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Posts posted by xabad

  1. Problem is, Somalis can't settle it conclusively as no clan is stronger than the other, so we end up with a stalemate. if not for the ICU, we would still have mo0ryan era with us now.

  2. Dhagax-Tuur;920839 wrote:
    Wallahi if it wasn't the Deen of Allah, these folks would have been, to put simply animals

    Ah! That old chestnut. The whole culture including their religion is deviant and unworthy of the dignity the human being. period

  3. That maybe the case NN, but Libyans were mistreating Africans way before the overthrow of Gaddafi. There was the case of the poor Ethiopian maid who had boiling water poured on scalp. it was on CNN, horrible stuff !. There is a pattern here of a streak of cruelty that runs through Arabs and here come apologists like wyre with fake equivalence BS.

  4. Listen, just coz you work in KSA, you should not be blind to the ills of these accursed people. i lived in both the Gulf and Egypt myself .

    stop these mealy mouthed apologies and groveling on behalf of Arabs every time someone dares to say the truth about them.

  5. I have always said Arabs are psychopathic,degenerate, cruel and dastardly race as a rule ( it's not few apples as they say ). People always give me stick for this, saying i hate them because I'm islamophobic. Excuse me!.. . these kinds of videos just reaffirm what i know, having observed these inhuman people for so long.

  6. Alpha Blondy;920487 wrote:
    that Reeyo is always on here. she's a little afraid of posting, i reckon. i also think she should join us.....LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL


    xabad too, Apo's protege.

    i love being amused by simple people like alpha and oba. thanks for the free entertainment guys. . ;)