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Everything posted by xabad

  1. <cite> @DoctorKenney said:</cite> LOL Xabad literally just made that argument up, and then completely referenced a hadith out of context! In Islam, there is an encouragement to do business, to manufacture, to trade and to produce. The evidences are too much, you can't even enumerate them. Hogwash, islam instructs followers to look forward to akhira and neglect this world. And the Jizyah tax is a small percentage tax , which was levied on only a small minority of Non-Muslims (the poor, elderly, monks, nuns, and women were exempt from this tax). The Jizyah would never be enough to sustain the Muslim State, and historically the Islamic Caliphate NEVER relied on the Jizyah as it's prime source of State Revenue. Xabad's blatantly lying here. And even through the personal life of the early Muslims, many of them were merchants or farmers, or tradesmen.. don't lie sxb its haraam. by the way jizya is ok with you ? taxing people just because they have differnet religon. islam never had a work ethic, it was parasitical polity living off the toil of other poeple. the record is clear whatever the likes of kennedy say. the apes killing people in the name of islam everywhere, not a single one makes his weapons
  2. <cite>@CidanSultan said:</cite> Xabad did hanuman get his banana last night... The western world is not wealthy it's based on debt and control of institutions like the IMF and world bank. It's a fact that the western world lives off Chinese money. Muslim counties have very low debt. And there are wealthy Muslim nations, Malaysia, sultanate of Brunei, UAE etc The Muslim world is not wealthy either, the examples you cited are petro rentier states. they don't even extract their oil its done for them by the infidel west, the technical expertise is provided by the infidel west. still i thought you said you considered countries like UAE, KSA unislamic. what gives ?
  3. <cite> @DoctorKenney said:</cite> Somalia is in a civil war, therefore it doesn't count. And before the Civil War, we had a Marxist Regime governing the country for 21 years. And all the rest of the countries you mentioned are secular regimes, often Authoritarian, and have not applied Islam when it comes to governance. Egypt for example, is "Muslim" in name only. But it's actually a secular country and it's been that way since AT LEAST the 1950's. This is obvious to anyone who can see with his own two eyes you are on record lionizing erdogan's turkish economic miracle. do you think turkey applies islamic governance ??
  4. <cite> @DoctorKenney said:</cite> Somalia is in a civil war, therefore it doesn't count. And before the Civil War, we had a Marxist Regime governing the country for 21 years. And all the rest of the countries you mentioned are secular regimes, often Authoritarian, and have not applied Islam when it comes to governance. Egypt for example, is "Muslim" in name only. But it's actually a secular country and it's been that way since AT LEAST the 1950's. This is obvious to anyone who can see with his own two eyes Narrated Abu Umama al-Bahili: I saw some agricultural equipments and said: “I heard the Prophet saying: “There is no house in which these equipment enters except that Allah will cause humiliation to enter it.” Bukhari ^ its a funny religion, agriculture is looked down upon but plunder is rewarded by entry to paradise. islam has no work ethic, the jizya which muslims take from conquered peoples is the sustenance of islamic people so said the caliph umar.
  5. <cite> @DoctorKenney said:</cite> Let's hope the African Muslims will use Islamic solutions to solve some of their most serious social problems, especially with the poverty, AIDS, lack of prosperity, etc. islam has not made any of its current adherents rich, in fact the poorest countries are muslim , niger, somalia, mali, burkina faso, are the worst off in all social and economic indicators in sub saharan africa and still regressing. christian states meanwhile are taking real strides. what islamic solutions are you talking about ? Narrated Abu Umama al-Bahili: I saw some agricultural equipments and said: "I heard the Prophet saying: "There is no house in which these equipment enters except that Allah will cause humiliation to enter it." Bukhari ^ its a funny religion, agriculture is looked down upon but plunder is rewarded by entry to paradise.
  6. <cite> @DoctorKenney said:</cite> You don't know what a debate even if it was staring at you in the face. Don't call these pseudo-debates anything more than what they are. If you think debates are nothing more than half-interested Muslims getting into discussions with dim-witted Atheists, and the topics of the debate keep switching all over the place with no evidences, no rebuttals, and no genuine discussion, then yeah...by all means call it a debate. But I used to engage in debates months ago, I've long ago lost interest in spending time on this sort of stuff. It used to be an exchange, now it's nothing more than a battle of egos, a battle of "who can come out on top" and honestly I don't care to get myself involved in such things. I've said it before on this forum, that every single one of the arguments on this forum, that are posed by AllYourBase or Xabad, has already been addressed in books, in lectures, in debates, in articles and on forums. This is all old news. None of these arguments hold any credibility. But when I mentioned it, AllYourBase infamously said that he was only interested in targeting Somalis and bombarding them with his "copy/paste" arguments against Islam--that he wasn't interested in finding out the truth. How's that for honesty. This is what I said then: don't tire yourself out, just be brief and to the point. the golden rule is one paragraph of at most 6 lines. but your first paragraph is insults and denigrations. i wonder how you get the time to be on sol everyday writing those long ass rebuttals to the atheists. what is your job ??
  7. <cite> @Mooge said:</cite> are you saying you are a Muslim criticizing Islam? don't tell me you are Yazidi niyoow. lol i am not yazidi but i am pure HAG.
  8. not everyone who criticizes islam is atheist. stop this lazy stale label.
  9. somali philosopher, saffz is not here anymore sorry, i know your like small talk and flirting with ladies. if these debates are not your thing move on. cidansultan is a wild eyed loon, after being disillusioned with secession he become a terrorist groupie. af xumadisa betrays his ugly past, he is still an unreformed crude qabilist at heart if one scratches the surface a little bit. all these caliphate talk is pure bull. we know who you are waryaa. you can't decieve us. fadlan stop spamming the site, make your arguments succinct.
  10. <cite> @DoctorKenney said:</cite> Lol what you find so funny ?
  11. <cite> @Holac said:</cite> There is no humanity in these people. c'mon holac.stop being melodramtic, iam sure you've seen the al aqsa mosque worshippers cheering when they hear sirens and rocket blasts hitting israel. i find the jews are very restrained despite the incredible venom and hatred directed towards them from their enemies. long live israel
  12. <cite> @Khayr said:</cite> There is no forced conversion to Islam. There is compliance with the Shariah much like what Secular societies ask of you - abiding by the law. i agree there is no forced conversion in sharia. but you have to pay jizya if you don't accept islam and but if you refuse these two choices then you will be slaughtered.
  13. <cite> @DoctorKenney said:</cite> I whole-heartedly support Shariah and I believe it's the best method when it comes to governing society and everyday life. cool, you shouldn't have a problem with ISIS then and don't call them dogs. otherwise your a hypocrite "Using big words".....Authubilah. How is Aqeedah and Fiqh big words? Xabad, I don't explain myself to the likes of you, you explain yourself to the likes of me. You can't answer a single question posed to you and yet you want me to be in a defensive position against you? Who the hell do you think you are? i never implied that and you know it. don't be silly. authibillah kulaha.
  14. <cite> @CidanSultan said:</cite> No Polythiest hanuman ( monkey god) contacted me and asked me for a banana to shove up your a££. WOW!
  15. Here is Dr kenney model islamist, morsi "When asked what he thought about many Christian Copts coming out to vote for his secular opponent, Ahmed Shafiq, Morsi reportedly said, “They need to know that conquest is coming, and Egypt will be Islamic, and that they must pay jizya or emigrate.” kennedy tries to hoodwink us with aqeedah and fiqh, words he hopes big enough to confuse. do you still support sharia ? yes or no
  16. <cite> @CidanSultan said:</cite> Polytheist the quran is clear: innocent civilians should never be killed. Water wells should never be destroyed. Places of worship of other religions or houses of God should never be destroyed. Food should never be used as a tool of warefare or poisoned. The elderly,children the monks the nuns etc should not be harmed. Islam has clear rules in warfare... Unfortunately when the west invades a nation and overthrows its leader for self interest and they do this.... Q aha! so now your disavowing of your friends isis. you have been doing a backwards dance lately on this issue cidanultan. did the secret service contact you man
  17. <cite> @DoctorKenney said:</cite> Xabad, your knowledge of Islam is so little that I couldn't be bothered to even discuss with you the fundamentals of Shariah. You're the same clown who believed that in Islam we worship the Moon, and that "the crescent-moon is the symbol of Islam, so therefore Muslims worship the Moon"....but when I showed you that the crescent-moon has nothing to do with our religion, your little mind couldn't comprehend that so you argued even more. You know nothing about Islamic Aqeedah and Fiqh, and I'm not here to play the role of educator, but just to inform you that the vast majority of Muslims, especially the ones who are learned, are vehemently against ISIS . I consider it beneath me to reply to the likes of you. I only debate my equals, everyone else I teach. on what basis are they opposed to ISIS ?? show me ayahs and hadiths disproving their position. otherwise its just islamic dissimulation.
  18. <cite> @DoctorKenney said:</cite> You wouldn't know what hypocrisy is even if it were staring at you in the face. I find Xabad's stance very hypocritical. He says he's "for secularism" but yet he opposes the secular regimes of Josef Stalin, Chairman Mao, Pol Pot, Saddam Hussein and Kim Jong Il! The hypocrisy is unbelievable! you can't fault ISIS on religious ground, they are applying sharia, your for sharia. you could fault them on the optics and being a bit rash, but kenny you can't challenge them on the fundamentals. morsi would have done the same as ISIS but less violently. sharia ma ku cuntami waysay hada when you seen it live in action. sharia calls for three choices to be offered to infidels, to convert, to pay jizya or be killed. do you have a problem with these injunction kenney. if so be a man and say so. don't be scared of cidansultan.
  19. i find dr kenney stance vis-a-vis ISIS hypocritical. he says he wants sharia, and then criticizes the same people who are applying it just because they chopped off a few heads and enforced jizya on christians.
  20. Cidan, why are you not in the caliphate declared by IS ? are you living there currently?. if not your a hypocrite
  21. its purely out of self preservation and not a genuine change of heart, KSA along with Turkey birthed this toxic ISIS hordes. its too late, the monster they helped bring about will consume them eventually. extremism is too deeply imbedded in the Saudi population. an informal poll released on social networking sites indicated that Saudis overwhelmingly believe ISIS "conforms to the values of Islam and Islamic law."
  22. They are an inspiration. life is overrated