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Everything posted by MD
Hey sweet_gal Just make sure that you take all your math's and sciences, that way it's easier if you plan to change majors(trust me you don't want to go back to H.S). There's a lot of university or college students with undeclared majors, so need to worry Enjoy your last year in H.S
Nice Topic Hey Najmah_03 your right it's called "When the moon light split", Masha'allah what a book :cool: A Must Read Wallahi since I started reading that book. Ya3ny wallah it makes your heart greive the way the Muslims were tortured but clung to Islam. Subhana Allah..you could never put down that book. It's an excellent easy to read book that covers the whole life of the Prophet in an novel type fashion. If you are looking for detail try Ar-Raheeq Al-Makhtum. There's this other book the authour is "Moahamed Qutub" title of the book is "The misunderstanding of Islam" (i'm not sure but that's what i think) would recommand everyone to read well written, simply superb
Salaam Runaway^Virgin trying hard to laugh :rolleyes: Hey time is going fast I better start saving my eggs, I don't see a potential husband around :confused: Orignally posted by: Nafisa "Mr. Right" although I'm personally beginning to question his existence, lol Gotta tell you the truth there's no SUCH thing as mr.right honestly speaking there has to be a time where your compromising Back to the topic finding a partner plays a huge role in why we're waiting, and if that potential husband comes along it's better for both husband and wife to get to know each other better before they start producing..
Hey salaam Nomads you mean WHAT DO SOMALI WOMEN WANT? 1-they want you to marry her after two dates. 2-the phattset wedding in the whole country. 3-a lot of DAHAB(our bling bling). 4-a certain somali artist to sing an AMMAAN 4 her. 5-an expensive house hold. 6-and many many many more.... at the end of the day it all comes down to DOLLAR DOLLAR BILSS$$$$$$ Y'ALL. gotta go to the musqusha. i'll be back. LOOOOOOL start saving up NOW clown although i personally don't believe in those so called big weddings, a nice small wedding would do the job I'm Somali incase you hadn't noticed and the term "Independent Woman" was referring to Somali Sisters who are willing to pay for their share of the wedding. QoxootiMammi i totally disagree with you on this notion, Independent women bool crap, I personally don't want to pay my share of the wedding it's a MAN'S job he should be able to pay it, he should be the soul provider for EVERYTHING Don't want to worry about money, the kids should be my job (them soliders) I know call me old fashion or whatever that's just me. P.S. Have a back up plan just incase things don't work out between you and your husband (example degree in college/univ)
You should never waste your time on what "others think"......
This world is but a fleeting moment about to end at Any Time. The Signs are here. The Day of Judgement is coming. No one will enter my grave with me except My body, my heart, my soul. Soo True by the way nice Poem
Salaam Nomads, I found this article where a muslim brother asks what islam says about oral sex.. Answer: As regards your question, it is to be noted, first of all, that all acts that aim at satisfying and pleasing the spouses are allowable so long as two things are avoided, that is anal sex and having sex with a wife while she is still in her menstruation. Thus, it is permissible for a husband and a wife to practice cunnilingus and fellatio. Following we’d cite the opinions of some well-known Muslim scholars in this regard: The eminent Muslim scholar, Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi states: “I was asked about oral sex in America and Europe when I began to travel to these countries in the early 70s. We are not used to be asked these questions in our Muslim countries. Those Western people are accustomed to stripping naked during sexual intercourse. These are communities of nakedness, and from the licentiousness of the woman that she wears nothing to screen her body in her daily life. So, they are in need of more excitements during copulation. However, men in our Muslim societies see nothing in the Muslim woman that can excite them on the basis of her wearing either Hijab (veil) or Niqab (face cover). But concerning whether being in complete nakedness during practicing copulation is lawful or not, the Prophet of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, is reported to have said, "Guard your private parts except from your wife or your slaves." Muslim jurists are of the opinion that it is lawful for the husband to perform cunnilingus on his wife, or a wife to perform the similar act for her husband (fellatio) and there is no wrong in doing so. But if sucking leads to releasing semen, then it is Makruh (blameworthy), but there is no decisive evidence (to forbid it). These parts are not dirty like anus, but it is ordinarily disgusting to man. But there is no decisive evidence to make it unlawful, especially if the wife agrees with it or achieves orgasm by practicing it. Allah, Exalted and Glorified be He, says: "And who guard their modesty, save from their wives or the slaves, that I heir right hands possess, for then they are not blameworthy, but Who so craveth beyond that, such are transgressors.” (Al-Mu'minun: 5-7)” In the light of this, scholars maintain that the husband is allowed to enjoy his wife through any means of enjoyment except anal sex, for that is strictly forbidden. Dr. Ali Jum`ah, professor of the Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence at Al-Azhar Univ., says further that licking, sucking and kissing spouse's sexual organs are all allowed, as long as it gives a person sexual gratification that will keep him away from Haram (unlawful) or starring at opposite sex (marriageable). But every Muslim must keep in mind that sexual intercourse is just a lust and passion that must be satisfied in a lawful way; it's not to be perceived as necessary as foods and drinks, as it's the case in the Western perverted ideology. Shedding more light on this, Dr. Sabri `Abdul Ra’ouf, professor of Islamic Comparative Jurisprudence, at Al-Azhar Univ, says that it's allowed for the married couple to enjoy each other as long as what they do does not run counter to the teachings of Islam or violate the public norms. He also gives support to the view of Sheikh Al-Qaradawi that oral sex or kissing private parts of the spouse is something viewed disgusting to Muslims, but if the aim is just kissing (without having constant indulgence in it) it's not sinful to do that, but people of high morality normally keep away from that, as not to give in to imitating non-Muslims.” In conclusion, it has become clear now that oral sex is not prohibited, but it is not the normal choice for committed Muslims and Muslimahs. That's, despite that oral sex is not Haram, it is completely disgusting and does not conform to the pure taste and decency of a Muslim personality. Allah Almighty knows best. Hope that helps!
Inlaws What distinguishes one from the other is the Taqwa of Allah (swt). Those with a good taqwa always try to abstain from couple's business except when their help is needed. Well said, but let's not forget "shaitan" is everywhere! A marriage is after all between a man and a woman and of utmost concern should be how quickly they are able to establish a relationship based on mutual love, mercy, and trust. But if inlaws are involved in every little thing "the couple" does, there's a less chance of that marriage surviving.
Ilhaam :mad: ohh We don't have that in OTTAWA, toronto people are always the lucky ones..
Hello Nomads I'm majoring in Economics and minor in accounting , can't wait to graduate
Hey shukran shujui-1 for the interesting article, we all know saudi's are the puppets of the united states
Thanks Ilhaam SHE is the only means to paradise, so look for her charms.Keep her company always, and make sure you die in her arms.You ask who she is, and where you can find HER?'Eemaan' she is called, FAITH. Don't die without HER! I was reading this book by Mohamed Qutub, basically he was talking about faith and it's importance let me quote something really interesting he said "It's faith and faith alone that can inspire man to rise above his self and suffer for a noble and lofty ideals, once it is taken away from him he is left with nothing else to look up or pin his hopes to outside his ownself" Let's not forget Faith "can save us"
Salaam Hey QAXOOTI_RECORD bro/sis this is a TACSI thread not an Advertising thread, next time make sure you know where your posting.. May allah grant (mohamed) jannah ammeen.
Beauty vs Brains I would say go BRAINS, We all know Physical beauty is just an illusion, Every physical beauty will exhaust someday, even as we speak .But the real beauty is something immortal, it is related to behavior - I mean it is related to what kind of person you are and of course let's not forget ur (brain ) Think for a moment here.."your beautiful but not sharp"....eeew lol
Salaam Good Topic Lovely me I Am just wondering what would it take for us to be equal as nation. When you look at things such as qabiil, you ask yourself why do we need qabiil if it is destroying our society and country. That's what makes me wonder sometimes..why do we need qabiil, qabiil can never be used postively..It's something we should forget about and erase it from our MINDS Let us free ourself from qabiil "liberate yourself from it "
LOOOOOOOOOOL Qandho cadaan lol GOOD JOB og_moti can't wait to see the movies!
Darman is a nice guy i would bail him out BUT hell nooo i don't want to take his place sorry Darman
Darman no need for u to smuggle a playboy magazine CUZ i would like to bail out Lakkad..500,001.00 UR a free man Lakkad Defendant Runaway^Virgin Charge Putting an innocent man(lakkad) in jail for no reason Sentence 5months Bail Runaway^Virgin's bail is set for 500 grand
LOOOOL@OG_MOTI good observation 15. you put your used gum in the freezer to chew later lool People actually do this? :confused: 4. u wash the dishes wit socks if we dont find sponges :eek: eeeeeew
Beautiful Pictures Thanks HornAfrique and sthmal_lady, for some reason i always have this ugly image of somalia in my mind. It's probably because we've never seen somalia..
Hey simplicity welcome aboard sister! (late ..late i know)
Hey simplicity welcome aboard sister! (late ..late i know)