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Everything posted by warsamaale

  1. they were known as afro hashimites they just added another layer of identification, ma fahantay ?
  2. ^^ Not bad, i like the name and the concept. the interior decor could do with a lil bit more professionalism but hey the will get there slowly.
  3. a black man is only 3/5 human anyways scientifically , not surprising
  4. i actually like sabahi, very professional and reliable news source.
  5. i would object to ugandan or italian. infact i would go as far indigenizing street names that carry colonial era italian titles.
  6. why the arabic script, i thought it was xamar ??:confused:
  7. somaali dad fiyow ma'ahan, the sooner people realize that fact the better.
  8. stop trolling waryaa, and did you just say i support the alawites in their massacre of poor outgunned sunnis. sxb, your moral compass is way off, shame on you.
  9. USC is no more and i suggest for you health that you move on xiinow.
  10. its non other than xiin, the arch qabylaadisti who concoted this elders of HAG fraud.
  11. so what ? you expected a liberated city to welcome back and give posts to its enemies, not gonna happen and never happened anywhere, go n stay in your land. ok
  12. xiinfaniin;961603 wrote: I listened both songs. T ooyo wins hands down A camel herder singing at a traditional waterhole as he pours water packets from the well to crunch the thirst of his beloved she-camels (Tooyo) :D Waryaa Abtigiis intaysan igusoo yaacin, ila qabo maansada , and give us your take on these two songs of course we wouldn't expect less from you, since your the abu jahal of qabyaalad on SOL :cool:
  13. so what is president huuraale going to about this ?
  14. what did feminism do to you ? :rolleyes:, bully you ? spill the beans haatu.
  15. sexual liberation ?! what does that mean bal :confused:
  16. its insecurity my friend, HAG seem to have outgrown it, they are acting regal and calm now. we await the secessionists to do the same.
  17. why put yourself in the straitjacket of forced monogamy, i don't desire it nor should any other red blooded male. competition in the market place is good for all affairs.
  18. the monologue has an imaginable power of mythical proportions over men, women should be using it as a leverage more often and not see it as a liability
  19. thats because you assume marriage is the natural, normative state of human relationship all along, the sole vehicle for familial bliss. it never was, marriage is an anomaly however counter intuitive that maybe. we should celebrate its demise, voluntary cohabitation unions should be encourage with equal partners.
  20. ha caayin daalkaaga doqon yahow. you could insult your family all day but won't change the fact it still your family. the rest of your cantarbaqash is not important.
  21. burahadeer;961284 wrote: Somalia has to show for donations:D what is that supposed to mean ?:confused:, you guys remind me of palestinians; they also create fraudulently narratives to make them forget their condition. same with you lot, had you been a thriving independent country then you could be forgiven for throwing insults.
  22. ina adeer, comedy needs brains and your iq is reputedly south of 70, marka just give it up.
  23. let me ask you the same question ? no ictiraaf, khatumo broke away from your clan project for good, economy is bad, human resource in the triangle is below the rest of somalia and the killer app: no more al shabaab for you. its very sad for you xaaji