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Everything posted by Abu-Salman

  1. ^Wanted to suggest it but you've beaten me to it; I suppose Isha is at the E. one. Recomforting again this aged father keeping guard on his teenage son when we bumped into him around some girls; you can't control grown-ups and it seems it's the norm to worry about both daughters and sons lately (harder to send them back). Parents playing detectives (at least those are the more caring ones)
  2. asc, Used to like cream cakes till a lil food poisoning long ago; just going for a big portion of apple pie once stopped craving for that pastry too. Can't stand chocolate candies too and many Somalis hate it funnily. There were so many cakes around (sold by the family) back in Djib and I found strange people desired cream cakes; it was equally strange that the cousins never seemed to crave even the varied viennoiseries or salty pastries...but they were living right in the "factory" unlike visitors like me. PS Talking about alternatives for sweet cravings, there is a different Somali made dish I guess NORF may consume soon again
  3. That person is in Djibouti now as I said, in case you can visit. The other one is the real daughter indeed and of course, you can visit her in Gabiley at any time. As for the rest, I guess you are referring to Arabsiyo, our mini resort town where we commute from Hargeysa; the "native" minister of F.A is a family friend and was our guest in Djibouti during Siilaanyo visit. It's funny but the town is owned in good part by Djiboutian-Somalilanders (a bit like Borama, Gabiley etc). Feel welcome in our farms too
  4. ^ real questions I asked for long. 1. The failed putsch and dissent along clan lines right after the 77 defeat catalysed the regime nepotism (the so-called MOD and then M. rule, albeit a bit simplistic as even the M. were not monolithic), a regime initially universally welcomed to face the corrupt civilian "democracy" started to turn paranoid and see clanish Somalis as unreliable. The oppression started in the North long after atrocities in Mudug etc, going crescendo concomitantly with the SNM threat armed by our arch enemy. Policies such as socialism were advocated by Northern "intellectuals" long before while khat ban was very progressive, albeit hastily implemented. Finally, we all know the worst came only in 88 after the SNM captured key cities with Ethiopian support and a predictable regime answer in most other countries. 2. Traders, Khat dealers etc were more involved and virulent than intellectuals or religious leaders; it was better to be more cautious in my humble opinion and have the bigger picture in mind. All that is not merely regurgitating from history books and witnesses but all the SNM relatives, some closely involved, do not hide that it was all about emotions and mostly post mid-eighties responses that unnerved them (the regime was very clumsy and incompetent).
  5. Not possible to be back home on time for Ciid so same here Haatu bro. Ibtisam, I thought people feasted with and visited the extended family usually rather than be out. You are welcome to try Arabsiyo and its farms too or visit auntie in Gabiley (she will recounts you the story of her famous dad Timacade). There is the person I told you about sis who love guests and have spare place and car in case you wanna see DJB. My family here is largely a couple of good Solers
  6. wcs, Ciid back home is the real thing, cambaabur, family feast, all dressed in white khamiis or new clothes etc. Maybe I'm too traditional, but having loved ones or friends suffices amply; now maybe a picnic or trip in the wild and you begin to wonder what more is needed. Ibtisam should have experienced Ciid in JB as our guest. NORF, you must look like some foreign VIP or diplomat in suit, you probably aced it from your radiant mood earlier.
  7. Not hot this time, all the serious blogs are full of praise for the natural scenes, varied and often cheap restaurants. Just avoid the top hotels or better stay in a flat or with people. The cakes are great too and quite cheap; Kempinsky etc apart, it's much like Xamar used to be
  8. Ah, that old article I read in a US Black magazine long ago and one of the reasons I avoid the press: birds dropping of heat, everyone seems flying high or gesturing about sex, invented or totally inaccurate "facts" etc. Of course the more exotic the place, the easier to lie and project all of one's fantasms... Ibtisam, there are far more serious blogs out there about qat
  9. asc all and mashallah sister Rahima, Ibtisam come visit Djibouti for free authentic cakes and some interesting people or decent yet affordable patisseries along unspoilt beaches. I'm not there until at least few weeks but you may just ask any logistics question etc. Feel like a tourism officer but it's just nearby when in HG or Dubai
  10. Maybe you'd get bored after a while; sadly money buy top education...too much spoils though. Ibtisam, glad you made it through, roads there are as deadly as the Western frontiers minus the Indians, alligators etc .
  11. Well, of the old friends or close relatives (some really wealthy or from a very top school/ academic ability), it's mostly characters that matters to me though it seems people network for business or practical reasons; I personally love more humble and honest people or less superficial ones (raising well children etc counts too as great success). This mentality costs a lot since networks are keys; it's strange to some but I feel equally at ease with both categories and resent noone (wish everyone more success). NORF have qualities worthier than millions, plus those who read Quran are less affected by "asaasaq"
  12. It may seems odd but I haven't been to a cinema since Black Hawk Down in 2002 or maybe twice a bit later when pushed; as for TV, I gave up mine back in 2004 and only watched or watch in special occasions. I need stimulation like a great documentary (Fahrenheit in 2004 was not new facts but had to entertain auntie) or good reasons but gave up as teen on movies or games (save the odd return of Malcolm X film, Gran Turismo with siblings or friends). Maybe the scratched only CD of our new PSX at end 97 acted as a catalyst too. As per the serious Salafi brothers, cinemas are dens of Fitnah. Now, an interesting book, lecture etc (some think I'm a geek but I'm just curious and crave important facts over fiction)... That being said, rare 90s nostalgia reviewing of some old classics like Child's Play, rounds of PSX 2 or 3 Street Fighter with relatives or X Files initial episodes is the occasional weakness I'm overcoming as a past addict (but let's not tell this to Thierry)...
  13. It's a double blessing you got bro, at home and with hooyo. Indeed as things change, so do "home" too
  14. Thierry, those Burcaawis got plenty of spare ones lol
  15. asc Paragon and all, hope you enjoy back home. Talking about home, I got to choose between Hargeysa or Jabuuti where I grew up; I'm homesick vis-a--vis both cities and our childhood memories there. These days I got utmost understanding for all those of us torn between places PS ariga ha jiirin, ha marin (dh/r divide between S/N Somali, eg gabadha/gabarta)
  16. asc ^Seems for other Somalis Gabiley and Burco are local to each other when Gabiley is closer to Borama or even Jabuuti in many ways; just been told Mo Farah was related to our family beyond tol (he's been invited by local Somalis here). Showqi, alhamdulilah bro, it helps a lot to be stress resistant, spiritual etc in all pathologies; our elders usually did very well without any healthcare industry.
  17. Mabruk bro and ameen; Abdullah & Abdurahman are the best names islamically but I like Abdulwahab, Abdulwahid etc too or then Daud, Ibrahim etc
  18. Cancer seems so common, lost 2 acquaintances to it, uncle's wife now being treated, another habo got free care in Dubai (emir's wife generosity it seems), abwaan Gaariye etc: this put weather and other things in perspective as chemotherapy or watching spread of cancer is anything but fun. As this recovered expert said sugar act as sole fuel for cancer cells (that includes white flour; croissants, baguettes etc are just sugar), now add refined oils, lack of body exposure to sun and exercise (just sun, switching to garlic, oats or non-processed food would change much). I've told this relative about it and she replied her Dr confirmed exercise cut the risk of her cancer by 1/3 (countries like Egypt who use onions/garlic have less cancers too)...
  19. :D No more hot bath or shower to relax can makes you feel deprived...funnily water back in hargeysa is often boiled over charcoal, there are kettles here at least (some mixed training 1st)
  20. asc, SL Business Fund Seminar? So far, the minimal risk/lucrative businesses I hear about, apart from valuable imports to the Somali peninsula, are cars to rent and build to rent in Jabuuti (plots not easy to secure in the US favored area; construction may cost more than a $100 000). Even some locals choose to rent for $ 10-15 000/year for a $50-100 000 worth place. "Islamic banks" finance both it seems (Dahabshiil advance for car import etc).
  21. lol @ MI5; some rumors accused me of that and It still affects me. They believe it's mostly sujus who spy albeit lately anyone can be suspect Again without hot water and bath (kind of relax) and this sugar rush got me sick (caramel waffles during night deliveries with a friend). N.O.R.F, later maybe sxb
  22. Well, are not mothers the ones who usually know and love best their boy? Not to say that wiser persons are less useful. Apart from Salat and meditatation such as adkars or Quran along with learning, the best ways to keep sanity are thus relationships with relatives and wise people (always be humble and offer advise, help and mini gifts), with exercise very underrated (it's basically very powerful in daily concentration, mood etc): http://www.johnratey.com/newsite/index.html PS: Naturally, sun exposure and vitamin D is important too as well as unprocessed food and good fats or omega 3 balance (early sleep routine and total darkness at night time matters a lot too for the body/brain).
  23. asc all, lol @ people usually wash; it's all relative, a walk in jabuuti summer may need yet another shower, have to do it now at least every other day with the garlic I eat/exercise. I guess those tickets and ganaaxs are common scourges but like all dacwado etc, it's much better to adress them from the get go as those issues may pile up. Norf, I envy you (in good way) driving up and down from friends and family to others true happiness is just loving ones or friends. I'll try and harass you with a call right after I'm done with this skype.
  24. N.O.R.F;874564 wrote: ^I'm here this weekend saxib. A cuppa is in order I know but weekends are busier than weekdays believe it or not Indeed, that comes with your responsibilities; else, what does great week-ends entail up there (apart from foot), and what are the things that excite or get you outside guys? Ngonge, I'm trying to find out all the legit fun I've missed (I just like civilised people, books and outdoors)
  25. asc all, Can't see any interview there; NORF, we haven't had you for more than 2 months, xaniid is in order with our friend should that not be too inconvenient (I know our good friend enjoys that) Sunnier day, late outdoor running ia...