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Everything posted by galbeedi

  1. Large ships, easy docking and unloading could definitely reduce import prices. Commercial propane will improve lives in big cities. This port could provide service from Mudug to Hiiraan, Somali regions from Wardheer to Godey and Qalaafe. Boosaaso might be only a gateway to gulf ports, livestock exports and reduced capacity just like Berbera. Despite these success stories, what you need is a functioning Somali state to open international markets for livestock exports that could earn Somali nomads billions of dollars.
  2. Having bought myself a propane gas for cooking in Addis Ababa, $20 propane tank is cheap. I don't know the exact size, but we paid about $60 for a medium size which lasted only a month.for 4 people. It looks millions have been poured to Garacad. I want to ask you that is there any possibility than a foreign entity like a UAE company isn't involved secretly? The company didn't make a penny yet, but more investment is coming in .This is good for the long run, yet I have a feeling that Dubai is involved somehow. I hope I am wrong.
  3. The poverty among the regular people is growing, beggars everywhere and the Ethiopian Birr is collapsing. Yet, the latest news is that he is amassing troops in Gaashaamo just across Burco. If he enters, he want to invade passing through welcoming Habro Community. From there he will go through Oodweyne and reach Bulaxaar which is one hour from Lughaya. The shocking thing is other than the defence pacts agreed with Turkiye, I don't see any military preparation from the Somali government.
  4. I know the poem, just wanted the first verse. Anyway, Daljire supports Awdal, but they invite troll kids and discuss the issue with insignificant people. They were promoting few months ago a 30 years old unemployed kid who was calling himself Jamaahiir or something. They are fine , but has to be little bit more serious and factual. Personally I don't blame them since being fast with the truth is a natural thing for most Somali media outlets. I will give them some benefit of doubt because the preparation of Djiboti militia is correct, but they are on the Djibouti side of Geesdiir. This small town is where the the Ethiopian, Somali and Djibouti border meet. While you are in Geesdiir you could hit Zaylac easily.
  5. Yeah, Carafaat keeps beating a dead horse. Biixi has made his mind. A military base and land for Ictiraaf is his slogan these days. There is nothing to negotiate. In terms of selling resources for cheap that is debatable. As we speak, foreign nations are stealing our resources without permission including Vietnamese, Thailand and European nations, furthermore, both Puntland, Hargeisa regime and others sign deals which penny to the dollar. Puntland gets few millions a year and reliable people told us both during the regime of C/weli and C/laahi deni, the proceeds go to their banks. If Turkiye extracts the resources that is being stolen by others and takes 30%, that is a good deal to me. Traditionally, Turkiye doesn't interfere the internal politics or who should be the president. C/fataah Sisi is unreliable dictator which can't be trusted despite the danger of the challenges coming from Ethiopia which effects both his Nile water and the entrance of the Suez canal. Awalba Ethiopia biyaha ay cabayaan ayey Koontroolaysay hadana albaabki laga soo galayey Kanaalka, taasi waa direct national threat. Carafaat, your uncle siilaanyo had sold Bebera for 5 million dollars a year. That is the cheapest deal only a hungry clan would do. The hope is after 10 years, the Somali navy will be capable of defending our sea. Now something must be done to stop this crazy pastor from Jimma.
  6. Daljir is usually a fake news outlet run by immature kids. Biixi has deployed 200 militia in Bariisle, between Zaylac and Lowyacado which is closer to the Djibouti border. We know the daily activities of the Zaylac and Lughaya area. So far nothing has changed in terms of movements and trade between Maamulka Hargeisa and Djibouti. Omar Geelle want to depose Biixi, but he wants the SNM project to continue. There is a lot going on that the Gaas Dhagoole from south central Somali/Puntland couldn't understand. Baahida nin baa jira kula deydayaayoo daalna kaa badane.
  7. News flash Xaaju, The Ugaas will never visit Borama until it is liberated from SNM. Rayaale, the useful idiot along the lunatic Ahmed Samater could not dare to convince anyone. This isn't some Habro election disagreements or the usual bribes of Ina Biixi. This is serious and Rayaale will face a huge backlash and even harm. The Ugaas doesn't belong to a sub clan but the Gedab...rsi community. We did talk to him just few days ago. Just last year, these same clowns Biixi and Kaahin refused Ina Rayaale to hold conference inside the VIP after he said few unflattering words about the ruling clique.
  8. This special interest maneuvering of the Hargeisa parties doesn't concern us. Neither Wadani or others could prolong this project. Ha lakala diro. This fake prpject will end soon InsjhAllah.
  9. Mr. Qurac, Who is going to do it? I am not fun of HSM, but at least he has guts to confront these major issues. In fact, these changes, especially the part where the prime minister position is eliminated will be appreciated by the next president. It was unanimous among Somalis to fix this parallel powers of the president and the premier. I would have gone even further and pass the parliament eliminating the title of the president for regional governments. No sane person would allow a local governor who has a budget of less than $200 million to live like a king. I would demand transparency in their expenses and salaries.I know this president has some bad baggages in terms accountability, but he is the only guy tough enough to face things for the last 15 years. HSM is bad, so he can't fix the issue isn't strong argument to stop these reforms. Besides, let these regional chefs do their own reforms in Garoowe or Galmudug. I had a lengthy to talk to one of the Awdal Xildhibaano, and she told me that these amendments and constitutional changes will pass easily.
  10. HSM government is dominated by people with Islamic movement backgrounds including premier Hamza and minister Ahmed Faqi, and I don't think they will be pushing abortion and these other socially liberal issues like the western countries. Somalia is a very conservative country and no parliament will be able to pass these kind of legislations as you provided. The biggest issues within the current constitution isn't about immigration or Sharia law, it is about the dysfunction of the parallels leadership between the premier and the president. In 2022, we were watching at the front seat when Farmaajo and Rooble went almost total war. That incident should never be repeated again in Somalia. President HSM proposed these changes last year months after he took power. In these SOL pages we spent millions of words about finishing the damn constitution and yet, failed politicians are crying foul about this tough changes that must be implemented. Folks, this country needs a unified leadership. Igal did that in Hargeisa, so was Puntland , yet we are accepting leadership dysfunction in Mogadishu. That is unacceptable. Why Farmaajo refused to touch the constitution for five years?, because he didn't have the guts to confront the major issues. Al-Shabaab, constitution, and other major issues should not be left alone for rainy day, they must be confronted by strong leaders. Leadership isn't about doing the easy things, but confronting the major ugly obstacles of the day to move the country forward. I agree with you that HSM will be exhausted if he keeps running both foreign policy and other domestic issues by himself if doesn't appoint a credible foreign minister. Khayre, Ina Cabdishakur and Shariif could bark as much as they want, but the best move is that they must provide and propose the changes they need to happen or which part of the provisional constitution they want to keep.
  11. I know the issue of the " Badda" is paramount today and it should override all other issues. At the same time, haven't we debated for years about a nation without a real constitution? every president comes and talks about the constitution, yet nothing is done. Farmaajo came and didn't left one single finger to move the issue. This president, despite his weaknesses and other shortcomings is facing the major issues head on. Goorma ayaa la geli hawshan? after two years just before the election? Both Farmaajo and HSM in his last term neglected this issues. Dal bilaa dastuur ah miyaa lagu jirayaa until 2026? Also, the issue of competing of the president and the prime minister was disaster in the last term of Farmaajo, especially his battle with Rooble. Any Somali with a brain knows that this issue must be addressed. HSM has found a prime minister who is willing to forsake his position for the future. I know the rebels, especially guys like Illyria see dictatorship and power grab from every corner, and they still talk about Marxuum Siyaad despite the changing of time. We need this issue fixed before it is too late.
  12. I like the way our friend Iliria, frames things, heck sometimes I have to look up to the dictionary to understand some of his words. Having said that, we all have weaknesses in terms our political goals and positions. They say all politics are local, yet maneuvering the enclave based politics and clan based minefields isn't easy. The history of Adal community is filled with events of our people taking the high road of Somalinimo without never ever cooperating with colonials powers and losing badly, whether they are French, British or Abyssinia. This is something new for us, we always fought for Soomaalinino and finished last, always. Some of you might not believe that we were the founders of Djibouti from late nineteen century to 1959. The mayors and the majority of the population were Adal community, yet some political mistakes of fighting the French and opting for Somali freedom changed the landscape with one generation.Today, all we got a population ruled by others. You travel from Awbare across Borama to Jigjiga and you meet a million people and dense settlement, yet we have one member of federal parliament elected with 380,000 votes while the average among Somalis are 80,000. So, I just wanted to change things for my lot. Tribal nationalism by itself is always ugly despite confronting injustice. Where else would I go other than Ethiopia to confront the backward tribal fascists in Hargeisa who couldn't create institutions after 34 years?. Yet, I agree with Iliria that we need a tough warlord or army general with steel . What I could tell you is that Dr. Cali Bahar is not only tough, but he is competent and can't be bought or corrupted in terms of integrity which is something valuable in the long run. We met WAsiir Ahmed Faqi yesterday and he is a Somali patriot and competent minister who is well versed about the issues of the country. I do believe that the Khaatumo recognition would not have happened without him. I think he has a great future ahead of him. In terms of Mogadishu, I will write some articles about our capital soon. Xamar CAdey, as it was called back then, hasn't lost some of her old characters of the eighties. As you walk or visit places no one will ever enquire about your clan or where you come from. Despite people saying this town belongs to certain clan, Somalis from all over the country live and reside in Mogadushu. There are hundreds if not thousands of Awdalites living here. Hundreds of youth from Awdal had come here and found employment in every government ministry including the security agencies. Security is improving a lot. There haven't been any major bombings for months except few small incidents. Check pointed are manned by young professional soldiers which gives you a confidence. Despite its security issues, Mogadishu is an attractive place for Somali youth coming from the North, central Somalia or deep south. anyway, stay tuned about life, liberty and the culture of Mogadishu............
  13. We should not be opposing everything president HSM does regardless of its benefits for Somalia.. MMA, I know our president did make some foreign policy mistakes, but we can't dismiss the merits of this East African Community thing. As Maakhiri1 said there are pros and cons, and I do believe there is more benefit for Somalia than loses. These kind of trade and tariff agreements usually take years to complete focusing every items that touches the daily life of the populous whether they are farmers, rural people, low skill workers or investment. You need experienced bean counters and trade experts before you implement, but the benefits are huge. Here are the pros: * Having EAC passport will hugely benefit the Somali nomads who are consummate travels in east Africa. * Common currency: this could be the most important benefit for the Somali economy. The unstable and volatile Somali shilling had almost disappeared in many regions, yet effects the stability and the livelihood of the common Somali. Stable currency with little or minor fluctuation leads to stable economy, low inflation and predictability. $300 dollars worth of Shillings are carried with big sacks intended for rice or sugar. One dollar is worth 8, 9 or 10,000 shillings. * Investment: Investing will probably be one way. Somali money will go beyond Kenya and invest in east Africa and that will allow Somalis to dominate investment friendly businesses like real estate, import and export and even bankingt. While millions will be diverted to outside the country, Somalis will have economic clout in most countries and the profit will trickle down back to the country. * The old saying by the famed British economist which said, " if the goods do not cross , soldiers will cross" which in turn might reduce conflict and wars with interconnected economies. More business, less wars. There also some cons, among them controlling the flow of Ethiopian masses to the Republic............and some more
  14. In another news, Omar Geelle had called Dahabshiil and the west Hargeisa Oligarchs who are based in Djibouti and told them to either put Ina Biixi to exile very quickly or else, and the parliament is preparing for impeachment in Hargeisa. I want Biixi to stay in order to take Awdal by force. The worst thing for us would be for the low energy guy Zaylici to take the helms and divide our ranks while prolonging the agony of the project that must die. No one can revive a dead horse. Habeen wanaagsan.
  15. If the ugly Somali behaved in human, Islamic or Somali ways, we wouldn't be even discussing talking to Ethiopia or anyone else. The tribal fascist who creates nothing but loots resources and rules with nepotism and despotism is the main cause. Since we were innocent and honest Allah has steered us away from Ethiopia and brought us back to our Somali brothers while condemning Biixi and company to the dark annals of history. When the MOU happened in January and we were told to leave the border towns , we were devastated, but in calamities, there are always opportunities. Our chances of liberating Awdal got even bigger with the help of other Somalis. We couldn't ask better than that.
  16. He is a gangster who is well known to lie. Also there are half truths in his interview. When it comes to the project, he will do whatever it takes to salvage. Maakiri1, Awdal hasn't cooked anything. We were interested in ports, but the first priority was to capture Awdal first. For us the port thing was a late comer , the first agenda was get arms and liberate Awdal. Let me address the first point about the Ugaas and Awdal State Movement. When we met Garaad Jamac Garaad Cali, it was all about helping us get arms from Khaatumo and find ways to bring Awdal mountains. He suggested that if you could get anything from Ethiopia use it until you achieve your goals. When Abiy said he was interested to lease a port, we welcomed, but if you read our press release, we added that only the federal government and Awdal people will decide the future project. We never ever mentioned base or land , never. In terms of Awdal members of parliament coming to Addis, I myself talked to the media about their presence and what was discussed and agreed upon. They had even met President HSM the night before they flew to Addis. When they told the president about their trip, he said, " as long as you are for Somali unity I support you". Most of them were allies of HSM except one. They emphasized that any agreement should be shared with Awdal elders, intellectuals, elected members and the diaspora. We knew in Badda, Hawada iyo Dhulka Soomaalidu nala leedahay. You couldn't find one single document that talks even ownership of the port let alone sell. Another lie or half truth this so called fake king talks about is about the 4 ports Farmaajo talked to Abiy. In 2019, a Nairobi based businessman who was among bankrolled Farmaajo and an Awdalite who works the African development Bank approached Ethiopia about the Zaylac port. They wanted to use private money, involve Qatar and Turkey. The Turks would build, the Qataris who were under blockade at the time needed foreign farms from Ethiopia and the port supposed to be managed by Singaporean company. The project went ahead and reached some of the top leaders of the Abiy government including Ridwaan Huseen, the current security adviser who has some Somali ancestry blood. before things concluded the Tigray war broke. Also the African Development Bank was financing a regional integration road that connects Zaylac--Borama--Jigjiga which could create economic opportunity Awdal and the Somali region. Our initial issue and meetings were to get permission to use the towns and villages inhabited by our community in DDS. We never reached any agreement about a port or a road. It was all about getting diplomatic cover and avoid being labeled as Al-Shbaab since we were interested in fighting in Lowyacado which is close to Djibouti border where foreign armies are based. We never ever said about helping us with their army. We told them that we were capable of getting men i both sides of the border. In fact some have suggested to look the other way and told us to do what we needed to do. At the end, since there were almost no strong forces to defend against us, we decided to enter almost many entering points from west of Borama to Zaylac which is long stretch and then move to the entrior mountains. Early January to the middle of the month was the plan. THen suddenly in the new year the MOU happened and the border was sealed and the friendly town mayors and village bosses shut down everything. THe Ugaas never signed or even went to meet officials. He was supposed to give us credibility and status among our community, besides he is based in Jigjiga. I never liked Amhara all in my life. I had a soft spot for the Oromo because I wanted them to defeat the evil highlanders who colonized Ethiopia including Somalis. Having traveled to Addis, Diredawa, Harar, Jigjiga and other places for two months, I see the Oromo now as a threat to the Somali nation. They are breeding in the streets with no regard to culture, dignity or norms.They are flooding wherever Somalis have created life, whether it is Bole Mickeal in Addis, Diredawa, Jigjiga or other cities in Somali republic. They are like a flood that will wipe out Somali nation within a few decades. We are not cosying up to anyone, we were trying to get some arms and a place to organize. We don't have the open plains of Nugaal, Taleex or Hawd. We are squeezed from all sides. Illyria, as some one who rode the Ethiopia tail twice, you shouldn't be accusing us to cosying up Ethiopia. Furthermore, Ethiopia knows who to trust in order to get what they want and we came empty handed.
  17. Illyria, Xaaji is out for lunch. Ceel Sheikh is Awdal just 20KM from Lughaya and 95% of the residents are Awdalites (Jesus community and us). The Awdal border is close to Bulahaar. He can't give something he doesn't own. Xaaji initially rejected the deal MUsse did with Ethiopia, but now as good cousin of West Hargeisa he is joining Muuse even if he goes to hell.
  18. Che, Will find out this in a few days. All we need is resources like weapons, will do the rest and finish off the secceionist project.
  19. Xaaji, according to you we are either too divided or unable to shoot, right? Soon time will tell. Before your uncle sold the the land we were ready to cross and face your militia, but we have regroup since the border is sealed now . The main reason Muuse gave away the Sea is he knew he would be facing another Goojacade in Awdal, so he stabbed us in the back. I don’t think a foreign army would be able to keep Biixi in power that long.
  20. MMA I am here in Nairobi. We will take Awdal , take that to the bank. We will not allow Djibouti military coming to Awdal or anyone else. We have enough men all we need is weapons and resources.. We heading to Mogadishu this weekend .It is time for the federal government to put up or shut up. By the way , Nairobi is a first world city compared to Addis where people pee and defecate in the streets. Definitely the Sawahili are going places. With pace of order, cleanliness and copying of western style they could be the leading economy in east and central Africa. No wonder Somali MPS spend their time here rather than Mogadishu. Secession mouthpiece Xaaji is moderating the Awdal issue, but I will be back soon and refute his outdated schemes. Weli ma calankii dhacay buu sitaa? Waar gaagaabso yaan gaadh lagaa Qabane.
  21. Che, There is a lot going on , I can only say that things will clear out within the next week or so. There are efforts to recognize Awdal as a member federal state as quickly as possible. Will see. Let the dust settle for now. This Warlord Biixi is jumping from one frying pans from another. Desperate men do desperate things
  22. Duufaan, Awdal State Movement never said or discussed about giving land in exchange for port. The whole issue was about investment or port lease. Furthermore, liberating Awdal was the most important thing before any investment from Ethiopia or anyone else and that didn’t change. I don’t believe a warlord who is in his last day is capable to sign anything.
  23. Carafaat, No one had sent this guy. He isn't even the top tear of the Oromo council, furthermore he is a member of the Orthodox Church of Ethiopia not the traditional Hararghe Oromo who have some Somali lineage. In terms of the viability of airport in Borama, it is a simple thing. small passenger airlines used to land Borama almost 30 years ago in 1994. There were flights to and from Boosaaso who hauled Qat from Borama, there were twice weekly flights from Djibouti and there were some United Nations Development Agencies flights from Kenya. Ina Egal had ordered all NGO's to leave Borama and relocate to Hargeisa while Borama was the safest city in Somalia. If Awdal becomes its own state, our diaspora alone could fill weekly or twice a week flight from Addis or Djibouti or even the gulf. If you build they come. Who could have thought that small village of Garoowe or tiny town of Boosaaso in 1991 would become a the government seat and metropole while Boosaaso is a commercial hub. We have over 1.5 million people just across the border. Just cross from Borama to Awbare and the 90 Km to Jigjiga takes four hours rather than one hour due to bad roads. Furthermore, the settlement from Awbare To Jigjiga is a bottleneck just like Qoryooley, Janaale to Baraawe. If we connect Zaylac to Borama and Jigjiga that alone will create more air and land travel. I do believe that 45 years old projects like Djibouti which is flooded by sewage and garbage and many others will be embarrassed when the Awdal project flies. Just compare Baidoa which has a real Maamul for just three years or so to the 13 years old project of Ahmed Madoobe in Kismaayo and Jubbaland. It is a day and night.It doesn't take much to build a sewer in Djibouti which could drain to the sea as old Italian made in Mogadishu, but the fat man and his crooks are too lazy to even think.