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SomaliPhilosopher;959456 wrote: this whole 'enemy' talk appears to frame your entire outlook towards Somalia. I am afraid your disdain for western politics is too great for us to have any reasonable discussion. Western politics have a huge impact on the entire world. We have to free ourselves from them. These are personal beliefs and I will stand by what I know to be truth. May Allah guide us all.
SomaliPhilosopher;959453 wrote: Toes whether America is corrupt or not is irrelevant. We are discussing the Somali military, the people who have sacrificed their lives to bring this era of war to an end. The people who have stabilized the capital and brought a degree of law and order to the country. And you know, these guys at times are not even paid, and when they are it is barely much. Whether this "corrupt"' America supports the Somali government has little bearing on the way you should perceive our country's military. It has everything to do with it. As soon as the government does something that is against their interest they become your enemy. Why do we align ourselves with a government that has destroyed so many other nations. Dont you think they will do the same to us? How can we blind ourselves to history and act as if those rules dont apply to us? Yes there is peace and prosperity but at what cost and how much more will it hurt when it all comes crashing down.
Real change takes time and it comes from the people. The Shabab would not have all that support and would gain power if they didn't capture the hearts and minds of people first. We have to do the same. Our efforts are better spend there so that the change can last longer.
SomaliPhilosopher;959450 wrote: and joining the entity that is liberating the country from these politicized wadaads who are imposing law and culture that is both alien and cruel to Somalis, is not supporting the Somali people? Not by aligning yourself with a greater enemy. One that is poison to the people and will rob them of their resources. The same enemies that paid the warlords salaries.
I am confused. Do you guys believe that the American government is not corrupt?
Johnny B;959362 wrote: I did that , hence my question of "really and how so ?". An opinionated opinion ? Dummy me, how did i miss that, How can she support and serve her nation by joining the Army, since her nation's governement is supported by the great Satanic nation of the USA. ? i get it now, DUH . I tell you about my Military service because i unlike you envy her since she is doing it in Somalia while i did in Sweden. :cool: ...
SomaliPhilosopher;959385 wrote: Toes, you fool. Shall we stop supporting our country because America 'supports' it. A devilish hipster you are Yes because its a puppet government. There are many ways to support the Somali people rather than joining the army.
Johnny B;959010 wrote: And i had most of my one nightstands during my military service at P10 in Strängnäs , probably because Somalis look and fit well in armed uniforms i heard. Are you telling me this to prove a point? If you are I dont understand what the Swedish Military has anything to do with this conversation. Let alone your time spent with them.
Johnny B;959010 wrote: The bad thing about giving useless advice is sometimes you give away one that YOU could use, so YOU should know better. Somalia needs more of her kind and less of your kind.:cool: You jumped to a million and one conclusions without asking for an explanation. Dont take my opinions personally....
If you refer to the previous posts Johnny I was responding to "Somali Philosopher" as to why I thought her being in the military is sad. I wasn't giving away advice. I was giving an opinion. So refrain your judgement. What I meant by "you should know better" is that as person who grows up in the west you should know about the corruption of the US government. So why support let alone fight for a government they support?
This is all for show. Easy come easy go
Because the younger girl is with the military. The thought of Somalis in the military is depressing especially someone who grew up in the West...you should know better.
1.) Sorry for your disappointment but you weren't meant to be so shake it off. 2.) Why there was that demand on you and not the revert can only be answered by the girl and the family. Women are willing to sacrifice alot for certain men. If she likes you she will overcome any obstacle with you but if not then.... 3.) If you cant afford a big wedding than marry a girl who doesn't want a big wedding. If not than marry a girl in Africa. At the end of he day the heart wants what the heart wants. Some girl feel they can never be happy with a Somali man. To each their own right? As long as they are happy and abide by the religion.