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Everything posted by Heliostropolis
Elegy by Arthur Guiterman The jackals prowl, the serpents hiss In what was once Persepolis. Proud Babylon is but a trace Upon the desert's dusty face. The topless towers of Ilium Are ashes. Judah's harp is dumb. The fleets of Ninevah and Tyre Are down with Davy Jones, Esquire, And all the oligarchies, kings, And potentates that ruled these things Are gone! But cheer up; don't be sad; Think what a lovely time they had!
Somalia is the greatest country in the world
Heliostropolis replied to rudy-Diiriye's topic in Politics
Somalia is the greatest country in the world, because the great state of PUNTLAND happens to be a Somali state. Marka, Viva Somalia, Viva Puntland! -
^^^You of all people, should have put 2 and 2 together, and realised that such "stuff and nonsense" cartoony would never get appreciated by a vast majority of nomads, here on SOL-- mise, were you expecting a miracle of sorts?
University of Minnesota is Hosting a Program About Somaliland
Heliostropolis replied to Jacaylbaro's topic in Politics
^^^ As always JB, a poorly thought out post. In your haste to come up with anything that might legitimize the existance of la-la land, you sacrificed "quality" with the redundance of repetitively being desperate to mention anything Marfish related, culminating in a overall result that is as bland as a tray of hospital food. I suggest you concern yourself MORE, about the election that was supposed to take place on March 29th, instead of a silly little event at the university of Minnesota's human rights center this month. -
^^^So is it safe to say that Shankarooni here is a female?
Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya oo la kulmay Madaxweynaha Rwanda + Pics
Heliostropolis replied to Juje's topic in Politics
^^^Yeah right!!! Niigariinta Soomaalida ku dhexnool ayaa sidaas mar walba ku marmarsiyooto... -
Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya oo la kulmay Madaxweynaha Rwanda + Pics
Heliostropolis replied to Juje's topic in Politics
Originally posted by wacdaraha_aduunka: Cadaan iyo shariif kala dheera.Walle Kigame looks more somali then Sharif Haa waa runtaa...Sharifku waa hal neegaar ah! Ninka qof soo baara asalkiisa ayaan u baahannahay. -
Madarasadu aad sheygaysid ma waxaan dugsi u naqaan miyaa? Haday saas tahay, hadaba ayaan macalin dugsi ka ahay, ee xagee kale ii wadaa?
Luqad la fahmi karo ku hadal hadii lagu dhaho, ma kiis ka waalnimo miyaa? Anyway, Mujaahid adiga kaa qosol badan weligay ma arkin, ee gormaad jihaadi hadii maanta oo dhan dakh-dakh ey kaa dhamaatay?
newbie, xaa la dhahaa? waryee af muslim ama af gaalo mid ku hadal!
^^^ANd how is this related to anything, political?
Puntland: First oil well to start pumping shortly.
Heliostropolis replied to NABAD x 3's topic in Politics
^^^ I highly doubt a Somali will hold an umbrella for gaal indha yar. But money is money, and if the chinese will develop the sector, they should be welcomed. Lord knows, we need job creating projects to alleviate the poverty of the common Somali. I remember, Biggie once said, "Mo money, mo problems"; but in the case of Somalia, I believe it is the opposite--"more money, more peace!" So let's go get dat paper, folks! -
Puntland: First oil well to start pumping shortly.
Heliostropolis replied to NABAD x 3's topic in Politics
^^^Pilgrim, I'd like to apologize on behalf of Shabelle. The chinese are not ALL more morally upright than ALL white men--only a few of 'em are. For starters, I don't think any KUNGPOW eating Chinaman is better than you, Mr Pilgrim, so take a chill pill. Shabelle, is an ungrateful somegro, who does not realise it was the NOT SO upright White man that gave him asylum in London, instead of dem communist freaks from China. -
The Realities of Puntland and Somaliland
Heliostropolis replied to Mintid Farayar's topic in Politics
^^^ I think you're giving way too much credit to habraha Marfishland. If anything, we should collectively sympathize with them, for they are being held hostage by Zenawi's puppet in that part of Somalia. I don't think he wants Riyaale to lose the so-called "democratic" elections that were suddenly postponed by decree(some democracy eh?), to give them ample time to come up with a solid plan to keep Riyaale the chief of habraha Shankaroon. And as such, my heart goes out to dem Shankaroon chaps; by all means, keep insisting for a free and fair suffrage, and make sure to pray that Riyaale leaves peacefully! -
The Realities of Puntland and Somaliland
Heliostropolis replied to Mintid Farayar's topic in Politics
^^^I guess that will shut up the cretin who started this thread, once and for all. But in any case; as long as the objectives of Faroole's visit to our supposed "adversary" is realistic and is meant to attain the ends we truly want(i.e anything beneficial to Puntland)--I don't see what the fuss is all about. Faroole's tactics of dealing with Ethiopia should be geared on serious diplomacy that will ensure the peaceful co-existance of our two peoples. The so-called "Ethiopia is our eternal enemy" approach so prevalent amongst Somalis is a very serious mistake if we truly want peaceful relations with our neighbors. -
^^^ Maybe it's about time, we quoted a proper news portal. :cool: ************************************************* Somalia: Somaliland clan conference worries government HARGEISA, Somalia Mar 13 (Garowe Online) - The administration in Somalia's breakaway region of Somaliland is increasingly worried about a clan conference that opened Wednesday in the city of Burao, Radio Garowe reports. The conference was attended by more than 100 delegates, including traditional elders, intellectuals, business leaders and lawmakers belonging to the ***** sub-clans of Habar Jeclo and Habar Yonis. On Friday, the Burao clan conference concluded successfully and the delegates issued a signed declaration. A key clause in the signed declaration stated: "The presidential election must be held in the country [somaliland] on time, which is March 29." The following clause indicated that delaying the election is "intended to confuse the public," while another clause demanded that the "lawmaking bodies [parliament] must reach a decision about the leadership in the country" following the April 6 deadline, when incumbent President Dahir Riyale's extended term in office expires. Mr. Awil Ali Du'ale, Somaliland's finance minister, told local media in the regional capital Hargeisa that the clan conference is Burao "will change nothing." "It bothers me a lot when I hear that clans are meeting, especially when the election is so close…it is the nation backtracking. It is better that political parties meet [instead]," Finance Minister Awil said. He called on the public to uphold the peace, while urging the opposition to declare that they will peacefully accept election results. Somaliland's main opposition party Kulmiye has vowed not to recognize Riyale's government after April 6, when his extended term in office expires. The Somaliland election commission recently delayed the presidential election from March 29 to May 31, forcing Kulmiye to demand the establishment of a caretaker government. The political crisis in Somaliland continues to deepen, especially after Kulmiye party's demand that the two houses of parliament appoint a caretaker government gained support from major clan-groups in the region. Source: Garowe Online
Burco: Ammaanka oo ka sii daraya iyo hub gacameedka oo kusoo batay magaalada Ammaanka magaalada Burco ee xarunta gobolka Togdheer ee maamulka Somaliland ayaa la sheegayaa in uu ka sii daray, kaddib sii liidasho indhawayd isasoo taraysay. Nabad gelyo darrada oo badiyaa ku beegan xilliyadii habeenkii ah ayaa ay qayb mug leh ka yihiin dhalinyaro si aan waabasho lahayn ugu kacaya falalka isbaarada ah kuwaas oo bartilmaameedsada dadka taleefoonnada gacanta lagu qaato isticmaala, iyo lacagta. In ka badan 15 qof oo ay dhaawacyo ka soo gaadheen falalkaasi dhaca ah ayaa la dhigay cusbitalka magaaladaas. Ciidamada ammaanka oo isku dayaya in ay arrintan wax muuqda ka qabtaan ayaa waxa ay gacanta ku dhigeen tiro badan oo ah dadka ku kaca falalka isbaarada ah. Sarkaal u hadlay booliskuna waxa uu sheegey in dhalin badan oo falalkan loo hayo ay badiyaa yihiin dad u dhashay magaaladaas, waxana uu intaa ku daray in ay dadkan ku jiraan kuwo ka soo jeeda gobollada koonfureed ee Soomaaliya. Dhanka kale waxaa kor u kacay sicirka la kala siisto hubka fudfudud, kuwaas oo kor uga kacay qiimaha laga siiyo suuqa hubka ee magaaladaas labaatan boqolkiiba. Dad badan oo magaaladaas ku dhaqan gaar ahaanna ragga ayaa u isticmaala hubkan in ay isku ilaaliyaan khaasatan baastooladaha oo ay qaataan marka ay habeenkii magaalada ku dhex socdaalayaan iyo qoryaha oo noqday kuwo la dhigto meherada ganacsiga iyo qaar guryaha. Adam Shardi Axmed Radio Daljir ************************************************** *** Hey Yo, Duke: Did't believe it at first, but I'm beginning to think a monkey fight of troglodytic proportion is gettin ready to brew up in Marfishland. Maanta Riyaale, sheeka baalaleydii uu u akhrinjiray habraha shankaroon, jiq ayee ku noqon rabtaa. Laakin anigu baryahaan, odayga Riyaale heshiis ayaan la ahay, ee eebow habraha, Burco ku tafa xaadanaya, Alloo ka fuji...Amiin!
Truth by Leonard Nathan As children in the schoolroom game whisper from one end of the class to the other and garble the message they pass on or change it beyond recognition, so we pass on the truth of our kind. My father heard it from his, something vaguely involving God, and his father heard it from his, and so on back to Abraham, and so father passed it on to me, but God had dropped out. And so my son heard it, a wisdom found inside a Chinese fortune cookie: "Be good and hope," which he will pass on to his son, but maybe with good missing or hope, maybe with love added. Though love was never meant to mean so much.
Adding It Up by Philip Booth My mind's eye opens before the light gets up. I lie awake in the small dark, figuring payments, or how to scrape paint; I count rich women I didn't marry. I measure bicycle miles I pedaled last Thursday to take off weight; I give some passing thought to the point that if I hadn't turned poet I might well be some other sort of accountant. Before the sun reports its own weather my mind is openly at it: I chart my annual rainfall. or how I'll plant seed if I live to be fifty. I look up words like "bilateral symmetry" in my mind's dictionary; I consider the bivalve mollusc, re-pick last summer's mussels on Condon Point, preview the next red tide, and hold my breath: I listen hard to how my heart valves are doing. I try not to get going too early: bladder permitting, I mean to stay in bed until six; I think in spirals, building horizon pyramids, yielding to no man's flag but my own. I think of Saul Steinberg: I play touch football on one leg, I seesaw on the old cliff, trying to balance things out: job, wife, children, myself. My mind's eye opens before my body is ready for its first duty: cleaning up after an old-maid Basset in heat. That, too, I inventory: the Puritan strain will out, even at six a.m.; sun or no sun, I'm Puritan to the bone, down to the marrow and then some: if I'm not sorry I worry, if I can't worry I count.
Now by Greg Watson I told you once when we were young that we would someday meet again. Now, the years flown past, the letters unwritten, I am not so certain. It is autumn. There are toothaches hidden in this wind, there are those determined to bring forth winter at any cost. I am resigned to dark blonde shadows at stoplights, lost in the roadmaps of leaves which point in every direction at once. But I am wearing the shirt you stitched two separate lifetimes ago. It is old and falling to ash, yet every button blooms the flowers of your design. I think of this and I am happy, to have kissed your mouth with the force of language, to have spoken your name at all.
Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed: No, by saying you are a King, you describe your relation to other humans. by saying am omnipresent, am claiming a Godlike ability. Is it possible for a Human to be everywhere? No Can you describe the fact that you rule people with titles like King? Don't see why not. C'mon now, don't get your panties in a twist! I know to be Omnipresent means "present everwhere", and as such my omnipresence at first consideration seems impossible. However; I posit here that the omnipresence(small letter "o"), that I speak of, has the limitation of only existing in this cyber world of somaliaonline. For I, at any given time, can be visible to all Somaliaonline users, at all times, as long as, I remain logged-in.