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Everything posted by xabad

  1. ^ I wish, really doubt those names are going down. If anything they are on the up in my opinion, old Somali names are completely being shunned. Two of my relatives had babies last month, they were both named Mohammed, not kidding.
  2. ^ Creativity is not their strong suit, remember half of all Somali males are named Mohammed, LOL.
  3. PSA to all Somali business folk. Invest in other areas, the restaurant/food service is crowded, overdone and the returns are low. Be creative, courageous and don't stick to one model of business.
  4. oh no! they might give it to AS never trust HAG
  5. they wont do anything we are an arab satellite sadly
  6. These fuckers never rest or stop, do they? what a fockin disaster. Waryaa who you calling girl? chilling here in africa why do you assume am abroad. check yourself
  7. ^ its greater than semantics, the labels you carry tell a lot about your worldview, who you think you are and whom you allegiance lies with. Kaafir is an arab term. your a western toadie, welfare ku naax, you revel in pretentious labels such as atheists and whaqt not. I can safely say the reason your gaal is because your awed by the glitter and ephemeral riches of the west not some deep introspection
  8. <cite> @Allyourbase said:</cite> I merely translated the term you used in your question my friend its not a translation.
  9. <cite> @Allyourbase said:</cite> Horta are you not a kaafir brother too? I am sure I had an akhi by the name Xabad Mise waalgu soo hadeeyey? wrong, not defined by some foreign labels like kafir muslim taoist etc get your own identity
  10. <cite> @Allyourbase said:</cite> I put the Quran to the test sxb, its simple. Explain more. Aha moment? Ayaan Hirsi's was 9/11.
  11. <cite> @Metewat said:</cite> We generally rank very high when it comes to English skills so I have to say I don't quite understand your comment. I can assure you I am 100% Finnish. I am an international student however and conduct my studies in English. Still not buying your cutesy story. Implausibly bleeding heart. sxb goormaad reerkinu u qaxay finland ?
  12. your english is too good for a finn. i am not buying your story, probably a somali
  13. Gartay Ma noo sheegi kartaa sidaad u gaalowday? asbaabta kugu kaliftay etc
  14. Your kissing ass too much, dadnimodaadi aawey waryaa, ru sure your somali ?? maybe your some bantu or reer banadiri. i don't know. Welfare and safety net was created long ago with intent to help the local gaalo not some african qaxooti. Why do you think they are being scaled down now or scrapped altogether. Too many black people on the dole. LOL The west is not some special place that is one is a privileged to be, its ardul laah like any other, foh with your mealy mouth talk.
  15. ^ It is quiet evident you've been brought on welfare, hence your groveling tone.
  16. <cite> @Allyourbase said:</cite> Xabad, both Boko Haram and AS are for the most part Muslims that follow their religion to a tee, the lack of European interest in Muslim on Muslim tragedies is wrong, it is unfortunate but look at our own response as Somalis to tragic news coming from back home first. Need I say more? Garissa Victims were Christians, it wasn't MoM terror. Their indifference to your tragedies is not unfortunate or wrong, it is the norm and to be expected. People empathize with others of like ancestry and looks, no harm, no foul. Maxaa adiga kuu diidaday inaad shaacisid jaraaimta AS, waa adiga Paris la ordaye <cite> @Allyourbase said:</cite> I absolutely show solidarity with Europeans, they have welcomed us into their countries and provided security, health and education for millions of my people. Almost everyone here can afford a certain quality of life because of kindness shown by Western countries at some point. Taas ma muran baa kajira? I would be qof bilaa abaal ah if I ever deny that. Now would I have preferred to never have been displaced? To have been born and raised in my homeland? Absolutely. But these are the facts sxb, if it wasnt for the generosity of the West, all of these ungrateful skinnies would have been child soldiers and Qat addicts back home, they are happy to criticize the West from the comfort of their Western homes enjoying lifestyles afforded by Western way of life, yet none of them would give it up to join the Islamic State, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Pakistan..etc, hell very few here would swap the lifestyle hey have here in West with that of our homeland, markaa we ought to be grateful. All these we have found in Arab states, Kenya, Ethiopia, Malaysia, India and many other non Western countries. You also make it like the good life is exclusive to them. Your assertion about Qat addicts and child soldiers is ignorant and not worth replying to. Your next point about them relocating is hackneyed and lazy, they aren't going to join Islamic state because they don't support it. Those that do, have gone and are trying; no amount of western comfort or inducements will stop them. Everyone knows that by now. Do you know that hundreds of thousands of Westerners are employed and living comfortable middle class lives across Africa, the Middle east and other countries they disparagingly call the third world. I won't even go into the predatory one sided economic system that benefits them disproportionately. They are the ones who should be grateful. We reject your simplistic Manichean scenario. <cite> @Allyourbase said:</cite> Does that mean I agree with Western foriegn policy for example? No I do not, I think its belligerant and misguided. But make no mistake, the attack on Paris, is an attack on your way of life, and you have much more in common with Parisians than desert dwellers. Wrong! I have nothing in common with both. They are equally detestable in my view.
  17. ^ Stop it wiilow. Islam is just a cover, this is just an Arab-European conflict, black people should stay out. You have no dog in this fight. Allyourbase, you too should understand not to show solidarity with Europeans, they don't have anytime for black victims of Boko Haraam or those massacred by AS in Garissa University. Why care about them? Our only allegiance should be to people who have the same ethnicity as us, period. Why are Black folk so slow to get this principle, which underpins interactions between humans?
  18. <cite> @ElPunto said:</cite> Suicide bombing by Muslims has been around for 30 years. Suicide bombing was started by the Tamil Tigers and the first one done by Muslims was by Hezbollah in the mid eighties. These attacks are nothing more than political grievances dressed up in the garb of Islam ^ Very poor attempt at obfuscation. What grievances do they have against the Yezidis then ?
  19. Islamic Scholar ?? LOL He is just a pimp.
  20. ^ she does not have to open to anyone, I have been in places for 5 years without ever interacting with people. Never had a problem also. Your advice does not apply to introverted people who don't want to be social. If your a quiet loner who is not people friendly, people do take advantage though.
  21. I agree with you But talk with your relatives, don't keep quiet, make an effort and don't give up.
  22. ^ Ohh my "I feel like I do not belong in this world. I feel like a stranger wherever I go and this feeling is so pervasive". " I am an anomaly". Your describing me here. why not try your luck in the motherland ? its tough finding someone in the Qurbaha, very slim chance.