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Everything posted by Abu-Salman

  1. JB is famous. He will actually be on TV this week OK, make the "duriyad" proud sxb; avoid replying "ha kugu taagnaato" when they ask you goortaad Xamar aadaysid with that Turkish plane
  2. I very much like people optimism and patriotism in Xamar, flying there already to build or rebuild several houses even though commerce is only picking up (eg, medicines stored and resold right in Bakaaraha); looking forward to it too or flying back and forth again between Xamar-Jabuuti-Hargeysa as people used to. We just gotta drop the "Xamaraawi" blanket sobriquet to enjoy outdoors, beaches and new cosmopolitan friends
  3. Salam Norf and all, Sunnier now but summer and great outdoors is ending; we just had T. and his crew for a very funny and interesting few hours on Sunday: discussing business in Africa, Somalia role in the continent's decolonisation etc to...expensive Somali villas with sheeps sheds in the front courtyard Well informed and interesting gents with great humor; only one other great brother was then too far up North Great for the morale when facing some people or issues and the most priceless moments... PS: I still have slightly more than a year before 30 to rectify it, but it seems age never prevents cheerfulness for others...
  4. ^ maaxda dhacdey miyuu cabay isna sxbkaa JB? I seldom talk but feel like calling NORF today...less the sun got pple enjoying the outdoors.
  5. salam all, Does life gets more serious as 30 looms and deep questions or all the unpleasant truths are faced without youth naivety? Skype, voip or sol helps in keeping one sane at times...I myself may need few sessions with Ngonge to affront few issues since our other gentleman may not rival his decades of insight
  6. I'm always on my way, though now nearer than ever it seems the weather is always great there sxb and we can get bargain flights should you come to help me plan a wedding (AT account gets me worried) . Sax, trips refresh, was refering to try and call you...
  7. I'm battling anger but feel like a call to JB shouting "bacaaac" would release some stress: so JB what numbers u got? I'm again prisoner till next wk just to get registred, then apply for passport (meanwhile lets check the paris embassy if they can help). NORF waa inoo wk end, T. will be around.
  8. Hi all, safar wacan sister N.O.R.F;871250 wrote: Cash is good + some practical stuff - cheap phones, prescription glasses (you will need the prescription), handbags, wallets, watches, belts, T shirts, hats etc etc OK for deflecting them but "handbags, wallets, watches, belts, T shirts, hats" are not as lacking in Africa as cheap quality books (maybe shirts)... The fancy phones and games made the cousins think life is easy (not to mention their maids and baguettes on demand), one asks for laptop when they got 3 in the house...they spoil them and complain about qat nights.
  9. anagu kamaan helayn that much as "yaakhii" lakin one of the local auntie feasted on roasted maize planted by the watchman. those were just rented places but full of memories. I'm very sentimental, esp pple, all things 90s, vacations etc.
  10. JB ma aniga iga leedahay xasiid iyo xaasid kala saar oo jamhuuriya akhrisanay back in the 90s ma NG iyo akhyaarta qurbo kusoo kortay i mooday? waa inaad i xaal marisa, labatan xasiida sida tii nooga baxaysay in the rented villa next to madaxtooyada back in 97 He lived there for seven years and got used to the easy going style of the place (though he complained back then). Now he's in London (and soon to get used to his old life again) he'll start complaining about London. It's a fish thing. That's much more straightforward, not really homesickness; even so, going back to childhood place, family and longtime friends should be what matters no? Anyway, let our qurbojoog expand on my favorite and important theme of "homesickness" and nostalgia: where is home? The New Globalist Is Homesick
  11. NGONGE;870934 wrote: Faheema, Norf is feeling "home" sick. He talks to everyone he meets about Dubai and Dubai's beach, food places, indian workers, supermarkets, roads sand. You want him to explode with rage? Tell him you had hummous for lunch or something. Quite frankly, we have much better (unspoilt) beaches, islands etc in Jabuuti etc and the food can not yet fully rival Dubai diversity but it's even fresher (Yemeni, Ethio or international). I always thought one can only be homesick vis-a-vis his family or childhood place and era as I do (J., then H. town and its area). PS JB the family was generous back then but dadku change, and "xasiid" in general barely connect (I'm envious at how the reer Galkaayo or even Burco stick together)...
  12. dee iyagaa na booqda: qaar dibadaha la keenay, we had adeer ina samale few times in Jabuuti, the FM was hosted during his trip with Siilaanyo (isagu waa very close clanwise but no family)... I discover new relatives all the time though
  13. ^aniguba intaa waan oran karaa: aaryee etc Do you know I've got plenty of relatives in H. town and u may know them (including ina samale, the grandson of abwaan timacade etc). Norf, AT calls must be very entertaining to you; so u guys connect via sms and watsapp, why am I left out of the loop then
  14. khayr indeed. So N.O.R.F where are you hiding and why don't you call once in a while JB anaa kula hadlaya, ha u bixin NG. bal horta maxaad isu sheegtiin?
  15. ^Isn't that the materialist parents often denounced? Let's hope you don't give ideas to your friend... This French convert bro just told me that he too went through aqidah questions test by and before landing his Somali wife...
  16. Abu-Salman


    ^actually, any turned shoe upset me till recently when I re-examined those traditional taboos ("sheydaanka ku tukada" used to say ayeeyo) and other things in the light of let's first find evidence such as an authentic hadith (just like with all those threatening mails). I can't see even how it makes much sense healthwise as things such as soap washing hands after toilets, cutting nails and washing hands again before meals etc are much more important yet often ignored (we had hand washing and few hygiene related OCD at home). I still have a daily mental list of few things to go through but envy brethrens and others with more relaxed routines and who may do those things more naturally (I suspect both approaches have positives but the middle ground is best).
  17. ^the place has the most potential albeit the wild land speculation is a plague (plots prices makes jabuuti quotes looks cheap). I very much appreciated pres guelleh speech, soon we'll need no visa
  18. hi solers, lol @ Norf-Ngonge coded exchange; wish I could see how sports is that riveting; had turned down a hall night footie again. Xamar seems a nice trip these days; wouldn't mind it if you guys come too. I just noticed how much more energy and goodness I show when around pleasing faces (not hypocrites).
  19. ^Mashallah, congrats bro; so we are officially old now lol
  20. ^^^You have a wadaad side in being somewhat considerate, NORF and T. come accross as full blown ones (the latter would be a great speaker/Imam with little training). Ironically, people value more appearances than inward ethics
  21. NGONGE;869425 wrote: That's where he takes the "wadaado" like me and you. A&T's interests are different. Oo meeshu miyaay ilbaxday? wadaado at roof-top or Ethio joints?
  22. you guys know every underground corner in town miyaa
  23. salam all, Not at all Ibtisam, I love and have friends or relations from Burco; I can see the advantages of staying local in terms of marriage...though more in terms of region or city than clans or sub-clans. Ngonge, NORF adaa ka wakiila nooh aboowe? Sayyid lol duriyada is ok bro. N.O.R.F wrote: Abu, good khutba today. I ran out afterwards NORF don't you run outdoors, I still run too
  24. yeah, we talk about all the latest fashion and hi tech...still only the same tuulo folks are on speed dial ...or family pressures to marry from within "haddi kala tagtaan, caruurta kismaaya la geeni". It's Ngonge folks who are under strict orders not to marry from the "wrong side" of the town should they go outside the family ...we are afforded a bit more leeway in the interpretation of ayeeyos "separation of races" (not a full blown disaster if it's within "duriyada") Ngonge wrote: ^^ I think you and Norf should invite me for that Turkish grill he was talking about. You have the numbers. We should certainly do an Edgeware Road visit one of those days. It may even bring Theiry out. of course "dacaamu itnayn yakfii...". if you could pull the Thierry one lakin...great suggestion runti.
  25. wcs akhyaarta, Ngonge, so when are you inviting us for "couscous" or am I too far apart from B.? why soomaalidu marry or befriend mostly from the same clan? my progressive and beloved friends often do that...