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Posts posted by xabad

  1. easy for you to say that. every night police patrols lock up somali men and collect 10,000 ksh form each. somalis are being seen as goods vulnerable to easy extortion from the corrupt Kenyan security service and they don't help matters by their eager and quick payment, they even overpay sometimes. eastleigh is never cleaned and its full of sewage, really disgusting place. anything can be rebuilt and better now that people are more knowledgeable. good luck to my fellow somalis

  2. Jews are not a conglomeration at all. Real jews are two distinct groups sephardic and the ashkenazic both are highly homogenous peoples who have always intermarried in their group, that is why certain genes and diseases are passed on exclusively to them. ethiopian jews, kafeng jews, indian jews and black jews are all converts. main point jewish is more ethnic and less of cultural thing like islamic or christianity

  3. i disagree. Chinese is a strongly fixed identity, i studied in Malaysia, Chinese Malaysians can go back to their regions even now after 300 yrs of being in south east asia, speak Chinese and they rarely intermarry with south east Asians. they are very protective of their identity, sort of like whites not mixing with black thing. we knew arabs in maghreb have intermixed with berbers but even there are some tribes who can prove direct lineage from the earlier conquering arab tribes. as such they think they are superior to the mixed and berbers. the latter resent it and you have berber nationalism on the rise in the maghreb.

  4. There are cultural arabs and their are genetic arabs, i don't count the former as real arabs. sort of like somali born in uk, has passport and is fully integrated but still his genes don't reflect his englishness even he plays for england team and fights for their country. get me

  5. Arab is an ethnic group sxb by blood, there is nothing loose about it. assyrians never claim arab, they just happen to speak arabic. arabness has it has basis in genes and the arab in morocco and in the arab who migrated to indonesia share bloodlines. leave aside the people they enslaved by culture and the offspring of arab men and indigenous women.

  6. Libya was not invaded and the Arab league supported the NATO mission to destroy the madman's war machine when he said threatened to slaughter Benghazi inhabitants. Tell us how the Saudi king is worse the Gaddafi ? and who are those sugar coating him?

  7. tutu;903825 wrote:
    Not sure where I stand on the Syrian conflict, but couldn't overlook the naivety of the bullet-neophyte called Xabad. He's probably of the view that aid contributes to reduction of poverty in 3rd world countries. And have no clue about the impact of Eu's farmers' subsidies on the 3rd world market as well. That how it starts for all johnny-come-lately species. Hope you catch up soon.


    Didn't you know that Gaddafi was less evil (and killed fewer) than the king of Saudi Arabia? And Fidel Castro's Cuba fares better in health and education than many 'democratic' European countries. That Cuba has a higher life expectancy and lower child mortality than United States?

    I don't support Aid from donors as i believe it distorts the market and incentives for farmers. And what has Gaddafi being less evil go to with issue ?! Libyans have now voted in free democratic elections to choose their leaders instead of being ruled by a dictator and i support that tell me you wanted him to stay on. comparing Cuba and united states is really ****** idea, one is creaking socialist shithole and another is richest nation earth. Heck even Somalia probably has some things it does it better than USA. that does not mean somalia > usa, come on

  8. Wadani;903491 wrote:
    My political views are in line those of Apo.


    Xabad, u mentioned atrocities committed by ghadafi against his people. If giving them a standard of living among the best in the world is an atrocity, i'd have to concur. There's not a shred of evidence proving ghadafi massacred his ppl, it was nothing more than a heinous lie used as a pretext to invade his oil rich country....a fabrication much like the WMD in Iraq that proved to be a figment of the neocon imagination. U want proof when it comes to relgion, but all of this goes out the window when it comes to intl politics eh?

    LOOOOL, typical somali response. fortunately no one entrusts you with welfare of libyans. just don't talk for other human beings. I believe most here are so eager to poke the eye of arrogant west they lose all objectivity and fairness.

  9. And all what you stated are worthy goals in my opinion. Hezbollah is dangerous terror organization, Iran having nuclear weapons will hasten Armageddon, i have never been a fan of the evil empire aka Russia and i got no problem with Arabs being whipped so they don't export terror but oil. now what is the is problem?