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Everything posted by xabad
Qoslaaye did the right thing. What the heck is Che arguing about ??
<cite> @somalee said:</cite> Why is it so laakiin? The Wahhabi sect has an unholy obsession with women and their body. I remember when this scourge gained momentum in Somalia in the 90s, there used to be a man called Boqolsoon who would literally cry when talking about women. He was famous with a "Walaashayda muslimtaay" slogan. He was very popular with women. Ever since, all Somali pseudo-scholars have followed suit. They either spend 4 years in a university in Saudi Arabia or some cave in Yemen and they come back with not only a fake "Scholar" title but also with an obsession with women. They love women too much, their whole world and indeed faith revolves around them. They seem to know all the verses and ahadith pertaining to women, sex, marriage and submission to men. It's crazy waxaad moodaa diinta iney ka bartaan inta dumarka khuseysa oo kaliya. Boqolsoon! Wadaadkii waalnaa ee xabeebta lahaa, my mum use to listen his cassette wacdi in the 90's, I vividly recall his shrill voice and teary lectures. I remember him talking about this particular Hadeeth. When Muâdh ibn Jabal returned from al-Shâm he prostrated to the Prophet who said, "What is this, Muâdh?" He replied, when I came to Shâm I found them prostrating to their priests and bishops, so I told myself I would like to do the same to you." The Messenger of Allâh said: "Do not! If I were to order anyone to prostrate to anyone else, I would order woman to prostrate to her husband due to the greatness of his right over her. I swear by Allâh that no woman shall taste the sweetness of faith until she fulfills the right of her husband even if he should want her while she is on top of the camel-saddle!" ^ Outrageous Someone was fond of Dominance and submission role play. :D
Sweden expects to expel up to 80,000 asylum-seekers whose applications have been rejected, its interior minister was quoted as saying. Anders Ygeman said that charter aircraft would be used to deport the migrants over several years. "We are talking about 60,000 people but the number could climb to 80,000," Swedish media quoted him as saying. Some 163,000 migrants applied for asylum in Sweden in 2015, the highest per capita number in Europe. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-35425735 Good move by the swedes !
^ I'd choose to be nuked into non existence than be ruled by Islamic fanatics. Don't be pedantic, nobody prefers adoonsi, i was just emphasizing a point about how bad AS rule is. Beeraley masakiin ah iyo dad waligood dagaalidii sokeeye aan qaxin ayaa uqaxay Dadaab siday uga badbaadaan dhulmigooda, so in effect they chose to be under Kenyan rule, that was my point. And tell us what other choice you have ??
Uganda has banned their girls working as maids in Saudi Arabia. Indonesia, Ethiopia and the Philippines have banned the flow of migrant workers to Saudi Arabia until they could be assured the workers were given basic labor rights. Somalia should follow suit. No sane person would send innocent girls to work in the houses of those sexually depraved and sadistic Arab men. Psychopathy runs very high among Arabs.
<cite> @somalee said:</cite> Is this the way people are treated in Puntland? No. I have been working in Xamar with frequent travels to Garowe and Hargeysa. Sxb, the people in xamar are the most open-minded, liberal and civil Somalis I have ever seen in my life. Even though my accent is clearly different, they won't even raise an eyebrow when I speak Somali. They never ask me about my clan and they are generally laid back. I have bashed the HAG folks on this forum many times and blamed them for the crisis in Somalia but they are the best Somalis I have seen. I wish I could say the same for Puntland and the North, where a complete stranger will try to know your clan in the middle of a meeting and completely change his demeanor towards you based on your revelation. They try to seem smart by asking, "Where are you from originally?". That's just a way of saying tell me your qabiil man. Once you disclose that, they will either like you and become friendly all of a sudden or they will keep it strictly professional. I concur. Qabyaalad waa Northern Somali disease.
May be its love for this particular one.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2SVk1ltey0 Gotta love it.
Fatal stabbing at asylum centre shocks Sweden Sweden's prime minister has described as a "terrible crime" the stabbing of a female employee at a centre for young asylum seekers. Prime Minister Stefan Lofven visited the centre for unaccompanied migrants in Molndal, near Gothenburg, hours after the killing. The suspect, an asylum seeker aged 15, has been arrested for the killing of the employee, who was 22. Mr Lofven said many Swedes feared that such attacks could happen again. "I believe that there are quite many people in Sweden who feel a lot of concern that there can be more cases of this kind, when Sweden receives so many children and youth, who come alone [to seek asylum]" he was quoted as saying by Radio Sweden. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-35406072 They keep acting bestial. In Germany, asylum seekers were recorded masturbating and defecating in swimming pools. One was stopped trying to force himself into women's dressing room. In Stockholm, a number of young girls said they had been sexually assaulted by young male asylum seekers at a public swimming pool in central Stockholm - while police have warned the city's train station is 'overrun' by gangs of young, male migrants who are stealing and 'groping' women.
<cite> @Gheelle.T said:</cite> Xabad, now we know the problem why don't we take advantage of these potential markets then? There is definitely need for fashion designers,great architects and civil engineers. Imagine the millions of jilbaabs you could sell if you come up with new designs/styles in every other spring!!! Awoowe, criticism aside, I think it's the lack of expertise and building materials that put us behind. Just look at the new Turkish built hospital and embassy in Xamar and compare those two projects with what the Somalis have been building the last 20 and so years. It's day and night, and I think it has all to do with construction know-how and materials, period. We can improve if we put our mind into it. Btw, the Jilbaab style you posted up there is the result of the Wahabi indoctrination that's been going on for the past quarter+ century. Some women wear it our of religious conviction and others just peer pressure from the society. Either way we shouldn't judge-let women wear what they deem fit! Your'e right Gheelle, expertise has large part to play. I also think there is certain innate aesthetic sensibility that can't be overcome. On the issue of women's raiment, I am happy to report these particular style is mainly the preserve of habraha iyo dadka reer baadiyaha, the young and the educated in Qurbaha frown on it. In time, wuu dabar go'i doonaa. There is untapped potential no doubt.
Excellent Job!
<cite> @gooni said:</cite> Baroortu orgiga kama wayna walaale, waa asaga waxa ilmada naga dhameeyay sodon sano. jubbaland hadii kenya ina adeerkay u magacawdo meel baan ugasoo wada jeesanaynaa cadawga labada shacab oo walaalaha daris nimada iyo xadaaraduna midaysay xabad huuno maxaa ka khaldan? Huuno iska daaye, reer Jabouti iyo samaroon toona matihide, waxaad isleedahay igu xumee as Somalis always use female pejoratively, ninyow waxaas daciifka ka bax. Gooni, I'm against Jubbaland Project by the way, I don't think clan fiefdom arrangements that work up north would work in the south, because of the multitude of feuding clans, reality is Jubbaland will always be a tenuous shiisheeye supported affair. And Kismaayo is not the ancestral city of any of the Fara dheer clans, it was cleansed of its non Somali indigenous people like the Americas just the beginning of the 20th century, cid kaligood u leh majirto dhulkaas, I say Kismaayo iyo Jubboyinkaba should be open and free for all clans of Somalia. Right now many embrace Jubbaland out of necessity to rid us of Al Shabaab and to prevent the resurgence of the clan warlordism, not necessarily support the hegemony of Madoobe's clan. Once that calculus changes, a renegotiation would have to happen to reach an equitable dispensation. What is your take ?
<cite> @Gheelle.T said:</cite> Most of the Somali cities really need low rise buildings (7 story at top) and clean paved streets. And good architects! Can't stand some of the designs and the ugly exterior cladding (blue windows/glasses and tiles) that comes with them. Bad aesthetic choices are the result of poor all round development. Do you expect people whose females dress like these walking tents below to have a sense of style in their built environment. Females the world over are purveyors of beauty and fashion, what does it say about us when our fair kind is adorned with such hideous attire. We are philistine, unrefined, backward, iwm. Dalka kaliya kuma sina, even in Minnesota when i was there, these ugly tents were ubiquitous dress among them.
<cite> @somalee said:</cite> Indeed sxb. I have not been more terrified in my whole life. I was hiding on the roof with some Egyptian diplomats, one of whom was badly injured. Ninkii na qarxiyay reer borame ayuu ahaa oo Germany ka yimid. Lol sxb dadku sidan ma ahayn waligood. Aaway dadkii gabyi jiray ee fahmada badnaa ee geesinimada lagu yaqiinay? It has nothing to do with genetics. Somalee, please edit your post to removing my offending post. This forum is not only used by us, cadowgeena browse gareeya, we shouldn't give them ammunition.
<cite> @Samafal said:</cite> Why People seem to want only Kenyans out and not Ethopians, Ugandans, Burumdians and the rest? Kenyans are the weakest of them all and in my opinion the least worry. Somalis can take Kenya on in any day any time. Their soldiers are poorly trained poorly equiped and they not known to be warriors as you would say of for example the Ethopians. Marka sheekadu waa oohinta orgiga ka wayn. Timir lafbaa ku jirta. Some people don't seem to have got over the Jubaland debacle. Hence, Alshabaab is not a priority. Alshabab are more dangerous than Kenya is and as long as we sympathise with them and lose focus these other countries will continuee dominating us. Well said. Hoo Baariska Gooni.
Galbeedi, I agree with you everything you wrote except the self hate and burger and soda, i don't eat fast foods, oh and i loved the gabay, my somali is not good but I'm starting to decode gabayo more and more. Your a veritable vessel of xikmad, murti iyo tariikhdii hore dalka sxb, i really appreciate you sharing with us your reminiscences. I really mean it. Illyria, No i challenge you to visit the worst parts of siera leone, the people look better than us. I know somali look down Jareer but objective outsiders would conclude their better looking
^ Somaalee, there has been a physical degeneration especially the last 40 years but the original stock was compramised to start with. Those detractors who say i am self hating can go kick rocks. People don't like self criticism iyo runta, when Muslims bomb everyone, you can't say shit, otherwise your a Muslim hater bla bla Marka foolxumda dadka run ka sheegtid your a bantu, hello, you all have eyes, look around you do Somali strike as you as good looking people.
Excellent documentary. Pleasantly surprised Somali reporting has reached this standard, Videography is fantastic, the tone is professional, pulled out all of the stops. I see progress, kudos to these young Wariye, he has definitely set the bar high for Somali Journalism.
<cite> @gooni said:</cite> malabka iyo dhuxushu isku dhadhan ma'ahan huuno wadan waa qaali waa guri weyn oo ka dhaxeeya dadka ilaahay ku beray ka waran haddii gurigaaga aad seexato kenyati kuu maamulo? what is the deferent home and home? AS waa dhawr kun wayna joogayaan illaa jacaylka shisheeyuhu nasii indho tirayo. xabad meelo badan wax ka fiiri walaalo nice to talk to you. Huuno ??? ka waran haddii gurigaaga aad seexato Al shabaab kugu maamulo? Gooni meelo badan wax ka fiiri
<cite> @somalee said:</cite> I survived that Jazeera palace hotel attack on July 26th last year. Got out without a scratch, alxamdulillah. We were lucky it was only that one suicide bomber and there were no more terrorists to storm in like they always do. Ninyohow this Al-shabaab thing really makes you lose faith in Somalis. You won't believe the number of Somalis that actually support those bastards. Waxaan aqrinayay comment uu ka bixiyay nin Facebook isticmaala xasuuqii Liido. Wuxuu soo qoray, "Waan ku faraxsanahay iney mujaahidiinta munkarka ka suuliyaan Liido." Bal waxaas ka waran. The other day there was overwhelming support for them when they attacked Ceel Cadde. Somalis are sick ninyohow. Wallahi wax baa ka si ah dadkan . Qashin deleted. sorry asxaab.
^ Kaalay, adiga saalax cardkaagi Landernimada ma gubtay waa yaab. You seem to be so against this current administration you're willing to side with Reer Koonfureed on every issue. And would you resume your normal attacks when your clan comes to power ? Laba sano ka hor cirkaad ku socotay, rivalling ciilsuldan, but now your qunyar socod, LOL.
<cite> @Saalax said:</cite> Properly his wife Amina Jirde. Its just few hundreds anyway not thousands other than the cheap goods they use to offer in the shops it won't have much effect on Erigavo. So why bother with them if they are so few ? Nacaybkii 20 sano lagu beerayay haduu miri dalay walee. fockin madax yaro qaldaans.
<cite> @Mooge said:</cite> niyoow xabad is alright. he used to hate Islam niyoow but today he sounds more as Sufi Afrocentric liberal than agnostic ever since afer he slowly accepted Islam again. Daesh and Shabab cannot be compared to Kenya. Kenya is a functioning country and Alshabab is a blood thirsty terrorist organization beheading men and women who did nothing but live. there is no justification whatsoever for alshabab ideology. nobody should even hint anything Islamic about them walaaahi because we all know they are the enemy of the Somali people. the old sheekos about Ethiopia and Kenya don't matter anymore. Somalia and the Somali people today have one enemy and that is Alshabaab. niyoow I would rather live in Kenya than support Alshabab and live under their draconian barbarism. the two are not comparable niyoow. Mooge, don't worry, I NEVER accepted Islam back, that would be impossible! If anything i'm further away today than ever. One can't unlearn the truth my friend, just as you can't unlearn the basic arithmetic. My position on foreign affairs is more nuanced though, I think that may have thrown you off.