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Posts posted by xabad

  1. metta;912717 wrote:
    Al Shabab are finished. Everyone knows that. Al Shabab only resort to hit and run attacks. They are less than 2000 rebels left.


    Civil war started 1991 and it ended 2013.


    However the general unrest started 1988 and I think it will end 2014.


    Al Shabab is done. They are no longer a threat anymore. They are only a threat to themselves. They have self-destructed from within. Most damage to Al Shabab was done from the inside rather than from the outside. This is a dumb organization.
    All Islamist organizations are dumb
    . They just like to fight and not use rationality.
    Islamist organizations never win
    . They don't succeed.

    Truer words have never been uttered.

  2. Che -Guevara;912053 wrote:
    Could it be disintegration in Egypt, Nigeria or Kenya will have little or no effect on Somalia, Ethiopia poses a problem.


    Why so sensitive anyway?



    Exactly and that is why we should not hope Ethiopia becomes a failed state. you're not exactly safe when your neighbor's house is on fire.

    He seems to take joy in anarchy and the misfortune of others, a peculiarly Somali trait.

  3. you know if they legalize drugs, something like 5 percent of the population will be addicts, junkies who are good for nothing. think about the loss of productivity and economic gains in developed countries. it's not as easy a choice as you put it.