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guleed_ali;988533 wrote: I think if you've come around by the above hadeeth then indeed you've become a better person. You don't need time off this forum if it changed you into a better person. I don't want to speak on your behalf but I was just heart broken by some of the pictures that were posted of our departed sister Huda and you may have been as well. It pains me to see a Muslim sister in that state. For everyone saying that cancer is a horrible way to pass away. Perhaps Allah has blessed Huda with this long process so she can seek Tawbah and repent for things that she may have done. I'm not saying one should be happy that they got cancer, but they should always look at the upside. If deeds are by the last action (الأعمال بالخواتيم) then I sincerely hope that she took that time to repent to Allah and asked him for forgiveness. That is between her and Allah (Subhanuhu wa ta'la) and thus we should say Alla yarahmha or Allahi ha U naxaristao or May Allah have mercy on her. The Somali is assume to be Muslim (الاصل) unless otherwise stated. However classified may have been affected by the pictures posted of the sister in certain circumstances. Just like Classified made an excuse for the sister, I will make an excuse for him. And may Allah shower us all with his mercy especially our dearly departed Sister Huda. May Allah gather us together in Jannah and forgive our sins and make us better people Allahuma Ameen. P.S: I would like to ask any Muslim on these forums to forgive me for anything I may have said to them, and I hope we can all ask each other for forgiveness! Allahuma Ameen P.P.S: I didn't mean to go off on a tangent but the way Classified changed from his last first post on this thread to his last post got to me. Wasalamu Alikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu... Thank you dear brother. Your understanding is noted.
DoctorKenney;988429 wrote: Classified, again....You're doing some severe speculation here. There are plenty of Somali girls and guys who are Muslims, who still go out to party sometimes. I'm gonna say that virtually every member of this forum has been to some sort of a party at some point in their lives. Stop this judging and stop trying to characterize this young lady. Remember: The Believer searches for excuses for his Muslim brother when his brother commits a sin. While the Hypocrite searches for his brother's faults. I have friends who have been to jail before, and you never see me trying to characterize them or doubt their Islam. And right now you're looking at this young lady's faults, which is a sign of hypocrisy. Before you even get yourself involved in such arguments, learn some proper etiquette first. Learn proper adab, learn to be polite, to be forgiving, and to overlook your Muslim brother's faults. We all make mistakes, and you're attempting to highlight Houda's minor mistakes when she's already dead. She's your Muslim Somali sister and all you can think about is posting pictures of her at a party and then speculating if she's not Muslim. That's disgusting. These speculations won't help her, it won't help her family, and it will only alienate you from others in this forum. P.S. And no, you cannot "plead the 5th" because that's an Amendment of the US Constitution (which is a non-muslim agreement) I'll conclude with your post. May Allah forgive me for wrong I have said. Indeed, "the muslim searches for excuses for his Muslim brothers, when the Muslim brother commits sins". I couldn't have said it better. AUN to the girl Huda Rafle. I think perhaps I need a time off from this forum for a while.
Why does it even concern you?
Jacpher;988373 wrote: ^Not to be argumentative here but since you believe in pleading the fifth amendment of the US Constitution, an non-Islamic law, what makes other assume you're a Muslim. Sorry I didn't want to go this way but you seem to be oblivious to the fact the maxruum ain't here with us. Qof naga hooseeyaad ku durdurineysaa sxb. So let's talk about you since you're here with us What have I said that would be consider as offensive or insult against the dead girl? Isn't it my prerogative to plead the fifth on any issue I choose so? I didn't know the girl, however from what I have only seen brings me to the conclusion that she might have not been a practicing Muslim or even worse, she might not have been a Muslim at all; Nonetheless, those pictures don't qualify any bases to take someone out of the fold of Islam, thus I cannot say for sure she was not a Muslim nor can I say for sure she was a Muslim. Islam teaches that we are forbidden to say "AUN" to the non-Muslims. I don't know her, thus I rather plead the fifth [again]. Apophis, haha, apparently a particular hypocrite in this thread things it can create a Muslim rift within the Muslim members in her. I understand where Jacpher is coming from, but I only hope he understands where I'm coming from. Unfortunately, I think his qabyaalad side has probably won him over. As for the girl, obviously a picture is worth a thousand words.
Jacpher;988340 wrote: Sxb leave the marxuum out. Saying I plead the fifth is un-islamic so should we ask if you are Muslim or not since you seems to adhere laws other than Islam that suggest people have the right to conceal the truth so they don't get incriminated?? Our beautiful religion teaches us to speak of the truth even to testify against yourself. Pleading the fifth is the opposite of what Islam teaches and you seem to be fond of it. About qabiil, I got no clue what clan or city she lived or belongs to. This is the first time I heard and seen of her story and it is none other than here in this topic. I have no clue where you get that thought. Brother, I am confused as to what you're trying to say here. I am not against saying AUN to the Muslims that have passed away. May Allah have mercy on ALL the muslims, those that have passed away and those that are alive. You don't know the girl, right? So, what makes you think she was a Muslim to begin with, horta? Maybe I'm missing something here and you can perhaps enlighten me. I appreciate your stance on trying to bring you and I to a common ground.
Why do I feel some of you are speaking up for her on the bases of tribal affiliation? Jacpher, how am I questioning her status? I merely said, I don't know her, I never met her and the only things I saw about her were two pictures that were not so-Islamic, so to speak. So, from that perspective, I plead the fifth. If you want to make dua for her, that's something entirely up to you, but you can't shove it down on other's throat to do the same.
Jacpher;988294 wrote: ^It ain't your call man. Let her rest in peace if you can't afford her a simple AUN. Macaasi doesn't take one out of the fold of diinta, just so you know. Life is a full of joy in one moment and tragic the next. Old, young, poor, rich, you will go when your time arrives, not a second early or late. Alle ha u naxariisto Huda. I never said she was not a Muslim. I simply said we don't know whether she was a Muslim or not. I can't say for sure she was Mulism and I can't say for sure she was not a Muslim.
DoctorKenney;988209 wrote: Classified, wouldn't it be a better idea to just give her the benefit of the doubt? You don't know her, and no one on this forum knows her. And those pictures you posted of her, is of her at some party. Which is something practically every Somali in North America has been to. It means nothing These type of things are better left not talking about. I agree, but the pictures speak for them self. I'll plead the fifth on this. I won't say AUN.
Ethiopia unveils a statue for Sayid Muhamed Abdullah Hassan,in Jigjiga
Classified replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
burahadeer;988130 wrote: when did they crumble? why worry about Somaliland when unity & brotherhood won't be attained inside Somalia( south ) probably for long time to come as it seems! I've noticed when "Somalilanders" refer to Somalia they include the term 'South'. Why is that? -
Ethiopia unveils a statue for Sayid Muhamed Abdullah Hassan,in Jigjiga
Classified replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
Gar_maqaate;988125 wrote: See this why some people mock religion because of fantastically ****** people like you making ridicules statements in the name of Islam. I'm sorry if you feel that way. Please, educate me. I am genuinely asking for your knowledge regarding the claim that the Prophet made special supplications for Ardul Habesh. -
Ethiopia unveils a statue for Sayid Muhamed Abdullah Hassan,in Jigjiga
Classified replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
Wadani;988101 wrote: Arinka si fiican umaad dhuuxin, ujeedada taalodan laga leeyahayna maad fahmin. Maanta haday Og@dania xor ahaan lahayd aragtidaadu mid habboon bay noqon lahayd. Balse dhibaatadu waxa weeyaan Xabashidii oo ay Sayidka colka ahaayeen ayaa hadda taalodan u adeegsanaya dadkiisii si ay ugu kadsoomaan oo u arkaan Sayidka halyay ethiopian ah oo gumaystaha cad la dagaalamayay. Mar hadii ay Xabashidii Sayidka iyo taariikhdiisii la wareegeen oo ay reer Og@denia ka aqbaleen waxay muujinaysaa in halgankii lagu hungoobay oo hadda dadkii u xuub siibanayaan ethiopian asal ah, ayaan darro. Mar ma ana waalan misa cadan ba laga heesiya? Don't you know 45% of Ethiopia's population are Muslim? Don't you know ardul Xabash (Ethiopia) was blessed by Prophet Muhammad and it was the second place Islam started to spread apart from Mecca? Ethiopia had a special place in Prophet Muhammad's heart more than Medina itself (I think). All I hear from Somalis is "Xabash this Xabash that", when hundreds of thousands, if not millions of Somalis live in Addis Ababa and Dire Dawa, Harar, including the somali region. As Muslims (Somalis), we shouldn't abandon our Muslim ethiopians (Muslim Amhara, Muslim Oromos, Muslim Tigres, Muslim Guraga, Muslim Eritreans) and leave them to be abused and dominated by their christian and atheist fellow countrymen. -
Calmadow Mountains in Sanaag region seen from the Laasqoray - Badhan road
Outside of Badhan town in Sanaag region
Hawd (somewhere in Togdheer region)
Balcad in Shabeeladda Hoose region
Outside of Boorama in Awdal region
Between Berbera and Shiekh
Eyl beach in Nugaal region (Indian ocean)
Berbera beach in Waqooyi Galbeed region (Gulf of Aden/Red Sea)
Jacaylbaro;987910 wrote: Somaliland ayaa sheegtay inay cirka u guurayso xilli ay adduunyada badankeedu ku mashquulsan tahay sidii ay u heli lahaayeen dhul dheeraad ah oo ay uga faa’idaystaan dhinaca wax soo saarka iyo macdan qodistaba. Xukuumadda Somaliland ayaa dadkeeda ugu bushaaraysay in la gaadhay xilligii laga guuri lahaa arlada aynu hadda ku noolnahay oo loo wareegi lahaa dhanka dayaxa oo leh dhul dihin isla markaana aan cid kele degganayn. Xukuumaddu waxay sheegtay inaanay wax kharash ah ku bixin doonin mashaariicda la xidhiidha waddo samaynta, shidaal qodista iyo beeraha maadaama dhulka laga guurayo oo ay tahay inay kharashaadkaas u isticmaali doonaan u guuriska dayaxa oo dhawaan bilaabmi doonta. Dowlado ay ka mid yihiin Ingiriisku ayaa sheegay inay Somaliland ka caawin doonaan dhinaca gaadiidka cirka marka dadka la rarayo iyagoo weliba sheegay inay diyaarin doonaan dayax-gacmeedyo xagga gurmadka degdegga ah haddiiba loo baahdo inta hawada lagu sii jiro. Maraykanka ayaa la sheegayaa inuu arrinkan aad u soo dhaweeyay isagoo rajaynaya inuu noqdo waddanka labaad ee dhulkan ka guura haddii Somaliland ay ku guulaysato. Laakiin muran ayaa ka taagan arrinkaas oo Somaliland ay u aragto mar haddii iyagu ay u guuraan dayaxa inay iyagu iska leeyihiin ciddii markaa rabta inay soo degtaana ay kiro joogto ah ka bixin doonto degganaanshahooda dayaxa halka Maraykankuna uu u arko in la wada dego oo cid waliba ay xor u ahaato meesha ay dayaxa ka degeyso. Murankaas oo dhawaan isu beddelay khilaaf dublomaasiyadeed ayaa laga yaabaa in lagaga doodo golaha amaanka ee qaramada midoobay sannadkan. Saraakiil ka tirsan Somaliland ayaa iyagu sheegay in qaraar kasta oo ka soo baxa Golaha Ammaanka oo arrinkaa ku saabsani aanuu iyaga khusayn doonin maadaama goluhu aanuu dayaxa ka talin ee dhulka uun ay talo ku leeyihiin keliya arrimaha dhulka khuseeya. Ilaa hadda lama cadday agabka dadka lagu rari doono laakiin Sarkaal sare oo u hadlay wasaaradda duulista iyo Hawada ee Somaliland ayaa sheegay inay dhawaaan daaha ka faydi doonaan qaabka loo guurayo iyo nooca duullimaadyada la isticmaali doonaba. Warar ku dhowdhow deegaanada bariga ee Somaliland ayaa sheegaya in boqollaal kiiloomitir oo ka tirsan buuraha silsiladda Golis ee dhinaca gobolka Sanaag ay dowladdu ciidan iyo dayrar dhaadheer ku wareejisay ilaa haddana aan la garanayn waxa ka socda gudaha xayndaabyadaas. Oday dhaqameed deegaanka ay oo aanu wax ka waydiinay ayaa sheegay inay habeenkii oo dhan ay arkaan laydhadh iftiimaya iyo guux aad u badan oo aan kala joogsi lahayn ilaa waagu uu ka baryayo. Ilaa hadda la ma oga wakhtiga rasmiga ah ee Somaliland ay guurayso laakiin waxa la hadal hayaa inuu madaxweynuhu dhawaan soo magacaabi dooni guddi heer qaran ah oo soo qiimaysa heerka uu marayo diyaargarawgu, waxyaalaha dhiman iyo dhamaan arrimaha la xidhiidha guuristan. Warbixinta guddidaas ka dib ayaa la filayaa in lagu dhawaaqo wakhtiga rasmiga ah ee ay Somaliland guurayso. Waxa kele oo ilaa hadda aan la isla meel dhigin cidda degeysa dhulka marka ay Somaliland guurto. Waddamada jaarka ayaa ayaa tartan ugu jira isagoo dal waliba raba inuu noqdo ka isagu qaadanaya dhulka. Weftiyo kala duwan ayaa iska soo daba qulqulaya oo arrinkaas u socda. Dowladaha reer galbeedka ayaa iyaguna u muuqda inay dhawaan tartanka soo galeen si ay iyagu u dhaxlaan dhulka marka laga guuro. Dowladda Itoobiya ayaa soo bandhigtay qorshe ay ku rabto inay dhulka amaano ahaan u sii hayso isla markaana ay kiro joogto ah ka bixiso taas oo haddiiba ay dhacdo in Somaliland ay dhulka kuu soo noqoto ay markaa u bannayn doonto sida heshiisku uu yahay. Jabuuti iyo Soomaaliya ayaa iyagu sheeganaya inay xaq u leeyihiin inay dhulka la wareegaan maadaama ay Soomaali yihiin oo dhulkuna uu yahay dhul soomaaliyeed. Qaramada midoobay ayaa iyaduna soo bandhigtay qorshe ay ku doonayso in dhulka Somaliland laga dhigo mid iyada hoos yimaadda oo aanay cid gaar ahina yeelan ama gacanta ku hayn. Waxay sheegeen inay qorshaynayaan in dhulka Somaliland laga dhigo “Free Zone” dhanka ganacsiga ah oo isku xidha qaaradaha Yurub, Africa, Asia, dhulalka carabta iyo Maraykankaba. Daraasad ay soo saareen sannadkii hore ayay ku sheegeen in dhulku ku filan yahay inuu noqdo obocda dhaqaalaha adduunka oo aan cidina lahayn laakiin xor u ah ganacsiga adduunka. China ayaa fikraddaa Qaramada midoobay soo dhawaysay sheegtayna inay bixin doonto dhamaan kharashka ku baxaya dhismahaa xaruntaa ganacsiga xorta ah haddiiba la isla ogolaado. Dowladda Somaliland weli arriinkaa kamay hadal war rasmi ahna kamay soo saarin waxaase ay waddaa wada tashiyo kala duwan oo ku saabsan arrinkaa. Wasiirka Maaliyadda Somaliland ayaa sheegay in ay dhici karto in haddiiba la isla garto in Qaramada Midoobay qorshahooda la qaato ay markaa iyaguna waydiisan doonaan in 50% dhaqaalaha ka soo xerooda xaruuntaa ganacsi ay Somaliland yeelan doonto. Waxaase arrinkaa caqabad ku ah sidii loo heli laha xawaalad ama bangi dhulka iyo dayaxa isaga shaqeeya oo lacagahaa u kala gudbiya. Xawaaladda Dahabshiil ayaa sheegtay inay danaynayso inay qorshahaa wax ka qabato isla markaana ay la eegi doonto shirkadda SOMCABLE sidii loo suuragelin lahaa qorshaha noocaas ah. Shirkadda Telesom ayaa iyana ka fiirsanayna inay samayso nidaam lacagahaas loogu soo gudbin karo dayaxa iyadoo la adeegsanayo ZAAD ka. Qorshaha Guurista Somaliland maaha mid imika bilaabmay waase qorshe socday 22 kii sanadood ee ugu dambeeyay. Dowladdii ugu horraysay ee Madaxweyne Cabdiraxmaan Tuur ayaa markii ugu horraysay ansixiyay qorshana isagoo markaa sahankii ugu horreeyay u diray dayaxa si loo ogaado xaaladda nololeed ee goobtaasi iyo suuragalnimada inay Somaliland guurto. Dowladdii Madaxweyne Cigaal ayaa sii ambaqaadday iyagoo markaas si rasmi ah u ansixiyay in la guuro laakiin dejiyay qorshe muddo dheer ah oo lagu dhamaystiro dhamaan baahiyaha ku xeeran guuritaankaas. Dowladdii Madaxweyne Daahir Rayaale ayaa iyaduna halkaa ka sii ambaqaadday soona dhamaystirtay inta badan qorshihii lagu guuri lahaa. Haatana waxa dhici karta in guuritaanku uu kaba soo horeeyo xilligii markii hore la qorshaynayay inkasta oo waxyaabo badani ay weli qabyo yihiin qaarna aan heshiis laga gaadhin. Laakiin masuuliyiin ka tirsan dowladda ayaa aaminsan in hawlahaa lagu soo gebogabayn karo wakhti kooban. Dadweynaha reer Somaliland ayaa iyagu aad u danaynaya arrinka guuristan laakiin ilaa hadda aan ka war hayn qaabka uu dayaxu u samaysan yahay iyo nidaamka loo degi doono midnaba. Maxamuud xasan oo ka mid ah muwaadiniinta reer Somaliland ayaa sheegay inuu isagu diyaar u yahay inuu noqdo ninkii Suppermarket ka ugu horreeyay ka furtay dayaxa. Caasha cismaan ayaa iyana sheegtay inay danaynayso inay Koofeer ama Salon ka furato dayaxa laakiin waxay sheegtay inay ka baqayso inay quruumo kele deggen yihiin meesha oo ay koofeerkeeda u booqasho yimaaddaan. Isku soo wada duuboo Somaliland ayaa laga yaabaa inay dhawaan dayaxa u guurto halkaana ay ku soo gebogebayso kumanaan sannaddood oo ay dhulka deggenaayeen. Nuur Daalacay should run for office. He will make it happen for sure.
Gar_maqaate;987894 wrote: AUN, but the sad part for him is that his passing is ignored in his own region. Speaks volumes about his standing amongst his people. Indeed! But, in essence, he was the epitome of selfishness and he mastered the idea of securing one's self-interest. He knew qabil wouldn't effect you in Akhira (hereafter). In retrospect, his tribe were and still are in a state of confusion from 1991-present thus he knew anything he did for them wouldn't really have any positive impact on them, therefore he chose himself over his tribe. Well done to the guy!
Xaaji Xunjuf;987885 wrote: Its not a secret that Former Kacaan officials have helped shaped Somaliland political destiny is there something else you want to share with us? Siad bare is dead so is the kacaan and Somaliland Broke away from Somalia. And the people of Somaliland descent have learned to unite their strength even those who worked with the late Kacaan regime such as rayaale Egal Qeybe Cumar Carte. And those who were against the Kacaan regime have put their differences aside for the betterment of Somaliland and its People. Lol, contradictions after contradictions.