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Everything posted by xabad
<cite> @Khayr said:</cite> I am curious to know when you became the Head Niigga In Charge ? I am glad to know that you have seperated yourselves from the muslims. Btw, when did you get the promotion? welcome to the debate khayr. i see your a rap fan. remind the artist please. not yet promoted but still waiting.
<cite> @CidanSultan said:</cite> Western civilisation is in decay...neo liberalism has destroyed the family structure, the destruction of women as fertility drops, alcoholism, drug abuse, sexualisation of children is rsmpent. Nations of single mothers, nations of neo capitalists who worship money and in return are never happy with all the money on earth as suicide becomes the norm. These societies are falling apart and hence why Islam is a threat. This is why they wage war on Muslims even within their own borders to curropt them and a few of them join their ranks but the majority understand that regardless of our ethnicity we are MUSLIM FIRST. WE ARE HERE TO COLONISE THE EUROPEAN CONTINENT.....This is our continent now.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PrGA6U7tOQQ the usual moose tropes about the west. Islam should first compete with the indias and chinas of the world. muslims are vegetable sellers, welfare queens, toilet washers not serious people with education or any competence to speak of. its risible to think they can colonize europe.
ok why are they no demonstrations and outcries about syria ? the death toll there is 300,000 killed. stupid sheeple out for a stroll.
<cite> @DoctorKenney said:</cite> I 100% agree with you CidanSultan. That is the only way forward. Implementing Islam at a grassroots level and start inter-community cooperation, and slowly we can start building the foundations of a powerful Islamic State which respects the rights of it's citizens and is an example to the rest of the world. But I don't like nor do I agree with the actions of ISIS, Shabab and all these other groups. I want Somalia to be the gateway into Africa, when it comes to Islam. If Somalia becomes stable inshaAllah and goes through economic development, I want the Somali Government to start funding trips for Muslim missionaries to start preaching Islam in all these southern African countries. The Missionaries could even be backed by Somali troops, and the entire project could be funded by the Somali Government, and it would be extraordinarily cheap to carry out. We've seen the successes of British-based Muslim Dawah groups in the West and in Africa. Imagine this Dawah was backed by the funding of a powerful nation (ie. Somalia) We could go a long way with this. Islam is an epic failure, just look at muslim societies with all their problems of fgm, gender apartheid, intolerance, fanaticism, violence, scientific, technological, commercial & social backwardness, lack of democracy, obscurantism, cultural genocide, etc. why export such a fanatical, miserable religion? islam is an imperial arabic initiative to acquire slaves, wealth, concubines and foot soldiers from other nations. wake up and smell the coffee.
i am not buying this phony brotherhood under caliphate thing. there is no way to transcend nationality and race, its impossible. The caliphate was a terrible, incompetent, miserable, backward system of governance. no representation whatsoever for the ordinary subjects. caliphate's main aim was to tax and raise an army from its subjects, not improving their lot. the caliphs were negligent and irresponsible rulers, preoccupied with palace pleasures more than anything else. when the coffers run dry, they would a military campaign to plunder for booty and land. religion was an excuse for attacking innocents and justifying criminal behavior. your are falling hard for Muslim historical revisionism and sentimentalism if you believe otherwise. one can easily imagine the rosy hallowed image conjured up if critical faculties are suspended. History however shows an amateurish primitive polity not worth praising or emulating.
i agree. well said. rip to saado ali.
<cite> @CidanSultan said:</cite> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v6-BUoX7uR0 Is there any other force talking about chaliphate???? The clip was very revealing, regarding the genealogy of the so called caliph. its emphasized his ancestral link to the prophet and is used as tool for legitimizing his leadership. but non arab muslims will have you believe there exists complete equality between the various races in their caliphate utopia. Most arabs infact considered the ottoman caliphate illegitimate because it was led by turks. the caliphate must be led by arabs with roots to quraysh. its no wonder lawrence found eager support among arabian tribes for the overthrow of the last caliphate.
<cite> @Wadani said:</cite> I went from being the proudest Somali you could ever meet just a year ago to now wondering whether soomaalinimo is a curse and whether we r doomed as a people. Yesterday I woke up to news of the savage murder of Saado Cali AUN, and today I read about the sexual jihadi escapades of brainwashed ajanabi worshipping Somali girls. Tollaayay Tollayyyy...Ya Allah, please change the miserable condition of my people before the truly good Somalis give up hope completely and resign themselves to this fate. Why were you the proudest somali just a year ago ? last year was just as bad. yes somalis were doomed when they forsook their ancestral monotheistic religion waaqism for a foreign religion. serves them right. incidentally all the non muslim somalis i know are high achievers, model people, savvy, smart etc. Even the somali clan pathology is directly linked to the religion dominating that land.
<cite> @HawdMan said:</cite> How Ironic , reading about the stories of young syrians desperate to get out and make alife and mustaqbal for themselfs. While these muppts and their older brother have decided their future is a bullet in the head by Iranian and Syrian Special Forces.stupid kids reality will hit u like a train . Nothing ironic bout it homie, there doing this for a deeply held religious conviction as muslims. you and your ilk's wishy washy version of islam is not accepted. what mustaqbal are you talking about ?? these people are headed directly for jannah if they are killed by assad's goons. isn't shahadah what every muslim dreams of ?? dib isugu noqo sxb. allah akbar.
Khazar's Leaving Europe As The Far Right And Muslim Populations Grow
xabad replied to CidanSultan's topic in Politics
^ Nothing is impossible, and who would've thought liberal pansies like the dutch would turn against Islam and Muslim immigration in such a visceral fashion in such a few years. Don't underestimate a people power for self preservation. This is the first stage for Europeans: identifying their foe, then its mobilizing the political system to do something about the Muslim hordes by placing implacable rules against their culture (circumcision, niqabs, fgm, arranged marriage, mosques, etc), reducing welfare, curtailing immigration and waging a massive PR campaign on the danger of further Muslim immigration. all this is happening apace. -
Khazar's Leaving Europe As The Far Right And Muslim Populations Grow
xabad replied to CidanSultan's topic in Politics
<cite> @CidanSultan said:</cite> That's the thing from what ican see it seems the Muslims and the nationalist or the far right are both rising. The difference is the Muslims are growin in numbers I.e demographics while the far right can't really change the deeply engrained post Cold War multicultural society. Think about it if you hate European Muslims what can you really do to stop them. Nothing. You can't hault muslim immigration because you would then have to hault all non EU migration or lose influence and trade in Muslim countries. You can't kick them out in the numbers required to hault there growth because it against the law. You can't promote racism openly in a multicultural society it's a recipe for disaster. The far right is the European people's last attempt at self preservation but as they say go hard or go home an clearly this lot can't afford To go hard so its a lost cause. Islam here is taking root setting solid foundations. Muslims most of them anyways don't intermarry with non Muslims. They haven't a was planned melted into the pot they have in effect created their own pot and are getting non Muslims to melt into their pot. Europe has a lot of social problems as well and these problems like alcahol abuse, the death of te family structure, teenager pregnancies, drug addiction etc are crippling in the majority non muslim societies. Muslims societies are a total failure hence Muslims immigrate to prosperous and tolerant countries. But instead of learning from these countries and being grateful. They try to recreate the hell holes they left behind. Madness -
Coofle, we would get rid of this inane pointless rituals and fads if we just followed our ancestors religion -- Waaqism. Think about it. Somalis are people who are running away from their heritage, true religion and culture because islamic piety requires them to do so. so such things are to be expected really. Prior to the arrival of Islam the religion of Somalia was Waaq for thousands of years and was entirely locale in customs and identity. In the same way Islam remains entirely inherently characteristically Arabic, Waaqism was Somali in all aspects For several millenniums Waaqism remained permanent dominant characteristic of Somali origination counteracting to foreign influences contaminating what was initially considered fundamentally pure Somali trait. The religion of Waaqism cultivated the remarkable survival of confident and proud population. All pure bred somalis should acquaint themsleves with waaq, without it somali will always feel inadequate and culturally inferior. you can never be what you ain't.
<cite> @DoctorKenney said:</cite> Contraceptives would at most, slightly reduce population growth in Somalia. What we need, is better farming techniques and higher farmer productivity. we are talking about about mitigating human suffering not population reduction. fahankaaga yaraa. /DoctorKenney/" rel="nofollow">@DoctorKenney said:</cite> Also, a lot of the land in southern Somalia which is arable, isn't being used for farming. I give up on you
Somalia is about to face a famine worse than the one in 2011. poor babies will once again expire right in front of tv cameras. casual suffering has become the norm. i really wouldn't mind contraceptives being mixed in with food aid to prevent needless agony.
<cite> @gooni said:</cite> Xabad Saxiib xisaabta laba ka jar mar kale waad soo dhawaysay. Adam Dambi ma lihid waa lagu marin habaabiyay sida kaa muuqata wanla weyn iyo wajaale waa soomaali wax farqiya uma dhaxeeyo ha fatwoon, hana habaartamin haddaadan aqoon iyo xaq ku taagnayn. Meel walba criminal’ku wuu joogaa, waana madax, lakiin midkaan kugu qolo ahayn yaa criminal’ah I think that is not fare Barwaaqo Waa runtaa caqliga ilaahay dadka uma simin mid badan buu adiga ku siiyay,qaranku waa naga wada dhintay allaha u naxariisto Maanta hargaysa hadaad qof ku jiidho laa samaxallah magtiisa qabiilkaagaa laga rabaa, gaalkacyana waa la mid, qaranimada kaftanka ha laga daayo. Kab la gubay iyo gaal la’isu oohiyo macno samayn mayso wixii nasoo maray waa tageen ,khibradda koonfutaa iminka u baahan iska dul qaata inta koonfurtu hagaagayso in sha allah Gooni don't worry your my reer abityaal niyow. you guys stick with your kin through thick and thin. For the hyper caadifi somalilanders waxaan ku oran lahaa " Hasha Geela cunta ayaa Hadana ugu cabaad badan". calaacalkeena ka dalney 20sano.
Breaking news: Al Qassam Brigade "We have Captured Israeli Soldier"
xabad replied to CidanSultan's topic in Politics
hehe how is the khazarian zionist soldier you've kidnapped doing ? -
<cite> @gooni said:</cite> Somaliland waxaad ula jeedo ma garanayo hadaad leedahay snm waxay ahayd shacab ama wiil yar baad tahay ama gabar yar Kee gardarnaa makan calooshu kasoo dhacday ood mujaahidka i bixisay mise kii dhintay oo qarankii lala aasay dadka khibradda leh waa loo baahanyahay,lagama naarmo awoowe. Kix kix i know your Gedoan now Mr Gooni. i thought were PL'er but this has cleared it for me.
<cite> @DoctorKenney said:</cite> Smartlander says "they're my brothers" but in the same sentence he says "but I hate them" Authubilah. If Somaliland does gain independence as a Republic, then there needs to be work done against people like Smartlander. People like him would probably divide Somaliland even further. What an absolute embarrassment. Please stay far away from politics Haye, adigu gormaad SL guulwade u noqotay ?? if SL gains independence as a republic kulaha. adeer ileen you were covert I-lander kumanan ogeyn. no need to hide your clan sxb just be free like the rest of your pple. anyways, skinnies should understand that their social organization; clans and sub clan, their fractious and suspicious nature precludes the establishment of a modern functioning nation state. the best system would be sub clan bantustans, which form a loose confederation. this is only way to long term stability and some development.
Inside Uzbekistan where you could be killed for reading the Quran.
xabad replied to CidanSultan's topic in Politics
<cite> @Tallaabo said:</cite> Why are you following a western ideology? What ideology ?? -
Turkey: Recep Tayib Erdogan "Israel has surpassed Hitler In Brutality"
xabad replied to CidanSultan's topic in Politics
<cite> @CidanSultan said:</cite> The best this guy can do is quote some individual who no one has ever heard. People are imperfect. Can you tell us or quote us one thing racist in Quran or he Hadith that distinguishes people based on race ?? To examine the issue of your atheism, can you tell us what the chances, I.e. The mathematical probability for the Big Bang, the creation of universe, the creation of earth, the creation of man, the creation of the senses etc.?. In Islam a man is judged according to character as stated in the Quran and the Hadith because as an atheist a believer in everything came out of nothing would never read it . i am not an atheist i follow waaq, the religion of our forefathers. -
Turkey: Recep Tayib Erdogan "Israel has surpassed Hitler In Brutality"
xabad replied to CidanSultan's topic in Politics
<cite> @DoctorKenney said:</cite> Do you really expect me to care about what some guy 1100 years ago said in Iraq? of course not, because as a zanj its in your nature to follow your masters around. Galen says that merriment dominates the black man because of his defective brain, whence also the weakness of his intelligence."[3] Al-Masudi, Muruj al-dhahab ^^ perfectly describes you.