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Everything posted by MD

  1. salaam first of all woow curly sue interesting topic You could organize the work of others, though in your impatience to see the job done efficiently, you would likely step right in and do it yourself. :rolleyes: scary!! soo true You have a versatile, restless nature, and could do any job well, although you would not like to do menial tasks. You are seldom satisfied and are always seeking something new this part is sooooo true just freaked out :eek:
  2. salaam aleykum wlc stranger i myself am new to this place, just discouvered it couple of days ago..couldn't even wait to sign up wlc wlc wa salaam
  3. loooooooooool very funny nomads don't we love our parents hope you guys could read some of my BROKEN somali will try though! when my mom is angry-- "nayaa balayo baasyahay, kaalay illahi balayo kuma tusee" or sometimes she says "alaa ilaahiyo kuwani waa ku qasaarey" when she sees us sitting around not doing the house chors-- "kuwaani ilaahiyo somalideena futada kiilo hilim ayaa kasaaran waxaas waxaa waye labaten iyo afar sacc wee fadhiyaan" "doofaryahay or daanyeeryahy kalaa" "tani wee walentahay" that's all i remember now!!
  4. salaam aleykum I will not buy history written during Kacaan times and if you think glorifying the cowardly acts of the Sayid in looting and killing innocent nomads,then you my friend definately need to wake up from your deep sleep. geedid walaal from what i c from here is, as a brother/sister above mentioned ur confused with the two men and other nomads i think are wondering what ur talking about, (Siyaad Bare and Sayid Mahamed abdulla hassan). Sayid Mahamed Abdulla Hassan was a hero, a brave man who fought for his people and his country, may allah(swt) reward him for what he has done. On the other hand, Siyad bare he has done good and bad for the country, yet i do agree with u on somethings u say about him, he was anti-religion (use to kill sheikhs, hated the quran and so on). But we shouldnt judge him, allah is one to judge. wa salaam