Che -Guevara;929960 wrote:
But kid in LA doesn't live in Xamar, and Hargeysa offers no more opportunities in social-economic development terms than Xamar. And really what you set up in Hargeysa can be setup in LA. There's no unique advantage in the grand scheme of things in being part of any Somali entity.
Interesting points raised by Che. It makes one wonder, the irony and contradictions that is spewing from our North-Western brothers, in regards to "Somali Unity is non-existent", yet in the same token, boastfully declaring that they have "unity" within "some" Somali clans in the North, which is completely untrue. You cannot choose and pick. The I-clan in Hargeysa, freely declare their wish to not share anything with the D-clan and the H-clan, yet in the same sentence, they lay claim to sub-clans of the D-clan and the H-clan (Fiqishini). lol If that's not hypocrisy at it's finest, I don't know what is then.