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Everything posted by xabad

  1. A tad too extreme. the means matter as much as the end goal is desirable. why are these Turkics following an arab religion anyway ?
  2. <cite> @DoctorKenney said:</cite> You expect us Muslims to just have a careless mentality of what goes on in the world around us. That if it doesn't occur in Somalia/Somaliland, then that means we shouldn't care nor should we have an opinion at all. You expect us to not have any principles that we should stand by, regardless of ethnicity or language. Some things are just far more important than that. But you don't see it, because you're an Atheist. You only see what's in front of you. You only care about what affects you directly. A man of discernment said: The people of Iraq ... do not come out with something between blonde, buff and blanched coloring, such as the infants dropped from the wombs of the women of the Slavs and others of similar light complexion; nor are they overdone in the womb until they are burned, so that the child comes out something between black, murky, malodorous, stinking, and crinkly-haired, with uneven limbs, deficient minds, and depraved passions, such as the Zanj, the Somali, and other blacks who resemble them. The Iraqis are neither half-baked dough nor burned crust but between the two."[3] Ibn al-Faqih al-Hamadani, Mukhtasar Kitab al-Buldan, 903 AD
  3. why can't you two go fight in Gaza if you care about it so much, all this bro'ing just because you have found a lowest common denominator in jew bashing. skinnies always following their ayrab masters conflicts.
  4. <cite> @Miyir said:</cite> ECO friendly lol they may as well eat cake! this MEN/WOMEN may not be so hip to your standard, what they have done is to give a whole nation an act to follow, such a risk but they did it, lets congratulate them, we need more like them so one day we will do you know the ECO friendly thing! pioneers Eco friendly ayaad khalad ka fahantay. it doesn't mean high tech, expensive, imported, glitzy, hip as you insinuate. means sustainable, something appropriate for taht particular environment, locally sourced, etc an Adobe house in hot desert climate for example is eco friendly.
  5. LMAO How backward is this fella, being bamboozled by kitschy glass cubes in the desert. glass will fry you in that hot environment esp without electricity & AC. its yesterdays architectural element and its slowly being replaced throughout the world by more eco friendly materials.
  6. <cite> @Khayr said:</cite> Apophis, Do you expect honest responses from broken individuals? Individuals that hate their identity and lineage and want to be part of the new world "Norm". As if somehow, doing as the "Romans" will dignify them and set them free. Ugliness is your identity ??
  7. <cite> @CidanSultan said:</cite> ^^^^^^ So how do you explain historically the magical appearance of 20 million Jews in Eastern Europe a region in the world that has had no contact with Jewish people at all...?? Please explain historian...??? Listen busybody, as a black man both jews and arabs don't even regard you as human being and despise you. why do you care so much about their parochial tribal conflicts ?
  8. <cite> @HawdMan said:</cite> Please keep this to your fellow facebook friends I dont care about the middleast I only care about my Country , I dont exoect a Iranian or ARab to care about me nor interested .post something relevant, Like current poltical situation between haraar and Hawaash. God dammit , what do these people give since you all hooked to their nations middleast evrtywhere.alot of somalis dont know about the arabs and their elite compared to us who lived their couldn't have said it better myself. mind your own business never hurt anyone.
  9. <cite> @HawdMan said:</cite> This man is racist little bastard , a coward and is rightfully fired. What he needs now is a good beating to cut his fuck face down and break his little legs. I loved to do kickboxing on him until his blue and yellow . Nabadoon Hawdi Kickboxer and 6.3 / 100 kg Angry black man . C'mon, don't be so intolerant. he is just pointing out facts. where is your sense of humor ??
  10. <cite> @Deeq said:</cite> Guys Please, how can we start a pan-Somali ideology? Are there any groups out there? Our land is at stake. Please if there are any social movements or ways, let me know! We must wake up fast walahi Pan somali ideology ?? Stop grasping at yesterday's failed solutions and aspirations. what the country needs is division into clan fiefdoms at the smallest level. Nothing else will do.
  11. <cite> @HawdMan said:</cite> Time to start the campaign BAN KHAT in Somalia , Somaliland And all of africa its killing our people drainng our shilings . Enough is enough. Bans don't work.
  12. Loool @ " In their shapeless cloaks and headgear, their buck-teeth and their fat little faces looking like proverbial herdswomen from some Saharan oasis " so true yet so wrong.
  13. Give it up dude, this fella is not taken serious by anyone within the genetic circles. Most Jews infact except falasha have near eastern ancestry and this khazarian theory is discredited. The jewish claim to palestine is strong. More about this researcher: http://www.forbes.com/sites/jonentine/2013/05/16/israeli-researcher-challenges-jewish-dna-links-to-israel-calls-those-who-disagree-nazi-sympathizers/
  14. I think by we he meant Awdalites ? i also feel he is directing this towards the HAG community who have been massacring his distant relatives in shabellada hoose.
  15. Majority of the passengers were non malaysian though, but still heavy blow to malaysia.
  16. <cite> @DoctorKenney said:</cite> I can't even argue with you bro. Sometimes the truth is too painful to admit Why are bro'ing this cynical guy. like you have no idea of the barbaric slaughters snm militias inflict on awdalites on a regular basis till now. koonfur is no worse than any other place, repeating a calumny a million times won't make it the truth.
  17. <cite> @DoctorKenney said:</cite> Split it up. If we can't live together, then we might as well go our separate ways and live apart. Somalis (and Somalilanders) view the government as a means to enrich themselves. If a Somali from so-and-so Clan reaches political office, then he immediately looks at this appointment as an opportunity to enrich himself and his family. This man was gaajo his entire life, now he wants a piece of the pie. Instead of going into business to enrich yourself like any honest man would, these Somali politicians view politics as a way to get rich quick. It's a serious cultural problem we have. There's no honor amongst these men. No honor or integrity at all. here is nice article regarding this titled: After South Sudan: The Case to Keep Dividing Africa http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2011/07/after-south-sudan-the-case-to-keep-dividing-africa/241705/ Pierre Englebert, a professor of African politics at Claremont College, has called "Africa's secessionist deficit." And the deficit in question refers to living standards and development generally. Englebert found, in one of the most exciting recent academic projects in academic African studies, that the unwillingness to cut African nations down in size (in other words, to let new nations form) has "contributed to its underdevelopment." The idea that Africa suffers from too few secessionist campaigns, too few attempts to carve a few large nations into many smaller ones, flies in the face of conventional wisdom. One of the truisms of African politics is that traditional borders, even when bequeathed by colonizers without the least sympathy for African political justice, ought to be respected. The cult of colonial borders has been a cornerstone not only of diplomacy between African nations but of the assistance programs of foreign governments and multinational non-governmental organizations. This is especially true for the U.S. and Europe, which spend billions on reconstructing failed states such as the Congo. But letting these countries reform into smaller nations might actually reduce conflict, increase economic growth, and cost less in foreign aid. That, by the way, is Englebert's argument in a nutshell in his paper, "Let's Stick Together: Understanding Africa's Secessionist Deficit," published in African Affairs in July 2005. Every clan should have its own state, the nation state is not an organic somali concept but colonial imposition.
  18. <cite> @DoctorKenney said:</cite> This is just one of them. I'm actually quite shocked that you're not aware that population control is a very oft-proposed policy when it comes to dealing with Africa and India http://www.thenewamerican.com/world-news/africa/item/17291-un-unveils-plot-to-reduce-african-population LOL dr K come on. how are you gonna use right wing diatribe as supporting evidence. get better material. i am waiting
  19. <cite> @DoctorKenney said:</cite> Conspiracy theory? Do I have to cite the countless proposals by Western policy-makers for population control in Africa? Do I have to cite the countless journals by Western Academics? Do you have your head stuck in the sand? I don't believe in ridiculous conspiracy theories, but some things are just very true. You just have to look around and see for yourself. cite them.
  20. <cite> @DoctorKenney said:</cite> But how many kids in Somalia actually SURVIVE? The fertility rate is very high only because the death rate is extremely high as well. There's absolutely no need to have population control in our sparsely-populated country when the circumstances won't allow it. And BTW, I'm not against contraception. I'm totally for it, and I've said I have no issue if a Somali couple wants to adopt contraception. I'm just against the Western policy of having population control in Africa. That's all Actually the mortality has come down significantly but the fertility rate has not. this has caused an explosion of population causing all sorts of problems environmental, social, security and so on. stop believing in conspiracy theories there is no western agenda for population control in africa.
  21. <cite> @DoctorKenney said:</cite> Xabad it was very apparent. Which is why the current practice of FGM in North Africa is forbidden and should be made illegal in every single country. This current practice of female genital mutilation has done enormous damage to women all over Africa, and the harm that it has caused makes it obvious that this is forbidden. There is no harm nor reciprocating harm in Islam. It's a very well-known principle and it's why FGM is forbidden in Islam Those fatwas are for show. the girls are still clandestinely shipped over to third world countries, it has not abated either in muslim countries.
  22. <cite> @DoctorKenney said:</cite> Xabad, good job showing extreme examples and making it look like this is the ideal, or the norm. When I say Somalis should have more children, I was saying something in the range of 4 or 5 kids . Not this outrageous 13 children example. somali fertility rate is upwards of ~ 7 in somalia and somali inhabited places sxb. we are the highest along with Niger, Burkina Faso & Mali. There is urgent need for contraception amongst somalis. also, if you advocate for 4 or 5 kids then why are you against contraception ??
  23. sorry jeff, i will notify the admin of this site on your behalf. i don't know what the problem is.
  24. <cite> @DoctorKenney said:</cite> In Islam there is a principle that there should be no harm, nor reciprocating harm. And since it's true that female circumcision harms many women--often severely harming them--then it is forbidden and not allowed to be carried out. It is not necessary, it often causes infection, and there are instances where the woman goes through years of excruciating pain. And as a result, many countries are banning it: http://muslimmatters.org/2011/01/22/yahoo-news-female-genital-mutilation-banned-by-islamic-leaders-in-mauritania/ was this notion of no harm not apparent to the holy prophet or the ulema like sheikh shafi ?? i doubt it. i am not convinced of your argument DrK, your just trying to wriggle away from the uncomfortable truth.
  25. <cite> @Fermi said:</cite> The idea that a woman's vagina needs to be controlled is disturbing, if not inhumane. It is also reminiscent of colonialism. "The colonization of the brown vagina", if you will. first of all stop using foul language, i don't know if your being flippant or just trolling but equating colonialism with birth control is stupid. self discipline and planning your family is a good thing for all people black or white just like education is. just look at the report on this poor nigeri woman if you doubt the necessity of contraception. A 37-year-old woman, weary and wailing with labor pains, was trying to give birth to her 13th child in Niger, a country with one of the highest birth rates in the world but where millions are now facing food shortages due to drought. "I am exhausted, my uterus too," said Zeinabou, as she struggled through labor at a birthing center in Maradi in southern Niger. http://reliefweb.int/report/niger/nigers-high-birth-rate-caused-religion-poverty