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Everything posted by xabad

  1. Once again we see this site used as a vomiting bowl by secessionist anti-somalia crew and admin doesn't do a thing about it. why ? do they secretly approve of it, are they hoping to get more traffic and revenues this way. why are cidansultan and XX left to get away with outrageous posts but your quick to sanction other people for far less issues.
  2. <cite> @Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar said:</cite> Muuqaal wacan laakiin mootooyinkii Xamar lagu wadan jiray kontomeeyadii iyo lixdamaadkii ayee soo celiyeen. Shuud. Kuwa Daljirka Dahsoon laamiga hortiisa dhagaxaan dhigtay oo banooniga ku ciyaaraayo (1:35). Indha adkaa, waaba dad waa weyn waliba. Reermiyi.com/kooyto why you always criticizing and nitpicking horta ?? are you perfect. you have a very bad manners for a man.
  3. But what could he do. his party doesn't control congress. why people pretend sometimes. the reality is even signature healthcare law will be repealed. all indications are the GOP will take the senate and keep the house. if they win the presidency in 2016, obamacare will be erased from the books. this is a white country and they will not allow blacks and latinos to taste any of its fruits.
  4. Detoore, with all due respect the so called investments going on in Xamar and Hargeisa are Ponzi schemes -> a swindle in which a quick return, made up of money from new investors, on an initial investment lures the victim into much bigger risks. you can verify for your self.
  5. wadaad kan yar ee khayr, everyday waa calaacal. stop pulling at people's heart strings.
  6. <cite> @Dalmar1 said:</cite> Xabad what's wrong with you, you come in and start insulting fellow members is not the way forward, sxb if you have any personal crudge for Kenny, then address him in a constructive way not in a intolerable insulting way! I hope this can be a warning to you, for you might be banned. He instigated it all by viciously attacking me for no reason in another post. i thought i would give him a taste of his own medicine. its over for me now. Dalmar & co if i came across as jerk i apologize. i was angry and will do better next time. Back to the topic. I have a serious question for the owner of this site. why do you allow your site to be deliberately used as an anti-Somalia forum ?? Contrast the kid gloves with which XX and other miscreants who post inflammatory posts on this site day in day out are treated and the immediate warnings we get for harmless transgressions. Something's fishy here. we need explanations. bye.
  7. ^ your really hopeless and scratching at straws. may lord help you.
  8. you should not even talk politics, your too stupid, emotional and naive. talk about something else like menstruation and what islam has to say about it and such religious trifle. LOL
  9. ^ calaacalka iyo verbal diarrhea iska kala yaree baliis, it reaching pathological level sxb. let me hit you with the truth, your clan is rubbish and of no consequence just like you.
  10. War am pro Somalia. i just meant to say however much malice they harbour for somalia they are still part of this country.
  11. Love or hate, they ain't going anywhere.
  12. <cite> @Safferz said:</cite> To put it simply, I think the concept of "integration" in the Western liberal Enlightenment tradition - the tradition Canada and other states trace their genealogy to - is the project to extinguish difference/distinction, when it's simply impossible to transcend most forms of difference (see Fanon "The Fact of Blackness") and you have groups who want their difference recognized by the state. It's this logic that produces crises in places like France; the realization that not only can the state not tolerate difference, but that the "universal" concepts inherited from the Enlightenment are in fact relative and historically particular. It's also these same logics that underpinned and enabled European colonialism and empire, and in turn set into motion the conditions that produced the immigrant communities that they are now trying to grapple with. Integration (read: assimilation) is a sham, it is an ideal and an impossibility. Not its not a sham, and this lady proves it.
  13. <cite> @Mooge said:</cite> Lewis was biased towards the northern clan because of his relationship with some people there, but he was still scholar who covered so many topics related to somali poeple. RIP. ma anaan garan. he was the peter pham of yester years. lol
  14. <cite> @Hawdian said:</cite> Insllah we will come up with many more the land is blessed Mandeeq dhulka Somaliland waa Balad Barakeysaan. The land of muueneens, home of the first muslims in africa . Land of Sayed, Sheiks, Imams, Ashrafs. , Bani Hashims and the House of the prophet ahlu Bayd. May allah protect it from your evil eye and Mouth. Amiiin. you aren't related to banu hashim, stop your ugly fabrications. its a sin to claim descent from the prophet that could land in hell.
  15. ^^ Haha so far we have; 1. Somaliland 2. Golisia 3. shankaroon 4. Macrobia 5. Adal ( contested with the real owners the awdalites ) God knows what else they will come up with.
  16. <cite> @Hawdian said:</cite> ^ soo much hate. Even dead you show no respect. This man is dead whatever good or bad its between him and god. SOL use to be a great place , now its full of bored teenagers/amba ku aqli ciyaal. RIP I.M.Lewis. You legacy speaks for itself . May Allah put him in one place after death. aamiin
  17. ...and by the way none of his work is any good. a lot of errors & inconsistencies.
  18. <cite> @Alpha Blondy said:</cite> he was celebrated for no other reason than for being a white man who was an expert in Somali affairs. the Somali academics today are no different. they continue his work, using his maskax and we ought to be wary of their attempts to study us. they cannot be taken serious. they know who they are. avoid them and avoid their uninformed opinions. Kudos to you, at least you get it. So now this bigot, spy and orientalist is being called great by his victims, surreal. good riddance to qashin and may he burn in hell.
  19. <cite> @Hawdian said:</cite> Somaliland is the sucessor of the ancient sultante of Adal./ Cadal. It could rename itself after that. Ex Somaliland sultante of Adal. And the people adalis. I think that name will be better. Awdalites would have something to say about that.
  20. this insane qaldaan keeps praising AS coz its headed by another qaldaan intent on destroying the waloweyn as they see it using religious pretext. who is he trying to kid bal ??
  21. I have come the conclusion the reason blacks and Somalis act the way the do i.e act bad and tough is to impress whites, you see they have such low self esteem and lack of confidence they've figured people will be awed if they act thuggish, fight over absolutely nothing and be complete assholes. They are fugly, poor, smelly, uneducated, undesirable, suck at virtually everything, and don't benefit the host society in any fashion. But they are still good at chaos, criminality, violence and underachievement and they doing it the max.
  22. let it disappear, what is their to proud of ? poetry that incites clans to fight other clans perpetually, camel raiding, FGM, misogyny, unimaginable backwardness. this so called somali culture has not served us well despite the warm fuzzy feeling some of us have for it. it's a millstone around our necks and the reason why we are even trailing Bantus. Good riddance.
  23. <cite> @SomaliPhilosopher said:</cite> I thought Xabad was banned? Has he been resurrected? ssshhh! quiet <cite> @DoctorKenney said:</cite> Xabad I behave the same way towards Non-Somalis who have strong opinions on Somali internal issues. Or non-family members having strong opinions over what goes on within a family. You stick to where you belong. It's the height of disrespect for you to get involved in a debate which you have no vested interest in. Learn your place why not ??, I could be interested and have opinions about American Politics even if i a foreigner, or be be curious about the missing Malaysian Plane while not having relatives on board. Your excuse is lame. Your a sore loser.