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Everything posted by QansaxMeygaag

  1. Apophis;913480 wrote: Those without roots are going home, not everyone. Yap. Of course they wouldn't call it that. You package it in pill form for the simpletons...I mean citizens to swallow You crazy Apo; you crazy!
  2. @alpha Am trying to enunciate Somali like my first D-Hunter crush Ladan - she would speak one word at a time like a BBC radio announcer. She was like the Somali equivalent of Joanna Lumbley or the lady who announces the tube stations in London.
  3. Alpha Blondy;913477 wrote: lol@Qansax, marka hore, my greetings. ta labad, hambalyo on this 'promotion'. this is very good news. you must be happy. my day was busy. i was very busy. but being busy isn't so bad sometimes. Kkk, waan kaa qaaday salaanta. Thanks for the hambalyo, how does one respond to 'hambalyo' in Somali? Mixed feelings about the news - the new guy is a sly fellow, you should see him smile like a Chesire cat, I can almost read his mind "great, yaay I have meself a new worker bee"... Busy is good. Lots of people without jobs so alxamdulillah, no complaints in that department. In many Somali regions, unemployment rates must be like 80%, so many ciyaalka walking around with nothing to do. There is one who tried to shixaad me today and he forgot that 3 days earlier he had tried the same story on me!
  4. Apophis;913450 wrote: Politics is the imposition of a minority will upon a majority, with or without consent. It's leading the herd to where you feel like going. Even if you feel like taking a piss?
  5. Apophis;913402 wrote: It is now. Thanks for the offer bro but my interest in the Somali peninsula has died long time ago. If I must live in Africa, it must be Kenya. When I think of home I think of Kenya, not Somalia. You want to live in Kenya with all the "Somalis go home" hysteria going on?
  6. Alpha Blondy;913304 wrote: having a lousy day so far. I had a lousy day too, but ended with a silver lining of sorts. My new boss calls me into his office and says "your old boss recommended that you be promoted and i agree"...But, I knew something was coming, there's always a but innit? "We need to use you more, you can do much more than your current job description". Does the bugger want me to do his job do you think?
  7. Apophis;913465 wrote: Somaliland is a nationality and bees are just tiny birds. The BS never stops. And whom do we have here? Wont you give Xaaji and SL a break? Am told I look like a sand-dweller; don't know what to make of it.
  8. Wadani;913463 wrote: Where do u live Qansax? Take a wild guess; won't I spoil the fun of SOL if I reveal too much....
  9. Xaaji Xunjuf;913459 wrote: This is the Typical Somaliland look But none of them looks like the other - they are so very different, just look left to right...variety of looks...some of them look like ma cousins (the two in white in the middle with big ears) and I ain't never seen a sand-dweller or lived with a mum-love or mum-Yunis or mum-etc And because they are so different; it is difficult to conclude that this is a "typical Somaliland look".
  10. xabad;913221 wrote: it's anything but neutral. its an emotion laden social bomb. What is?
  11. Well I guess with some 17 million Somalis on the planet nothing more should surprise me. I wont be surprised if their is some half-Somali half-Brazilian lead dancer in the Samba in Rio.
  12. Haatu I don't think I can help you more; am speechless. Reading the cross-posting "On Relatives" about a certain party you went to, the ear studs and the various trends of those, the pink under-gear..what next? Oh Lord!
  13. Haatu;913200 wrote: Closet? MJ? Outed? Syntax error I'm afraid. Too many unknown variables. Follow the advice and "Keep it in the Closet"
  14. Oodweyne;913180 wrote: ^^Well, Haatu , since we already there, why don't you come out for a bit of a "political swimming" with the rest of us, and tell us straight the local version of this NFD issue. Or at any rate, tell us how the late Mr. M. I. Egal has "abandoned" the folks in your neck-of-the-wood to the small tender mercy of the Kenyans! I think Pandora is playing with a dangerous box; don't go there ain't pretty.
  15. Haatu;913174 wrote: Ps: If Qansax can't take the heat, let him leave the kitchen I can take the heat alright; but I'll be damned the day I see a full blood Somali man in drag...the horror, the horror...
  16. Now this is not healthy; am staying away from SOL at least for the work-week. See ya!
  17. Apophis;913140 wrote: You people disgust me. Leave this thread at once. Only I and Apha may post our cantrabaqash here! And to a lesser extent, Oba. Define you seem easily disgusted. Are you squeamish? Let me guess, you faint at the sight of blood...
  18. Alpha Blondy;913137 wrote: what's happened to my precious thread. how did all these trollers get here? can you all leave please. Kkk. You invited us to the party remember? Back to you and how you beat down a pose of skinnies...enough of Haatu in drag
  19. Haatu;913107 wrote: Hey ain't nothing wrong with that. Why don't you try wearing one and walk the streets of Garissa; then tell me about it.
  20. Oodweyne;913109 wrote: QansaxMeygaag , The late M. I Egal did not signed away NFD to Kenya, but, he accepted that Somali Republic will no longer use force to win that territory and therefore he in effect accepted the British agenda of handing over NFD issue to Kenya's decision. As opposed this NFD issue been one that is between Somali Republic on one hand and that of the British's colonial office in London on the other hand. Again, let me go back and show you how that history have played out in real sequence. 1 - The British promised a referendum to the NFD before they give Kenya their independence. And the assumption was that the British will honor the verdict of that outcome without Kenya's government as a successor to the British colonial government in Nairobi having any input where the destiny of the NFD is concern. 2 - The British, as their usual politics of "perfidy" will always indicate, did a nasty betrayal on the Somali government in 1963, and in effect, turn down to honor the outcome of that NFD referendum. 3 - And, following from that, the Tory government of Harold Macmillan in 1963 in London, told a large delegation of Somali government in which they have met in Rome, that from now on, the issue of NFD is Kenya-Somali affair, since Kenya will be independent state, and they, as a British, have decided to take themselves out of the fight between Somali Republic and Kenya. And, at that point the Somali government who were meeting the British government's delegation in Rome (and that Somali delegation was led by the same Mr. M. I .Egal as a minister of that Somali government) retorted that NFD is a region colonized by the British and therefore you can't simply handed over to a new government call Kenya that you have created to run the territories in East Africa you used to rule. But, the British as usual weren't willing to deal with us straight, and, they said, we out of East Africa's problem, and if you Somalis have a problem about the NFD and whatnot, go deal with your new neighbor call Kenya Republic. And that time, the Somali government decided to cut all diplomatic relation with Britain because of that betrayal (it was I believe in 1964). And furthermore, the Somali government vowed not to recognized Kenya's government right to rule this NFD region as well as reserving the right to liberate this territory by force.This is where things stood when late Mr. M. I. Egal became a prime-minister in 1967. 4 - When he became PM, he realized that Somali republic has two well-armed neighboring states that will not allow her to fulfill Somalis long-standing policy of "Irredentism" , and therefore, cool diplomacy of engaging them may stand the better chance of persuading them. Of course, we both now, that he was wrong in assuming Kenya or Ethiopia will play a compromise game with him in these issues. But, still, it has to be understood, that he signed an agreement that said the Somali Republic and Kenya recognized each other as a sovereign states and furthermore have established a "joint platform" to discuss the future of NFD, as opposed to the previous stand of the Somali republic that said there is nothing to discuss with Kenya. Because her rule of NFD is "illegitimate" , and since NFD was a British-governed territory and if Britain left the area, then Somali Republic in turn is free to "decide" how to reclaim that territory irrespective of what Kenya may or may say about it. This is the "crucial argument" he conceded, not accepting that Kenya "owns" NFD, but, that Kenya is a "partner" that one must negotiate with it. Because, previously the Somali government's position was that Kenya was essentially irrelevant for NFD's destiny and since Brits did a runner on us from this problem, in which they, themselves, have created it, then, we in Mogadishu, as a Somali government, will decide how to win and get back our "missing territory" by force if it comes to it. And Kenya, in that agenda of us, is not even part of anything, other than be a state we must go to war with in-order to get back our "stolen territory" from them. Hence, one hope you understand the political and diplomatic hand he was playing in here, particularly in his "Arusha's understanding" with the then Jomo Kenyata in so far as NFD is concern. I should not have re-opened this Pandora's box in honor of the dead man who was by all standards a Somali statesman. Your summary is on point. After it because obvious that Kenyatta was not going to cede an inch of NFD (he said pack your camels and move to Somalia if you want to join them), there was an armed insurrection for self-determination which was aided and abetted by the Somali government - with funds, technical assistance, training and logistics. The Shifta movement. Suffice it to say that after the Arusha accord, the Somali government wanted nothing to do with the resistance movement, arms and money dried up and the Shifta were defeated. I will leave it at that. I don't blame him. The issues were (and still are) very complex and he was a man of his times, not ours and it is very easy to judge him in the luxury of hindsight. May he rest in peace. Ameen.
  21. Alpha Blondy;913095 wrote: its all resolved now. i've been gardening since writing those expletive-ridden tirades. all is resolved. Phew! Take care man, dem skinnies can be vicious, someone nearly sliced my stomach open with a dagger once...I gave him a sound beating and forgot about it, on ma way down, at the hotel lobby, he stood there with two of his ina-adeers and he had a dagger drawn and was screaming for ma blood...
  22. Xaaji Xunjuf;913081 wrote: Not true i have lived in Ethiopia i know what i am speaking about the habasha are short and have nappy hair , you have seen maybe some nobles from Gojam. But the vast majority of the habesha look like what i posted.I traveled even as far as Northern Ethiopia in 1999 and 1998. Do you want me to post pictures of the Amhara capital bahir dar in the Amhara kilil these folks are short and have nappy hair. Since you know the land and the people and have traveled there, then waa hagaag. I will leave it at that.
  23. wyre;912988 wrote: No Thanks Is it because you are in KSA and this stuff is too titillating for you lol. The religious police might find you reading it and send you to jail?
  24. Che -Guevara;913074 wrote: lool, where in this sentence have you actually spoken ill of the dead? I said something bad of him bro, even if it is true and a known fact that he did sign off NFD to our culture, we let bygones be bygones and leave the dead alone as Haatu points out... May Allah have mercy on him and forgive him for everything. Ameen.
  25. Xaaji Xunjuf;913075 wrote: Qansax they have thick jareer hair most Xabashis and are short and the vast majority of the Xabashis are darker than Somalis and have flat faces. Maybe you have seen some from Gojam and Gonder Light Skin Amharas. But the vast majority looks like this big eyes not a big forehead like us This is how the typical habasha look short kinkey hair and brown to dark brown facial features aren't sharp either Look at the hair thats the typical Habasha loook Look at the flat faces and not sharp features nappy hair and they are short and they very dark 2 Bro I think most of the people in the photo are those from the south with a mixture of many tribes and the oromo. Xabash is a generic term for the Amhara and the Tigray and they don't have jareer and are lighter than Somalis... Any Somali Ethiopians on this thread oo nakala bixin kara? Dee aaway garsooriinti?