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Everything posted by xabad

  1. that you and merus are related.
  2. The only problem for you Dr Kenny is the hallowed, utopian version of sharia so beloved by Muslims is just a figment of their imagination and has no basis in reality. how can you ascertain Omar bin Khattab's time was wonderful, since you are not present. Even a dark history can be whitewashed and people indoctrinated like we see DPRK. The premise of sharia is fundamentally flawed as Muslims in their minds assume supermen will apply it and all will be wonderful. Sharia is a cruel, absurd and regressive system that i would not wish upon anyone.
  3. Hahaha listen ya majnoun malaha waad igu riyootay i never did talk about the nonesense you stated, and stop throwing sissy fits like a little girl every time someone talks sense into your thick skull. now go take a rest.
  4. Yeah, sodomizing little boys and sharia go hand in hand together. you believe those hypocrite taliban pakhtuns.
  5. Let them have it and we shall see afterwards how it works for them.
  6. I agree with you, i have lived in africa ( outside of my somalia ) most of my life and i would honestly say we are so different from each other. everyone knows that, but here you've got oversensitive, cuqdad filled fellas here who are quick to ascribe ulterior motives when you point out just facts. most are qurbajoog in white countries. i wonder where these new found black-somali solidarity come from, a byproduct of facing racism themselves perhaps?? i never know. i would never hold such an odious view that somalis are superior to blacks or such BS, i am a proud african.
  7. even if they are caught red handed in the act ??? so killers should be let go just like that, coz they are not investigated. what a funny concept
  8. Haye now your talking for me:D, It is his form of expression of the inferiority complex brought upon the colonized man. how do you know that bloody mO0ryani ? i even stated in my reply to miyir i have no such feelings. mise just stating the facts as they are makes one racist. cajiib.
  9. war stop feigning ignorance and innocence, who doesn't know somalis are somalis, and if you don't know phenotype and gentoype how the heck did you finish A' levels ?? lord help us. the black concept is not a foreign haatuow, certain people sharing certain physical characteristics is a sign those people are some how related.
  10. How do say that knowing their killed innocent people, so now when terrorists are given justice its cool to commiserate to with them. cajaaib !
  11. What is wrong about the Y dna bal ?, do you know fulbe are mix berbers and africans, i would not be surprised about that fact. about the eurasian, you could call it what you want, the fact is the haplogroup origins are in eurasia. you comprehension skills are not that sharp in your fourth point, who said somalis are eurasian, they have substantial input only. and lastly we don't bandy about this info to show we are arabs or europeans but just stating the facts. i am and alway will be a proud african..
  12. Miyir;944576 wrote: indha adayg!! :cool: Xabad Answer my questions? what gene that is Eurasian Somalis carry? the second most frequently occurring Y DNA haplogroup among Somalis is the Eurasian haplogroup T (M70). Haye bal wax deh.
  13. Miyir, don't be lazy and go do research yourself brother, internetka waa waasic and a tip: start with google search LOL:cool:
  14. LOL you have shown us how little you comprehend issues, apparently only J or arab for you is eurasian. waryaa is kaga daqaaq meesha.
  15. bwhahaaaa, race is a social construct. you're seriously miseducated lass, i don't what college you go to. what is next....gender is a construct too. that is where is my debate with you breaks down am afraid and stop being pedantic and just follow the links provided within the blog saffz.
  16. http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/gnxp/?p=12232#.UX8-ikq7PMw When you break apart West Eurasian ancestry the Ethiopian and Somali groups have their contribution almost exclusively from an ancestral component in southern Arabia There are so many resources to check if your honest and not being afro centric like these crazy egypt was black characters who have taken over such discussions on the web.
  17. i believe somalis are madaw phenotypically but not genetically ( we have some madaw genes but not much ), in my eyes we are madaw no dispute about that. but i love how she goes all afro centric if you point out we have eurasian genes.
  18. your entitled to your opinions but not facts. this is indisputable genetically sxb
  19. looool yes indeed there is something called back migration dear if you have never heard about it read up saffz. you know its difficult to refute the genetic evidence in terms of haplo groups, this can be traced back to what scientists call the urheimat or the original home. some somali haplo groups are Eurasian and most somali people will cluster genetically with non africans.
  20. so where did somalis come from safferz in your opinion ? i for one will not discount that theory, because as more scientists have delved into our genetic roots it's become clear somalis have a substantial Eurasian input. could be that this migrants settled in the peninsula and intermingled with inhabitants whom they assimilated and subsumed.
  21. What stuff ? wife battering or the apostasy ?
  22. war kadaa, weren't you and your mates the ones who scrawled USA HELB on the roof of that building.
  23. waryaa, stop trolling us and get off the net.