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Everything posted by xabad

  1. Do you need N P K fertilizer in somalia ?
  2. <cite> @Alpha Blondy said:</cite> she was probably wasn't Muslim. muslims are incapable of performing a selfless act, if it doesnt benefit their personal interest or their pan-global islamic khaliphate agenda. she could've been Catholic or Jewish, these people also wear veils on their head. i highly doubt this 'Hijabi' was muslim. she could've been an actress and the whole thing was probably staged to humanise and portray Muslims in a positive light as per political correctness rules. Muslims and Islamic groups have a stranglehold on the free media. you can't express your opinions and freedom of speech without being killed, maimed or beheaded by folks addled by Islamist jihadism. the truth is Muslims are quite selfish people, let alone heroic. check this funny youtube vid. its funny. kix kix thanks for the laugh, sxb the prank was hilarious
  3. <cite> @Tallaabo said:</cite> The diin of Christ. Hayeh, dont get caught in shirk tryna be slick with me. christ n nabi ciisa r not the same christ = cross, which is haraam
  4. ^ i guess this the trial phase, in the future they would offer substantial money to induce refugees to go home. They can afford it; Norway has the largest sovereign wealth fund in the world courtesy of North sea oil.
  5. <cite> @Tallaabo said:</cite> Give evidence from your diin . what is your diin ?
  6. <cite> @Alpha Blondy said:</cite> the entire thing was a poorly thought out integration ploy. nothing impressive here. the majority of them are black, asian and ethnic minorities and the offspring of islamic immigrants. they might as well ban Christmas at this rate. these sorts of gestures make a mockery of ethnic difference. everyone is different and we must celebrate diversity. also, most of the kids weren't even singing but were probably miming. ^ haha stop being a killjoy let them enjoy their multicultural orgasm in peace
  7. ^ Muslims think america is a god that should save them when their cornered shameful
  8. when pubic hairs sprout source: jewish teens massacred in medina by pbuh were selected according to this criteria
  9. <cite> @galbeedi said:</cite> Holac, you got some valid points. The rebels will not roll over. They have big backers and territory. Putin may as well hit a quagmire in the long run. My argument is some times quick intervention is the best solution. Imagine if the war between Qaddafi and the eastern based rebels were left to continue without western intervention. Qaddafi with his air force and tribal base, the rebels with their public support , could have lasted many more years without clear winner and an ending bloodshed. While Libya is still in great upheaval, it is much better than Syria. The crust of the matter is, he could have created no fly zones four years ago and spared the suffering of millions. Holac, by the way, the conservatives are disintegrated to many different groups. Some are out right crazy maniacs, who do not have any meaningful ideas. Among them are Cruz, Huckabee and Trump. But the realist ones have concrete solutions. So many Muslims welcome western intervention when it suits their narrow sectarian agendas, very hypocritical and self serving. Syrian conflict is more complex, harder to solve than Libya's , because of sectarian and ethnic mix and Russia's geo-strategic ambitions in that country. partition this fake country n end the bloodshed simple
  10. <cite> @malistar2012 said:</cite> Forgot to Mention Galmudug was created 9 years ago it was before Xasan sheikh Government P.s Mooge Pirates are not strong enough fight Lions of Somalia Mooryan
  11. <cite> @galbeedi said:</cite> Also, one issue that can not be ignored is Dam Jadiid . They are maneuvering and creating wars to gerrymander their 2016 agenda. There you go, Culusow is instigating this clashes against PL. His prescription, dismantle PL.
  12. ^ Mashallah. Feeri Biyuutiful ! I love the greenery in the desert land.
  13. <cite> @Mooge said:</cite> allyourbase, every person on somalionline agrees with you niyoow that terrorist have to be exterminated. we know you are not muslim but don't mix things up niyoow and take advantage of the actions of sick people niyoow to bash islam. the terrorist roaches are killing indiscriminately in my beloved city Bosaso every month bombing innocent people. they blow up hotels in Mogadishu everyday. i wish all terrorists from galgala to raqqa were placed in a hot boiling oil bath. Prepare for a prolonged period of heartbreak and agony. Going to be hard for those espouse a more moderate version of Islam like you to defend the religion when such cases occur with disturbing frequency. This rabid dogs are only just getting started, you ain't seen nothing yet. We are entering a very dark period. What shocked me was the Pakistani couple left behind a a SIX MONTH OLD BABY GIRL to engage in this shooting. Baghdadi was more dear to them than their new born, just unbelievable.
  14. So, your suggestion is to wrest North Mudug from PL against the wishes of its inhabitants and forcefully put them in union with people whom they have been warring since the civil war to create a new federal state. Fanciful! That is why i said in the beginning your not sincere.
  15. <cite> @galbeedi said:</cite> Xabad do you even read before your response. Point # 2 was exactly that. I guess this Is not your cup of tea. As you said in your first comment, leave these to others No, you said the whole of Mudug.
  16. He skipped one obvious solution in his thinly disguised anti PL screed. Why not combine the HG clan under one federal entity, Galgaduud and Galmudug to form one state.
  17. ^ Your not sincere, that i can tell. I will leave the folks who have better knowledge to critique your ideas.
  18. <cite> @ElPunto said:</cite> ^The livestock sector makes up more than 60% of the economy for Somalis. And yet very little is spent on improving production and livelihoods. Instead of having all of these folks destitute and desperate - the government could step in and provide fodder and water obtained from NGOs as part of an insurance scheme . In return - the government takes ownership of 1/4 or 1/3 of the animals of each herder which they can fatten and sell on to cover the costs of this program. And the nomad doesn't lose all his animals and can look forward to rebuilding his herd once the rains return. This isn't rocket science. It requires intelligent people who actually care. I blame the people - they're completely useless. They pay taxes and get nothing in return. Everything is paid out of pocket - education, infrastructure, healthcare etc. Where the hell does tax money go? And the Americans had a war more than two centuries ago about taxation without representation. Afrikaan, dawarsi mooye wax kale ma yaqaan. How the tf did this people survive before the Gaal ? Ask yourself. "Lee Kuan Yew ruled out passing the begging bowl. Singapore refused to accept foreign aid of any kind. “no foreign aid” signs hung, and still hang, figuratively outside every government office in Singapore." ^ This is the dignified way, not your way.
  19. <cite> @Gheelle.T said:</cite> Great rhetorical speech there, but the fact of matter is that neither Somalis nor these foreign entities (IGAD, UN, and etc) are genuine about taking the steps needed for achieving a r eal peace for this cursed land .. There never any period of peace in Somali history. along with afghanistan
  20. Akhas, saqajaan pranks, can't stand them.
  21. <cite> @ElPunto said:</cite> ^The livestock sector makes up more than 60% of the economy for Somalis. And yet very little is spent on improving production and livelihoods. Instead of having all of these folks destitute and desperate - the government could step in and provide fodder and water obtained from NGOs as part of an insurance scheme. In return - the government takes ownership of 1/4 or 1/3 of the animals of each herder which they can fatten and sell on to cover the costs of this program. And the nomad doesn't lose all his animals and can look forward to rebuilding his herd once the rains return. This isn't rocket science. It requires intelligent people who actually care. I blame the people - they're completely useless. They pay taxes and get nothing in return. Everything is paid out of pocket - education, infrastructure, healthcare etc. Where the hell does tax money go? And the Americans had a war more than two centuries ago about taxation without representation. Bloody Socialist. Government this government that, isku xishood. On a serious note, which government are you guys talking about ? Xukumad isku sheega hargaysa fadhisa mise mid kale. There is no real government anywhere in SS Africa, only Potemkin administrations. Showga ha nalaga daayo saaxibayaal.