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Everything posted by xabad

  1. <cite> @AbdiJohnson said:</cite> The Kenyan Somalis come here because their Kenyan masters abuse and hit them and put them in cages and demand they pay extra taxes and bribes to cross the street. The Somalis from the Gulf come here because their Sunni Arab brothers call them kalab aswad and don't give them permanent residency or a passport. But Somalis continue showing loyalty to their Arab daddies but the Arabs don't claim them. I have read a very religious Somali from the backwards forum I shall not name is moving to the most liberal place on Earth. Vancouver where there is gay marriage, government issued needles for drug users, prostitution, and all sorts of kufaar things. Why are Muslims such hypocrites? Why do they beg to live with us kufaar ? Who is we ? I don't think there is any special kinship between you and them just because you happen to be a Non Muslim. Why are trying to portray Westerners as this wonderful and virtuous people when we all know of their crimes and aggression against other peoples. The Canada you laud so much is illegally occupied by British and French transplants, they are no Canadian people. Its inhabitants were exterminated, subjugated, their lands stolen and resources plundered by Europeans. If they give their sexual minorities freedoms, good on them. Will they extend such generosity to the natives ?
  2. <cite> @DoctorKenney said:</cite> Amuus fadlan I've already addressed that argument in Holac's memorable thread: http://www.somaliaonline.com/community/topic/isis-insults-somali-people/page/2/ So for you to repeat this argument, when I've already refuted it just a month ago proves to me that you're not worthy having a discussion with. You don't listen, you don't reason, and you're full of anger and emotion. Either you don't pay attention to what I've previously written, or you may be unbelievably dim-witted. your argument is severely lacking dude. you haven't answered the basic argument of mine. which is why should i worship my creator in an another people's tongue, adopt their customs, clothes and go to their pilgrimages. i find it illogical and unreasonable that god would favour one nation of his over others.
  3. @ Drk, how will they forsake their creator and be godless ? i told you before we had our own religion and way of communicating with our creator, we just need to rediscover it. mise your telling me the arab way i.e islam is the sole true way of communicating with the divine. i find that deeply racist and unacceptable.
  4. ****************Please respect the rules of the website and stop the insults against Islam and Muslims. This is your last warning *********************** Admin Somaliaonline
  5. Abdi your very naive and callow. You have a rosy view of the west, their not your guardians for heavens sake. only skinnies can change their ways ultimately no one can force them to change. how old are you ??
  6. <cite> @CidanSultan said:</cite> Yes I'm back tracking...it's obvious that Hindus drink cow piss as a religious act for Muslims it's not religious. Any retarded mentally handicapped person can tell you that. Being a polythiest not only blackens the heart it must also blind the eyes and block out reason as we'll. cidan, do you approve of daesh taking yazidi women as sex slaves ?
  7. <cite> @CidanSultan said:</cite> There is a clear distinction between urine being used for religious reasons. Pagans drink urine because they worship cows. Drinking Urine of the cow is a religious act for mushrik like xabad people drink it if they are sick or well. It is not a religious tenant in Islam to drink camel urine. Nor does it say Muslims drank it. After reading the full hadith the polytheist tried to play with and take out of context the very people drinking the urine were not even Muslims. So again his argument is invalid he deliberately deleted the part that shows these very people he was arguing were Muslims were actually enemies of islam. If urine has medicinal purposes only God knows. Most cures for major illness comes from bacteria like penecelon doesn't mean we are gonna link bacteria even if we are healthy but for hindus it's normal. Because it's a religious act. That's the difference. Hahaaa i can see your taking lesson in backpedaling from DrK
  8. <cite> @galbeedi said:</cite> Xabadkan, ayaa waxiiba dhooqeeyey . This suppose to be internal debate among believers. This guy doesn't know where or when to comment. Is SOL attracting the deranged individuals who like to insult people of faith with no apparent reason. Ciidan do not debate with provocation of these guy, and please leave alone the Hindus. kix kix @ galbeedi. internal debate like north korea miyaa. my bad if i have gatecrashed your little debate. go on without me ee isu salaxa bahasha.
  9. <cite> @DoctorKenney said:</cite> Don't address me why ?
  10. <cite> @DoctorKenney said:</cite> I addressed the entire Hadith so it's extremely easy to follow. Don't expect me to hold your hand while comprehending my post. Read it, read it again, and read it once more. You asked me to prove my points. I've already done so, numerous times. You're the one who runs every single time I try to pose an argument against you. You're one of the biggest fulaay I've ever seen on this forum. so its ok drinking camel piss. why is cidan then making fun of hindus if they drink cow piss. sxb you muslims are very divided and confused people.
  11. Ditoore what have you proven ? i don't get it, are you saying camel piss drinking is unislamic and wasn't prescriped by the prophet or what ?? what you've pasted is mixed in with other arguments so its hard to follow.
  12. <cite> @CidanSultan said:</cite> Mushrik did I not answer your question? I'm waiting for you rebuttal. you have not. come with a hadith that says camel piss is haraam and then we will talk. deal
  13. <cite> @DoctorKenney said:</cite> I've refuted this argument in detail ON THIS FORUM almost 10 months ago. Are you kidding me??? And now you want to repeat this argument yet again. Wallahi go through the archives people, we've already had this discussion back in January. And I completely disproved your argument in detail. And now this Atheist troll wants to bring up this same argument. Authubilah Xabad you are a complete clown and not worth taking seriously. Then paste it from the archives so we can see.
  14. To this deranged cidansultan character, waryaa when did i ever become a Hindu ? Do you even know hinduism is an ethnic religion that one can't convert into ? stop spamming this site with your useless garbage, its not amusing anyone. Camel piss drinking is islamic and prescriped by the prophet. "Narrated Anas:Some people from the tribe of 'Ukl came to the Prophet and embraced Islam. The climate of Medina did not suit them, so the Prophet ordered them to go to the (herd of milch) camels of charity and to drink, their milk and urine (as a medicine)." Sahih Bukhari There is no where for you to hide.
  15. <cite> @Khadafi said:</cite> Xabad- Life will come to an end, love it or not, you will be raised and atoms weight of good and vica verse will be recounted . Qur'aan ha lu saaro. Hadaad saan ku sii socoto naar ku bishaareyso. The Admins need to ban this man. according to whom ? kadaafi resorting to the old method of banning anyone whom you disagree with won't solve anything. i hope you've learnt that by now. all i have posted is factually accurate, please correct where i am wrong. don't mind the language
  16. the hindu girl marrying a dog is symbolic but Mohammed your prophet a 54 yr old man fucked a 9 yr old child. you have no morals to teach to anyone daesh boy.
  17. <cite> @CidanSultan said:</cite> ^^^^ Not as a religious obligation you ignorant one . Hindus drink piss as an act of religious duty. This is not about individual cultures. This is about religion. Ether show me Muslims drinking camel piss as a religious obligation or prepare for your next life as a coachroch you hanuman worshiping joke. so you admit Mohammedans drink camel piss but you want to knock others for drinking another animal's piss.
  18. Cidansultan you know muslims drink camel piss right ? foolish lad.
  19. islamic is despotic period. all this dissection of it is meaningless and academic, wahabbism, moderate islam, salafi islam etc are all branches of the same poisonous tree as netanyahu said. its doomed to a painful and humiliating death.
  20. I think the day Muslim immigration is stopped and the deportation of the the ones already here is not that far away. 2025 is my own prediction.
  21. I know firmly believe there is a conspiracy to prolong the siege of kobane by the outside powers. ISIS tanks, pickups and artillery can openly be seen firing on CNN and other news channels. So why are they not being taken out ? if i were a kurd, i would very bitter and angry at the so called coalition. Obama is unqualified to be the leader of the free world.
  22. xabad

    His dancing...

    That's either DrK or ciilsuldan.