasi oo dhawaan uu dhaawac culus ku soo gaaray Magaalada Muqdisho, kaasi oo xabad ka burburisay afka, sanka iyo il. Cabdi Muuse Maaxaay waxaa uu sheegay in wiilkaas oo daaweyn dheer u baahan la daweyn karo haddii buu yiri ay dadka Soomaaliyeed dhaqaale u uruuriyaan si loo keeno wadamada horumaray. Cabdi Muuse Maaxaay oo u warramayay Laanta Afka Soomaaliga ee VOA-da waxaa uu ugu baaqay dadka Soomaaliyeed ee wax heysta, gaar ahaan ganacsatada in ay u gurmadaan wiilkaas, isla markaana ay fududeeyaan in wiilkaas la geeyo dal horumaray oo lagu daweeyo. “Qof kasta oo Soomaali ah oo damqanaya dhibka soo gaaray wiilkan wuxuu bixin karaa wixii uu awoodo, 5$, 10$, 20$, 30$, 50$ iyo wixii kale ee uu awoodo. Ha isdhihin lacag yar oo aad bixiso waxba ma tareyso”ayuu yiri Cabdi Muuse Maaxaay. Cabdi Muuse Maaxaay waxaa uu intaas ku daray in dadka Soomaaliyeed haddii ay arrintan si deg deg ah ugu guntadaan ay saamixi karaan in wiilkan daweyn dibadda ah oo deg deg ah loo helo, wuxuuna caddeeyay in waalida wiilkan oo uu la xiriiray uu u sheegy in ay baasaboor u sameeyaan wiilka iyo qofkii raacaya. Hadii aad rabtid inaad caawinaad ka gaysatid arinkaan fadlan la xariir Aabiyo Isse @ 612-298-1044 oo joogta Magaalada Minneapolis MN Hadii aad joogtid Ohio Fadlan la xariir Luul Abdirahman @614-515-1389 Hadii joogtid Haddii joogtid Magaalda Nashville Fadlan la xariir Qali Salaad @ 615-554-4398 Maryan Hilowle oo joogto Toronto 416-742-3852 Canada Maryan Mahdi Ottawa 613-261-0708 Hassan Ali Edmonton 780-965-5093 Abdiaziz Shire oo joogo California 619-254-3294 Ama la xariir maaxaay@gmail.com Salaad Iidow Xasan (Xiis), Hiiraan Online sxiis@hiiraan.com Muqdisho, Soomaaliya
  11. I'm always weary of a chemical quick fix but my migraine episode back in end 93/94 (especially after school) went off by itself and since I did not read that much or more at that time, I still wonder what triggered it ; I discovered around end 2003 that I needed glasses but barely used them since then, so I doubt it was vision-related...
  12. In a Nutshell, and thanks Ibtisam for the benefit of doubt, I was trying to remind us that women participation in Politics, ON ITS OWN, has hardly altered anything accross the world and that it would even be islamic to prioritise them in some areas of service delivery; certainely not that they are the root of all evil, which should be locked with the key thrown away! Not buying into simplistic cliches, latest trends or buzzwords (parliamentary quota, "gender equality schemes" etc) hardly make one into some sort of crazy "extremist" (as someone whose female relatives are making vital contributions to our priorities)... Having said that, most of the contributed propositions were not specially women-related and given that we agree on the primacy of Shariah, me and Ibtisam are quite exactely on the same wavelength anyway, regardless of semantics.Actually, even Duke is not that far away, if any... Now, it would be more beneficial if we took this thread as an opportunity to share as clearly and precisely possible our ideals as well as their foundations, while assuming nothing but the best from each other; over to you Jalle Liqaye, Castro and Adeer OOdweyne...
  13. Women protection is what it is all about in Shariah and putting some on show has hardly helped the growing number of our sisters struggling with or throwing away illegitimate children, let alone the public health nightmare associated with laxer norms. I'm sure you are acquainted with all those suicide by immolation and destroyed homes; the key is thus prevention, prevention and again prevention! In appropriate, Shariah compliant ways, Women will have a say and will even receive basic education as a top priority; no more Western cliche of mothers kept in "ignorance", as Islam recognise and optimise their vital role. They are also the main beneficiaries of authentic Equality (but also progressive Environmental protection and Health systems etc)...
  14. Let me try and further upgrade your suggestions: -An Ulama Higher Council would nominate a Shariah Supreme Court for last appeals in routine litigations, but also approve and check both Executive and Legislative as the final authority on Shariah interpretation. -Parliament should be thorougly vetted for any conflict of interest, monitored and capped to 100 members, which could be revocated by their constituency.Any serious crime, including Qat chewing, will render anyone uneligible. No quota for women. -Any serving cabinet member, higher civil servant, MP or officer should be of sound morality, as attested by a thorough criminal background check (including repeated minor offences). -In general, degrees should not be required but an Islamic, litteracy/numeracy and general knowledge test should be required; specific technical expertise and experience requirments would be added when relevant. Ministries: Minister of Defense Minister of Foreign Affairs Minister of Education, Information & Da'wah Minister of Health Minister of Finance, Infrastructure & Industry Minister of Environment, Agriculture & Rural affairs Minister of Justice, Interior, Prevention of vice & Promotion of virtue (the Japanese integrate Economy, Trade & Industry in one key ministry, which is more efficient and limits bureaucracy). -Salaries of MPs or cabinets members must not exceed or even concurrence those of professional. They are there to serve, not in the pursuit of a career; however, their indemnities should be adequate and reflect those of intermediate professions such as teaching (eg, US$ 300 maximum for MPs, significantly less than a practising doctor in any case). Any benefit such as state-provided housing will be deduced from the indemnities at the market rate. Our children should aspire towards the noblest occupations and politics must absolutely be decoupled from glamour; No more perverse incentives, that is the crux of the matter and what matters here. -No issue beyond Shariah implementation should be set in stone, including the choice and status of the Capital (if all State organs are to be regrouped in one city). -the Land belong to the Islamic State according to the Shariah which, solely, had the priviledge to grant a temporary lease; environmentally inpappropriate or unproductive use as well as speculation are thus to be prevented and severely punished.
  15. Wcs brother Jamaal11, I too was honored to meet you, really appreciated how caring and civilised many Solers are. Of course, Sayid did not plan banners with Sol nicknames thus why we had to resort to the "oo kana waa ayo" Special kudo too for the "dambi rescuing" as I give you the benefit of doubt against less holy incentives for doing so
  16. was introduced later to some, others were more familiar...glad to see Solers could get along that easily when it matters most!
  17. Primo, we pray Allah to grace the sisters and brothers who organised The annual Somali Appeal event with total forgiveness, particularly Sayid, Ibtisam and others; likewise I hope the rest of us may feel inspired and continue supporting them in such a crucial activity. Secundo, all the following: Faarax-Brown, Duceysane, Poker, Kool-Kat, Cara, Nassir, Tuujiye, Johnny B, Nuune, Hatu, General Duke, Fabregas, Peacenow, Naden, The Point, Mustapha-Duale, Mr Somalia, Norfsky, Eng Cadde, Dhagax-Tuur, Cowke, LST, Dabshid, iyo kuwa kale oo badan... are reminded they can still donate (from 2 to 2m, the niyah matters most) from anywhere and that the proceeds will go to those most deserving accross the Somali regions including NFD & Oga-denia need in all acountability, in partnership with NGOs such as ADT, Al Hijra, Oxfam etc (professionals among Annual Somali Appeal are entrusted with monitoring everything from the donation to the water well built or donated truck loads, no overhead whatsoever guaranteed!). Tertio, it happens that I am one of the volunteers (with a flexible target of £1000), kolka kistada ha la iska aruuriyo anigana ducada ayaa la igu ogyahay...more details will follow as we get updated ia
  18. His wife is weak in religious commitment – what should he do? I am a young man, thirty years old. Before I got married I was not committed, but now – praise be to Allaah – I have been blessed with guidance. I got married to a girl who graduated from the Faculty of Islamic Studies and I was happy about that because I thought that she would help me to obey Allaah. But after getting to know her, I found out that she is a very ordinary girl and she is not committed at all, and she has many negative qualities, such as: She cannot denounce any evil action, whether major or minor. Rather she even does some evil actions such as watching TV, gossiping, and doing few acts of worship. But she also has some good qualities, such as being good and patient, and she performs all her wifely duties and takes care of the house. What upsets me is that I wanted someone who would help me to be more committed by marrying a woman who was religiously committed, but I found that the one who I thought was religiously committed needs someone to help her. This is my problem. I hope that you can help me find a solution. Thank you very much. Praise be to Allaah. The problem that you describe is one that is faced by many young men who thought that their wives could learn and make da’wah, and that they would strive hard in worship and help their husbands to be religiously-committe d, no matter how much the husband fell short in that. But in fact the wife cannot be influenced by anybody as much as her husband. So if the husband does not set a good example, the wife’s commitment will soon become weak. This is what usually happens. This does not mean that there are not good situations in which the woman is the example who leads her husband along the path of guidance. The fact that you have found out that your wife is an ordinary girl does not mean that you have failed, and it should not be a cause of regret. Rather that should be a motive for you to seek the reward for calling her to guidance. What you have mentioned of her good qualities will help you to achieve that, in sha Allaah. So you should be the one who calls her, reminds her and advises her… fill her free time with beneficial things such as tapes, books and magazines. Do not give up on rebuking her if she gossips or watches TV, but do that in a gentle, compassionate and loving manner. Try to make her join an organization for memorization of Qur’aan, or get her to attend public lectures with you, or to form ties with some righteous families. These are the best ways in which you can help your wife to strengthen her faith. Perhaps what you mention about her not worshipping much is related to your own shortcomings in that regard, or to your neglecting to get her to join in. Try to help her and remind her of the virtue of naafil prayers, the reward for praying qiyaam al-layl and fasting. Do as many of these acts of worship with her as you can. Be the qawwaam (leader; protector and maintainer) of your wife, prevent her from doing haraam things or doubtful things. Ask of Allaah, saying, “Our Lord! Bestow on us from our wives and our offspring the comfort of our eyes, and make us leaders of the Muttaqoon (the pious)” [al-Furqaan 25:74 – interpretation of the meaning]. We ask Allaah to set your affairs and the affairs of all the Muslims straight. Islam Q&A
  19. Women suicide by immolation was deeply shocking a scene for us as witnessing children back in the 90s but I'm still perplexed about immolation for reasons related to "love" etc. Probably, TV series, magazines and more generally acculturation to Western norms are directly responsible in tragedies like these, now even more common abroad in the diaspora ("she's gone with Jamaicans", single mums raising illegitimate children from different "fathers" etc). It seems prevention is hardly a priority while Islam for many merely means traditional ritual performed on some occasions...
  20. Congratulations.An excellent and timely initiative. I suggest the honorable African Development Trust as partner.
  21. Western clinical & mental health perspective in the comments: .................... ............ Salaam aleikoum, It is a very sad case and I wasn't aware that this sort of thing goes on in Djibouti. However, obviously this poor woman felt suicide was the only path open to her, may Allah forgive her and may she rest in peace. Although there probably is the social element: pressure from family, father of the child who let her down etc. , there is another aspect which I am think of, as I've become aware of this when dealing with somali people and it's the aspect of mental health. Now I'm not saying this young woman was mad but there are many degrees of psychiatric problems which do not seem addressed in your society. Of course there are exaggerations in western society where people go to see psychologists and psychiatrists far too often but in your society mental instability seems taboo. I stress the word 'seems' as I'm an outsider! I have known somali people whose behaviour is odd to say the least and yet, even when given the opportunity for medical help, it is refused. When it is accepted, they do not seem to be able to discipline themselves to continue the treatment. Sometimes a short course of medication can lift feelings of depression, post-natal depression in women, trauma. I've known women incapable of looking after their children, their husband or their home and who prefer to lie around, rather than seek help. Is this a taboo subject in your community ? .................... ........ you are right, Linda, MENTAL HEALTH is somehow a taboo because scientific illiteracy and traditional customs. we do not have enough mental health institutions in djibouti
  22. Posted a while back on Djibnet.com, a most tragic theme: Djibnet.com, Posté 22 octobre 2004 - 12:35 A Young Pregnant Woman Burns Herself To Death! two days ago, a funeral took place at T3 Neighborhood, Balbala. it was a young djiboutian woman from Dikhil, a district located at least 110Km south to Djibouti-ville. "she burned herself to death" a woman commented. "she was pregnant, two people in one! what a terrible loss!" added another woman. this was not the first time I heard such a suicide. for the last 20 years I have heard/seen many similar cases in which the victims were all young women aged between 16-35. they had something in common; a litre of kerosene, one sparkle of matches, flames spreading all over, screaming, yelling for mercy, collapsing and death. it is a horrible scene that you could ever imagine in your lives. But what is worse is the negative attitude of our society toward this issue. it seems that our human consciousness died for a long time that the only thing we repeat about this inhuman situation, is our old traditional argument;"killing one's self is a big sin, or she is in Hell because she has gone against our own religious teachings!!" ladies and gentlemen; before we draw any conclusion we have to ask ourselves these questions; what is the problem in the first place? why a young pregnant woman would have killed herself if she had been happy in her life? there should be something wrong either in her decision to commit suicide or in our judgement when we speak of these women as being guilty and cursed! have we ever given the chance to speak out and tell their stories? have we ever listened to their cries when they are oppressed and mistreated by the dJib society. concerning religion, I think before we talk about Paradise/Hell and Divine Justice in the world to come, we had better give a human justice to these women because I know Allah is just and fair; He wants us to be just and fair with others. peace. P.S I copied this from REPUBLIQUE-DJIBOUTI. COM because it is really a sad story and I would like you to read maybe this could happen to your sister, daughter or aunt! thanks. king(1)
  23. On a light note, I only chose inaader JB as the "lesser evil" (well at least, waxuun buu wacdin karaa can't he?), though I hate his misplaced devotion (Way duushay, way soo socota iyo way kacaysa ka bixi waa sidii air traffic controller-kii). Sh Nuune was a bit of dilemma laakin miyuunu oran "Johnny B sa azuurak", unless isna ka aheyn "fiqi tolkii ma ka jano tago"...
  24. Badly needed for the sake of our future generation, this latest Qatari sign of Friendship should be greatly saluted as it will litteraly metamorphose Somali children stunted by famine and malady; while not forgetting the tireless efforts of pres Guelleh, Sh Sharif's administration as well as our other Arab & Islamic brothers crucial generosity in every sector (KSA*, UAE, Turkey etc): $350mn aid for Somalia Doha: Qatar Red Crescent (QRC) and the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) will offer $350mn for the displaced people in Somalia. The two sides launched a humanitarian appeal last month to collect $2mn for the implementation of a two-year programme to support health institutions in Mogadishu and provide medical assistance. The humanitarian programme, sponsored by the QRC and the IDB, aims to improve the access of Somali citizens to health care services and treating war-wounded civilians, with a focus on the most vulnerable groups, especially women, children and displaced persons. The programme will focus on the dispatch of medical teams, specialists and surgeons in Somalia, the training of medical and health sector workers, the rehabilitation of sections of a Mogadishu’s hospital “The City” and the establishment of mobile medical centers. On the occasion, the two sides called on all humanitarian institutions, companies, businessmen and individuals to support the program and provide the remaining amount of $650.000 to cover the urgent humanitarian appeal. - QNA .................... .................... .................... ................... *GULF: Saudi donation closes WFP funding gap DUBAI, 28 May 2008 (IRIN) - Saudi Arabia has donated US$500 million to the World Food Programme (WFP), enabling the UN agency to close the gap on its funding appeal. "It [the donation] came at the right time and in the right place … This is a great case of how working together can allow the international community to address critical developmental and humanitarian problems. The Kingdom [of Saudi Arabia] has set an incredible example that I hope all countries will follow, especially in the Middle East, and will bring new donors to the multilateral effort," Abdul Aziz Muhammad Arrukban, special humanitarian envoy of UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, told IRIN from Riyad on 28 May. "I look forward to seeing the Kingdom and all GCC [Gulf Cooperation Council] countries becoming an integral part of the global, multilateral work and taking the lead among the donor group", Arrukban said. WFP announced on 23 May that it had met its extraordinary call for $755 million to compensate for the increased costs of food and fuel with a $500 million donation from Saudi Arabia. Thirty-one countries have donated a collective $460 million to the $755 million appeal, plus the Saudi donation, WFP said in a statement. That leaves an additional U$214 million available for other urgent hunger needs. Six months into the year, WFP's budget to feed millions of people in 2008 stands at $4.5 billion, of which $2 billion has been received (including the recent Saudi pledge), WFP said. "Saudi Arabia has been a donor to WFP for a long time. In 2005 and 2006, they donated close to 60 million [uS dollars] to WFP," Arrukban said. As of 25 May, Saudi Arabia is the second largest WFP donor after the US. Washington has contributed $566,810,885 so far this year. WFP's Executive Director Josette Sheeran has said the money will not only offset food and fuel costs, but will secure much-needed food for programmes throughout Africa and other parts of the world. In particular, WFP will be able to continue providing food for millions of children enrolled in school and therapeutic feeding programmes in Kenya, Yemen, Ethiopia and Somalia and in many other critical hunger zones.
  25. Allaah decrees disasters for children – why? I have my friend non-muslim, i was trying to help her to know the real religion in front of Allah, one of the question she asked me is this "I understand the belief that God is testing, to use your example, the one mother who put her child in a dust bin because she didn't want it and she miserably failed her test of love. And the woman who had so much love and desire to have a child stole one in order to fulfill her desire. She failed her test too because of the wrong way she got a child. I am not questioning the adults who did wrong. I am questioning the rationale pertaining to the children. In other words, was God testing the little baby by allowing his mother to dump him in a dust bin? What type of test is this? Is a child whose parent physically harms it being tested? What type of test is that? What is the child supposed to be tested for? How much pain it can withstand? So, my question pertains to the innocent -- not to the guilty. Why would God allow such innocents to be harmed worldwide?? I don't understand that"? Praise be to Allah. Praise be to Allah Who is praised in all languages, worshiped at all times, Whose knowledge encompasses all places, and Whose attention is never distracted from anything. Glorified be He above having any peer or rival, and exalted be He above having any wife or child. His ruling applies to all His slaves. “There is nothing like Him, and He is the All‑Hearer, the All‑Seer” [al-Shoora 42:11 – interpretation of the meaning] And blessings and peace be upon the one who was sent as a mercy to the worlds and as proof for all of mankind. He conveyed the message and fulfilled the trust, and strove for the sake of Allaah in the truest sense, until he left us with a clear path whose night is as clear as its day, and no one deviates from it but he is doomed… We must note that anyone who believes in the existence of Allaah and that He is the Lord and Creator, even if this believer in the existence of Allaah is not a Muslim, knows that this Lord is distinct from His creation in all aspects. There is no room for likening or comparing Him to His creation. Hence Allaah says: “There is nothing like Him, and He is the All‑Hearer, the All‑Seer” [al-Shoora 42:11 – interpretation of the meaning] If the owner of an item in this world can dispose of it however he wishes without any person bringing him to account for that because it is his property, then Allaah the Creator – like unto Whom there is none – may dispose of His “property” however He wills. We Muslims have certain faith that our Lord Who created us has the utmost wisdom which cannot suffer the slightest shortcoming whatsoever. Rather everyone who believes in the existence of the Lord and accepts Him as his Lord must believe this, otherwise he is believing in an imperfect Lord, and the one who has the least reason and faith knows that there can be no Lord Who is not perfect in every sense and far removed from any imperfection. Otherwise he is not a Lord in any real sense. We in turn, because we are part of the creation of Allaah, cannot comprehend any part of His wisdom unless He tells us of it. What He has taught of the reasons behind His actions, we understand and accept; what He has concealed from us and kept the knowledge thereof to Himself, we believe in it and we know that He does not do anything unless there is great wisdom behind it, because He is the All-Wise and All-Knowing. It should never, under any circumstances, cross our minds to think that we can bring Him to account for what He does in His dominion and creation, otherwise we will be transgressing upon the preserve of Lordship and overstepping the mark, if we claim that we can know what He knows. No one can utter such words except a heretic who does not believe in the existence of a Lord in the first place. We seek refuge with Allaah from that. If we accept the words of human specialists when they are dealing with their specialties, and we do not argue with them – such as doctors, engineers, etc. – because our educational level does not enable us to understand everything that they know, then it is even more appropriate that we should accept that however the All-Knowing, from Whose knowledge nothing is hidden, deals with the affairs of His creation is undoubtedly correct and wise. We humans sometimes think that it is wise to do some things that we dislike, because there is some benefit in that for us, and if we did not do them we would be accused of being lacking in wisdom and reason. For example, if a person is sick and there is the fear that he may die, but it is known that he may be cured – by Allaah’s leave – if he takes a certain medicine, then the wise thing for him to do is to take that medicine even if it is bitter; if he fails to take it, that is regarded as a shortcoming and lack of reason on his part. There are many things that we do in life that we dislike, because of the benefits that they bring to us. For Allaah is the highest description (cf. al-Nahl 16:60), and there is no way that He can be compared to His creation. He allows some things to happen in His dominion that He hates, because they serve a greater wisdom which we, or most of us, cannot comprehend. Some of His wisdom may become clear to us, and that is by the mercy of Allaah towards His believing slaves, as He shows them some of His wisdom in this world so that they might find peace of mind. For example, if we want to ask about the reasons for something we could understand, such as why Allaah creates a child then causes him to die, perhaps if that child lived he would have committed major sins such as those that doom a person to Hell, and that would have condemned him to remain in Hell for eternity, or for a very long time, or he may have caused others such as his parents to deviate from the path of Allaah – as mentioned in the story of the boy whom al-Khidr killed, as told in the story of al-Khidr and Moosa in Soorat al-Kahf. Alternatively, if this child lives he may face such difficulties that in his case death is a mercy from Allaah. Moreover, if Allaah creates him handicapped, perhaps this handicap will prevent him from committing many sins which, if he did them, would lead to his being punished on the Day of Resurrection. Not every sickness or handicap is necessarily a punishment; rather it may be a test for the child’s parents, by which Allaah will expiate for their bad deeds, or raise their status in Paradise if they bear this trial with patience. Then if the child grows up, the test will also include him, and if he bears it with patience and faith, then Allaah has prepared for the patient a reward that cannot be enumerated. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): “Only those who are patient shall receive their reward in full, without reckoning” [al-Zumar 39:10] For us Muslims, life does not end when we die, rather we believe that beyond death there is Paradise and Hell, in which is true life. Those who did good will find the reward for the good deeds that they did in this world, waiting for them with Allaah, and those who did evil will find the punishment for their evil deeds waiting for them. Good and evil cannot be equal, and the patience of the one who was tested and bore it with patience will not be wasted with Allaah. Indeed, those who were not tested in this world may wish that they had suffered similar calamities when they see the high status attained by those who bore calamities with patience. There is a great deal of evidence to this effect in the Qur’aan and Sunnah, for example: Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): “And certainly, We shall test you with something of fear, hunger, loss of wealth, lives and fruits, but give glad tidings to As‑ Saabiroon (the patient)” [al-Baqarah 2:155] The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “How wonderful is the affair of the believer, for all of it is good, and that applies to no one except the believer. If something good happens to him he gives thanks, and that is good for him, and if something bad befalls him he bears it with patience, and that is good for him.” (Narrated by Muslim, 2999). From this it should be clear to you that the calamities that befall those who seem to us to be innocent, and indeed happen to all people, are not necessarily a punishment, rather they may be mercy from Allaah, but our minds and reason are imperfect and are often unable to understand the wisdom of Allaah in such matters. Either we believe that Allaah is more just than us, and more wise, and more merciful towards His creation, so we submit to Him and accept (His will), whilst also acknowledging our inability to understand the true nature of our own selves; or we boast of our imperfect reason and feel proud of our weak selves and insist on calling Allaah to account and objecting to His decree. Such thoughts can never cross the mind of anyone who believes in the existence of a wise Lord, Creator and Sovereign Who is perfect in all ways. If we do that then we have exposed ourselves to the wrath and vengeance of Allaah, but nothing can ever harm Allaah. Allaah drew attention to this when He said (interpretation of the meaning): “He cannot be questioned as to what He does, while they will be questioned” [al-Anbiya’ 21:23] A sign of man’s weakness and shortsightedness, is that he focuses on the calamities without paying any attention to the benefits they may bring, and not looking at other blessings that he enjoys and sees around him. For Allaah has blessed mankind in ways that do not compare with the calamities that may befall them. If there was a man who does a lot of good but occasionally does not do good, then forgetting the good things that he does would be regarded as ingratitude and denial. So how about when this is our attitude towards Allaah, to Whom belongs the highest description, and all of Whose dealings with His creation are good and cannot be bad in any way? Moreover, the Prophets and Messengers are the most beloved of creation to Allaah, yet despite that they are the most severely tested of mankind and suffer the most calamities – why? It is not a punishment for them and it is not because of their insignificance before their Lord. Rather it is because Allaah loves them and has stored for them a perfect reward which they will enjoy in Paradise, and He has decreed that these calamities should befall them so that He might raise them in status. He does whatever He wills, however He wills, whenever He wills; none can put back His judgment, none can repel His command and He is All-Wise, All-Knowing. And Allaah is Most High, Most Knowledgeable and Most Wise. Note: with regard to what you say about your female friend, it should be noted that it is haraam to establish an illegitimate relationship between a man and a woman. For more information on this important topic please see the fatwas under questions 9465 and 1200 on this site. Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid