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Everything posted by warsamaale

  1. i don't know the exact meaning but i generally understand it to mean lad or boy, i guess you could use it for young man as well.
  2. stalinist russia had no problem with women so don't conflate them the ayotallah regime.
  3. Wadani;964267 wrote: These are scum of the earth wallahi. Waste of space and oxygen. that's a bit harsh, they are just harmless publicity seeking lasses. are you intimidated by breasts ??
  4. Third world countries governments are notoriously fiscally irresponsible, so expect somali governments to be perpetually in debt.
  5. what the heck is xabad ?? don't speak in code am new here
  6. privatization is good, i don't know why you think its a terrible idea. get with the program niyow, its the 21st century. governments should never be involved in business, period.
  7. Argh! Turks and their silly mustaches. these ******s are just like Arabs and they wanna be part of the civilized world, keep making rugs sheep ******s.
  8. do the reside in ethiopia also ? and why would they claim each other, colaad perhaps in the NFD or what ??
  9. vicious attack ?? what's your definition of vicious and what is your purpose in plastering this forum with scrawny lil white women baring their barren chests ? SOL waa gole akhyaarideed ee la tag waxaan somalinet
  10. xaaji horta there is nothing like koonfuurian, so stop with fake cutesy little label that applies to no one, ma garatay. tan labaad he is a sore loser who wanted nothing more than jago. somaliweyn gab, snm land gab, waa laba khasaaro.
  11. haha whoever took this guy seriously anyway ?? Carafaat iyo Abtigis am sure fell for his hiil qaran nonesense. the rest knew him, he was and still remains a fickle pseudo intellectual with no gravitas.
  12. but you know these who acculturated to borana/oromo culture still speak somali sometimes or pick it up very easily from what i have observed in kenya. i was talking to one friend of mine, he told me just 70 yrs ago, no one in their community spoke borana. they will tell you its not their language and af maay is their tongue.
  13. thanks for the clarification qansaxow. its seems you know much about this folks.
  14. its between and the, both somali communities and yes both are HAG.
  15. the best policy is avoid clan insinuations and unfortunately you keep bringing it up. who the heck are these " looma ooyaan" ?? Bantus, barawanese, *******..
  16. is it me or this MMA comprehension skills are sifir, dude is a bit thick
  17. they are very close, intermarry with each other and are like brothers. its a fact.
  18. your cool guy haatu, my beef is with your underlings. laangaabyada sacabka halmar kuwada tumay baan layaabay niyow. cajiib
  19. oba where do you get this funny graphics niyow ?
  20. war baac kaas, bacaad kaan laqsiindoonaa iga sug.
  21. sxb i detect a lil bit of laga roonimo in your character, isdaba qabo. waa iga talo.
  22. your marked man from now on huuraale. you picked on the wrong person.
  23. its not even close to being funny, mujamaalada beenta iska daaf igaareey.