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Everything posted by Ridwaan

  1. Who ever came up with the term "hooyo macaan" should be shot in the foot, its obvious the individual was a perv, hooyo macaankeyda yaa badhay. Cajiib.
  2. What is it that we're not getting along ?
  3. ^lol Its a talent/skill that most people in the world can't do, I take pride in that.
  4. Theirs no such thing as clan look, Somalis in general look the same, sometimes, I even have a hard time distinguishing our people from that of our neighboring countries.
  5. The grand price is a portrait of Melez, Lawd have mercy on those people in that region.
  6. My tongue can touch the tip of my nose and my chin.
  7. Marka underwent practically the dilemma as Kismaayo, depth wise Kismaayo is got the upperhand although inhabitant wise marka is more dense.
  8. Tutsi have no commonality with Somalis in any way.
  9. Its good to see peace has finally settled in the horn.
  10. Marka is bigger than Kismayo.