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Everything posted by MD

  1. I agree with Shtml_lady there's no point in wasting valuable space just pm the admin
  2. I agree with Shtml_lady there's no point in wasting valuable space just pm the admin
  3. I agree with Shtml_lady there's no point in wasting valuable space just pm the admin
  4. lool@baashi Maajo anything is possible, Chatting on the net is just another way of meeting people in the cyberworld. Although there are those who would never consider the net as an option.......
  5. lol@ilhaam something is fishy... Anyways graduated from H.S 2002 it seems like it was just yesterday wow time is going fast!
  6. lol@ilhaam something is fishy... Anyways graduated from H.S 2002 it seems like it was just yesterday wow time is going fast!
  7. Inaa Lilaahi wa inaa ilayhi raajicuun Inaa Lilaahi wa inaa ilayhi raajicuun May allah have mercy on him, ameen I didn't know this brother, But reading what Libaax said and other nomads walaahi i was sitting infront of the computer in shock and in tears This is a wake up Call for us! Ilaahiy janada ha ku waraabiyo AMEEEEEEEEEEEN P.S cant seem to think of other things except about the brother. Let's not forget to pray for him.
  8. Confused.......Confused :confused: :confused: This game is hard
  9. MD

    Kitty Rap

    looool Man the cat scared me.. Welcome to somaliaonline
  10. people say don't judge a book by it's cover, but i say...... think before u talk.. When i turn red...i
  11. LooooooL Man she looks bad :eek: Oh well most celebs are like her...they all hide under the make up now we know their trick
  12. MD


    Masa'Allah u have skills...very creative keep it up and may allah help u during ur bad times!
  13. I guess all the flags are in the background..nice though at least they remembered us u know Hey Northerner..same here HATE that women with passion
  14. Waryaada Hafsa iyo Darmaan Naga daaya What's up nooh? wannna share something with us :confused: something is fishy here anyways Darmaan seriously i thought u really hated SOL nomads, i was like HMM he doesn't know me so my name can't be on the list GOOD JOB DUDE
  15. looooooooooool@Darmaan WHOA boy hold on to ur horse now....... :eek: Nomads are getting mad.....come ON everyone show Darman what ya'll got
  16. MD

    Husban Wife

    looooooooooooool Now Now girls S_S and Nivea Nova nothing to argue about We want Peace
  17. Hey CM Masa'allah I like the poem, keep them coming
  18. WOOW Masa'allah :eek: BIG MOM Shukran